Morality and politics
Bartashevich, S.V. (2013). Category of freedom in tax relations: philosophical
prerequisites for solving the problem. Politics and Society, 8, 950–967.
The article includes an attempt of an abstract-theoretical analysis of the problems regarding implementation
of the idea of freedom in tax law, as based upon the syncretical character of legal principles of general formal
equality and justice, since from the practical point of view their implementation is currently undergoing a crisis.
Due to the above-mentioned issues, the author provides critical analysis of the situation in the modern Russian tax
policy and practice, where ethical norms are used to substitute for the legal forms for achieving fiscal goals. The
author stresses out the roles of legal science and philosophical knowledge in searching for the optimum correlation
of public and private proprietary interests, which should consequently allow to eliminate vagueness of the limits to
the freedom of subjects of tax relations.
jurisprudence, tax, law, freedom, will, good-faith, reasonability, abuse, morals, reception.
State and civil society
Konopleva, T.V. (2013). Information agenda of federal executive bodies based
upon an example of the Ministry of Justice of the
Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 8, 968–975.
The author evaluates the process and specific features of the formation of the information agenda, as
well as dependency of the information agenda from the political agenda and socially important events, the role
of traditional and new mass media in this process. The author analyzes the information agenda of the federal
executive body – the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. As a results of the theoretical analysis, the
author draws the conclusion on the limitations to the attention of the audience. This study supports the position
that at the time of overflow of information and attention deficit of its recipients, a communicator needs to
have the story-making skills and production technologies, which would gain attention of the audience and use
social values in order to transform the existing positions in the society. The author analyzes the novel forms
of interaction of the government bodies and the civil society, taking the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
as an example. It is pointed out that when forming new information channels, one should take into account
the interests of the recipients of that particular information channel. The article contains propositions
to the public relations divisions of the federal executive bodies. The conclusions of this study may be used for
the further analysis of the dialogue forms of interaction between the state government bodies and the society,
as well as for the formation of the information agenda of a political subject.
publisher’s filter, media summons, information agenda for the day, political agenda for the day, establishing agenda, new media, mass media, attention economics, civil society, openness concept.
State and civil society
Tsukalenko, M.A. (2013). Informal youth associations today
(establishing a problem). Politics and Society, 8, 976–980.
In this article the author establishes the existing approaches towards understanding informal youth
associations, pointing out that some authors overly complicate the term in question, including into it the elements
of subculture, which is not necessarily a basis for formation or existence of such an associations.
Moreover, the author points out, that an informal youth association should not be regarded as a threat to
public security and order due to its nature and contents.
social studies, informal associations, socialization, public security, public order, subculture, youth.
Family and society
Litvin, Y.V. (2013). On the issue of social status of the Italian women
in XIX century (based upon the materials
of the article “On modern living conditions
of women and their future”
by Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso). Politics and Society, 8, 981–987.
The position of women in a society is important for an integral understanding of the process of
uniting Italy in XIX century. The main source for this article was an article “On modern living conditions
of women and their future” which was written in 1866 by the Princess Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso, who
was one of the striking examples of representative of the Italian national liberation movement. The writer
discussed a number of topics Firstly, she evaluated the historical basis for the oppressed position of the
women in the Italian society in XIX century. Secondly, she evaluated the place of Italian women in a family.
Thirdly, she characterized female psychological characteristic features. The author saw patriarchal character
of the society an passive attitude of women, who were not willing to change as causes for the low social
position of the Italian women. Cristina Trivulzio made a conclusion that even in the newly formed Kingdom
of Italy the men were dominant, and the women held a secondary place in family life an social life.
history, Risorgimento, Italy, XIX, Mazzini, women, family, Trivulzio, Belgiojoso, Pisanelli.
Social studies and monitoring
Beregovaya, E.V. (2013). Justices of peace within the Russian political system
(based on the sociological studies). Politics and Society, 8, 988–993.
The justices of peace deal with most of the judicial cases and their influence upon the political cognition of
the people is large-scale. However, political aspects of this institution are not sufficiently studied. In order to find out
the opinions on the role and perspectives of the justices of peace within the political system of Russia, the author held
a poll among the justices of peace and the civil state servants from their staff in the Komi Republic and Perm region.
The results of the sociological study showed the underestimation of the political role of the justices of peace by the very
representatives of this institution, the vision of its perspective of development as a lowest branch of the judicial system.
The topical scientific problem of dual status of a justice of peace was not supported as topical among the judges, working
in current political and legal conditions. Among the factors influencing the independence of justices of peace the
assignment of judges by the legislative bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation was pointed out. It
is not accidental, that the assignment of justices of peace by the highest judicial body of the constituent subject of the
Russian Federation is supported. The results of the poll may be used for political and legal studies.
judicial power, justices of peace, political aspects, political role, perspectives of development, sociological poll, the Komi Republic, Perm region, justice of peace, political and legal status.
