State and civil society
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). Political Process as a Course of Political Influence. Politics and Society, 8, 4–12.
The article studies the nature and types of political process and its place and role in the political sphere. The
author of the article describes certain contradictions in interpretation of the term ‘political process’. It is shown that
the political process and political development are the two different types of political influence. The author describes
particular features of democratic political process and formulates the law of political process as one of the laws of
political influence.
politics, social management, political infl uence, political process, democratic political process, authoritarian political process, state political process, administrative decision.
State and civil society
Kozhevnikov, O. A. (2012). New Changes in Non-Commercial Organizations Law: One Step Forward and Two
Steps Backward. Politics and Society, 8, 13–16.
The given article is devoted to the analysis of recent changes in non-commercial organizations law. The
author makes a conclusion that the above mentioned changes have led to even worse destruction of the RF legislative
system about non-commercial organizations which, in its turn, may eventually cause additional ‘protest’ from
certain non-commercial organizations and civil institutions and have a negative infl uence on interactions between
public authorities and non-commercial organizations in the process of state registration and supervision.
studies of law, civil society, non-commercial organizations, control over non-commercial organizations, federal state supervision, constitution, state registration, legislative system, public power, state institution.
State and civil society
Zimin, V. A. (2012). Political Modernization: Basic Theories. Politics and Society, 8, 17–22.
The author describes the contents and aims of political modernization and its methods. The article also
contains the analysis of the main theories of political modernization and describes ways of conservative and liberal
modernizations. The author also shows models of democratic transit: classical linear model, cyclic model and
dialectic model. In addition, the author defi nes the model of pluralistic democracy and provides a brief description
of the process of political modernization in Russia. The study of social and political practices helps to solve many
important tasks of modern development of the Russian Federation.
political science, theory, political modernization, liberal movement, conservative movement, democracy, models, democratic transit, pluralistic democracy, political system.
National security
Poteryako, L. E. (2012). Market of the Donated Blood and Its Components as a Need in Improvement of the System
of Medical Care. Politics and Society, 8, 23–27.
The article deals with the market development of blood and its components in a single operation of insecurity
of the market. Showing the main challenges of the market, including non-participation of private companies in the
turnover of blood and its components, a high level of participation of the black market. Shows the development at the
present stage of bloodless medicine as an alternative to solving the problems under consideration.
donor, blood components, the market, the company, the drug.
Social studies and monitoring
Dubovik, O. L. (2012). The Role of Fundamental Researches in the Society. Politics and Society, 8, 28–30.
The given article contains the analysis of the Humboldt colloquium held in Moscow on May 31 – June 2, 2012
and devoted to one of the most topical issues – what science has to offer to the society and in what way the society
needs to use achievements of modern science (the Colloquium was organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Fund).
The article casts lights on speeches made by the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Y. Osipov, President
of the Alexander von Humboldt Fund Kh. Shvartz, German Ambassador U. Brandenburg, President of the Alexander
von Humboldt Moscow Club V. Zadkov, Doctor Feist, the Bundestag deputy and a member of the Committee on
Education, Science and Technological Evaluation and Sub-Committee on Foreign Culture and Educational Policy.
The article also provides the review of the two offi cial opening speeches describing the role of fundamental researches
in the society taking into account perspectives of the scientifi c cooperation between Russia and Germany. The fi rst
speech was devoted to the role of social sciences and the second speech talked about natural sciences. The second
day of the Colloquium was devoted to social sciences, language studies and linguistics, chemistry and geology and
physics and the fi nal, the third, day was devoted to the plenary reports concerning the issues of linguistics, molecular
biology and infl uence of climate changes on the Siberian forests as well as discussed the problems of cooperation
and competition in the global scientifi c society. The results of the Colloquium were summed up by the President of
the Alexander von Humboldt Fund, Professor Kh. Shvartz.
studies of law, Humboldt, colloquium, Russia, Germany, cooperation, fundamental, research, social, sciences.
Social studies and monitoring
Kesaev, A. Kh. (2012). Special Features of Development of the Intellectual Capital of the Elite. Politics and Society, 8, 31–36.
The author analyzes the current issues of intellectual elite. The article proposes to consider the intellectual
elite as a social union, providing the most favorable conditions for the formation, reproduction and accumulation of
intellectual capital due to stable relations, high level of interpersonal trust, shared values and interests, the desire
of members to work together.
intellectual capital, the theory of elites, intellectual elites.
