Morality and politics
Bogdanov, A. V. (2012). Pyotr Chaadayev ‘s Political Conceptions from the Point of View of Modern Political
Studies. Politics and Society, 5, 4–12.
The article is devoted to Pyotr Chaadayev’s political ideas about political violence, political leadership,
patriotism as well as political regional studies. The author very well shows how important these issues are for the
modern political space and underlines the role of Russia as a strategic partner of the West.
relationship between politics and other spheres of social life, the ‘Russia and the West’ issue, political leadership, patriotism, socialism, political violence.
State and civil society
Selyukov, A. D., Stankevich, Z. A. (2012). Management Potential of the Budget (Administrative and Legal
Aspects). Politics and Society, 5, 13–20.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of administrative and legal regulation of the budget activity. The author
sets a task to describe the budget as the model of state management. Apart from generally accepted approach
to budget management, the author of the article sets an additional goal to manage the social affairs by the means of
the budget. The author points out how similar fi nancial law and administrative approaches are when it comes to the
analysis o the role of the budget as a model of state management.
studies of law, budget, management, model, law, mechanism, activity, interaction, principles, causes.
State and civil society
Vishnyakov, V. G. (2012). Problems of Strengthening of the Territories of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 5, 21–28.
The article is devoted the issues of federal grounds of a state institution and governmental structure taken in
conjunction with administrative-territorial form of government. The author of the article describes the role of federal
districts and analyzes state territories as a term refl ecting political nature and essence of a state institution. The
article also provides a critical evaluation of separatism based on national and territorial approaches.
studies of law, state institution, territory, Federation, constituent, territory, form of government, constitution, power, separatism.
State and civil society
Pirbudagova, V. I. (2012). Legal Responsibility of a State Institution and Offi cials in the Russian Federation:
Problems of Legal Enforcement. Politics and Society, 5, 29–34.
The present article is devoted to the problem of legal responsibility and enforcement of legal responsibility
of a state institution and offi cials in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the current Russian laws regarding
responsibility of a state institution before a citizen. The article clearly shows that the principle of unavoidability of
legal responsibility must apply not only to citizens but also to a state institution in general. It is also noted how necessary
it is to develop special mechanisms which would help to enforce the legal responsibility of a state institution,
state authorities and offi cials.
studies of law, constitution, responsibility, personality, citizen, subject, legislation, reformation, offi cials, law.
State and civil society
Nifanov, A. N. (2012). Aggregate Area: the Concept and Signifi cance. Politics and Society, 5, 35–42.
This article presents the author’s opinions on the need for a scientifi c revolution of the term «aggregate
area», revealed the signs themselves, but also given their characteristics with regard to the provisions of legal acts
and doctrinal sources.
area, aggregate area, macro-region, region, federal district, the military district, county notary, consular district, a specially protected natural area.
The nationality issue
Litvinova, T. N. (2012). Ethnical Aspects of Federalism Development in the Northern Caucasus: Realities and
Perspectives. Politics and Society, 5, 43–54.
This article studies the problems and perspectives of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian region
through the examining of the experience of its peoples self-determination. Author describes regional ethnopolitical
process in 1990th, the federative reforms in early 2000th and analyses the projects of joining the North Caucasian
republics aimed at optimization of the relations between the Center and regions.
political studies, federalism, ethnic identity, self-determination, separatism, sovereignty, republic, district, Constitution.
The nationality issue
Bobokhonov, R. S. (2012). “Men’s clubs” as an Institution of Civil Society in Tajikistan (XX century). Politics and Society, 5, 55–66.
This article is the fi rst scientifi c study on “Men’s clubs” as an institution of civil society in Tajikistan (XX v.)“.
According to the author, this theme is not due to its scientifi c importance of knowledge and requires a detailed study
for the following reasons: fi rstly, the main male population of the republic the second half of the twentieth century,
most of my free time (especially in winter time) conducted in these clubs. Second, the participation of many women
in the political life of the republic on a voluntary basis to begin with daily visits (mainly in the evening) of data facilities.
Third, the dramatic events that took place in Tajikistan in the late ‘80s and nachale90’s, is directly related
to operating at the time the whole territory of the Republic men’s clubs. Therefore, a detailed study of this problem
in the context of overall ethno-political processes in Tajikistan in the late twentieth century, has recently become
increasingly important.
men’s houses, men’s clubs, the new men’s clubs, social, economic, educational, family, legal and other issues discussed in the men’s clubs, calendar holidays, funeral and memorial ceremonies, etc.
