State and civil society
Ivanko, N. A.,Torukalo,V. P. (2013). Model of State Management
in the Social Sphere of Life
of a Modern Russian Society. Politics and Society, 7, 806–816.
The article discusses new approaches to managing the social sphere of a Russian society based on contradictions
existing in this sphere. The authors believe that without modernizing the management system in the social
sphere which would eliminate accumulated contradictions, it would impossible for Russia to catch up with the world
tendencies in social development. Public-state management is accepted as a new model. Based on the authors, public-
state management would allow not only to stabilize the situation in social sphere but also promote a dynamic
development of a society in general.
philosophy, social sphere, modernization, social technologies, management efficiency, science and education, culture, social development, social security, social and state management.
State and civil society
Goncharov, V. V. (2013). State Power: Definition and Essence. Politics and Society, 7, 817–825.
The present article analyzes the definition and essence of state power from the point of view of the concepts
‘power’ and ‘state institution’. The author of the article offers his own definition of power as a philosophical and general
sociological concept. The article also describes the framework of research categories and concepts. The author analyzes
and evaluates traditional and modern Russian and foreign concepts of state power. Based on those, the author offers
his own concept and definition of state power. The author studies definitions of the system of state power, system of state
authorities as a combination of legislative (representative), executive and judicial authorities from the point of view of the
concept of separation of powers. The author also studies current branches of state power in the Russian Federation and
offers his own definitions of legislative (representative), executive and judicial authorities.
study of law, state power, right, authorities, state machinery, judicial authority, executive authority, legislative (representative) authority, mechanism, system.
National security
Sekretareva, T. M. (2013). Compulsory Medical Treatment as a Measure
of Social Security and Protection. Politics and Society, 7, 826–833.
The author provides a definition of compulsory medical treatment as a category restricting ones
rights and being of significant importance for a society as a measure of social security and protection.
political studies, rights, human, treatment, compulsory (forced), security, protection, society, responsibility, restriction.
Demography and statistics
Tarasova, T. V. (2013). The Concept of Consumer Behavior Standard
in the Market Economy. Politics and Society, 7, 834–842.
The article studies consumption behavior from the point of view of the consumption standard as a combination of
reproducing consumer practices typical for particular social groups. Consumption is viewed as a social and cultural phenomenon.
The central goal of consumption is to use useful properties of goods and services being consumed for the purpose of satisfying
one’s personal needs. The author of the article describes a three-stage model of consumer behavior standards. This model reflects
the process of formation and interdependence of traditional, constructed and actual consumption standards. The author analyzes
definitions of consumption standards existing in modern science. Special attention is paid at the conception of cognitive market
within which the consumption standard is formed based on consumption technologies and serves as an intermediate in the process
of formation of consumer culture. Based on the above mentioned three-stage model and definitions, the author offers a definition of
the consumption standard from the point of view of sociological approach to studying consumption behavior and analyzes the main
elements of consumption behavior such as stereotypes, fashion, style life, style and consumption structure, consumption patterns
and norms. In conclusion the author outlines specific features of the consumption behavior standard as a social category.
consumption standards, consumer behavior, consumption stereotypes, life style, fashion, consumption style, consumption structure, consumptions patterns, cognitive marketing.
Social studies and monitoring
Mironova, Yu. V. (2013). Law Nihilism and Improvement
of Legislation Efficiency. Politics and Society, 7, 843–847.
The author of the article points out how necessary it is to take into account the public opinion in the
law making process. Each law in particular and legal order in general are considered by each person through
legal sense. The structure of legal sense has three levels defining each individual’s degree of legal sense and
legal culture. The main problem here is the deformation of legal sense that can take different forms including
law nihilism.
law studies, society, legal sense, nihilism, deformation, monitoring, interests, law, right, law making process.
Conflict and consensus
Bogatyrev, K. A. (2013). Concept of National Consent in the Republic
of Kazakhstan. Politics and Society, 7, 848–857.
The author of the article makes an attempt to describe the process of regulation of international
relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author describes some special features of formation of the Kazakh
society. Special attention is paid at the role of social institutions like the Assembly of the Nations of Kazakhstan
in this process.
political studies, Kazakhstan, national security, cultural dialogue, nationalism, religion, Islam, social contract, traditionalism, historical features.
Main human rights and liberties
Nafikova, G. A. (2013). Human Rights Aspect of the Mechanism
for the Implementation of the Principle of Rights
and Freedoms of Man and Citizen. Politics and Society, 7, 858–869.
