State and civil society
Rosin, V.M., Golubkova, L.G. (2012). The challenge of improving governance in Russian context. Politics and Society, 7, 4–16.
The paper analyzes two main interrelated types of control in the social sphere and in the production (the
management of social organizations and enterprises, companies, etc.). The article deals with problems that forces
management to improve in these areas (lack of good governance, corruption and rent construction, an increase in
the number of management personnel, the opacity and complexity of activities). The authors state that there is no
progress in reforming governance. In this regard, the essence of management is discussed. The authors show that
the Russian system of governance is infl uenced by such factors as the conceptualization of governance in the Western
models, the weakness of the society, selfi sh ruling elite not really interested in the reforms. The authors discuss a way
out of this situation.
cultural studies, management, improvement, reality, elite, society, state, activity, reform, knowledge
State and civil society
Popov, E.A., Maksimova, S.G. (2012). Social activity of people and community civil initiatives. Politics and Society, 7, 17–22.
The article reveals the regional aspects of the development of civil society. In particular, the example of the
Altai region is considered the population’s attitude to the phenomenon of civil society. Conducted under a special
research project scientifi c sociological research has allowed the public to trace the dependence of civil initiatives
from the social activity of the population. The emphasis is on assessing the status of civil society, the institutional
conditions of civil society, social activity of citizens of the region and expert assessments of the nonprofi t sector in
the region.
sociology, society, activity, values, norms, initiatives, society, culture, civil, region
State and civil society
Buchkova, A.I. (2012). The infl uence of socio-political youth organizations on the formation of the political culture
of youth. Politics and Society, 7, 23–31.
The article describes the features of formation of the political culture of the young generation of today’s
Russia in the context of socio-political youth organizations. It is noted that at the current stage of socio-political the
youth movements are not involved in the formation of the current political agenda of the country, or do it indirectly,
through the media and the Internet. The article highlights the necessary conditions for the organization and functioning
of youth organizations that allow them to be a reliable basis for the process of political socialization of the
younger generation, including the formation of its political culture.
sociology, youth, politics, culture, socialization, organization, agent, participation, motivation, Internet
National security
Kaltyga, O.V. (2012). Problem of anti-corruption expertise of legal acts and their projects at the present stage of
development of the Russian state. Politics and Society, 7, 32–38.
This article analyzes the applicable anti-corruption legislation. Author highlights the main problems of
anti-corruption expertise such as: the procedure for considering the expert opinions obtained by the subjects of lawmaking
from independent experts, which contain proposals to address the identifi ed their corruption-factors is not
regulated; not all regions of the Russian Federation and local self-governments legal acts provided for an independent
anti-corruption expertise; the Law itself has many drawbacks of internal and external confl icts, ambiguities,
gaps, problems of quality-expert opinion, as well as the validity of this conclusion. The author suggests possible
ways to solve the above issues. The article reveals a number of bodies authorized to carry out this type of expertise.
Author analyzes the Russian practice of an independent anti-corruption examination of normative legal acts and their projects, and activities of independent experts and expert institutions at the federal level and in selected regions
of the Russian Federation.
studies of law, expertise, legal act, corruption, methods, legislation, conclusion, convention, project, state
The dialogue of cultures
Jabina, V.V. (2012). Innovative culture as a factor of balanced innovative development of the society and man. Politics and Society, 7, 39–50.
This article analyzes the innovative culture as a way of human adaptation to modern society and innovation.
The author founds that in the development of innovative culture a special role is played by process of formation of
the model of democratization of innovations aimed at reducing the possible risks of innovation. The author points out
that one of the most important functions of an innovative culture is to manage the innovation process.
philosophy, innovative culture, innovative society, innovative development, the risks of innovation development, diffusion of innovations, democratization of innovation, open innovation, innovation process, innovative personality
Social studies and monitoring
Zolotoy, V.S. (2012). The analysis of the history, values, infl uence of “Round Table” Society in the context of criticism
of conspiracy and fi nding the theoretical and methodological approach to the study and description of this
secret association. Politics and Society, 7, 51–67.
This article examines the phenomenon of conspiracy, its causes, as well as socio-cultural nature of this phenomenon.
