Morality and politics
Deytseva, N. A. (2013). Some Regulatory Issues about Offi cial Behavior. Politics and Society, 10, 1192–1199.
The author of the present article views state service in terms of ongoing administrative reform in our
country, the author analyzes existing approaches to contents of basic regional laws on state civil service. Special
attention is paid at the issue concerning professional competence and training of civil servants. The author
lists the main principles of official behavior of a civil servant and touches upon formation and performance of
commission for compliance with requirements to official behavior and for management of conflicts of interests.
legal studies, state service, reform, conflict, requirements, Code, competence, committee, professional competence, corruption.
Morality and politics
Sorokina, T. M. (2013). Paris of Baron Haussmann: the Capital
On the Way From the City of Culture to the City
of Civilization in the Mirror of Literature and Art. Politics and Society, 10, 1200–1212.
The author of the article studies how radical transformation of one f the oldest cities in Europe and the capital
of France, Paris, made by Baron Haussmann in the 1850’s – 1900’s, was refl ected in literature at XIX century (based
on the example of Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Viktor Hugo and Charles Baudelaire). The main idea of transformations
was to turn the city as the centre of traditional culture into a progressive center of industrialized civilization.
The purpose of the preset article is to trace back the connection between architectural replanning of the city and creation
of new rules of a civilized social life as well as to study response to such transformations in art, particularly,
in literature. Osman’s Paris was an example of total city replanning that was famous during the industrial age. Even
though Osman destroyed many historical monuments and completely changed the atmosphere of Paris, today it is no
doubt that he had a positive impact on the development of the city. Osman’s reforms led to creation of cultural dialectics
that solved the confl ict between the new and the old. The initial rejection of transformations was replaced by the
two tendencies: fi rstly, the old was valued again and the past was tried to be preserved and secondly, the new became
part of everyday life, art and culture of that epoch.
Paris, Baron Haussmann, Napoleon III, architectural replanning of Paris, Charles Baudelaire, café-chantant, Guy de Maupassant, the Eiffel Tower, Moulin Rouge, mass culture.
State and civil society
Nanoskin, V. V. (2013). Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
to Studying the System of Education
in Modern Society. Politics and Society, 10, 1213–1220.
The article is devoted to the main approaches to studying the system of education in modern science. The
author analyzes advantages and disadvantages of these approaches and defines special and integral methods of
studying the system of education. In the Russian Federation the system of education traditionally means a combination
of successive educational programs of different levels and orientations with federal state educational standards
and federal state requirements on one hand and a network of educational institutions and research organizations
on the other hand. This is a many-level, branched and quite dynamic network of formal establishments
and informal communities that have long established, steady and many-level economic, social, political, psychological
and cultural relations with one another and the outside environment. This is a very important system for
human and society in general which allows to define the system of education as one of the spheres of social life.
society, politics, education, Russia, system, state, interests, values, security, development.
State and civil society
Bunchuk, V. L. (2013). Federalism and Regional Development
of Russia in the Strategy 2020. Politics and Society, 10, 1221–1223.
The list of effective federal documents covering regional aspects of the strategic development includes
the most recent Concept of Long-Term Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation 2020. One section
of this Concept is devoted to regional development. The section outlines long-term purposes and goals of
the territorial development and defines the most important parameters of spatial development of the Russian
economy and the system of public administration.
political studies, Strategy 2020, federalism, regionalism, regional policy, society, state institution, economics, regions, Russia.
Humanitarian projects
Petrova, L. E. (2013). Humanitarian Expertise of a Patient:
Reality of a Theoretical Construct. Politics and Society, 10, 1224–1230.
Humanitarian expertise of a patient is viewed from the point of view of effective interaction in the process of medical
aid. Opinion survey of experts (face-to-face and online questionnaire and the secondary analysis of data) showed that
medical workers believe humanitarian expertise of patients to be quite important but not always technologically possible.
Humanitarian expertise of a patient is close to defi ning the scope of his social roles and includes evaluation of values, resources
and potentials of cooperation between a doctor and a patient. The author of the article proves the dominating role
of the patient’s social dimensions in humanitarian expertise compared to creation of a psychological portrait, for instance.
The results of research can be used for planning contents of the educational curriculum at professional medical schools.
social studies, patient, doctor, humanitarian, expertise, competence, professionalism, questionnaire survey, humanization, education.
Public dialogue
Zaytsev, A.V. (2013). Deliberative Democracy in Terms
of Communication Between State Institution
and Civil Society. Politics and Society, 10, 1231–1236.
The article tells us about the difference between the deliberative model of democracy and electoral or liberal
democracies. It is shown that deliberative democracy is rather close to representative democracy and participatory democracy.