The heritage of transformation
Shadrin, A.Y. (2013). Crisis of the mobilization development model and
breakup of the Soviet Union (1945-1991). Politics and Society, 8, 994–1002.
The control system and ideologies are the two key levers for administration of the society in the conditions
of mobilization type of development. The efficiency peak of this model took place during the post-war period.
However, the overly hard pressures required support of coercion and convincing of the people by the personal
interests, and economy and social administration should be reorganized by taking some functions away from
the party apparatus to the specialists in economics. Therefore, the Soviet elite were functionally differentiated,
and the groups holding special interests appeared. After the death of I.V. Stalin the key issue was which of these
group shall lead the state. The Council of Ministers lost the grip, and its position was overtaken by the Communist
Party of the Soviet Union and the republican bodies, which led to the formation of another influential interest
group – national “elite”. At the same time ideology became more chaotic. At the XX Party Congress the entire
existing state strategy was challenged, and the new utopian communism constructions were included into the
party program. The strife among the “elites” brought new political administration methods, which were based
on informal ties and relations. Each new Soviet leader was to a greater degree dependent on the relations among
the clans. The same was true for M.S. Gorbachev. Group interests found connections outside bureaucracy sphere
and ended up in direct contacts with the criminal spheres. The government lost legitimacy and the hopes of people
at the start of Perestroika were thwarted and lead to the great deep disdain towards Gorbachev himself and
everything that he personified, including the Socialist state order and the Union state.
history, history of the USSR, post-war history, break-up of the Soviet Union, politics and ideology, power, political leadership, model of development, mobilization model.
Human and citizen
Kananykina, E.S. (2013). Religious and racial characteristics
in American judicial precedents. Politics and Society, 8, 1003–1011.
There are over 23 officially registered traditional religions in the USA. Some of them directly control
the system of parish school, but if any of these were to be introduced into the public schools, the existing conflicts
would escalate. Therefore, it is considered that the general civil religion, which representatives of any
religious denomination should follow, is a basically adapted version of the “good courtesy” in communications
with God for the schoolchildren.
political science, religion, secularization, system, precedent, legislation, America, court, races.
Democracy and political processes
Karpovich, O.G. (2013). Democracy and democratization
within the context of a new global order. Politics and Society, 8, 1012–1020.
The world itself and Russia are rapidly changing. These changes have global civilization character. In order
for a new society of expanded democracy, freedom of human choice of activity and individuality without any
obstacles from the government and totalitarian tendencies, by which the existing “order” and the well-being of the
higher “levels” were supported, the society needs large-scale organized and planned work towards changing the
mindset of people and society as a whole. Only formation of a new mindset opposite to the old industrial mindset
shall allow to form a novel culture with new features and priorities, which shall be capable of preserving the civilization
as such. At the period of formation of the democratic society in Russia the problems of theory and practice of
development of democratic state become especially topical. The modern democratic state presupposes a developed
civil society, in which various social organizations and political parties interact, and no ideology may be regarded
as an official state ideology. Political life in a democratic state is based upon ideological and political variety,
multi-partisan system, etc. The Russian Federation is currently (as well as 20 years ago) is on its way towards democratic
statehood. The ways of formation and development of the democratic state, its nature and defining features,
as well as the democratic principles of constitutional order of the Russian Federation are just as topical today, as
they were 20 years ago. However, it seems that the Russian people take much less interest in them now.
international relations, politics, democracy, democratization, state, Russia, interests, values, security, concept.
International policy
Zobnin, A.V. (2013). International pseudo-consultations
in the structures of the Warsaw Treaty
Organization. Politics and Society, 8, 1021–1028.
The author studies the problem of presence of social and political pseudo-communications in the
diplomatic practice of the XX century from the position of neo-institutional approach in political science and
international relations. The author provides a brief review of scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists
on this topic – V.L.Israelyan, M.A. Khrustalev, G.Raiffa, W. Zartman, L.Rubin. The author provides detailed
analysis of the issue of functioning of international pseudo-consultations in consultative and executive
bodies of a number of international intergovernmental organizations (such as the NATO, the WPO, OSCE,
SCO, CIS). The article contains an example of finding and structural analysis of an international pseudoconsultation
in the Political Consultative Committee of the WPO. The author comes to a conclusion on the
presence of causal link between pseudo-consultation mechanism, manipulation with the rules of collective
decision-making and individual preferences of the participants of international pseudo-consultations. The
conclusion may serve as proof of mutual dependency of procedural and personal factors in social and political
communications of international intergovernmental organizations. The established dependency may
serve as a vivid example of limitations to the freedom of choice of participants of consultation procedures.
international consultation, international pseudo-consultation, international pseudo-negotiations, international intergovernmental organization, international social and political communications, the Warsaw Pact Organization, manipulation of individual preferences, political consultative committee, consultation bodies, executive bodies.