The article is devoted to the relationship between human rights activities and implementation of the
principle of rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the criminal justice process. The author of the article
studies activities performed by the Human Rights Commissioner and implementation of European standards of
the human rights protection.
law studies, mechanism, security, protection, human rights, victim, violation of law, crime, explanation, guarantees.
Main human rights and liberties
Lychagin, A. I., Kuzmina, Yu. A. (2013). Modern Constitutional Guarantees
for the Human Rights Protection in the Russian
Federation and Implementation of International
Human Rights Standards. Politics and Society, 7, 870–876.
The article contains a comparative analysis of the main standards of international human rights laws and
Russian constitutional legislation. The author evaluates the level of development of the human rights system in the
Russian Federation.
political studies, Constitution, human rights, Russian Federation, international law, European Convention on Human Rights, death penalty, civil society, federal laws, principles.
Barbashin, M. Yu. (2013). Researches of Ethnogenesis in Modern Ethnosociology:
General Methodological Issues. Politics and Society, 7, 877–883.
The article analyzes the main methodological, discursive and ideological issues existing in modern sociological
researches of ethnogenesis. Describing the history of sociological interest towards ethnogenesis issues including Post-
Modern methodological shift, the author underlines the need in deideologization of ethnosocial researches. Post-modern
ideologization shows itself in the influence of political correctness on all levels of social research, from choosing the
topic of research to the ‘correct’ formulation of conclusions. The other side of formation of the ideological standard in
ethnosocial researches is the general Post-Modern critics underlying that ‘objective’ researches are impossible because
existing terminology reflects the dominance of the political dominating group over discriminated ethnic groups. From the
point of view of the Post-Modern discourse, ethnogenesis is the term loaded with discursive-conceptual and axiological
value and different ethnosocial mythologems. Without deideologization of social discourse, methodological framework of
theoretical assumptions, hypothesis and researches of ethnogenesis will never expand.
ethnogenesis, methodology, ethnicity, identity, ideology, post-modernism, ethnosociology, ethnos, political correctness, mythologem.
Legal history
Nosova, E. S. (2013). Iceland Lawspeakers in the Age of Sagas. Politics and Society, 7, 884–888.
The article analyzes the procedure for electing a lawspeaker, the first person in early mediaeval Iceland.
The author of the article describes the main ethical requirements for a lawspeaker as well as his main powers
and responsibilities. A position of a lawspeaker (lögsogumaðr) in mediaeval Iceland was a bright phenomenon
compared to the other social and political development of Scandinavian countries. Formation of state institutions
in Denmark, Norway and Sweden was accompanied with the growing power of sea kings and appearing insignia.
Iceland was an exception even though it had close relations with the countries of the Western Scandinavian
group. At the end of the article the author concludes that dualism was typical for a position of a lawspeaker just
like for the state management system of Iceland in general. On one hand, law speakears position had certain
limitations because was available to all social groups and a lawspeaker was elected only for three years. On the
other hand, there was a tendency towards succession of this position within one genus. Secondly, law speakers
did not have any legal privileges or preferences. Lawspeakers had to observe the countrys laws and were
criminally prosecuted. Adam Bremensky described that combination of rights and responsibilities by saying that
they had no other king except the law.
Iceland, lawspeaker, Middle Ages, Scandinavia, procedure, election, position, ethics, requirements, powers.
Legal history
Akopdjanova, M. O. (2013). Russian Criminal Law about Crime Against
Established Procedure of Paying Taxes and Levies
During the Soviet Period. Politics and Society, 7, 889–894.
Most of Russian modern legal provisions about tax crime were formed during the Soviet period. Their
further developed was conditioned by changing social and economic living conditions. This is the topic the
present article is devoted to.
law studies, legislation, formation, development, taxes, levies, responsibility, production, taxpayer, taxation.
Political aspects
Khannanova, T. R. (2013). Conception of the Priority of Rational Land Use
and its Political and Legal Protection. Politics and Society, 7, 895–907.
Economic management in the country-side showed that the right of ownership to the land could not make a
land master out of a peasant and create legal grounds for protecting his natural rights. The main reason for that was
the absence of a conceptual approach and, consequently, low significance of land use right and its political grounds.
Based on the studies of the experience of agricultural land use in the agrarian sector and common practice of state
influence on land relations, the author of the article offers such a conception. The main idea is that the agricultural
land-use right must prevail over the rights of possession and disposal because the latter two did not provide rational
land use and achievement of a sustainable agricultural production. The given conception can be used as the basis
for a new state agrarian policy of Russia aimed at covering gaps in agriculture and agro-industrial sector.
conception, land use, state institution, politics, regulation, production, efficiency, sustainability, science, law.
