Morality and politics
Karpovich, O. G. (2013). Liberalism and Global Management. Politics and Society, 2, 130–136.
The term ‘ideology’ plays one of the key roles
in modern conceptions and doctrines of global management.
It is especially true for so called ‘environmental
’ conceptions of globalism and global management.
These conceptions view ideology as the strategic purpose
and main factor forming strategies of globalism
and global management. Today there are the two main
ideological trends – liberal and reformist approaches.
They are opposed to each other and at the same time
they have much in common. Both of them are based on
the belief that there are certain universal ideological
and political systems. Liberals believe these systems include
such values as individual freedoms, observation
of the private property right and political democracy.
Reformists believe hey include social justice, equal opportunities,
democracy as the management strategy and
collective participation in the decision making process.
global issues, globalism, ideology, liberal approach, global management strategies, international relations, global policy, interests, values, actors.
State and civil society
Koren, R. V., Bugaev, A. F. (2013). Society’s Search for Meaning. Politics and Society, 2, 137–144.
Based on Viktor Frankl’s work ‘Man’s Search
for Meaning’ the authors analyze the given issue from
the point of view of society and state institution. When
the first state institutions were created on earth, a civilization
of violence and fear was formed, too, which
eventually led to the moral crisis of mankind. Birth sets
the initial problem situation called ‘life’ and death sets
the final situation of the same problem. And the fact that
life is has the end creates personal responsibility for
a life one has lived. Man’s search for meaning brings
him to the Universe because this is where the meaning
belongs. The author of the article describes individual
practices aimed at finding and maintaining the meaning
of life, however, these practices create essential but
insufficient conditions. It is well know that the environment
has a dominating influence on the consciousness
formation. This is why the core meaning of state policy
and budgets towards an individual must become the priority of culture, science and education just as deceased
member of the Academy D. S. Likhachev instated.
philosophy, society, state policy, meaning, life, death, morals, culture, creation, management.
State and civil society
Kolganov, N. M. (2013). Legal Forms of State-Private Partnership
in the Innovative Sphere. Politics and Society, 2, 145–151.
The article considers the main forms of the organization
of state-private partnership in the innovative
sphere. The author investigates separate aspects of
development of innovations in Russia, and also legal
status of science cities, technological parks, business
incubators and other most widespread forms of stateprivate
partnership in the innovative sphere.
innovations, innovative activity, innovative system, Skolkovo innovation center, special economic zone, science city (Naukograd), venture financing.
State and civil society
Vaganov, A. A. (2013). Legal Regime of Aircrafts as the Leasing
Subject. Politics and Society, 2, 152–157.
The article is devoted to particular aspects of
leasing aircrafts. The author investigates a legal regime
of aircrafts, their concept, legal aspects of registration
and certification of aircrafts as well as the role of aircraft
leasing in the Russian Federation.
leasing, aircraft, registration, certification, operation, civil aviation.
State and civil society
Bondarenko, E. V. (2013). Main Parties to Political Relations
in Eastern Galicia Under Conditions of Rising
Ukrainian Official Political Movement at Late 1920’s
– Early 1930’s. Politics and Society, 2, 158–167.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the
main parties to political relations in Eastern Galicia
at the turn of 1920’s – 1930’s. The purpose of the
study is to provide a classification of these parties
and define their role and place in the system of political
relations in the region under the conditions of
state assimilation policy that has been carried on in
Poland lately. The following methods and tools were
used in the study: analysis and generalization, deduction
and abstraction methods. The results of the study
are as follows. Firstly, political relations were very contradictory at the turn of 1920’s – 1930’s in Eastern
Galicia. In fact, those relations had many levels
and could have been ranked depending on the ethnosocial
composition of population back in those years.
