State and civil society
Selukov, A.D. (2013). Factors of goal-setting of State finance. Politics and Society, 4, 386–393.
The article examines the cause for inadequate efficiency of Financial Law as a legal science. The author
explains the role of Goal-setting as an integral element of
any financial activity, and points out the most prominent
drivers which determine the goal-based vectorsin legal
regulation of finance.
jurisprudence, state, factors, goal-setting, politics, market, law, cameralistics, practices, finance
State and civil society
Shelomentsev, V.N. (2013). Constitutional Law regulation of the environmental sphere. Politics and Society, 4, 394–400.
The article analyzes the development of legal regulation
of environment, and addresses the issues of environmental
management and forest preservation law, fauna
preservation law and marine biological resource preservation
law. The author shows the modern state of environment
law on federal, as well as regional level, pointing out
its flaws and offering possible ways of improvement.
Jurisprudence, environment use, environment protection, environment law, legal base, environment law violations, constitutional law, natural and biological resources, adverse influence, environment crisis
Transformation in political processes
Fedorets M.N. (2013). Defining traits of formation and development of American
federalism. Politics and Society, 4, 401–409.
The article deals with one of the challenging
points of U.S. state structure’s establishment. The author
analyzes the U.S. government structure and explains the
definition of federalism according to the U.S. Constitution
of 1787, which gave a symbolic start for the new country.
The development of American federalism was largely determined
by the dominance of certain political and legal
practices. The growth of American federalism, while demonstratinggeneral centralistic tendencies, occurred in an
uneven manner - the degree of centralization fluctuated as
Federal authorities amassed and released power. The essence
of U.S. federalism changed in accordance with legal,
political and economic environment.
Jurisprudence, federation, U.S. federalism, U.S. Constitution, separation of power, Rechsstaat, federal subjects, federalism, reform, Law
National security
Sedih, N.S. (2013). Terrorism in risk society environment: social and
psychological analysis. Politics and Society, 4, 410–417.
The article analyzes social, psychological and political
preconditions for the development of terrorism in
a risk society environment. Certain aspects of mass communication
functionality, in the context of global spread
of information technology within social space and the
complexity of social evaluation of risks, enable the leaders
of terrorist organizations to produce informational and
psychological impact on society in order to involve young
people into terrorist activity. The author lays out the prospects
of further research, the necessity of which is dictated
by the need of perfecting the methods of preventing terrorism
in a defined social and historic environment.
sociology, terrorism, society, risk, globalization, interaction, information, communication, assumptions, media discourse
Political regimes and political processes
Borisov, N.A. (2013). Designing national ideologies. Stability issues of political
regimes (Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan cases). Politics and Society, 4, 418–427.
The article examines the experience of two post-
Soviet countries (Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan), exploring
the main ways of legitimating authority during the process
of forming of national states and solving political stability
issues. The circumstances in which political elites form ideologemes to reinforce the legitimacy of political regimes and
choose the means to spread those igeologemes are reviewed,
as well as the preconditions for success in achieving relative
stability, or failure to produce such legitimacy, resulting in
destruction of the political system. The attention is drawn to
the analysis of techniques, mechanisms and components of
legitimation of political regimes, as well as factors of their
political stability in a near perspective. The author points out
that to legitimate authority during the consolidation process
of a regime, the ruling elites turned to national ideologems as
tools of legitimating in order to justify their claim for dominance.
The lack of significant political rifts and notable actors
of political opposition in Uzbekistan provided the ruling elite
with an opportunity to spread a new set of values, virtually
unhindered by opposition and by the process of democratic
legitimation. In Kyrgyzstan, the attempt to synthesize structural
and ideological legitimation (using archaic national and
cultural concepts) has failed, which lead to severe damage
to the existing legitimacy of elites and to strengthening and
unification of counter elites on the basis of opposition to the
values supported by the existing elites.
Political science, political regime, political stability, ideology, consolidation, legitimacy, identity, rift in society, ruling elite, trust.
Democracy and political processes
Perelmut, V.V. (2013). The political aspect of Eastern Partnership project
participation of Republic of Belarus. Politics and Society, 4, 428–434.
The article examines European Union’s progress
in implementing the “Eastern Partnership” initiative, and
the part which Republic of Belarus plays in this process.
Using the historical and descriptive methods, combined
within-depth content analysis, the author illuminates not
only institutional interactions of EU’s and Belarus public
authorities, but also specifies situations in which the
partnership’s dynamics beg a closer look. The author concludes
that the Eastern Partnership initiative was adecisive
break through between Republic of Belarus and the EU, it
stimulated political dialogue and opened many doors for
Belorussian delegates to communicate and participate on
the highest level.