The author of the article also analyzes the origin and defi nitions of deliberative democracy. The author himself
describes the deliberative model of democracy as institutionalized communication between the state institution and civil
society. The article describes other views on and concepts of deliberative policy, especially Seyla Benhabib’s political
philosophy who related the deliberative process with the procedure of legitimization of decisions made. At the end of the
article the author talks about a very important role of deliberative democracy for modern Russia.
political studies, communication, discourse, deliberative democracy, state institution, civil society, public policy, legitimacy, government, institutionalization.
The heritage of transformation
Asadullaev, I. K. (2013). New Weapon… Against Asteroid?
Philosophical Principles. Politics and Society, 10, 1237–1240.
Existence and non-existence are correlative and defi nite. There are different worlds which cannot be distinguished
from one another. But if we create a mathematical model of the other world’s ‘nothing’ transferring into our
world’s ‘existence’, we can discover incredible energies. Scientists who study dark matter and energy seek for a word to
name this matter. The idea is somewhere out there and it is very important for space safety of human.
philosophy, existence, non-existence, Aristotle, dark matter and energy, weapon, energy, safety, asteroid, Dirac fi eld, defi nability.
Legal history
Zholobova, G. A. (2013). Problems of Legal Regulation of Private
and Social Interests in the Sphere of Commercial
Pharmaceutical Activities in Russia in 1881–1912. Politics and Society, 10, 1241–1253.
The author of the article raises very important issues of Russian legal regulation of drugstores and their profit
activities. Based on the analysis of archive documents and regulatory acts that had been created since 1881 till 1912
in the Russian Empire, the author of the article describes the formation of legal regulation in this sphere. The purpose of
such legal regulation, on one hand, was the provision of timely pharmaceutical aid to population, and on the other hand,
protection of private drugstore business from wasting competition. The author of the article defi nes particular problems
that arose between private drugstores and social drugstores and cover all stages of legal regulation of drugstore business
back in those times. The author explains why such regulatory acts were needed and what provisions they contained.
legal studies, pharmaceutics, drugstore, legislation, Doctor’s Charter, pills, sale, production, zemstvo (district council), pharmacist.
Legal history
Popova, A. V. (2013). Russia as an Integral Civilization in Writings
of Neo-Liberal Thinkers at Early XX Century. Politics and Society, 10, 1254–1259.
The article is devoted to one of the problems raised in neo-liberal political-legal doctrine of Russia at late XIX
– early XX centuries. The structure of Russian neo-liberalism traditionally has an idealistic and positivistic trends, each
of them has their own opinion of legal consciousness and future mechanism of government. The author of the present article
analyzes views expressed by the followers of Russian neo-liberalism at the turn of XIX – XX centuries on identifi cation
of Russia as a civilization. It has been conclude that Russia was regarded as a special form of civilization that was
based on the combination of Western European and Eastern features.
legal studies, type of civilization, neo-liberalism, slavophiles, Westerners, developmental place, theory of borrowing, political-legal thought, Eurasia, liberalism.
Political aspects
Khannanova, T. R. (2013). Objective Nature of Plant Growing as a Factor
of Formation and Implementation of State
Agricultural Policy. Politics and Society, 10, 1260–1269.
Agricultural policy of the Russian Federation is not so effective in the sphere of plant growing unfortunately. One
of the most important factors that have a negative impact on formation and implementation of state policy in this branch of
agricultural economy is the systematic ignorance of the nature infl uencing each element of the aforesaid policy. The author
of the article proves that nature should be taken into account when forming and implementing agricultural policy. In its turn,
good agricultural policy contributes to effi cient and sustainable agricultural production. Current political solutions and regulatory
acts devoted to agricultural development are not systematic. They are taken into account only when there is an unfavorable
situation in the agricultural sector. These acts and solutions rarely consider the infl uence of natural forces on the
process of plant growing and even more rarely they consider the infl uence of human himself as a natural agricultural worker.
This leads to nihilism and mistrust of agricultural producers towards state agricultural policy.
plant growing, nature, agricultural, state, politics, actor, effi ciency, objective, priority, purpose.
Democracy and political processes
Karpovich, O. G. (2013). New World Order and Confi guration of System
of International Relations in the USA Foreign Policy. Politics and Society, 10, 1270–1275.
The present article is devoted to the USA experts’ and analysts’ opinions on the new world order at the
twenty first century. It is underline that most American experts (both military and civil ones) believe psychological
technologies and management of international conflicts to be the main factor of influencing foreign policies
of nations under the conditions of growing political instability and chaos in international relations. The foreign
policy strategy that is in the process of being prepared in the USA now is aimed at adaptation to the next century
environment and conditions but in fact, it will be mostly determined by threats from the other world. Modern ‘two
regional wars’ strategy should be left for the benefit of a more real vision of the future which includes smaller
conflicts in a greater number of places. In other words, it may create, figuratively speaking, a need to juggle several
balls (arising threats) at once.
international relations, policy, society, USA, world order, diplomacy, interests, values, conflict, democratization.
