Morality and politics
Konstantinov, M. S. (2013). The Burden of Virtue:
Moral Concepts of Communitarianism. Politics and Society, 12, 1416–1422.
The author of the article analyzes the key concepts and associate moral frames of the political philosophy of
communitarianism from the point of view of the integrative cognitive approach. The author appeals to publications by
such communitarians as Michael Sandel, Alasdair Macintyre, Charles Tylor and Michael Walzer in order to reveal the
conceptual frame-based structures of their moral argumentation. Theintegrativecognitiveapproachinvolvesacomprehensive
study of interdependence of political morals and ideology. Such a study is performed based on the combination of
methods from activity and conceptual approaches as well as the frame analysis. Specific feature of this approach is the
study of the means of moral motivation and the logic of purposes of political actions that are engaged in cognitive and
axiological structures (‘basic concepts’ or ‘moral frames’) of political ideologies. Among the main concepts of communitarianism
the author of the article underlines the concepts of ‘community’, ‘welfare’ and ‘virtue’. These concepts are associated
with the frames of civic consciousness, responsibility for actions performed by the community, commitment and
etc. The results of this research can be of interest to a wide range of both Russian and foreign researchers who conduct
studies in the spheres of political theory, political ethics, moral and political philosophies.
morals, politics, ideology, political philosophy, frame, concept, liberalism, communitarianism, justice, virtue.
State and civil society
Popova, A. D. (2013). Evolution of Public Consciousness
as a Factor of Formation of a Civil Society. Politics and Society, 12, 1423–1428.
The author of the article analyzes the formation of civil consciousness in Russia. The process of development
of a civil society is characterized by the development of market economy, legal state, democracy, high living standards,
protection of rights and freedoms and the state of public consciousness. In a civil society not only the state protects the
citizens’ rights and freedoms and considers their opinion in the decision-making process but also citizens respect one
another’s rights and take an active part in the civil process, elections and execution of justice. Theauthorofthearticleusesstatistical
information, results of sociological surveys and historical facts that help to define peculiarities of the legal
and political culture of Russians. Intheauthor’sopinion, developmentofcivilconsciousnessis an important factor of formation
of a civil society in Russia. The author underlines that Russians usually mistrust the government and disrespect the
importance of rights and freedoms of other people. They also tend to use enforcement measures when solving their problems.
Russians take an active part in different social practices where the government is not involved and they are rather
passive in situations when they have to interact with the government.
civil consciousness, mentality, democracy, civil society, civil activity, legal culture, political culture, rights and freedoms, legal state, civic action.
National security
Menshina, N. N., Antropova, Yu. Yu., Korobeinikova, A. P. (2013). Corruption in Modern Russia: Public Opinion
Surveys at Megapolises
(The Case of Ekaterinburg and Vladivostok). Politics and Society, 12, 1429–1438.
The subject matter of the author’s research is the definition and the main forms of corruption in the Russian Federation.
The target of the research is to study public opinion on corruption and their correlation with the particular urban
environment. The authors of the article have conducted a comparative analysis of a number of opinion surveys including
the surveys carried out in Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg from 2004 to 2013. Special attention is paid to the problem of
trust and mistrust of citizens towards the government when they deal with corruption, gender attitudes to corruption, thelevel
of tolerance towards corruption demonstrated by future experts in the sphere of state and municipal administration.
The authors use the following methods to study the aforesaid problem: sociological method (including surveys and interviews),
standard and comparative methods. By using such system methodology, the authors have managed to define and
describe forms of corruption represented in public opinions of Russian citizens living in Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg.
The following causes of weakened social order in terms of corruption have been defined by respondents in all aforesaid
public surveys: 1. Weakmachineryofgovernmentanditsgradualdestruction. 2. Legal ‘romanticism’ of modern law-makers
and state officials fighting with corruption. 3. Demolition of personal retrains related to the level of public consciousness
and destruction of traditions and morals. 4. Disintegration of the system of state control as a result of corruption. 5. HiddenlevelofcorruptioninYekaterinburgcompared
to Vladivostok due to professionalization of urban area in a highly developed
industrial region of Russia.
corruption, power, public opinion, anti-corruption policy, political process, anti-corruption enforcement, national security, national culture, threats, risks.