Political science, the Eastern Partnership, Republic of Belarus, the European Union, the European Neighbourhood Policy, the political dialogue, international agreements, partner countries, the summit, the political process
National policy
Barbashin, M.Yu. (2013). Ideologization of ethnic and social research during the Soviet
and post-Soviet periods: institutional evaluation. Politics and Society, 4, 435–440.
The article analyzes the institutional aspects
of political ideology’s influence on ethnic and sociological research. The author stresses that the
Soviet ethnic research was politicized and was used
as method of reinforcing national policies. During
the transitional period, ethnic and social academic
disciplines became tools of political struggle between
ethnic elites. The author concludes that deidealigozation
of ethnic studies, which lack positivist
moderation, is necessary.
Sociology, Ethnic and Social science, ethnos, ideology, ethics, institutes, authority, management, conflict, ethnic myths
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A. (2013). Interdisciplinary experience in humanitarian research
and modern sociology. Politics and Society, 4, 441–447.
The article draws attention to an issue that affects
all branches of academic science the integration
of science. There are several viewpoints on this topic
some support the notion of self-sufficient spheres of
social and humanitarian thought, others stress the necessity
of close interaction of such spheres. This article
provides a breakdown of positive and negative aspects
of interdisciplinary interaction, drawing our attention
to the special role of Sociology in the processes of integration
of knowledge. Exemplifying this branch of
thought, the author examines the methodological vector
of interaction between Philosophy and Sociology,
as well as Sociology and the entire mass of social and
humanitarian knowledge. The conclusions drawn in
this article have significance in terms of defining the
object and the subject of various disciplines, as well as
for formulating goals aimed to preserve the founding
principles of scientific research which can be distorted
within an interdisciplinary environment.
Sociology, society, science, interdisciplinary, methodology, development, philosophy, socium, politization, sociality
Social studies and monitoring
Vlasuk, G.V. (2013). Controlling the dynamics of structure of input resources. Politics and Society, 4, 448–460.
this article analyzes an organization’s competitiveness
dynamics under the influence of input resource
flow, from a resource-based perspective, and proves the
practicability of social-oriented measures, presenting research
data which the theoretical layout is based on.
sociology, organization, resources, competency, competitiveness, resource flow, change, management, administration, image, structure
Social studies and monitoring
Simakova, A.A. (2013). Corporate education: Russian company practices. Politics and Society, 4, 461–464.
The article explores the practices of corporate education
in Russian companies. It assesses several aspects
of corporate education: effectiveness, motivation of managers
and other personnel, interdependency of education
and career.
corporate education, managers, education and career, effectiveness of education
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Bublikov, V.V. (2013). Islamization of Europe as the consequence of dechristianization
and demographic crisis. Politics and Society, 4, 465–471.
This article analyzes the preconditions and
the consequences of the process of Islamization,
which has spread across Europe. Comparison of sociological
data on religion in Europe, Russia and the USA
reveals that Islamziation of Europe is the aftermath
of dechristianization and demographic crisis. The expansion
of Muslim community in Europe, which has
already exceeded 44 million, will continue, due to high
birth rates of Muslim families and immigration. As it
seems, the most balanced way to overcome the issues
of adversity between native Europeans and the Muslim
community, is to reinforce Christian values and morals
among native Europeans, which will lead to improvement
in demographics, and, as a result, to severe
reduction of immigration. Moreover, the Christian renaissance
in Europe will allow to improve the standing
between the Christian and Muslim communities on the
basis of the Islamic dogmata of peaceful coexistence
of adherents of monotheistic religions.
Sociology, demography, crisis, Muslims, Christians, Islamization, secularization, Europe, family, values.
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Terentyeva, G.V. (2013). UNs new Global Approach to Migration and Mobility
(GAMM) and social aspects of Italys immigration policies. Politics and Society, 4, 472–478.
In the age of colossal migration flows, Italy
has an undeniable advantage when it comes to dealing
with the challenges associated with migration. A
wholesome policy, which is based on both, national
and European experience, is built around both, using
cheap migrant labour, as well as realizing the countrys
responsibility before them. This article explores Italys
social vector of migration policy development, which
is aimed at solidifying migration control, as well as
social adaptation of immigrants. Italian experience in this area, as well as academic studies of migration
policy mechanisms, is deemed useful to consider during
the migration Law reform in Russian Federation.
Considerable progress in fighting illegal immigration
through increasing the measure of social responsibility
of immigrants themselves, which is achieved by involving
immigrants into the system of pension funds
and social fees, making the immigrants interested in
being open about their contribution to the society.
political science, migration policy, Italian Law, social responsibility, immigrant integration, illegal immigrants, immigrant medical care, pension pay, coordination, integration
International policy
Lykov, A.Y. (2013). On some preconditions on the formation of a global state. Politics and Society, 4, 479–489.
