State and civil society
Shelomentsev, V. N. (2013). Formation of Civil Society Legislation
in Russia and Abroad During XVIII-XIX Centuries. Politics and Society, 1, 4–16.
The author of the article analyzes evolution
of regulatory and legal environment for building a civil
society and traces back theoretical, legal and historical
grounds and development trends. The author also describes
the legal stages of formation of social associations
and organizations closely related to building a civil society
and a law-ruled state. This creates an opportunity for
further development of legal civil relations and formation
of a law-ruled state institution.
legal studies, evolution of regulatory and legal framework, legal and historical grounds, stages of formation of social associations and organizations, building a civil society and a law-governed state, law-governed state, state and society, legal framework, legal stages, regulatory framework.
State and civil society
Iskuzhin, R. K. (2013). Methodological Crisis of Russian
Federalism. Politics and Society, 1, 17–23.
The article describes constitutional, legal and
political transformations in the last few years, sequential
implementation of constitutional ideas in Russian theory
and practice and building a new model of federative relations
even when there is no understanding of the concepts
of ongoing processes and phenomena. It all brings
into focus a need in methodological researches of modern
Russian federalism. The author also considers theoretical
problems of Russian federalism, for instance, combination
of centralization and de-centralization principles. Russian
federalism is viewed as a new national form of democracy
that often fails and is rejected by the majority of administrative
class and society.
legal studies, federation, federalism, centralization, de-centralization, subjectivity, political region, political elite, federative interests, federative processes.
State and civil society
Hallilov, R. R. (2013). Encouragement as the Form of Positive
Stimulation in Criminal Law. Politics and Society, 1, 24–27.
the present stage of development of the criminal
legislation bears in itself idea of liberalization and stimulation
(motivation) of positive behavior with a view of application of norms of encouragement. Encouragement
assumes creation of the certain conditions regulating the
relations in which frameworks there is a requirement for
positive behavior.
encouragement, stimulus, motivation, a positive law, criminal, behavior, compulsion, the state, strongwilled character.
National security
Lagno, E. S. (2013). Particular Issues of Restricting Ownership
Rights When Implementing Standards and Regulations in
the Sphere of Safe Nuclear Energy Use. Politics and Society, 1, 28–36.
The purpose of this article is to describe peculiarities
of legal regulation in the sphere of restrictions imposed
on nuclear energy use. The subject of the research is the
current legal regulations in the sphere of nuclear energy
use, radiation security and particular standards related to
turnover of civil rights objects. Based on the results, the author
of the article concludes that a special legal status of
nuclear energy use places certain restrictions on exercising
of property rights compared to usual civil turnover. Restrictions
of the right to perform economic activities in the
territory of nuclear energy facilities are applied in order to
defend life and health of citizens, to enforce the right to safe
environment, to provide physical protection of a nuclear
facility and to ensure national defense and state security.
Changes in current legislation must reflect the policy in the
sphere of radiation security, help to overcome contradictions
in legal regulation both at general and special levels,
eliminate gaps in interpreting legal regulations of relations
in the sphere of nuclear energy use and radioactive waste
management. The author of the article also discusses problematic
issues related to a serious conflict of law arising
when special provisions of legal regulation in the sphere of
nuclear energy use are used together with the provisions of
civil laws regulating property relations. Sometimes judicial
and administrative decisions are even used for illegal takeover
of strategic enterprises and manipulation of the ownership
right for questioning th legality of enterprise activities.
Special attention is paid at peculiarities of treatment of
nuclear energy facilities.
legal studies, law, ownership, turnover, seizure, limitation, atom, energy, use.
The nationality issue
Gritsenko, N. P. (2013). Regional Political Elites and Identity
Problems from the Point of View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts in the South of Russia. Politics and Society, 1, 37–41.
The article is devoted to the role of regional political
elites in formation of population identity in the Russian
Federation constituents. It is noted that a problematic,
negative identity makes the political conflicts even
worse. The author shows that there is a certain need in
forming a unified civil identity as an important condition
for regulating ethnopolitical conflicts and modernization
of regions in the South of Russia.
regional political elites, identity, ethnopoligical conflicts, south of Russia.