Secondly, political relations in Eastern Galicia at the
turn of 1920’s – 1930’s were based on dialectic struggle
of the two opposite tendencies – tendency towards
legalization and tendency towards marginalization of
the Ukrainian national and political movement. Despite
the fact that there have been some opportunities,
the contact point between the main parties to
political relations hasn’t been found.
political studies, parties to political relations, Eastern Galicia, inter-war period, political movement, national movement, Ukrainians, party, social and political factors, May Coup.
State and civil society
Filina, N. V. (2013). Factors of Socio-Political Attractiveness
of Religious Organizations. Politics and Society, 2, 168–175.
The author studies particular aspects of sociopolitical
attractiveness of religious organizations in
modern Russia and defines criteria of socio-political
attractiveness. The author also analyzes models and
forms of interaction between state authorities and religious
organizations and defines the priorities of sociopolitical
activities of religious organizations.
political studies, socio-political attractiveness, religious organizations, non-traditional religious organizations, traditional religious organizations, factors of attractiveness, interaction models, forms of interaction, socio-political activities, socio-political processes.
National security
Belianinov, A. Yu. (2013). Overcoming the Integration Crisis
Through Raising Efficiency of CIS Activities. Politics and Society, 2, 176–182.
The present article is devoted to a number of
issues related to the Russian Federation activities on
reinforcing integration processes in the post-Soviet territory
and strengthening of CIS as well as building efficient interaction between Commonwealth countries. The
author of the article carried out a research of a number
of laws and regulations and studied certain measres
aimed at reformation of CIS leading institutions. The
author also analyzed trends of further development of
interaction between Commonwealth countries.
state institution, Russian Federation, foreign policy, CIS, political institutions, soft power, Concept of Further Development, Economic Development Strategy.
National security
Fomin, A. V. (2013). Legal Aspects of Military-Technical
Cooperation Between Russia and SCTO Member States. Politics and Society, 2, 183–188.
On May 15, 1992 Collective Security Treaty
was signed and Collective Security Treaty Organization
(SCTO) was crated. The purpose of SCTO is to defend
economic territories of the treaty countries through
joint efforts of armies and auxiliary units against any
external war and political aggressors, international terrorists
and major natural disasters. The given article
provides the analysis of the main laws and regulatory
documents regulating military-technical cooperation
between Russia and SCTO member states.
legislation, regulations and military-technical cooperation, CSTO member states.
The nationality issue
Razin, A. S. (2013). Formation of Ethno-Confessional Relations
in a Russian Society: Political and Philosophical
Analysis. Politics and Society, 2, 189–199.
Relation between the national and religious elements
has always been the topic of debates in modern
social philosophy and social and humanitarian studies.
The present issue is topical not only in the context of
geo-political transformations but also due to a so-called
‘identification boom’ that is typical for the modern public
spirit and creates a ‘life world’ of social groups and
individuals in the post-Soviet territory.
philosophy, ethno-confessional relations, self-identification, nationality, ethnos, religion, confession, religious factor, Islamic factor, ethno-confessional factor.
The dialogue of cultures
Karpova, E. V. (2013). Objective Conditions of Space Perception
in Philosophical and Legal Concepts of Legalism. Politics and Society, 2, 200–207.
Variety of external conditions of space perception
is viewed from the point of view of natural
law approach. Objective legal reality is shown as a
combination of ideal factors (God, Logos, mind, justice,
freedom, distance) and real factors (living conditions
of a society, prevailing industrial relations).
It is concluded that natural law conceptions outline
the space pattern of law concepts where vertical and
horizontal elements are crossed. Principles of formal
equality and inequality as well as the principle of ontological
unity of divine intelligence and human society
are set forth by associated directions of cogitation
and define specifics of external objective conditions
of law space perception.
philosophy, perception, space, natural law, law, reality, God, Logos, equality, inequality.
Social studies and monitoring
Sobolev, A. E. (2013). Middle Cass as a Hypothetic Basis
of Modern Russian Society. Politics and Society, 2, 208–211.