The heritage of transformation
Asasullaev, I. K. (2012). New Weapon… Against an Asteroid? Principles of Philosophy. Politics and Society, 5, 67–70.
Existence and non-existence are relative and defi nite. There are different worlds that are inseparable but if
we create a mathematical model of transformation of ‘nothing’ of the other world into ‘existence’ of our world, we
can actually get an incredible bunch of energy. Scientists who study dark matter and energy try to fi nd the defi nition
of this matter. The idea is right up in the air and it is very much needed for the humankind security.
philosophy, existence, non-existence, Aristotle, dark matter and energy, weapon, energy, security, asteroid, Dirac fi eld.
The heritage of transformation
Mukhanedina, Sh. M. (2012). Nikolai Semenovich Mordvinov: Tax Problems and Solutions (First Half of XIX
Century). Politics and Society, 5, 71–80.
The fi rst half of the XIX century is remarkable for the formation of new type of the state and public fi gures
who have made a considerable contribution to the development of a tax policy. One of the highest state fi gures was
Nikolay Semenovich Mordvinov, who devoted himself to a science about fi nance. His theoretical judgments are based
on the deep analysis of national tax practice. He put forward some original opinions, some of which were embodied
in the practice of taxation. But most of his projects remained unclaimed and untimely. However Mordvinov’s some
development on taxes found a practical realization in Alexander’s II reforms. In the light of today’s tax problems
the ideas and principles on the taxation are more than actual – after all Nikolay Semenovich was dreaming of fair
system of taxes.
the graph N.S. Mordvinov, fi nancial crisis, policy, taxes, problems, solutions, poll tax, local taxes, recruiting receipts, tax redemption
The heritage of transformation
Lisina, E. A. (2012). Modern Science about the Ritual: Research Centers and Publishing Series. Politics and Society, 5, 81–90.
The article is devoted to the worldwide ritual studies of last ten years. The most important monographs on
the history and theory of ritual, published within the major thematic series, are considered in the article. The monographic
series of ritual studies in Carolina Academic Press, of 13 books, have been published over 12 years. The series
includes works on the ethnography of rituals in Indonesia, Melanesia, Africa, Bali, New Zealand, China, India,
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, the Islamic world, and a wide range of topics. In the Oxford series of monographs
ritual in modern times is accented, and its socio-psychological role is emphasized. Ritual studies in Oxford
series reach a high theoretical level, the impact of ritual, ritual practice and narrative refl ection are discussed. The
author describes every book and briefl y highlights the activities of research centers dealing with the problem of ritual
in the past and present. In conclusion author states the following: ritual studies has overcome the stage of collecting
the material and fi eld research; current ritual studies form a general theory of ritual as a socio-cultural phenomenon,
very meaningful and functional, not only for the primitive and traditional cultures, but also for all of us.
Ritual, tradition, ritual studies, anthropology, ethnography, publishing series, research centers
Legal history
Tamrazova, E. N. (2012). Role of Religion and Law in Formation of the Arab Caliphate. Politics and Society, 5, 91–98.
The article defi nes the role of the religion and law in formation of the most powerful early medieval state
institution - the Arab caliphate. The author of the article emphasizes features of origin of the Arab religion (Islam)
and the state institution (caliphate). The main aspects of formation of the law and the legislation are also analyzed.
Mohammed’s fi gure as a prophet and political leader is considered. Respectively, a number of conclusions about
infl uence of religion and the right to caliphate formation are made.
caliphate, Islam, Sharia, Koran, Sunna, Idzhma.
Legal history
Nikitina, A. D. (2012). Peculiarities of Legal Culture in the Northern Mesopotamia during the Pre-Empire Period. Politics and Society, 5, 99–108.
The article is devoted to peculiarities of formation of legal culture in the North of Mesopotamia in the period
since XX till XIII BC (before an empire was created in the considered territory). The author of the article describes
peculiarities of legal culture in the mentioned region on the basis of a detailed research of public law documents:
Middle Assyrian laws and private law sources discovered in Assur and trade centers of the Asia Minor – Kanesh and
Alishar. The leading role of such trade unions was played by Assur’s descendants who did not only keep close ties
with metropolis but also governed trade colonies by the means of legal institutions very similar to the institutions in
their native land. The main legal instrument of trade was the social court that was the copy of the existing judicial
system in Assur. Decisions made at such courts became precedents that could be used as a source of public laws and
law enforcement acts in the future.
history, legal culture, judicial authorities, exemption law, sources of the public law, private law document, law-enforcement acts, advocate, legal cases, court procedure.