Political participation
Kremen, T. V. (2013). Historical Sources of Indifference Towards
Politics in Modern Ukrainian Society. Politics and Society, 10, 1276–1285.
The author of the article analyzes the causes of political apathy in the Ukraine and studies consequences of the
government confrontation and passive adaptation of population to the situation in the Ukraine. The author also describes
the levels of trust towards social institutions and views the sources of political minus-mobilization of the Ukrainian society.
It is shown that a peculiarity of the political process in the Ukraine is a group inexpressiveness of positions, interests
and views, diffused group beliefs and advantages of the mainstream population. Results of opinion surveys show that
there is a tendency in the Ukrainian society towards reduction of the number of citizens who feel involved in the social
and political life in the country. The author of the article also underlines polarization of public opinions between regions
which is made even more complicated because there is no consensus on the matter in different social groups. The author
also stresses out a need in modernization and democratization of political institutions. This is caused not by social perceptions
of freedom, rights and justice but by the reasonable need in supporting the government. It is also demonstrated
that constant minus-mobilization of the Ukrainian society provides for legitimacy of the political regime in the Ukraine.
indifference towards politics, political apathy (indifference), inactivity, political nihilism, minus-mobilization, Ukrainian people, Ukraine, political regime (government), social institutions, regional polarization.
Sergeeva, S. L. (2013). Peculiarities of National Political Culture:
Socio-Cultural Features and Prospects of Development
Under the Conditions of Modern Russian Reality. Politics and Society, 10, 1286–1301.
Considering conceptualization of political culture, the author of the article performs extrapolation of that phenomenon
into practice and provides her own analysis of peculiarities of the national political culture, socio-cultural peculiarities
and prospects of development. The author also describes particular culture-historical types and views them from the
point of view of Today’s Russian values. The author underlines the unique socio-cultural code of Russian people and analyzes
destructive infl uence of democratic concept. According to the author, Western countries have been developing their democratic
views for quite a long time and their democratic concept has very different logics and another development vector
which contradicts to Russian socio-cultural expectations. Implementation of democracy principles without taking into account
Russian history, traditions and peculiarities of political culture and political consciousness of the Russian society may
lead to the drop in the level of political legitimacy of modern Russian government. The author underlines the nee in convergence
of democratic and traditional values and main orientation at traditional socio-cultural Russian model with dominating
patriarchal and the governed relations and values and with the national demand for etatistic-paternalistc but not market
political culture. Etatistic-paternalistic order successfully combines diverse national traditions and ethics.
political culture, socio-cultural Russian code, etatistic-paternalistic order, culture-historical types, thinking irrationality, legitimacy of government, patriarchal type, socio-cultural expectations, public policy.
Political power
Volkov, M. S. (2013). Ruling Elite of Spain During the Years
of Democracy Consolidation. Politics and Society, 10, 1302–1313.
The article is devoted to studying social characteristics of Spain ruling elite at late 1970’s – 1990’s when the
Spain socialistic workers’ party was governing. Spanish researchers describe those times as the period of democracy
consolidation. Based on massive biography data, the author analyzes members of Spanish ruling elite according to the
main social characteristics such as place of birth, age, education and career. The author of the article makes an attempt
to defi ne how radical social and political transformations were after the failure of Francisco Franco’s government and
how it infl uenced the process of renewal of the ruling elite of Spain. The author of the article also views the policy undertaken
by socialists in relation to state government and army leadership of the country. The author also describes the role
of the new ruling elite, their competence and effi ciency.
elite, Spain, social characteristics, democracy, socialists, Cortes, ministers, state government, general offi - cers, Integrated Standby Instrument Systems.
Political elites
Maksimov, A. A. (2013). Imitation as a Way to Increase Organization’s
Competitive Ability. Politics and Society, 10, 1314–1319.
The article is devoted to a company’s imitation strategy as an alternative to innovative development. The
author of the article defi nes peculiarities and methods forming the basis of imitation strategy. Companies functioning
in one fi eld tend to become homogenous which is explained by the author from the point of view of institutional
isomorphism. According to the author, this is why we can see similar features in different companies acting on the
same market. Homogenization however is not a spontaneous process but a rather deliberate strategic step towards
improving company’s performance. For example, through imitating more successful companies and particular elements
of their organizational structures, processes and products many companies that are world-famous now have
achieved their leading positions on the market. Global experience shows proves the imitation strategy to be no less
or sometimes even more effective than the strategy of innovation-based development. As the topic of research imitation
and mimesis have been growing more important lately.
imitation, mimesis, isomorphism, mimetic isomorphism, innovation strategy, homogenization, company’s fi eld, imitators, innovators, company’s development.