Author considers the methodological apparatus of conspiracy theorists, shows the failure in comparison
with the methodology of science. As one of the subjects of conspiracy the article analyzes the “Round Table” society.
Author is looking for a methodology without conspiracy for scientifi c analysis of this secret society.
political science, conspiracy, secret societies, methodology, geopolitics, the “Round Table” Society, Atlanticism, British imperialism, class-based approach, study of elites
Social studies and monitoring
Moiseev, K.V. (2012). Small business in Russian Federation and abroad. Politics and Society, 7, 68–71.
At the present time there is the need to implement government policy with regard to small businesses as an
important self-direction of the entire system of social and economic policy of the state, accordingly to the fundamental
national interests. When solving this issue this question it should be noted that the study of organizational
structures and mechanisms of supporting a small businesses in other countries will help to solve some problems of
the domestic small businesses.
studies of law, business, support, state, loans, funding, innovation, regulation, improvement, economy
Conflict and consensus
Voskoboynikova, A.E. (2012). Solidarity opposition to violence and aggression. Politics and Society, 7, 72–79.
Not in the suppression of the exaggerated “innate aggression”, but in elimination of the social sources of
war and other confl icts and the wise policy which takes into account mutual interests lies the key to peace and good
neighborly relations between nations and people. And the best form of prevention of aggression is education, tolerance
and goodwill, as well as the ability to overcome any disunity: national, political, clan, group, religious, philosophical,
ideological. On the level of social groups the strategic perspective is to focus on unifying goals (and in the
highest manifestation – on the universal values ), and cooperation in achieving them.
philosophy, aggression, violence, confl ict, banditry, terrorism, extremism, tolerance, values, altruism
Conflict and consensus
Nazarov M.M. (2012). Russian identity and confl ict involved. Politics and Society, 7, 80–86.
The article presents results of the study of the group identities of the Russian population. The empirical
basis for the project is built on representative researches in the Russian regions. Using statistical procedures of factor
and cluster analysis author identifi es fi ve typological groups whose ideas of group identity (that is, groups with whom they feel a community), are different. The key differentiators for the various typological groups are the factors
of education and profession, income, territory (identifi cation with the inhabitants of the city, region), religion and
nationality. However, noteworthy that in the structure of the population there is a very large typological group (more
than a third of the respondents) who does not have clearly defi ned identity orientations. The most common identity
(the possibility of identifi cation with people of similar age or similar way of life) is inherent more or less equally
to all members of the above clusters. With regard to the territorial aspect of identities for more than two-thirds of
respondents such self-identifi cation as “Russian citizen”, “a resident of the city or area” are leading. The author
also considers the focus on participation in the confl icting interests of their national groups among respondents with
different group identities. It is concluded that the plant on the confl icting part is most prevalent among the members
of groups, where the key identifi cation features are the territory or religion and nationality.
sociology, identity, nationalism, ethnicity, confl ict, tension, community, protest, ideology, regionalism
Main human rights and liberties
Selednikova, O.N. (2012). Features of mortgage as a preventive measure of material nature. Politics and Society, 7, 87–92.
The article deals with the problematic issues related to the legal regulation and practical implementation
of such preventive measures in the criminal process as mortgage. Particular attention is paid to the specifi cs of the
implementation of this measure and the associated complexity of its legislative support due to proprietary nature
mortgage. In particular, the article includes opinions of different scientists about what kind of property can be
included in the subject of mortgage, with the result that it became possible to highlight the key criteria as an ease
of expropriation, the possibility of long-term storage, ease of valuation, the immutability of the cost over the long
period of time. Authors substantiates the inappropriateness of use real estate as collateral in a criminal trial due to
the complexity of legal procedures for its expropriation and the high probability of civil disputes. The article raises
the question of the possibility of the mortgagor to abandon previously adopted commitments and demand the return
of collateral. It is noted that as the reason of failure of the collateral requirements and its return shall be accepted
only valid reasons related to the behavior of the accused (suspect) or with the onset of the objective circumstances of
the properties that do not allow the depositor to control the conduct of the accused (suspect).
studies of law, mortgage, defendant, suspect, investigation, relationships, money, securities, coercion, alienation