Question at hand
Ispravnikova, N. R. (2012). Russia in the New System of Socio-Economic Origin. Politics and Society, 4, 6–17.
The article considers the main factors of the implementation of «new industrialization» in Russia: the private business
and the new wave of industrial and technological development.
modernization, innovation modernization, new industrialization, socialist industrialization, technological way, access to technology, the choice of the current socio-economic orientation, information technology, information democracy, human technology.
Morality and politics
Koroeva, I. D. (2012). Philosophy of Interaction Between Government and People. Politics and Society, 4, 18–24.
The article is devoted to methodological issues of interaction between government and people. The author describes
peculiarities of interaction between a law-governed state and civil society. Relations of authority occur between a holder of
power and an object the authority is aimed at. Governmental authorities are a mean of social management. Being an object of
management, society, in its turn, influences a state institution through democratic institutions. So the goal is to achieve a proper
balance between state power and people power.
power, state institution, legal state, people, society, civil society, social management, politics, democracy, interaction between government and people.
Morality and politics
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). External Policy as a Form of Political Influence. Politics and Society, 4, 25–33.
The article is devoted to the nature and purpose of external policy. The author describes peculiarities of implementation
of foreign policy processes and proves the supposition about external (foreign) policy being a factor of development of
international policy. The author reveals features and purpose of international policy as well.
politics, political influence, foreign policy, foreign policy process, integrity of the state policy, international policy, international political relations, international political processes, international decision making.
State and civil society
Ivanin, D. S. (2012). Constitutional Grounds for State Financial Policy in Social Sphere. Politics and Society, 4, 34–41.
The article is devoted to the influence of Constitution provisions on implementation of state financial policy in a social
sphere. The author describes peculiar features of financial policy as well as constitutional grounds for its implementation. The
author also proves the need in a state financial policy oriented at satisfying social needs in the first place. The article contains
an analysis of amendments to the laws regulating the process of financing a social establishment.
studies f law, constitution, grounds, financial policy, social, sphere, budget, state institution.
State and civil society
Golovin, Yu. A. (2012). Public Policy as a Space of Power Legitimacy (the Case Study of the Yaroslavl Region). Politics and Society, 4, 42–47.
Assessment of the developmental level in the Yaroslavl Region shows the tendency towards destruction of the power,
business and civil society consolidation which reduces the level of trust among citizens towards governmental authorities of all
kinds. Recent elections of candidates for federal and municipal authorities have only proved this tendency.
politics, government, elections, electorate, results, interests, parties, technologies, management, society.
State and civil society
Tufetulov, A. M. (2012). Problems of Restriction of Property Responsibility of Budgetary and Independent Establishments. Politics and Society, 4, 48–52.
In article questions of property responsibility of budgetary and independent establishments are considered. Problems
and gaps of the Russian legislation are revealed and the short characteristic of the institution of property responsibility of establishments
is given.
property responsibility, budgetary establishments, independent establishments, «immunity of the budget», especially valuable property.
State and civil society
Nikiforova, A. E. (2012). Banking Secrecy: Bank’s Right or Responsibility?. Politics and Society, 4, 53–57.
Improper fulfillment of a loaner’s responsibility to recover a credit destabilizes banking and other credit activities. In
order to find the way out of this situation, banks transfer their credit agreement rights to debt collection agencies through assignment
of claims. Moreover, they also transfer information which is considered to be a banking secrecy. This is the violation
of the current legislation because a debt collection agency cannot be authorized to receive such information.
studies of law, banking secrecy, debt collection agency, credit agreement, consumer, bank, personal data, assignment of claims, consumer rights, debt recovery.
State and civil society
Ershova, M. M. (2012). Administrative Regulation of State Control in the Sphere of Motor Transportation. Politics and Society, 4, 58–63.
This article is devoted to certain aspects of state regulation of motor transportation of passengers. The author describes
modern issues of motor transportation and underlines the need in improvement of state regulation of motor transportation.
Growing rate of vehicles per person considerably aggravates the problem which leads to the need in an optimized and efficient
approach to the problem of transportation management, state control is being one of the elements of such management.
studies of law, regulation, motor transportation, passenger, state, control, efficiency, optimization, management.
National security
Fedorova, O. N. (2012). Development of Legal Regulation of Information Security in Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 64–67.
