Morality and politics
Selezneva, I. G., Sukhova A. S. (2013). Problems of Modern Ethnopolitical Extremism. Politics and Society, 9, 1072–1078.
The author of the present article analyzes the nature of modern ethnopolitical extremism and describes the
main socio-economic factors contributing to the development of this phenomenon in the society. The author also studies
motivation, structure and forms of modern ethnopolitical extremism and offers certain ways to minimize it.
politics, extremism, ethnos, conflicts, terrorism, group, Caucasus, nation, relationship.
State and civil society
Khannanova, T. R. (2013). Control in Terms of State Agricultural Policy. Politics and Society, 9, 1079–1087.
State agricultural policy is a system-phenomenon which essential elements include not only formation and
implementation but also control over execution of political and managerial decisions in the sphere of agricultural relations.
As the historical experience of implementation of the Russian agricultural policy shows, even the best decisions
were doomed to fail because there was no efficient control over their execution. It should be stated that even
today there is no proper control over execution of agro-political decisions in the Russian Federation which led to unaccomplished
targets of the state agricultural policy, inefficiency and instability of the agricultural sector, food insecurity
and abolishment of the rural way of life. The problem of inefficiency of control in the sphere of state agricultural
policy must be emphasized and solved by joint efforts of state, society and agricultural producers. The author of the
article offers her own ideas on how to renew control over execution of agro-political decisions and raise its efficiency.
politics, state institution, agricultural, control, efficiency, execution, decision, tool, objective, subjective.
The nationality issue
Bogatyrev, K. A. (2013). Enthonationalism in Post-Soviet Chuvashia. Politics and Society, 9, 1088–1096.
The article presents an attempt to describe how nationalistic tendencies influenced the development of state institution
in one of the national republics of the Russian Federation – Chuvashia. The author of the article shows transformation
of nationalistic organizations and defines a group of factors which made a positive impact on stabilization of
the situation in the republic.
political studies, Russia, Chuvashia, nationalism, ethnicity, separatism, extremism, regionalism, state, discrimination.
People and work
Orlova, E. E. (2013). Concerning the Correspondence
of Terms ‘Promotion of Employment’
and ‘Support of Employment’. Politics and Society, 9, 1097–1102.
The author of the article analyzes the correspondence of terms ‘promotion of employment’, ‘support
of employment’ and ‘job placement’. In fact, many authors identify these institutions and sometimes even unify
them. Based on the analysis of the employment law in the CIS countries, the author offers a definition of the term
‘employment’ and states that the institution of promotion of population involves measures aimed at support and
retention of employment and provision of material aids for the period while someone looks for a new job.
law studies, promotion of employment, support of employment, retention of employment, job placement, unemployment payments, financial aid, public works, vocational training, reeducation, rise of proÞ ciency level.
Family and society
Vinnitskiy, A. V. (2013). Barriers for Creating Religious and Family
Graveyards under Conditions of Public Ownership
of Grave Sites. Politics and Society, 9, 1103–1108.
The article is devoted to the problems of creation and functioning of religious (confessional) and
family graveyards under conditions of graves being referred to objects of exclusive public property. The author
of the article offers to make particular changes in the effective legislation aimed at expansion of guarantees
for burying a deceased person with due regard to his will as well as provision of the same guarantees
for religious organizations.
law studies, religion (confession), graveyard, funeral, grave, public, ownership, property, organization, land.
Social studies and monitoring
Abelbeisov, V. A. (2013). Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care
in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 9, 1109–1113.
Social orphanhood is viewed by the author of the article as a social and national-level problem.
The author in detail views the historical aspect as well as the modern status of the problem. The author also
describes conditions at orphanages and a range of problems which can be faced by graduates from such
social studies, orphaned children, guardianship, orphanhood, socialization, orphan asylum, family, foster, social orphanhood, adaption.
The heritage of transformation
Simonyan, G. V. (2013). Problems of Exercising the Russian Federation Right
of Ownership to Lost Property in Foreign States. Politics and Society, 9, 1114–1119.