Conflict and consensus
Shugurov, V. M. (2012). Innovation-Based Development in Modern World: Nature and Contours of
Disproportions. Politics and Society, 8, 37–52.
The article is devoted to the conceptual analysis of the problems of globalization of innovation-based development.
The author studies the innovation paradigm which has become the basic direction of the national and world
development lately. The author underlines the complex nature of the infl uence of innovations on all sides of the social
life. At the same time, the author points outs certain principal differences in the intensity of adoption of innovation
policy by different countries. In this context, the author describes the so-called conception of innovation gap. The
author draws our attention at essential parts of this phenomenon and its manifestation in the world. Much attention
is paid at the criteria for comparison the level of innovation-based development in different countries and regions.
Based on the global practice, the author describes the details of the confi guration of the global innovation-based gap
and its negative consequences. The author of the article also formulates the idea about sustainable innovation-based
development as the direction of transfer to a new stage of globalization. Based on the author, it would ensure a more
even exploitation of innovations for solving global and national issues.
political studies, globalization, innovation, development, competition, cooperation, world order, sustainability, challenges, confl ict.
Conflict and consensus
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Management Philosophy as a Refl ection Over Social Processes and Practical Discipline. Politics and Society, 8, 53–63.
The article is devoted to the requirements set for creation of a new social discipline – management philosophy
which is viewed by the author as a wide refl ection over social process and a new type of practice. In this connection,
the author discusses the following issues: modern challenges of management philosophy, general tasks of philosophy
in general and management philosophy in particular (which tasks include the critics of unsatisfi ed methods
of management, constitution enforcement of management, analysis of the other reality which causes different types
of management and their evolution). The main challenges of management philosophy are provided by the modern society but they are not so easy to be discovered. Nevertheless, the author discusses such challenges and provides the
following two examples of – determination of the social and general mission of management and direction of management
at the leading type of sociality. In particular, the author shows that modern problems and contradictions
are solved through the balance and contrariety of different forces. A considerable role is played by selfi sh desires of
social individuals, evaluation of the ‘reasonable selfi shness’, cultural factors, discussions and attitudes in the society,
activity and passionarity of certain societies, individual preferences and behavior and, fi nally, invention of new
social technologies (unions, compromises, negotiations, reforms and etc.) As a result, the leading type of sociality is
also being established. Since management threads all layers and elements of the society and deals with both rational
organization of activity and relations between people, practically every person is involved in management (at least
through his family or work). So consequently, he has to form certain attitude to this phenomenon, too. And this is
where the management philosophy can help.
management, philosophy, society, modern age, sociality, selfi shness, justice, reality, practice, dispositive.
The heritage of transformation
Asadullaev, I. K. (2012). Donkey Totem. Is the Hypothesis about the First Association of Arian Societies and Tribes
Proved?. Politics and Society, 8, 64–73.
The ancient donkey totem was created in the infancy of mankind by ancient Iran people who transferred
their interpretation of their totem god – donkey (char) many thousand years before Avesta which included the cult of
donkey, too. Those tribes and societies also adopted the Iran people’s name – Aria. Numerous changes of the term
‘char’ acquired a sacral meaning. Based on the author, there could not be just coincidence of phonetics and semantics
philosophy, totem, Ahura Mazda, Avesta, Hare Khrishna, Charon and Charites, Harris and charisma, Hara Berezaiti, good.
The heritage of transformation
Savchenko, D. P. (2012). Military-organisational activity A.N. Kosygin of the Red Army’s engineering facilities in
the years of the great patriotic war (1941-1945). Politics and Society, 8, 74–81.
The article talks about the role of A.n. Kosygin in public procurement tasks of engineering products in the
Red Army during the great patriotic war. Focuses on his military-organisational work on production, expanding the
range and volume of engineering products to the front.
War, Engineering armament, modernization, business, orders, front, scientists.
Legal history
Palyulin, A. Yu. (2012). Political and Moral Views of Ancient Christians and Gnostics. Politics and Society, 8, 82–88.
In the present work, a comparative analysis of political and legal views of the two polar doctrines of late
Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Christianity and Gnosticism is conducted. The aim of the author is to show
the causes of this confl ict and to consider the possible consequences of this struggle in the genesis of European law.
There is a task set before author to analyze a situation in which the Gnostic doctrines laid the foundation of the new
states (such for example as a Manichean Sasanian empire) in early medieval Europe, and to draw conclusions about
the social and legal implications of such political legal entities.
Gnosticism, Christianity, theology, philosophy of law