The overview of the legal regulation of information security in Russia is provided. It reflects the way that the new
Russia was held over the last of two decades on the way to the information society and to establish a system of legal regulation
of information security. The negative things of the legal regulation of information security are identified today, and there is a
positive trend of increasing an attention to the problem of information security by the government. The increasing development
of information activities, introduction of information and communications technologies in society increase the risk of information
security. The legal regulation of this field should be improved according to the information in a timely manner, changes in
the State and in the world.
information security, globalization, national security, information society, information systems, law, information law.
The nationality issue
Torukalo, V. P. (2012). Federalism and Identity in Today’s Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 68–76.
The article is devoted to the analysis of federalism which guarantees the preservation of identity of the Russian civilization
under conditions of sharpened social and cultural contradictions and weakened consolidation functions of the state caused
by the globalization processes ongoing in the world now. Historically formed type of Russian federalism allows to preserve
and develop diversity of traditions, cultures and layers of the society which contributes to the revival of the Russian civilization
philosophy, federalism, personality, civilization identity, Russian statehood, sovereignty, national factor, polyethnic state, nation.
The dialogue of cultures
Khudaverdian, V. Ts. (2012). Phenomenon of the ‘Parallel Cultures’ in Foreign States: Social and Philosophical
Interpretation. Politics and Society, 4, 77–81.
The article is devote to a rather new social phenomenon – so called parallel cultures. These cultures are the result of
migration processes creating and stimulating a number of ethno-social problems. The point is that European and USA migrants
mostly come from Muslim countries. They bring all their cultural baggage with them – their language, religion, cultural traditions,
food and mentality. The author of the article believes that migrants are not that willing to integrate into Western society
which creates the problem between migrant workers and native population.
philosophy, society, xenophobia, integration, conflict, ethnic correctness, immigrants, tolerance, megapolis, patriotism.
Kosovan, E. A. (2012). The Second Wave of Migration of Ukrainians to Germany (1945-1953): History, Causes, Consequences. Politics and Society, 4, 82–89.
This article describes the history of the so-called second wave of immigration of Ukrainians to Germany. The author
considers the background of this process, focusing on the military or the Hetman’s exile in 1920. The article deals with the
processes of transformation of the immigration community in the Diaspora, its institutionalization, the relationship between
migrants and indigenous.
immigration, the first wave, second wave, the Second World War, the diaspora community, institutionalization, the organizational aspect of life, the Central Office Ukrainian expatriates in Germany, focal points of the Supreme Ukrainian Public Organizations, Asia and Africa
Nifanov, A. N. (2012). Only Public-Modes Areas in the Russian State. Politics and Society, 4, 90–97.
This article presents the author’s position solely on the interpretation of public-modes with respect to the territories of
traditional residence and nature of indigenous peoples.
area, mode, guarantees, classification, security, indigenous peoples, the territory of traditional land, territories densely populated agricultural land.
Family and society
Abelbeysov, V. A. (2012). Socialization of Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care: New Perspectives. Politics and Society, 4, 98–102.
Life of orphans in our modern society cannot be called happy or careless. The author of the article tries to understand
the problem of socialization of orphans when they grow up and take care of their life on their own. According to the author, this
problem is cased by the moral and civil position of teachers at an orphanage.
social studies, orphans, custodianship, orphanage, socialization, orphancy, family, foster care, social orphancy, adaptation.
Social studies and monitoring
Voskoboynikov, A. E., Kamaldinova, E. Sh. (2012). Social Philosophical Picture of Human Health in Modern Culture. Politics and Society, 4, 103–107.
Both preservation and constant development of human health is a priority both for each person and a society on the
whole. Human health is closely connected with a life style as well as social and environmental factors. According to the author
of the article, it is very important to combine medical, social and environmental aspects with axiological aspects – morals and
ethics in the first place.
social philosophical picture of health, social ecology and human ecology, healthy life style, ‘sick’ society, environmentalism, natural in society and human, globalizing information society, social and biological norm, morals, personal potential.
Social studies and monitoring
Pashinyan, I. A. (2012). Content Analysis as a Source of Evaluation Data in Studying the Image of Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 108–113.
The content analysis is a substantial analysis of arrays of homogeneous documents, particularly publications in mass
media and analysis of the contents of text massifs. Usually this method is used for the analysis of books and newspaper publications.
Articles during 2008-2010, reflecting image of the Russian Federation became object of this research.
Content analysis, research, information, image, mass media
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A. D., Ursul, T. A. (2012). Global Research and Formation of Noosphere Through Sustainable Development. Politics and Society, 4, 114–125.