People and work
Tsarkov, I. I. (2013). ‘Right for Property’ and Ancient Civilization
Labor (From the History of Political and Legal Teachings). Politics and Society, 1, 42–56.
The article studies attitudes of ancient civilization
population towards the institution of property, labor, richness
and the role of the state institution in this process. The author
analyzes analyzes original works which authors underlines
a specific nature of labor in ancient civilizations which can
be called the ‘extractive’ type of labor and studies associated
conditions for obtaining and distribution of wealth. The
author of the article also pays attention at the fact that the
production type of labor does not create any dependency of
wealth on one’s own skills and physical resources. This creates
a need in active involvement of the state institution into
control of property and distribution of wealth as well as direct
participation of the state institution in organization of labor
process. Extractive type of labor creates a special dependency
between political power and property institutions, the latter
is being governed by the former.
studies of law, property, ownership, labor, richness, exchange, law, state, power, coincidence, necessity.
Social studies and monitoring
Gryaznova, E. V. (2013). ‘Fragile’ State: Definition Criteria. Politics and Society, 1, 57–65.
The author of this article analyzes the existing definitions
and criteria of the ‘fragile’ state. The author also provides
examples of defining such a state based on the described criteria.
The purpose of the article is to show that there is a certain
opportunity to develop particular methods for defining a fragile
state. Based on the example of Russia, the author shows how
some of such methods can be used. The article contains graphs
and tables and provides references to statistic databases.
philosophy, fragile, state institution, conflict, government, power, criminal, corruption, security, refusal.
Social studies and monitoring
Koren, R. V. (2013). Triune Passionarity-Ethical Structure of Society
as a Subject of Social Studies and Social Philosophy. Politics and Society, 1, 66–75.
The author of the article shows that social studies
and therefore social philosophy are the datives of Western
European Christian civilization and this is why have
such features as rationalism, sociocentricism and a class
structure of a society. Many speakers at the Third Russian
Philosophical Congress held in 2002 talked about the
drawbacks of sociocentricism and mental manipulation
and appealed to ethnocentricism. Based on Lev Gumilev’s
theory of ethnogenesis the author describes the triune
passionarity-ethical structure which, based on the author,
must become the unified subject of social studies and social
philosophy. Some of the issues studied by social studies
must be transferred into fundamental cultural studies.
social studies, social philosophy, social reality, passionarity-ethical structure of society, sociocentrism, mental manipulation, ethnocentricism, passionarity energy, subject, sphere of competence, cultural studies.
Social studies and monitoring
Sobolev, A. E. (2013). Methodological Approaches to Definition
of the Middle Class Criteria. Politics and Society, 1, 76–80.
The author of the article describes the main theoretical
and methodological approaches to defining the middle
class criteria. The author conducts a comparative analysis
of approaches to the definition of middle class practiced
in different countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia,
Western and Eastern Europe and USA. The author defines
the general and specific features in all approaches and
stresses out the determination criteria of a middle class.
social studies, middle class, stratification theory, social stratification, comparative analysis, social differentiation, stratification criteria, theoretical approaches, methodological approaches.
Public dialogue
Polyushkevich, O. A., Antonova, L. L. (2013). Intelligentsia in
Russia: Conditions of Transformation. Politics and Society, 1, 81–89.
The article describes the interpretation of intelligentsia
in Russia and abroad and shows forms and conditions
of transformation of intelligentsia in a modern society.
The role of intelligentsia is described from the point of view
of socio-cultural changes and evolution of socio-historical
forms of social development. The general condition of all
social transformations is human as a creator. In its turn,
intelligentsia is a concentrated group of people who directly
influence the development of culture, history and society in
general. This is why humanism is the main point in interpretation,
development and transformation of intelligentsia as a socio-cultural phenomena. As a result of the study, the
author shares his views of transformation of socio-cultural
values in modern Russia. According to the author, these
transformations caused changes in the role, status, place,
conditions and forms of development of intelligentsia nowadays.