The article is devoted to historical and legal grounds for restoration of the Russian Federation right of ownership
to lost state-owned assets. The author of the article analyzes legal grounds for acquisition of right of ownership,
international regulation of succession, activities of competence authorities to seek for and registration of right of ownership
to lost properties as well as assesses the efficiency of measures undertaken to seek for and register right of ownership
to lost state assets (property). Special focus is made on the analysis of the Report of the Russian Federation Accounts
Chamber about the results of financing searches for properties and assets that are outside of the Russian Federation now
but used to belong to the Russian Empire or former Soviet Union, abolished authorities and organizations of the Russian
Federation, in order to restore rights of the Russian Federation and to protect rights of ownership of the Russian Federation
in foreign states. At the end of the article the author concludes that it is necessary to make improvements in the effective
laws with reference to this issue.
succession, property, convention, state institution, pieces of property (assets), real estate, State Archive, lost property, foreign property, international agreements.
Human and citizen
Kananykina, E. S. (2013). Legal Forms of Sources of the Education Law
in the Socialist System of the People’s Republic
of China. Politics and Society, 9, 1120–1131.
Modern China is paying much attention at the reform of managing the system of education and regulation
of education structure, in particular, promotion of the basic education, restriction of general education and
improvement of vocational and secondary technical education. Peculiarities of economic and social development
and, consequently, another level of professional competence of employed population (compared to the 9th and
6tth grades in a city and a village) create a completely different relation between general education and vocational
training. While European countries already aim at unifying these and creating a general full secondary
education, in China they will be existing as two different ‘flows’ for quite a long period of time.
law studies, China, education, system, politics, law, legislation, sources, education, acts.
Logic and cognition of political processes
Shdmidt, T. N. (2013). Theoretic and Legal Grounds
for Emergency Legal Regulation
and the ‘State of Emergency’ Doctrine. Politics and Society, 9, 1132–1140.
The article is devoted to the grounds for emergency legal regulation. The author shows both the danger of
transition from emergency situation to dictator’s authoritarian power and a necessity of legal regulation in extreme
situations in order to provide social security. To provide grounds for emergency legal regulation, the author analyzes
the ‘state of emergency’ doctrine. The author concludes that emergency legal regulation is a reasonable exceptional
measure to overcome social and state security threats. Of course, the emergency law itself is, basically, the violation
of ordinary legislation so it can be qualified as a violation of law. On the other hand, the right to commit a violation in
an emergency situation is a ‘necessary evil’ creating grounds for restoring order and social security. In this respect,
emergency legal regulation is similar to such institutions as the right of self-defense, necessity and reasonable risk. All
these cases refer to the exclusion from general rules for the sake of a higher value. At the same time, there is always a
risk to go beyond the limits of provided responsibilities and powers and commit a violation. But without such a risk, it
would be impossible to guarantee the preservation of values higher than a formal observation of law.
emergency legal regulation, emergency situation, emergency law, state of emergency, extraordinary legal regulation, emergency powers, theory of crisis, emergency legal regime, emergency legislation, violation of civil rights.
Democracy and political processes
Bigovchiy, O. S. (2013). Formation of ‘E-Government’
as an Efficient Institute of Interaction
Between Government and Society in the Territory
of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 9, 1141–1149.
The article represents the modern level of development of the system of ‘E-Government’ in the territory
of the Russian Federation. The author offers a definition of ‘E-Government’ taking into account the
Russian structure of government. The author also descries stages in formation of E-Government and defines
the problems of building an efficient model of the system and analyzes the main architectural elements. The
article shows a successful formation of the interagency electronic interaction system and State Portal as the
main elements for rendering quality state services to citizens. Special emphasis is made on the modern, i. e.
third state of formation when the main infrastructural elements of E-Government allowing to render services
at a new quality level, have been launched. The author describes modern tendencies in formation of the
systems of ‘open source data’ and ‘e-democracy’ and reflects on the first results of functioning of the Russian
Social Initiative portal as an important mechanism of the e-democracy system. Researches of the e-democracy
formation allow to assess the balance between provision of E-services and new forms of participation
of citizens in sate management.
E-Government, open source data, e-democracy, transparency, feedback, new state management, information technologies, Unified State Portal, direct democracy, key-operated democracy.
Legal state
Tikhonov, A. V. (2013). Legal Aspects of State Property Management. Politics and Society, 9, 1150–1155.