The dialogue of cultures
Shipovskaya, L. P., Gemonov, A. V. (2013). Philosophical Interpretation of Heraldic Symbols
in Pre-Mongolian Russia. Politics and Society, 12, 1439–1451.
The article represents an attempt to carry out philosophical analysis of heraldic symbols in ancient Russia before
the Mongol Yoke. The authors of the article underline that a very efficient method of philosophical analysis in this
sphere is the semiotic approach that allows to revealthe symbolic grounds of culture and human behavior in a society.
The authors also touch upon the social-phenomenological approach and Jungian psychoanalytical conception as rather
heuristic methods for philosophical discourse of heraldic symbols in pre-Mongolian Russia. The subject of philosophical
analysis is the symbols of trident andbident that were shown on prints of ancient Russian knyazhes. Standard semiotic
analysis which involves determination of the signifier, the signified and the referent (according to Umberto Eco’s methodological
scheme) is complemented with philosophical and culturological interpretation of ‘three’ – the number that
was represented in different cultural phenomena: Pythagorean numerology, Christian religion, and Hegel’s philosophy.
Apart from that the author makes a hypothesis about analogy between the trident and the symbol of scythe or sickle on
Medieval paintings. Another aspect of analyzing heraldic symbols of pre-Mongolian Russia is the color symbols shown in
these paintings. At the end of the article the authors note that being the phenomenon of ancient Russian culture, heraldic
symbols revealed the world view of our ancestors and their mentality that had an archetype nature.
symbol, heraldic, coat of arms, archetypes, semiotics, trident, mentality, culture, triad, symbolism.
Social studies and monitoring
Trofimova, I. N. (2013). Youth and Social Inequality in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 12, 1452–1457.
The author of the article analyzes the status of Russian youth in terms of social inequality which has become
even worse under the conditions of global financing and economic crisis. The author views the structure of factors contributing
to the development of youth including education, job placement, economic stability and healthy life style and
provides comparative data about the role of youth in some foreign states. Special attention is paid to the problem of regionalization
and localization of social distress as the main factor of ‘poor transit’ limiting opportunities for self-realization
of youth in low-resourceful regional and local communities. By studying statistical data obtained from several international,
Russian and foreign organizations as well as data about human development, the author of the article has
managed to define common patterns and specific features of youth development in regions of the Russian Federation and
abroad. The results of this research show that the structure of factors contributing to the development of Russian youth is
very similar to the same factors in other countries. The main negative factor is the growing social inequality and territorial
disparity between regions. Decrease of the social inequality and territorial disparity among youth must correlate with
the overall targets of social development and be realized through implementation of associated policies and practices.
youth, social inequality, Russian Federation, territorial disparity, unemployment of young people, socio-economic situation, social policy, youth policy, poor transit, social behavior.
The heritage of transformation
Tarasenko, V. G. (2013). Eurasian Civilization in World Politics
and Illusion of the Dominating West. Politics and Society, 12, 1458–1464.
The author of the article describes specific features of Eurasian mentality and provides insight into the crisis of
the Western society. The author shows that in order to integrate into the global civilization process, the Russian society
needs to complete a long period in history and go through transitional periods on its way to the self-determination of social
system. The comparative method of research is widely used in modern civilization studies and allows to define and
compare different variants and levels of social development as well as problems of international cooperation and interdependence.
Nikolai Berdyaev who denied ‘religious ethics’ which is based on the idea of spiritual (religious) salvation,
developed the teaching about ‘salvation’ as the reunion with the Universe through faith in God. He believed that national
religion should be the very first matter a historian should pay attention to. If we viewed the European history without
Christianity or Asian history without Buddhism, we would understand nothing, he said. However, the events in the XX
century and at the beginning of the XXI century developed according to their own civilizational patterns and did not fulfi
ll the expectations of the global community and so did the situation in Russia. Development of Russia throughout the
XX century and up to the present was rather chaotic and discontinuous. Itonly proved the Eurasian distinctive character
which allows today to reconsider the image of our country in terms of the civilization approach to political processes. The author describes the crisis of the Western society and defines the role of religion in the future development of our country.