Parties and party systems
Grishina, A.M. (2013). The dominating party of Taiwan. Politics and Society, 8, 1029–1033.
This article is devoted to the organizational specific features of the dominating party of Taiwan. The author
offers to evaluate the structural peculiarities of the party organization as an important factor for the preservation
of its dominating status during the regime changes. The article provides evaluation of different periods
in the activities of the dominating party Kuomingtang, allowing to gain the general insight into the situation
within the party at the time of its rule. The author notes that the inner rift within the dominating party led to formation
of two political party, and resulted in the loss of the dominating position of Kuomingtang. The rift within
Kuomingtang allowed the opposition party to strengthen its position and win the Presidential elections in 2000.
As a result the author of the article notes that in addition to the organizational specific features of the dominating
party other factors have to be taken into account, such as resources, flexibility of party policy, specific features
of the political traditions in a state. The author considers that this study based on several factors may provide
for a thorough study of dominating parties in various states.
political parties, dominating parties, authoritarian regime, organization structure of the party, relations within the party, democratization, political competition, party leader, political regime.
Political participation
Tokar, N.O. (2013). Political socialization of the youth
in the conditions of democratization
of the Russian society. Politics and Society, 8, 1034–1038.
Development of the political system of Russia, transfer to the rule-of-law state and civil society are dependent
upon participation of all of the social groups, including the youth. Formation of the young people as citizens
is closely connected with the political socialization problem. Growing value of the political socialization
is due first of all to the need to form new civil characteristics, legal and political culture for the young people.
The article includes analysis of the key forms and institutions of the political socialization of the youth, thanks to
which the youth shall join in the democratic values. The author comes to a conclusion that political socialization
of the youth should become a part of a state youth policy. In the conditions of a sustainable political system the
education of the youth, including its political socialization, shall allow to guarantee a rather harmonic transfer
of the key political values from the older generation to the younger generation. Their recognition shall allow the
youth to recognize legitimacy of political power and political system.
a-socialization, social des-adaptation, de-socialization, political socialization, system of education, family, mass media, political parties, youth, political culture.
Legal and political culture
Shebanova, M.A. (2013). Cosmopolitan identity
as one of the forms of transnational identities. Politics and Society, 8, 1039–1051.
The article includes analysis of the various concepts of cosmopolitan identity and forms of their practical
implementation. It is shown that classical ideas of this matter are rather uniform, and they provide for cosmopolitan
worldview and its identification markers as some ideas, which are more or less implemented in political
practice. Most of the modern concepts of cosmopolitan identity are less uniform and they are based on current
social and political reality. Some attitudes towards its nature are conflicted and the disputes become ideological.
Analysis shows that the development of postmodern discourse of cosmopolitan identity contains a risk of losing
its meaning. The goal of this article is to clarify it, and it is an important aim to establish which form of universalism
characterizes the very nature of cosmopolitan worldview. Additionally, it is necessary to discover differences
between the cosmopolitan identity and more narrow trans-national community identities.
cosmopolitism, new cosmopolitism, identity, trans-nationalism, global policy, stoicism, Enlightenment, Westernism, universalism, postmodernism.
History of political thought
Parkhomenko, R.N. (2013). Discussions on liberalism in the modern Russia. Politics and Society, 8, 1052–1063.
The article contains the study of development of discussions on freedom and liberalism in the modern
Russian scientific tradition. The author analyzes a wide range of authors from the very first researchers in the
sphere of Russian liberalism – V. Leontovich and V. Prilenskiy to the latest interpretations of the Russian liberal
tradition, including the semantic interpretation by M. Kalashnikov. It is shown that the conventional character
of the Russian liberal tradition is much due to the variously directed philosophical traditions, based on which
some liberal thinkers formed their concepts. For example, B. Chicherin was a right-wing Hegelian and rationalist,
while K. Kavelin used positivism and psychoanalysis. Specific features of Russian liberalism included lack of
strong social basis, and the fact that it was firstly supported by the nobles, unlike in foreign states. There was no
large middle-class in Russia, and liberalism as a political movement showed its anti-democratic nature and the
tendency to be supported by the monarchism (for example, B.Chicherin is discussing constitutional monarchism).
The specific feature of Russia includes the fact that a political choice here has always been an intellectual act,
which was not supported by a wide range of people.
liberalism, freedom, Russia, democracy, West, worldview, civil society, individual, rule-of-law state, conservative tradition.