Morality and politics
Polyushkevich, O. A., Stepanenko, A. S. (2012). Transformation
of Russian Values: Heroes and Average Men
. Politics and Society, 9, 4–13.
The article is devoted to the role of societal
symbols threading through the entire society and uniting
it as one symbolic structure. Social values play a special
role in societal space of the country. The article contains an
analysis of the research of focus groups. The results of this
research illustrate transformation of values lying at the root
of the Russian society. Transformation of symbolic images
of heroes and average men in Russian social conscience is
studied as an example (based on fairy tale and real images
in history and literature). Images of heroes and anti-heroes
are analyzed from the point of view of affective (emotional),
cognitive (perceptive) and motivational elements of the
Russian social conscience. The author also compares
and analyzes societal images of heroes and anti-heroes
in different generations and evidently shows how changes
in socio-political, cultural and economic environment
inß uenced the transformation of the images of hero and
average man. The results of this research can be used by the
state authorities, social services, scientific and educational
establishments in our country.
philosophy, heroes, anti-heroes, values, politics, society, symbols, transformation, generations.
Morality and politics
Stanchik, S. S. (2012). Stanchik, S. S. Role and Place of the Masses in 'Color Revolutions'. Politics and Society, 9, 14–20.
Color revolutions on the post-Soviet territory were
successful due to the fact that the revolutionary opposition
used masses to cast down the government. The purpose
of this particular article is to show how public masses
can become a weapon in revolutionists hands. So called
non-violent revolutions that happened in the republics of
the former USSR resemble the Velvet revolutions in 1989.
In particular, the communistic regime in some countries
of the Eastern Europe was casted down with the help of
numerous political meetings and demonstrations held by
the opposition. There were mostly university and school
students who participated in meetings and demonstrations.
Due to their young age and absence of their own life
experience, they could be easily manipulated. Moreover,
so called youth political organizations also played a huge rule in revolutions. Leaders of Color Revolutions used the
experience of their Velvet colleagues. Revolutionists used
masses not only to cast down the government but also to
legitimize the new government. Usual palace revolution
turned into peoples revolution. Mass media also played
in important role in Color Revolution by deliberately
falsifying information or spreading false but sensational
rumors for the purpose of manipulation of public opinions
and attitudes. Therefore it can be concluded that peoples
masses have also been one of the key instruments causing
revolutions in Georgia, Ukraine and Kirgizia.
political studies, crowd, people, revolution, breakthrough, color, orange, non-violent, manipulation, political meeting.
State and civil society
Aynutdinov, R. F. (2012). Politological Aspects of Modern
Russian Statehood. Politics and Society, 9, 21–30.
The article analyses the politological aspects
of modern Russian statehood. The analysis of theoretical
development of the Russian statehood is given in the
article, statehood definition according to the conditions
which have developed in modern Russia is improved.
The question of a choice of prospects of the Russian
statehood is considered. The concept of symmetric model
of federalism in Russia is offered.
Russian statehood, federalism, stages of federal development, asymmetric of the Russian federalism, modernization of the Russian federalism, symmetric model of federation, political system, party system.
National security
Sipok, R. P. (2012). Interpretation of the Nature of Active Anti-
Criminal Attitudes Among Population in a Modern
State Institution. Politics and Society, 9, 31–40.
The purpose of the article is to discover and study
drivers of anti-criminal attitudes among population. The
topic being analyzed in the present article involves motives
of proper behavior in a social environment as well as ways
of inß uence on citizens’ legal consciousness suing mass
media in order to form anti-criminal attitudes in a social
environment. The results of the research can be used for
further scientific researches in the sphere of studies of law. At the end of the article the author concludes that the issue
of legal culture still remains very topical. The author’s
research demonstrates a quite stable hierarchy of values
involving the human rights. However, as the statistics
show, in a modern world there is a large gap between
importance of socio-economic rights and political rights
for the population. The author of the article also makes a
conclusion that under modern conditions it is practically
impossible to form the anti-criminal attitudes among
population if the mass media workers are not competent
in the field of law since these workers have a significant
inß uence on legal culture in any country.
studies of law, crime, security, protection, society, behavior, legal consciousness, state institution, punishment, inß uence.
Kosovan, E. A. (2012). Ukrainian Community Establishments
in Germany During Inter-War Period: the First Wave
of Emigration (1915-1939). Politics and Society, 9, 41–51.