The article addresses the effects of modern
global processes, including those tied to demographic
and economic crises, and draws attention to the fact
that no functional national, or International law that
regulates these things exists. The author explains the
essence of uncontrolled demographic growth, polarization
of the world between countries, as well as macroeconomic
risks of the world society. One of the rational
ways to overcome those challenges is to form a new
type of global integration – a world state. The author
draws the conclusions on the advantages of such an allencompassing
political unification. The points made in
this article broaden and enrich the theoretical knowledge
of state and Law, as well as international relations.
Jurisprudence, global, state, world, crisis, demography, polarization, national, international, politics
International policy
Dubinkina, K.A. (2013). United Nations Millennium Declaration: was there progress
in 10 years?. Politics and Society, 4, 490–495.
At the year 2000 U.N. Millennium Summit, the
Millennium Declaration, which contained a set of global
Millennium Development Goals, was signed. The eight
goals are aimed at the most pressing matters of modern
society - poverty, famine, infant and maternal mortality,
the spread of diseases like HIV/AIDS and Malaria, gender
inequity, environment issues, education accessibility issues,
as well as insufficient aid for the least-developed and
developing countries from the world community. These
Goals were aimed to be achieved by 2015. To get a clear picture on the exact stage of progress towards
those goals, the author distinguishes both, regions and subregions
on the World map, because social and economic
progress is varied even on a regional scale. Currently, less
than three years remain till the deadline of 2015, which
was established in the Declaration. The progress towards
achieving the Millennium Development Goals is evident;
however, it is slower than expected. Is there a chance for
UN’s most ambitious plan to be successfully completed?
Political science, U.N., aims, development, millennium, declaration, aid, donors, poverty, Africa
International policy
Tsomaya, M.A. (2013). Evolution of the Eurasian Economic Community: political
ambition or objective reality?. Politics and Society, 4, 496–500.
The article examines the defining characteristics
of the Eurasian Economic Community member country
relations, as well as arrangements for a transition to a new
level of partnership with Common Economic Space. The
creation of supernational institutions becomes more important
as we move towards the final stages of economic
integration of the member states. This study examines the
preconditions for in-depth economic integration of the
Eurasian Economic Community, taking into account the
main driving forces which accelerate this process.
Political science, CES, supernational institution, cooperation, WTO, CSTO, SCO
Gibadullina, E.M. (2013). Volga Tatars in transit caravan trade on the territory
of Kazakhstan during the second half of XVIII century
and the first half of XIX century. Politics and Society, 4, 501–506.
In the second half of XVIII and the first half of
XIX century, Volga Tatars became the sponsors of caravan
trade between Russian Empire and Central Asia, which
implied transit via Kazakhstan. On their way, the caravans
participated in transit trade with Kazakh nomad camps,
which aided the development of Kazakh economy, as well
as aided the growth of economic specialization and barter.
History, Kazakhstan, caravan, transit, trade, nomad camps countermen, household, specialization, barter.
Grishanov, A.A. (2013). The role of interest groups in the forming of U.S. Middle
East policy. Politics and Society, 4, 507–514.
Interest groups are one of the fundamental mechanisms
of American foreign policy. Their role in defining
America’s position in the Near East, establishing relations
with Israel and the Arab world, as well as participation in
military operations, was the focus of expert discussions for
years now. The article carefully examines the evolution of
ethnic lobby structure, the competition between pro-Israeli
and pro-Arab organizations, as well as the emergence of
ideological blocs and their influence on political decisions
regarding American military presence in the region. The
author evaluates a broad spectrum of organizations and
personalities involved in this lobbying process.
Political science, lobby, groups, USA, Iraq, Congress, Senate, pluralism, debate, Israel.
Political technologies
Kochetkov,V.V. (2013). Russian Elitology: Science or ideology?. Politics and Society, 4, 515–525.
This article demonstrates that, epistemologically,
modern Russian elitology is not a science, but rather an
ideology, which explains, and thus legitimates the dominance
of the ruling elite. To have an epistemological status
of an academic discipline, or a science, any social and humanitarian
research requires several functions to be exercised.
It needs to explain the motives and the aftermath of
peoples actions in the past and in the future, shed light on
the probabilities of the future and formulate goals to which
they must aspire to. Thus, to become a science, a social and
humanitarian theory must not only explain and describe
the past and predict the future, but it also must formulate
ideals and goals for the society. The author points out that
Russian elitology does not match those criteria, because it
only explains the mechanisms of the dominance of elites.
To become a science, elitology must build a foundation
of Public Law constitutionalist ethics which would allow
evaluating the results of the ruling elites actions.
Philosophy, elitology, ideology, science, constitutionalism, public law ethics, axiology, ethos, dominance, elite.