State and civil society
Kochetkova, L. N. (2013). Results, Issues and Prospects of a Social State in Russia. Politics and Society, 3, 256–262.
In order to define the results of a twentyyear
constitutional development of the Russian Federation
and understand the issues related to implementation
of the principles of social state into state
management, it is necessary to form an axiological
understanding of this concept. Within the framework
of this article, social state means a particular stage
of development of a law-governed state institution
that guarantees life-sustaining standards for all citizens
and allows to exercise the right to private and
public autonomy. From this point of view, the author
analyzes implementation of principles of social state
in modern Russian policy. The author also makes a
conclusion that current theoretical and practical attempts
to break down social sate institutions as they
are set forth by the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
may lead to negative social and political
consequences. Therefore, the article focuses on the
value of principles of social state for human and civil
society. The author concludes that modern Russian
institutions of social state must be developed further.
political studies, social state, law-governed state, welfare state, constitution, social policy, social guarantees, social standards, democracy, private and public autonomy.
State and civil society
Bezrukov, A. V. (2013). The Role of the President of Russia in the Realization
of Constitution Principles of Federalism, the Unity
of State Power and Division of Powers. Politics and Society, 3, 263–269.
The main directions of excess of power(s) and
the role of the President of Russia in the realization of
Constitution principles, division of powers, the unity
of state power and federalism are described in full details.
Legislation and legal positions of Constitutional Court, the competence of the Head of the state in these
spheres are deeply analyzed.
the President of the Russian Federation, division of powers, the unity of state power, federalism, legal (lawful, rightful) positions of Constitutional Court of Russia.
State and civil society
Nasonkin, V. V. (2013). Policy and Experience of the Leading Foreign States
in Attracting Foreign Students. Politics and Society, 3, 270–281.
The author of the article views general approaches
of developed countries to the process of internationalization
of education. Today, the main aspect
of this process is an international academic mobility.
The author analyzes peculiarities of policies and experiences
of particular countries in solving questions related
to acceptance and teaching foreign students and
integration of the best foreign students for the benefits
of economy of these countries. The author also defines
factors influencing the choice of a country where a foreign
student wants to study.
education, policy, state institution, foreign, students, integration, services, mobility, teaching.
State and civil society
Khannanova, T. R. (2013). Formation and Development of State Agrarian Policy:
Comparative Indicative Analysis. Politics and Society, 3, 282–293.
The author of the article conducts a comparative
analysis of politics, law, agrarian policy and agrarian law.
Such an approach allows to see the general and particular
in these phenomena as well as to define comparison indicators
and grounds for their interaction. The study also
defined peculiarities of agro-political space and agro-political
influence on agriculture and proved the inner relation
between agrarian economy and agrarian policy.
political studies, state institution, law, politics, agrarian, agro-political, influence, indicative, analysis, relations.
Morality and politics
Slezin, A.A., Balantsev, A. V. (2013). Peculiarities of Opposition of Komsomol Organizations
to Religious Influence Among Eastern National
Minorities in Mid 1920s. Politics and Society, 3, 294–304.
Being based on the materials from the Russian
State Archive of Socio-Political History, the given
article is devoted to studying peculiarities of antireligious
work of Komsomol among so called Eastern
national minorities in mid 1920s. The authors of
the article show that even in this activity, Komsomol
showed its creative potentials. Even though adoption
of new forms of behavior in Eastern society was often
performed by the means of administrative procedures,
anti-religious propaganda among Eastern minorities
was mostly based on a moderate approach.
history, politics, nation, Bolsheviks, youth, Komsomol, religion, Islam, NEP (New Economic Policy).
National security
Karpovich, O. G. (2013). Anti-Globalism and Modern Concepts of Global
Management. Politics and Society, 3, 305–314.
This article reveals the nature of a radical (reformatory)
approach to globalization. At the present
time almost all actors oriented at establishing global
order are social movements. However, not all social
movements are radical. In fact, social movements
cover a whole range of ideologies, from movements
promoting peace and liberal democracy to movements
that support communist or even neo-fascists ideas.
However, alterglobalists and anti-globalists still make
unique and separate phenomena typical for only a given
type of actors.
global issues, globalism, globalist, alterglobalists, ideology, liberal approach, strategies of global management, international relations, world policy, interests, values, actors.
The dialogue of cultures
Karpova, E. V. (2013). Space as an Object of Philosophical-Legal Perception. Politics and Society, 3, 315–321.
Space is viewed as the object-situation in
philosophical-legal perception or a sensual prescription
described in terms of certain geometric proportions.
Characteristics of space as the object-situation
in the philosophical legal meaning include the following:
display of private and public (horizontal
and vertical) spheres; display of objective legal reality and subjective legal reality; display o the two
counter-positions: external-internal, occupied vacant,
infinite finite, where subjective legal reality
is considered to be internal, vacant and finite while
objective legal reality is shown as external, occupied
and infinite. The place of a concrete legal situation
is viewed as a subject of perception and a center of
space in philosophical-legal meaning.
philosophy, space, perception, socio-culture, right, object, situation, place, public, private.
Family and society
Mukhina, Z. Z. (2013). Legal Status of a Widow in Russian Peasantry:
Traditions and Innovations
(Second Half of XIX – Beginning of XX Century). Politics and Society, 3, 322–329.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of a civil
and legal status if a widow in Russian peasantry as well
as her common law status from the point of view of legal
and historical studies. In the course of studying this
issue, the author focuses on transformations caused by
modernization in the after-reform time. There are no
historical and ethnographic studies devoted to the status
of a window in peasantry so the author of the given
article tries to fill in this gap in this way or another. After-
reform transformations affected St. Petersburg Governorate
and the Governorate of the Central District.