International policy
Voronina, A. S. (2013). International Legal Cooperation of Countries
to Prevent Armaments Race in Outer Space. Politics and Society, 7, 908–914.
The author of the article analyzes mechanisms of international legal cooperation of countries in the sphere
of prevention of armaments race in outer space. The author describes the status of outer space as partly demilitarized.
Special attention is paid at international legal cooperation within the framework of the United Nations Conference
on Disarmament Issues. The author proves that the choice of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues
to establish international cooperation to prevent armament race in outer space is preferable. The author analyzes
suggestions of different countries on what legal and institutional mechanisms have been established to avoid armaments
race in outer space since 1985. The author also describes the role of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
as the main international authority for supervisory and lawmaking activities in the sphere of researches and use of
outer space including demilitarization of outer space. The author concludes that it is necessary to improve cooperation
between the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and Conference on Disarmament Issues to maintain better
coordination of activities and decisions made by these two authorities while retaining independence of each authority.
international cooperation, cosmic space, demilitarization, deweaponisation, Conference, Office, armaments race, international conference, control mechanisms, coordination.
International policy
Shugurov, M. V. (2013). Concerning the Philosophy of Global Partnership
for Harmonization of Global Innovative Development. Politics and Society, 7, 915–923.
The article is devoted to the conceptual analyzes of possibilities to overcome the global innovation gap through
efforts undertaken by the countries, international organizations and a private sector for formation of special targets
in international cooperation. On a global scale, innovative development is described as a unity of competence and
cooperation. Much attention is paid at describing the global innovation gap as a convergence of different levels of national
innovative development. In this regard, the author offers a philosophy of global use of innovations based on justice and
equality principles. The author of the article focuses on explication of the idea of priority innovative development which
defines the strategy of innovation policy in a whole number of countries. The author of the article also touches upon
new aspects of relations between developed and developing countries with reference to global innovation paradigm. In
addition, the author suggests to relate harmonization of innovative development and the new world economic order and
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. By analyzing existing models of innovative development cooperation,
the author concludes that it is necessary to establish a new culture of cooperation between countries in the sphere of
building up innovative capacity. The author also offers a concept of global management of innovative development based
on the principles of cooperation and trust. The main conclusion made by the author of the article is that only the relations
built on trust and partnership can coordinate global innovative and sustainable developments.
innovation paradigm, globalization, innovation gap, innovation policy, international relations, international cooperation, innovation breakthrough, sustainable development, world order, trust.
Religion and politics
Palyulin, A. Yu. (2013). Influence of Italian Gnostics on Political
and Legal Situation in Medieval Europe. Politics and Society, 7, 924–930.
The present research covers teachings of a number of Gnostic schools which altogether created
a serious opposition to medieval Rome Catholic Church in Europe. The author describes the opposition
between Guelphs and Ghibellines not only as part of politics but also as the two forces each of which had
an opportunity to establish their legal regimes in Italian countries. The author of the article also considers
grounds for rebellions in Milan, Brescia and Rome in XII-XIII centuries. The principles of organization
of the Pope’s and Emperor’s powers were the subject of lively discussions reflected in bullas and bans as
well as political and legal treaties. The author views consequence of this opposition between Gnostic and
Catholic views reflected both on the political map of Europe and European law monuments.
law studies, Albigenses, Vavasours, Ghibellines, followers of Arnold of Brescia, Gnosticism, Inquisition, Cathars, papacy, Franciscans.
Political communications
Skriba, A. S. (2013). Prospects of Balancing in the Ukrainian Foreign
Policy under Conditions of Approximation
of Regional Integration Unions. Politics and Society, 7, 931–941.
The article is devoted to foreign policy of the Ukraine aimed at retaining the non-aligned status between
the European Union and Russia. Despite declared interest in European integration, actual behavior of the
Ukraine in the 1990s 2000s is a classical example of balancing between two regional leaders for the purpose
of retaining sovereignty and internal power. Nevertheless, the research showed that further efficiency of such
policy is not that certain. With the active Eurasian integration in the picture, the Ukraine has to chose between
the two integration directions. It is proved that the country is in a difficult situation because all foreign policy
decisions as well as refuse from integration will be accompanied with certain losses and expenses which can
shake the stability of the present government. Under these conditions, the main goal of Russia and European
Union is to develop a policy aimed at long-term involvement of the Ukraine into integration through performing
a number of integration conditions.
external policy, balancing, realism, regional integration, Eurasian integration, Ukraine, Russia, European Union, choice of foreign policy sovereignty.