In this article the author analyzes the status
of middle class in modern Russian society. The article
discusses the disagreement between the need in a
stable and sizeable middle class in a social structure
of Russian society and the absence of efficient mechanisms
of increasing and strengthening the middle
class in practice.
social studies, middle class, structure of society, social class, small business, medium business, entrepreneurship, formation mechanisms, social function, social role.
Humanitarian projects
Nasonkin, V. V. (2013). Political Significance of School Autonomy
for Creation of Efficient Multi-Level Education
Management System. Politics and Society, 2, 212–219.
The article is dedicated to the problem of school
autonomy and its influence on educational results. The
autonomy is described as a multidimensional construction
including resource management and curriculum
developing and assessment forms powers of schools.
The analysis makes clear that the interconnection between
the efficiency of education, school autonomy and
public posting of school results is contradictory.
autonomy, resources, public positing of results, efficiency.
The heritage of transformation
Emelianov, A. S. (2013). Administrative Law Doctrine,
Liberalism Ideas and Development of a State Institution
in Russia. Politics and Society, 2, 220–225.
The article is devoted to the analysis of administrative
law doctrine, how liberalism ideas influence
the process of formation of this doctrine and
description of peculiarities of a Russian state institution.
Based on the constitutional provisions, administrative
law provisions, practice in application of
these provisions and achievements of administrative
law science, the author defines the contents of administrative
law doctrine and the role of civil society
ideas in this doctrine. The author also takes into
account particular circumstances contributing to or
preventing from engaging a civil society into state management. The author also provides a general
overview of historical events related to development
of a state institution and civil society in our country.
The author analyzes administrative law institutions
which development requires them to be included in
state management of civil society institutions as well.
law studies, legal doctrine, administrative law doctrine, factors influencing the formation of administrative law doctrine, state management mechanism, civil society, institutions of civil society, state institution, liberalism ideas, development of a state institution.
The heritage of transformation
Plesovskih, V. D. (2013). Reconsideration of the Subject of
Administrative Law in Modern Conditions: Securities
Market and Economic Globalization. Politics and Society, 2, 226–231.
Subject is one of the main categories in any
branch of law. Administrative law is not an exception,
either. Administrative law science rarely addresses to
the issue of changing the contents of social relations
as the subject of administrative law. However, social
changes and transformations require reconsideration
of the current approaches to this issue. State institution
cannot keep out of the process of economic regulation.
Therefore, relations that are being created in this
sphere cannot be regulated by civil law measures only.
Influence of administrative law on economic relations is
growing more and more important, in particular, economic
relations in the sphere of securities. When the
mechanism of administrative law influence on economic
relations is formed, it is necessary to take into account
the factor of globalization of modern economy. These
are the particular issues this article is devoted to.
law studies, subject of administrative law, securities market, economic globalization, issuance securities, state and municipal securities, state management in the sphere of securities, economic relations, shares, bonds.
Main human rights and liberties
Zakupen, A. V. (2013). Place of a Credit Agreement in the System
of Contractual Obligations. Politics and Society, 2, 232–238.
The article discusses main questions of relevancy
of the credit agreement to various categories of
contractual obligations in the Russian Federation. The
author carries out the comparative and legal analysis of
the credit agreement with the loan agreement, and also
applications to the credit agreement of designs of the
contract of accession, publicity and rendering services.
contract, credit, loan, service, public contract, consensual, accession contract, consumer credit.
Main human rights and liberties
Herman, O. K. (2013). Civil Law Nature of Residential Building
Co-Investment Agreements. Politics and Society, 2, 239–243.
This article gives a general overview of Residential
Building Co-Investment Agreements, the latter
being a type of investment agreements based on civil
law. The author of the article also descries particular
rights and obligations under a Residential Building
Co-Investment Agreement and analyzes laws and documents
regulating this sphere as well as judicial practice.
As a result of the study, the author concludes that
Federal Laws on building co-investment have considerably
regulated any issues that may arise in connection
with legal regulation of investment activities in residential
development and promote stable relations between
tenant builders and equity partners.
residential building co-investment agreement; investments; investment activity.