The author also shows that modernization of Russia should be viewed and established based on the approach considering
specific features of the Eurasian society which would allow Russia to become the part of the global civilization process.
All what is said in this article shows that there is a need in creating new approaches to understanding the Eurasian
(Russian) civilization under the conditions of the crisis of the Western society. The author empathizes that the overall image
of Russia is created based on the geopolitical and socio-cultural synthesis. The author defines the role of religion in
social life and defines the historical processes ongoing in Russia at the end of the XX century.
historical stages, society, Eurasian society, religious, Western society, transitional periods, modernization of Russia, phenomenon, culture and civilization, geopolitical union.
Ursul, A. D. (2013). Global Phenomena and Means of Interaction
Between Nature and Society. Politics and Society, 12, 1465–1478.
The author of the article attempts to create a broader view on global phenomena and global problems first of all
by extending the spatial and time boundaries of their ‘traditional’ analysis. In this regard, the author uses the definition of
means of interaction between nature and society (or ‘mean of socio-natural interaction’) for understanding the nature of
these global processes. Noteworthy that a number of global processes, for example, global displacement of population and
globalization, has deep information– and innovation-based causes. Global problems (or their previous analogues) foresee
and accompany all radical transformations in human history. They arise when there are fundamental contradictions in existence
and evolution of homo sapiens which creates a shift to the mean of socio-natural interaction and therefore changes
the being of the social stage of evolution. Based on examples from the history and the past, the author of the article describes
particular analogues with the modern global situation when particular (mostly socio-cultural) global development processes
create global contradictions and all kinds of universal problems. Solution of the latter generate new global processes.
globalization, global studies, global researches, global displacement of population, global processes, information causality, Neolithic Revolution, interaction between society and nature, evolutionary global studies.
Legal history
Petrenko, D. S. (2013). Some Aspects of Establishment and Legal Confirmation
of the Institution of Marriage in Ancient Rome. Politics and Society, 12, 1479–1487.
The subject of the research is the process of formation of the institution of marriage in Ancient Rome. The author
of the article carries out the analysis of definitive aspects of marriage in Roman social and legal life and studies particular
factors and conditions of marital cohabitation. The author of the article also studies historical and legal aspects
of the relation between the institution of iustum matrimonium (marriage in law) and manus in the Roman law, evolution
of the role of woman in the system of marital relations, the significance of the institution of dowry (dos) for development
of the system of marriage and family relations in ancient Rome and the development of procedures of formalization of legal
marriage in ancient Rome. In his research the author uses the dialectic-materialistic philosophical method, general
scientific methods (system, deductive and inductive analysis and synthesis, comparative and historical analysis). The author
also uses special law methods (formal logical (dogmatic), comparative and historical law methods). Scientific novelty
is the proof of the difference between legal constructions of manus and marriage based on new facts and data. Manus
and marriage were two different phenomena of the Roman law. They appeared at different times and were aimed at
solution of different social tasks. In this regard, the author of the article proves the thesis about manus being a complicated
social construct of unlimited domination of a man over a woman for the purpose of economic benefits and exploitation
of woman’s physical and childbearing features but not a special form of cohabitation of man and woman and historical
prerequisite of a legal marriage.
Roman marriage, confarreatio, dowry, iustum matrimonium, manus, cum manu, sine manu, conventio in manum, usus.
Political aspects
Khannanova, T. R. (2013). Objectivation of the Subjective
in State Agrarian Policy. Politics and Society, 12, 1488–1498.
Today we are facing the need in increasing the efficiency of state agrarian policy. Solution of this task requires
objectivation of the subjective in state agrarian policy, i.e. reduction of objective legal decisions into nature-based actions
of all actors in agropolitical relations. Practical examples of establishment and implementation of state decisions in
the agrarian sphere demonstrate that there are certain grounds for raising the question about objectivation of the subjective
in activities by political actors. Subjectivism of Russia’s state agrarian policy has a negative impact on agriculture.