The article is devoted to a new sphere of global research – futuroglobal studies oriented at understanding and prediction
of future global processes and system from the point of view of evolution. The authors of the article analyze mostly the two
standard scenarios of global development – transfer to sustainable development and succeeding noospheregenesis. Sustainable
development is described as a globally managed and systematically balanced socio-natural development that does not destroy
the surrounding nature and guarantees survival and safe and long life of civilization. Noospheregenesis is viewed as a future
global process of formation of socio-natural sphere of human existence where intellectual activity and information become the
key factor of evolution and which is formed by implementation of humanistic principles and ideals through transfer to sustainable
philosophy, globalism, global studies, nooglobalism, nooglobal studies, noosphere, noosphere studies, sustainable development, futuroglobal studies, evolutionary global studies.
Conflict and consensus
Kryukov, A. N. (2012). German-French Relations in 1949-1969: from Confrontation to Cooperation. Politics and Society, 4, 126–130.
This article is devoted to the harmonization of relations between Germany and France during 1949 – 1969 when there
was a transit from confrontation policy to cooperation policy. It was caused both by European integration and a stable and
secure situation in Western Europe. The article discusses the goals and tasks of approximation of both Germany and France.
Confrontation, cooperation, German-French relations, statehood of Germany, the European integration, stability, safety guarantees.
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Volokh, V. A. (2012). Migration Policy: Conceptual Approach. Politics and Society, 4, 131–136.
The author of the article notes that the Russian Federation has done a lot to build an efficient state policy in the sphere
of migration. However, there are many problems which still need to be solved based on Russia’s national interests and geopolitical
location. For the benefit of social and economic development of Russia and safety enforcement it would be useful to create
the Conception of State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation and adopt it at a federal level.
political studies, migration policy, migration processes, theoretical models, conception, refugees.
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Bobokhonov, R. S. (2012). Migration Processes in Tajikistan (XX century) and Russia. Politics and Society, 4, 137–146.
Against the backdrop of deteriorating demographic situation in Russia in recent years, a reasonable immigration
policy today becomes even more important for Russia. What should be its main focus? What is the best in the migration policy
of using the huge labor reserves of Tajikistan to the Russian economy in the coming years? What is the attitude of Russian society
to this issue as a whole? What are the long term consequences? The author tries to answer these and other questions in
his article.
migration processes in Tajikistan and Russia, forced migration, the demographic situation, labor migration, legal migration, illegal migration.
Main human rights and liberties
Oparina, M. V. (2012). Civil-law Liability for Infringement of Copyrights in the Russian and Foreign Legislation. Politics and Society, 4, 147–152.
The article presents one of the most applicable ways of protection of copyright and related rights – civil-law. The
author considers features and especial lines of concepts “protection” and “security”. Much attention is paid at the concept of
‘major damage’. The ‘major damage’ is an evaluative dimension. In most cases this dimension is defined in court.
protection, protection, the judicial claim, damage compensation, the property, non-property rights, civil-law and criminal protection of legal owners.
Main human rights and liberties
Khalilov, D. Z. (2012). Agreement on the Alienation of the Exclusive Right as a Form of Exclusive Right Appointment. Politics and Society, 4, 153–157.
The article is devoted to one of the forms of exclusive right appointment prescribed by the 4th part of the Civil Code of
the Russian Federation in the sphere of intellectual property and entrepreneurship – agreement on the alienation of the exclusive
studies of law, exclusive right, agreement, trade mark, alienation, service mark, assignment, registration, contract of beneficence, holder of right.
Main human rights and liberties
Lobanov, A. V. (2012). Subjective Content of a Credit Agreement. Politics and Society, 4, 158–163.
The article is devoted to the subjective content of a credit agreement in accordance with the civil law regulations. The
author analyzes the main approaches to the subjects of credit agreements. Special attention is paid at legal requirements for a
creditor as a subject of a credit agreement. The author also gives recommendations regarding determination of bank crediting
in practice.
studies of law, bank credit, crediting, loaner, lender, bank, credit establishment, agreement, responsibility.
Issues of social partnership
Popova, V. R. (2012). Role of Social Partnership in Managing the Process of Modernization of Primary and Secondary
Professional Education in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 4, 164–171.
The article reviews the role of social partnership as part of management of modernization of the system of primary and
secondary professional educations. The author of the article describes the main trends of development of social partnership
from the point of view of current and perspective demands on the labor market.
social partnership primary professional education and secondary professional education, management, modernization.