State and civil society
Bunchuk, V. L. (2013). Federalism and Civic Institutions
in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 1326–1334.
Civil society is one of the most controversial categories in political science. The content of this category
is mostly defined by the socio-political environment of a particular period in history. Educational community
still hasn’t formed a general opinion on civil society. However, the term ‘civil society’ is often used by the leading
political figures in many countries and international organizations. Creation of a general definition of civil
society is still a very important task to be solved.
political studies, policy, society, civil society, institution, federalism, state institution, government, conflict, political system.
Family and society
Abelbeysov, V. A. (2013). Review of the Legal Framework of Family Placement
and Up-Bringing of Orphan Children and Children
Deprived of Parental Custody. Politics and Society, 11, 1335–1339.
Placement of children who are left without parental care is regulated by a number of federal laws. The main
laws include Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Family Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law on State
Database of Children Without Parental Custody.
social studies, orphan children, custody, foster care, orphanage, socialization, legislation, family, foster upbringing, social orphanhood, legal regulation.
The dialogue of cultures
Melnikova, A. A. (2013). Globalization Policy and Profound
Cultural Grounds. Politics and Society, 11, 1340–1345.
The purpose of this article is to study one of the aspects of globalization process, i.e. distribution of the English
language, from the point of view of the theory of linguistic relativity pointing out the relation between the language and
mentality of the speaker. The author analyses the relation of the English language to the ‘to have’ group of languages
and relation of the Russian language to the ‘to be’ group of languages as well as particular forms of expression of these
relations in the language as profound cultural attitudes. This can be explained, on one hand, from the point of view of
Fromm’s concept about orientation of human either at acquiring or existence, and from the point of view of globalization
and stereotypes and attitudes behind the globalization process that determine the results (civilization crises fi rst of all),
on the other hand. In conclusion the author recommends to promote philology in education including the system of higher
education as the very fi rst anti-crisis measure.
cultural studies, globalization, mentality, psycholinguistics, English, acquisition, crises, stereotypes, values, Russian.
The heritage of transformation
Zagoruyko, M. V., Aliev, O. G. (2013). First We Create a Coat of Arms and Then a Coat
of Arms Create Us: Forecasting in Heraldry. Politics and Society, 11, 1346–1356.
History of the symbols of the Old Russia, Russian Empire and Russian Federation has common roots and continuity.
However, transformations of the main symbol, two-headed eagle, which had been made since Ivan III till Nicholas II
were forgotten in the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation. Therefore the modern Coat of Arms of Russia has many mistakes
and inaccuracies. Research of such transformations has allowed to discover these mistakes. Now it is necessary to
maintain a system approach to solving this issue because not only the main state symbol has mistakes but so o the symbols
of regions, municipal units, monetary symbols and etc. The Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and heraldry of Russia
need to be reformed and legally fi xed. National heraldic traditions must be restored. The author of the present article makes
an attempt to analyze important tendencies in this sphere and shares his own opinion on the actual status of the present issue.
Heraldry, the symbol of nation, symbols, numismatics, mistakes, Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation, Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire, History of the Coat of Arms, two-headed eagle, symbolism.
Legal history
Zholobova, G. A. (2013). The Law on Some Changes in the Procedure
of Opening a Drugstore in 1912 Within
the Framework of Legal Regulation
of Commercial Pharmaceutical Activities
in Russia at Late XIX –Early XX Centuries. Politics and Society, 11, 1357–1368.
The author of the article raises very important issues of legal regulation of Russian drugstore activities aimed at profi t
earning. Based on analyzed archive documents and regulatory acts of the Russian Empire, the author describes the process of
formation of the mechanism of legal regulation at the end of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. The purpose of that legal
mechanism was, on the one hand, to provide timely pharmaceutical aid to population, and, on the other hand, to protect private
drugstore business from wasting competition. Special attention is paid to the Law of 1912 on Some Changes in the Procedure
of Opening a Drugstore. The author proves the need in accepting this law and analyzes the contents, peculiarities and diffi culties
of the implementation process and outlines the main problems of co-existence of private drugstores and public drugstores.
legal studies, pharmacy monopoly, privileges, formation of corporation without licensing or registration required for their validity, medicine, rate, municipal government authorities, district council, interpretation of laws.
Democracy and political processes
Kovalev, I. G. (2013). Peculiarities and Paradoxes of Britain Democracy. Politics and Society, 11, 1369–1380.