It leads to actual economic losses and negative social consequences and it is the cause of ungrounded decisions to give
state support to agrarian branches of manufacture which promotes economic dependency and immobilize healthy economic
management. The tendency towards the loss of natural independence of agrarian manufacture must be overcome
and eliminated and the state policy must be aimed at returning the political prestige and efficient usage of underestimated
natural resources of agriculture. The article is based on general philosophical methods of research as well as the system
approach to complicated natural and social phenomena. The scientific novelty of this research is the following: 1. The
question about objectivation of the subjective in the agrarian policy has been raised for the first time in political studies.
2. The researcher offers her own approach to solution of the aforesaid problem. 3. The author also offers a mechanism of
reduction of subjective legal decisions into nature-based actions of all participants in agropolitical relations.
state institution, politics, agrarian, economics, manufacture, nature, reduction, objectivation, subjective, science.
Ideology and politics
Nikolaev, I. V. (2013). Verbal Symbols in the Structure
of Political Ideology. Politics and Society, 12, 1499–1504.
Political ideologies that are usually aimed at reaching the highest level of electoral support have lost the
uniqueness of their concepts of the ideal political future. The modern ideological concepts have no clear definitions
and simply create the discursive background for political actions. Clear definitions are replaced with terms with an average
life span that are aimed at performance of mobilizing and integrating functions under the conditions of changing
political environment. The author of the article assumes that domination of such ‘verbal symbols’ lead to final degradation
of ideology as a stable system of world views and simplify it to a set of technological tools for maintaining
status quo or implementation of particular projects. The purpose of this research is to develop a theoretical model for
analyzing verbal political symbols which could be used in Russian political environment. Analysis of verbal political
symbols is based on the post-Marxian theory of discourse as introduced by Laclau and Chantal Mouffe as well as the
idea about Laswell’s ‘key symbols’. The research is aimed at attracting attention of Russian political analysts to the
theory of ‘verbal political symbols’ developed by American researchers. Being initially an ‘empty sign’, verbal symbol
acquires a meaning depending on the needs of the political environmentand therefore it is instable and constantly
changing. Ideology that is based on verbal symbols does not have a steady content and serves as a communication mobilizing
technology. Thetheoreticalmodel offered by the author of the article can be used in analysis of modern political
ideologies, election programs, discourse of political leaders and etc.
ideology, symbolization, verbal, political, symbol, environment, post-Marxian theory of discourse, empty signs, motto, stability, unity, Putin.
International policy
Kireeva, N. V. (2013). Functional Relations Between Components
of the Integrity and Definition of Parties
of International Integration Processes. Politics and Society, 12, 1505–1517.
The author of the article tries to withdraw from traditional research of particular aspects of international
integration and study international integration as a system phenomenon. Establishment of a regional integrated
union is presented as a process of formation of trans-national political and economic integrity. The integrity
manifests itself in the opposition of the integration system to the environment, i.e. the global system of
international economic and political relations. This opposition allows the integration system not only to preserve
its qualities but also to purposefully change the external conditions. Participants of regional integrated unions
consolidate, try to realize their mutual interests by joints forces, act as a stronger force on the global stage and
get more changes to succeed under the conditions of global competition. As the structure of the integrated union
becomes more complicated, the degree of integrity and immunity to the environmental impact increases, too. The
fact that the integration phenomenon belongs to the category of organic and inorganic systems has an impact on
the degree of integrity, too. In this regard it is important to say that the additivity principle applies to inorganic
systems and the principles of super-additivity and sub-additivity apply to organic systems. Examples from the
present-day practice of international integration prove the author’s theoretical provisions.
international integration, regional integration union, globalization, establishment of the integral, addition principle, global competition, integration union, European integration, Eurasian integration, customs union.
International policy
Boyarkina, O. A. (2013). Interstate Contradictions Associated
with Using Trans-Boundary Water Resources
in the Central Asian Region
and the Role of Russia. Politics and Society, 12, 1518–1527.