Therefore, the author of the article uses materials from
the archive of V. N. Tenishev’s Ethnographical Bureau
providing more insight into the life of Russian peasantry
back in late XIX –early XX centuries.
history, woman, peasant, widow, official law, common law, heritage, marriage, tradition, innovation.
Public dialogue
Tinyakova, E. A. (2013). The Image of a Modern University Lecturer in a Social
Dialogue. Politics and Society, 3, 330–336.
The article studies the reasons of changing a social
status and content of a modern higher education and,
consequently, the role of human and, in the first place, a
modern university lecturer, in this process. Professional
and social features of a modern university lecturer have
changed a lot over the past years due to dynamic economic
development of Russia, change in its economic orientation
and information expansion of the content of education at
higher school as an international factor for cultural development.
According to the author of the article, successful solution of many problems at higher school depends on the
image of a modern university lecturer
philosophy, system, education, higher school, economic transformations, social need, information development, university lecturer, student, content of education, society.
Local self-government
Afanasiev, A. A. (2013). Municipal Law Regime of Rural Life: Historical and Legal
Aspects of Local Self-Government in Russian Settlements. Politics and Society, 3, 337–344.
Social relations related to enforcement of local
self-government of rural settlements are an important
part of rural life as a subject of legal regulation.
Based on the analysis of the Russian Federation laws
and scientific law literature, the author of the article
studies historical peculiarities of rural self-government.
Records of Russian history of legal regulation of
rural life are important for a successful implementation
of a social-economic policy of Russia oriented at
sustainable development of rural territories.
social relations, municipal law regulation/ municipal law regime, rural settlement, rural population, rural life, local self-government, sustainable development of rural territories.
Local self-government
Gaysina, A. V. (2013). District Charity in Late XIX Early XX Century
(Based on the Example of the Ufa Governorate). Politics and Society, 3, 345–349.
Second half of XIX beginning of XX faced major
changes in political and economic life of Russia. Important
role was played by the introduction of local selfgovernment
agencies so called Districts. One of their
functions was a social support of orphans, sick and old
population. The author of the article describes the main
social activities of land districts in the Ufa Governorate.
There were orphanages, poorhouses, schools and hospitals
in the Governorate. Districts played a very important
role in social charity, too, and made a great contribution
to increasing the living standards in Governorate.
history, charity, society, orphans, hospitals, poorhouses, education, medicine, Ufa.
The heritage of transformation
Afanasieva, I. M. (2013). Integrated Model of Political Mutual Influence in Continental
China and Xianggang Administrative District. Politics and Society, 3, 350–357.
The author of the article describes formation
of the integrated model of political development in modern China. The author talks about mutual influence
between continental China and Xianggang special
administrative district. The article covers not only
interaction processes between China and Xianggang
but also influence of Xianggang reformations on continental
China. Alternative system in Xianggang makes
many citizens of the PRC think about alternative development
paths that can become a very topical issue
under conditions of regulated economy.
political studies, Xianggang, China, integration, model, opposition, party, democracy, culture, protest.
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Surma, I. V., Terentieva, G. V. (2013). Normative-Legal Documents that Constitute the Legal
Basis of EU Migration Policy Based on the Example
of Italy. Politics and Society, 3, 358–367.
In article the review of the main normativelegal
documents constituting actual legislative basis
of EU migration policy on an example of Italy is presented.
The history of development of the Italian migration
legislation in 1990-2012 is briefly shined. The
main stages of evolution of the legislation of Italy in
the sphere of the migration policy which legal base
the international, European, bilateral and interstate
normative documents, such as make the law Martelli
, the law Turko-Napoletano, the Law Bossi-
Fini, the Law Dini, Council Directive of the European
Union, the Integration agreement and others are
shown. Basic changes in a question of free movement
and stay in Italy citizens of EU and the main innovations
concerning citizens of the countries, not entering
into the European Union are analysed.
migration policy, legislation, Turco-Napolitano Law, Bossi-Fini Law, Martelli Law, Dini Law, EU Council Directives, Intergation Agreement, a language test, quotas, readmission, residence permit, repatriation.
Barbashin, M. Yu. (2013). Soviet Nature in Ethno-Social Space: Ethnical and
Institutional Processes. Politics and Society, 3, 368–372.
The author of the article analyzes the influence
of the ideology formatting a Soviet person on ongoing
ethno-social processes in the Soviet Union. The
author stresses out the importance of the Soviet nature
as an institutional framework for establishing ethics. By applying the neo-institutional methods, the author
underlines that the Soviet identification was used by
individuals with a marginal ethic status. Close institutional
relation between the Soviet nature and Russian
language and identity was one of the reasons of derusification
of the post-Soviet ethno-social space.
social studies, ethnicity, Soviet nature, institutions, ethno-genesis, conflict, nationality, ideology, ethnos, policy.
Academic thought
Dubovik, O. L. (2013). The Meaning of Scientific Researches in the Sphere
of Nuclear and Quantum Physics for Politics, Culture
and Society. Politics and Society, 3, 373–375.
The article provides an insight into the Conference
held at Center of Interdisciplinary Research
of the University of Bielefeld in Germany on March
8, 2013. All preparations and arrangements were performed
by professors from the University of Bielefeld.
Not only follows of natural sciences participated in the
Conference, but so did philosophers, sociologists, lawyers,
and etc. The results of the Conference would be
of priority for science, society and law. The author of
the article concludes that state policy in the sphere of
science, education and culture cannot be built without
fundamental researches, certain investments and possibilities
of inter-disciplinary approach and international
cooperation. State policy in the spheres of innovation
and technology must be based on complex and
specialized researches.
studies of law, researches, Universum, science, innovation, conference, physics, mathematics, philosophy, social studies.