The article is devoted to particular legal issues of managing state property according to the legislation
of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes goals and targets of state management and provides
a summary of implementation of particular management methods. The article studies legal status of state
authorities authorized to manage state property, in particular, former Ministry of Property Relations of the
Russian Federation and current Federal Agency for State Property Management and describes their functions
in certain spheres of state management. In addition, the author underlines that the aforesaid executive
authority is not the only authorized agency to manage state property. The author analyzes possibilities for
expansion of the triad of legal managerial powers and makes conclusions about a need to improve the Russian
Federation legislation in the sphere of state property management in order to use it more efficiently for
the benefit of state and society.
state institution, property, state property, ministry, agency, management, powers, lease, privatization, efficiency.
Religion and politics
Frolova, E. V. (2013). Vicariates in the Diocese of Vladimir and Suzdal
During the Synodical Period of the Russian
Orthodox Church. Politics and Society, 9, 1156–1164.
Bishop was the highest official in the system of diocesan administration during the synodical period. Within
his Diocese, he had administrative, judicial and economic power over his church. Bishops had rather extensive powers
which concern all sides of diocesan life. In addition, being the head of his diocese, the bishop represented church’s
interests before local governmental authorities. Such broad-spectrum and versatile activities of the bishop created certain
difficulties in diocese management. The institution of vicar bishops was created to help the ruling bishops to govern
their dioceses. During the synodical period the Diocese of Vladimir and Suzdal had three vicariates: Muromsk Vicariate
founded in 1868, Yurievsky Vicariate founded in 1907 and Suzdal Vicariate founded in 1916. On March 24,
1916 the Emperor Nikolay II approved of the Report of the Holy Synod about foundation of the third vicariate in the
Diocese f Vladimir and naming it Suzdal Vicariate. The Bishop of Suzdal was assigned as a governor (abbot) of the
Suzdal Saviour Monastery of St. Euthymius. Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal was assigned the title of ‘Vladimir and
Shuysky Archbishop’ and had that title till the synodical period was over.
history, vicariate, diocese, synod, Russian Orthodox Church, ministry, power, bishop, powers, activity.
Political communications
Gorin, E.V. (2013). Language Representation of the ‘Terrorism’ Frame. Politics and Society, 9, 1165–1176.
This article is aimed on evaluation of frame as a category and a methodological cognition instrument
in political sciences, or, more specifically on establishing the benefits of frame approach for the analysis
of elements of public opinion and cognition, development of the key principles for the verbal representations
analysis for a specific frame, and showing efficiency and productive character of such an approach
taking an empiric study as an example. The study is based upon the general methodological principles of the
political discourse analysis and structural content analysis. The study of frame structure of the everyday experience,
public opinion and conscience allows establishing a subjective image of a certain matter, which
is much more important for the everyday life, than its objective characteristics, since common people based
their actions upon the subjective ideas of an object and not the scientific data based on in-depth, comprehensive
analysis. Study of the frame structures in various sources allows to single out an actual image in a
public conscience on one hand, and direction and vector of the information streams forming such n image
on the other hand. In turn, this achievement allows to directly approach the problem of manipulation of the
public conscience and use of such technologies in social and political spheres of social life.
frame, conceptual frame, discourse analysis, interpretation scheme, terrorism, terrorist act, mass media, verbal representation, context.
History of political thought
Palyulin, A. Yu. (2013). ‘Morals and Dogma’ about Law and Justice. Politics and Society, 9, 1177–1185.
The present research raises questions about justice, legality, law studies, mercy and unavoidability of punishment
as these categories are viewed by Masons. The present article is based on the major work of a famous advocate
and Mason of the XIX century Albert Pike who lived in the USA. Difficult political situation inside the country,
a need in reforms and recent civil war between the North and the South tempted Albert Pike to make a summary
and some kind of a ‘moral will’ addressed not only to his Order brothers but to the whole world. Even now his Morals
and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is considered to be the measure of morals
for previous and current legislators. Morals and Dogma consists of 32 essays for 32 Mason’s degrees and contains
many historical, philosophical, moral and political ideas. This work still remains a topic of research for many historians
studying state and law teachings.
law, right, rebellion, retribution, Gnosticism, Masons, morals, crime, justice, legality.