The article is devoted to the interstate conflict of interests in Central Asian countries regarding the joint use of transboundary
water resources in the region. The author of the article also evaluates the significance of the region for national interests
and security of the Russian Federation and analyzes participation of the international community as well as the role of international
law in the sphere of joint use of trans-boundary water resources in the region. The subject matter of the research is the
influence of water resources on interstate relations of Central Asian republics. Unsettled disagreements regarding the joint use of
trans-boundary water resources and the growing water deficiency trigger interstate conflicts between countries in the Central Asia.
The author of the article uses factor analysis, system-functional method as well as the interdisciplinary approach to studying international
conflicts arising in the sphere of water management. At the end of the article the author makes a conclusion that the role
and the place of the Central Asian region in Russia’s short-term and long-term foreign policies should be reviewed as a result of
increasing strategic and economic importance of the region. In this regard, the author of the article offers particular recommendations
on regulation of the water conflict in the Central Asian region with the participation of the Russian Federation and for the
purpose of preservation and strengthening geopolitical influence of Russia in the territory of the former Soviet Union.
conflict of interest, trans-boundary water resources, water deficiency, external policy, national security, national interests, contribution to the international development, international water law, international organizations, international relations.
Legal state
Milchakova, O. V. (2013). Constitutional Justice Safeguarding the Rights
and Freedoms of Man and Citizen. Politics and Society, 12, 1528–1536.
The article is devoted to the role of constitutional courts in protecting rights and freedoms of man and citizen in
a legal democratic state which is formed on the basis of a civil society. For this purpose the author appeals to the experience
of the countries in the territory of former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia
and Montenegro) as well as Russia. These countries overcame socialistic totalitarian regime and now their efforts
are aimed at strengthening the principles of democratic and legal state where human, his rights and freedoms are announced
to be the most appreciated value. In her research the author uses the method of comparative analysis combined
with legalistic and historical methods. Based on the example of experience of the Constitutional Court of Slovenia the author
offers the definition of citizen’s ‘legally protected interests’. The article also deals with peculiarities of proceedings
of constitutional complains in countries of the region studied. At the end of the article the author concludes that the constitutional
justice in the countries established in the territory of former Yugoslavia is a serious and important guarantee
for protecting rights and freedoms of man and citizen in comparison with Russia.
constitutional justice, rights and freedoms, countries of former Yugoslavia, Actiopopularis, people’s complaint, Quasiactiopopularis, legally protected interest, constitutional complaint, constitutional review, constitutional court.
Religion and politics
Tarasevich, I. A., Zenkovsky, A. V. (2013). Problems of Countering Religious Extremism
in Terms of Ensuring Religious Security:
Comparative Law Analysis of Legislation
in Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Politics and Society, 12, 1537–1543.
The author of the article assumes that the problem of religious extremism is especially important for the two
countries today – strategic partners of the Customs and Eurasian Union, Russia and Kazakhstan. In this regard, the emphasis
is made on constant monitoring and improvement of the legal base of countering religious extremism in the above
mentioned countries. The authors of the article carry out a brief comparative law analysis of the legislation on enforcing
security in Russia and Kazakhstan. In particular, they analyze laws setting forth the definition of religious extremism both
in Russian and Kazakhstan legal systems. The authors also evaluate the strong and weak points of associated legislations
in these two countries. They pay special attention to the fact that it is necessary to provide a more distinct definition of ‘incitement
of religious hatred, intolerance and hostility’ which would allow to distinguish between these illegal actions and
proper missionary and apologetic activities. The authors of the article also pay our attention to the problem of proselytism
and offer their own definition of this activity as well as prove that proselytism should be regarded as extremism and
legally punished. It is especially stressed out by the authors of the article that guarantees for religious security should be
one of the key tasks for Kazakhstan and Russia. This is the very sphere where both countries should establish legal regulation
standards as soon as possible. Based on the authors of the article, there is a significant potential to improve the current
legislation in these two countries because their legal systems and national mentality are rather close to one another.
religious extremism, religious security, Customs Union, religious intolerance, legal studies, proselytism, extremist activity, Russia, Kazakhstan.