The article is devoted to the first wave of
emigration of the Ukrainians to Germany. Life features
of a newly born Diaspora are viewed from the point of
view of creation and performance of the most important
Ukrainian establishments and so are they key problems
and achievements influencing the Ukrainian land in
general. The First World War is considered to be one
of the milestone events in the Ukrainian history which
has caused the mass scattering and emigration of the
Ukranians to European and American states.
history, emigration, refugees, war prisoners, hetman, establishments, society, institute, Ukraine, Germany.
People and work
Vivcharuk, K. S. (2012). Peculiarities of Using the Rotating
Scheme of Labor Organization under Modern Conditions
in Russia. Politics and Society, 9, 52–57.
The article reveals peculiarities of using the
rotating labor method during mineral production. The
author describes the main advantages and disadvantages
of the above mentioned method such as: opportunity
of conquering remote districts, high salaries, difficult
physical conditions, remoteness of one’s home and
family and adverse climate conditions. The author
also describes peculiarities of rotation camps which
provide comfortable conditions for life and activity
throughout the working period as well as development
of the transportation system to pick up the workers and take them to work. Recruiting and usage of the federal,
regional and local labor market for searching for
employees still remain one of the topical issues. Physical
and psychological readiness will surely influence on the
climate inside the team which, in its turn, will influence
on social and economic efficiency of their activity.
social studies, labor, rotating scheme, settlement, team, organization, production, activity, development, peculiarities.
Local self-government
Bridnya, A. V. (2012). Conditions and Directions of Reformation
of the System of Local Councils in April of 1990
– September of 1995. Politics and Society, 9, 58–68.
The article is devoted to the determination and
analysis of the tendencies of reformation of the local selfgovernment
authorities at the stage of reformation of
the Soviet system of government in the first half of 1990.
Transitional nature of that stage defined the absence of a
common conceptual model of local government reformation,
restrictions of socio-economic and political conditions
for its creation and development. Declarative character
of legal provisions and lack of concrete mechanisms of
their implementation created various models of local selfgovernment
activity. Within the framework of the process
of searching for an optimal model of self-government
taking into account local traditions and historical and
geographical features, local administration provided the
population with an opportunity to independently form
the local self-government authorities which became the
prototype of the district self-government in Russia.
history, Soviet model of local self-government, Local Councils, local authorities, self-organization of the local community, constitutional model of local selfgovernment, administrative command management system, local economies, territorial public sel-government, Western Siberia.
The heritage of transformation
Evdokimova, L. V. (2012). Evolution of Latin American Model
of Politics of Place. Politics and Society, 9, 69–73.
The article is devoted to the process of formation
of the model of Politics of Place associated with the
development of different integration institutions. Much
attention is paid at the economic and ideological factors as
well as the integration concepts influencing the formation
of the structure of the existing model of Politics of Place
in Latin America. At the end of the article the author
makes a conclusion that the amplification of the structure of communication and economic relations between Latin
America countries creates grounds for formation of the
pluralistic model of Politics of Place which, in its turn,
does not cancel numerous cultural and ideological issues
but requires an analysis of the development of integration
institutions and search for methods of integration based
on a great variety of variables.
political studies, pluralistic Politics of Place, open Politics of Place, integration, Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America, South African Community of Nations, Andean Community, Latin America, model of regionalism.
Legal history
Merzlyakova, A. V. (2012). Boris Chicherin’s Views on the Role
of State Institution in a Social Life of Russia in Pre-
Revolutionary Researches. Politics and Society, 9, 74–89.
Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin (1828—1904) left
a remarkable trace in Russian history of law and politics.
His concept of development of the Russian state institution
was not left unnoticed in Russian academic society. Famous
Russian historians and lawyers such as Kluchevsky,
Soloviev, Belyaev and Korkunov discussed Chicherin’s doctrine from different points of view. Many ideas presented
by the Russian researchers play a significant role in today’s
science and are often used by modern historians.
history, state institution, freedom, liberalism, school (of law), reforms, reaction, theory (organic theory), Slavophiles, Westerners.
Legal history
Kodan, S. V. (2012). Class Stratification of the Society
and Laws on the Status of Russian Supreme Power
Policy (1800 – 1850). Politics and Society, 9, 90–99.
The article is devoted to the role and place of
class stratification of the society in social government
of the Russian empire. The author of the article studies
the political and legal context of the problem, describes
the legal nature of classes and systematizes the relevant
laws as a part of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire.
The author also analyzes the Code of Laws on the Status
published in 1832-1857 for the grounds of legal status of
the main classes.
history of Russian state institution and law, structure of society, organization of government, state regime, classes, status, class legislation, Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, Code of Laws on the Status.