The article is devoted to the origin, main historical phases of development and modern status of the democratic
political regime in Great Britain. The author raises a question about the need in improvement and transformation of
modern democracy and outlines the main problems and challenges for democracy today. Based on the example of Great
Britain, the author analyzes the reasons of expansion or, to the contrary, of reduction of democratic beginnings in the
system of state government during different periods in history. The author in detail describes peculiarities and singularities
of democratic principles and institutions in Great Britain. Special attention is paid to modernization of constitutional
laws and reformation of central government institution of the United Kingdom in order to increase their effi ciency and
reinforce democratic principles. The author of the article underlines that Britain politicians have a very well weighed and
pragmatic approach to functioning of the main branches of government which allows a certain digression from acknowledged
democratic standards. Methods of the present research are chosen taking into account the interdisciplinary nature
of research which suggests to use methods and approaches associated with history, politics, law, economics and social
studies. However, the priority is given to the principle of historicism which means scientifi c interpretation of phenomena,
items or events from the point of view of particular historical environment. The other basic principle of the present research
is the principle f scientifi c objectivity. This principle means the rejection of any stereotypes regarding the subject
of research and no limitation of the subject of research by previously set ideological doctrines.
democracy, Great Britain, constitutional reforms, new members of the labor party, coalition government, modernization, election system, government, referendum, devolution.
International policy
Kovalev, N. A. (2013). Political Architectonics of the System
of International Relations: the Phenomenon
of Polarity in the Modern World. Politics and Society, 11, 1381–1388.
The author of the article analyzes some tendencies of development of the System of International Relations
(SIR) during post-polarity epoch. The author empathizes dynamism and contradictory nature of transformation
processes in the modern world order, the growth of crisis developments in the global policy and the ‘roughness’
of modern international relations. The author states the fact that geopolitical schemes of SIR polarity still do
not lose their importance. The author offers a defi nition of the term ‘polarity’ and provides a classifi cation of traditional
and new types of SIR polarity developed in modern political sciences (unipolarity, bipolarity, polypolarity,
polarityness). The author reveals the main peculiarities of each type of polarity and describes possible development
of international relations in the XXI century. It has been concluded that unipolar SIR will be impossible in the
future due to growing complexity and diversity of the world view. Formation of bipolar SIR as represented by the
USA and another actor of international relations is still under the question because there is no actor which potentials
would compare to the USA. It is too early for a polar-free SIR which assumes the extreme point of decentralization
of power and government at the XXI century because a changing multipolar world has a particular hierarchy,
leaders, standards of the system functioning and a whole variety of all kinds of communication formats aimed
at keeping the balance and stability of the SIR.
The system of international relations, polarity, unipolarity, bipolarity, multipolarity, polycentricity, polarityness, geopolitics, balance of forces, globalization.
International policy
Kireeva, N. V. (2013). The Concept of Integrity in the System Theory
of International Integration. Politics and Society, 11, 1389–1397.
The author continues to view international integration as a system phenomenon. The functional approach to researching
elements and components of integration as well as combination of the results of different decompositions create
the image of the structure. Particular function of the element or component is represented as the interrelation which
defi nes the order of inclusion of the part into the whole. In social environment the role of such relations is usually performed
by social interests. Social interests have a complex structure and oriented from a subject to a subject. Social interests
are presented as the internal sources of activity performed by international integration actors acting at all levels
and in all spheres of social activity. If we use this approach, we can understand that governments are not the only actors
of international integration and international treaties and agreements about creating the zones of free trade, customs
unions, common economic areas are not the only forms of international integration. Examples from modern economic
and political experience present individuals, enterprises, trans-national corporations, regions, states and inter-state units
as integration actors.
International integration, actors of international integration, needs, social interests, regional international units, customs union, European integration, Eurasian integration, interstate units, integration.
Demetradze, M.R. (2013). Socialization as the Method of the Individual
Self-Actualization and Growth of Human Factor
in Russia and Post-Soviet Territory. Politics and Society, 11, 1398–1409.
The article is devoted to overcoming the traditional conservative culture represented by the members
of the Russian society. The author of the article lists particular methods of overcoming it such as mechanisms
of socialization, self-actualization and growth of social motivation and acquiring a skill of articulation of social
requests. The author describes the socialization conception as a strategic element of modern socio-cultural
policy. The author also analyzes modern values and beliefs increasing the role and status of human being
as well as the principles of ‘constitutionalization’ of human resources. The author underlines that the central
zone of socio-cultural values has its own peculiarities in each society and therefore it is important to keep that
in mind when implementing a particular model of socialization.
Socialization, socio-cultural status of a citizen, human resources, everyday life, self-actualization, living standards, quality of life, life world, modern social standards.