The results of the study create the basis for social forecasts
of consolidation and disintegration social processes
and define the areas of problems and social tension.
philosophy, intelligentsia, culture, society, transformation, spirit, strategy, socio-cultural prerequisites, development, history.
Conflict and consensus
Grigoryan, I. V. (2013). Policies of Turkey Towards Post-Soviet
States in the South Caucasus (1991 – 2008). Politics and Society, 1, 90–96.
The artile contains the results of the author’s analysis
of external policy of Turkey in the South Caucasia from
1991 till 2008 – towards Armenia, Azerbadjan and Gerogia,
the states that were formed as a result of the USSR collapse
but are still under the political influene of Russia. It is
noted that after the USSR collapse Turkey began an ative
external policy in the South Caucasia and tried to involve
young states under its influence and weaken Russia’s positions.
Today Turkey views South Caucasia as the sphere of
its national interests which contradicts to Russia’s interests.
political studies, policies, South Cacuasia, Turkey, external (foreign) policy, internatinal relations, conflict, Russia, regional security, geopolitics.
The heritage of transformation
Tarasenko, V. G. (2013). Eurasian Integration as a Phenomenon. Politics and Society, 1, 97–102.
The article investigates different approaches to the
problem of civilization development from the standpoint of
the national and western philosophy. The author descries the
role of values in considering Russian-Eurasian and western
mentality from the point of view of ever growing integration.
There are still doubts whether the main ideas of the new European
philosophy ruined Catholicism or reformed it. But it is
for sure that these ideas created the basis for the global material
civilization that was based on achievements of science
and resulted from the process of unification of world cultures.
As for our country, due to its vast territory the statehood was
of decisive importance having undermined the church authority.
Russia followed the same pattern as in Western Europe
that included innovation in the spheres of economics,
social and political administration and culture.
approach to the problem of the civilization development, sociocultural synthesis of Russia, modernization of Russia, comparative approach.
Legal history
Markin, V. Yu. (2013). To the Question of the Formational Order
and Features of Personnel Structure of Judicial Reformers
after Judicial Reform of 1922. Politics and Society, 1, 103–107.
The article is devoted to the bodies of compulsory
execution of judgments as one of the most important links
of state mechanism, passed a long way of formation and
development. One of the significant moments of the Russian
history, in particular, on institute of judicial execution,
judicial reform of 1922 by which the uniform system
of bodies of judicial execution with essentially new organizational
beginnings of their activity was actually founded
was cardinally affected. It was reflected and in process of
formation of personnel structure of judicial performers,
and on development to a state policy concerning the last.
However this moment didn’t receive due recognition in domestic
jurisprudence in this connection, there was a need
of carrying out the corresponding research for the purpose
of creation of the fullest and authentic historical and legal
picture of those years regarding the organization and activity
of domestic judicial executive bodies.
judicial performer, provincial court, national court, representative of provincial court, district bureau of justice, district executive committee.
Legal history
Kodan, S. V. (2013). Systematization of Local Laws in Baltic
Provinces of the Russian Empire (1720-1860). Politics and Society, 1, 108–120.
The article is devoted to the role and place of local
sources of Baltic laws in legal policy and development
of legal regulation in this particular region. The author
describes the process of defining principles of relations between
Russian supreme power and legalization of particular
legal orders in Baltic region. The author also analyzes
the attempts of codification committees to systematize the
sources of particular Baltic law in 1720-1820. Special attention
is paid at the course of creation of the Code of
Local Laws of Baltic Provinces – the first and the only act
of systematization of particular legal grounds in national
regions of the Russian empire. The first two parts of the
Code were passed in 1845 and the third part came into
force in 1864. The author also describes the sources, principles
and rules of their creation, legal nature, procedures
for these laws being viewed and approved by the emperor
as well as final implementation of the Code of Local Laws
of Baltic Provinces.
legal studies, history of state and Russian law, Russian empire, Russian legal state, sources of law, system of law, legislation system, local laws, Code of Local Laws of Baltic Provinces.