Morality and politics
Razin, A. S., Belov, A. V. (2012). Forms, Types and Legal Framework of Social Responsibility. Politics and Society, 3, 4–12.
The article is devoted to transformation of social responsibility according to development of the society. On one
hand, it led to establishment of the mechanisms helping to avoid diffusion of collective responsibility and on the other
hand, it resulted in differentiation of forms of responsibility and creation of the mechanisms of institutional support.
philosophy, law, system of values, deed, moral responsibility, social responsibility, corporate responsibility, civil responsibility, legal responsibility, consciousness.
Morality and politics
Kolobova, G. A. (2012). Russian Privatization as a Political Mechanism of Realignment of Ownership Rights. Politics and Society, 3, 13–22.
Genesis and trends of privatization process under conditions of the Russian social and political transformation
fully confi rm that such privatization has a strongly marked political orientation which is typical for transition systems.
Political events which have happened recently clearly show that privatization hasn’t been completed yet as a political
mechanism and there are still contradictory perceptions on the need, purposes and methods of privatization in the
Russian society.
studies of politics, state institution, economy, law, transition period, privatization, political and economic strategy, political and economic mechanisms, political and legal mechanisms, mechanisms of political organization.
Morality and politics
Blinova, E. A. (2012). Ethical Issues of Program Evaluation and Related Decisions in the Government of Canada. Politics and Society, 3, 23–31.
Program evaluation as many other professional disciplines is a fi eld of constant discussions of the need for
articulating the ethical basis of practice. External and internal evaluators reported on ethical dilemmas and confl icts
that they met in their work. At the same time scientists propose to separate the ethical dilemmas and mixed dilemmas.
Evaluation associations in different countries created their own principles and standards of evaluation based on the
different ethical theories.
This article regards the example of formation of Code of Ethics for evaluators of Canada Government. Internal character
of evaluators of Canada Government infl uenced the nature of recommendations for creating a code of ethics.
program evaluation, ethics, code of ethics, ethical dilemma.
State and civil society
Burenko, V. I. (2012). Modern Political Process in the Context of the Study of Elites. Politics and Society, 3, 32–41.
The topic being analyzed in this article is a political process in the context of establishment and development of
the theory of elites. The purpose of this research is to analyze dialectics of political changes both in Russia and foreign
states as well as their refl ection in the study of elites. Methods of research include historical, comparative and instrumental
approaches. The research proves that today’s theoretical provisions of the study of elites play an important
methodological role in the study of politics as well as practical importance in the process of politics.
studies of politics, elitism, power, elite, ownership, state institution, nomenclature, methodology, regime, process.
State and civil society
Kerimov, A. D., Khalipova, E. V. (2012). Is It Rightful to Mark Out only the Three Branches of Government?. Politics and Society, 3, 42–48.
The authors of the article are trying to answer the question whether at a modern stage it is rightful to mark out
only the three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial, and whether the theory of separation of powers
is still topical. The authors of the article analyze opinions of a great number of scientists – lawyers who support very
different, often completely opposing views on this matter. The authors form and prove their own opinion on the matter.
separation of powers, legislative power, executive power, judicial power, president, central bank, accounts chamber, constitutional court, supervisory power, human rights commissioner.
State and civil society
Shelomentsev, V. N. (2012). Establishment of Legislation and Evolution of Russian Scientists’ Views on the Relation
Between a State Institution and Civil Society During the First Quarter of the 20th Century. Politics and Society, 3, 49–58.
The author of the article analyzes evolution of the legal theory of establishment of the civil society and traces
back legal (theoretical) and historical grounds and ways of development, describes legal stages of establishment o
social associations and organizations which are directly connected with the construction of a civil society and a legal
studies of law, politics, society, legal state, evolution, stages, establishment, legal theory, social relations, organizations.
State and civil society
Zheleznyakov, A. E. (2012). Content of the Concept ‘Investment Bank with the State Participation’. Politics and Society, 3, 59–66.
The author of this article shows that there is no clear defi nition of ‘investment bank with the state participation’
nowadays which causes certain diffi culties in regulation of activities performed by such fi nancial and credit organizations.
This is why the author suggests his own defi nition of the term ‘investment bank with the state participation’ based
studies of law, bank, investment, state, participation, fi nances, credit, organization, operations, interest.
Popov, E. A. (2012). Ethic Identifi cation in the Society by the Means of the Language. Politics and Society, 3, 67–74.
The article actualizes the problem of ethnocultural integration of people and shows the role of bilingualism in
this process. Special attention is paid at the usage of bilingualism as a method of cultural integration of ethnic communities
in the system of education and up-bringing of scholars as well as development of the ‘national schools’. The
author of the article especially underlines the nature and orientation of ethic identifi cation performed with the help or
by the means of bilingualism. On one hand, it actualizes an important role of one’s native language which has a decisive
effect on people in the process of acculturation. On the other hand, it does not eliminate the importance of a foreign
language which can solve a certain poly-linguistic and poly-cultural situation one may face. These are the aspects the
article is mostly devoted to.
cultural studies, integration, values, ethnoculture, language, bilingualism, society, norms, identifi cation.
Social studies and monitoring
Borisenkov, A. A. (2012). Leading Case as a Result of a Political Process. Politics and Society, 3, 75–84.
The author o the article studies the nature and forms o leading cases and their role and place in political infl uence.
The author also describes certain problems arising during interpretation of leading cases and reveals peculiarities
of democratic leading cases as well as formulates a leading case law – one of the political infl uence laws.
politics, political infl uence, social government, political process, leading case, democratic leading case.
Conflict and consensus
Temirbulatov, A. M. (2012). Geopolitical Contradictions of Strategic Development of the Caspian Region. Politics and Society, 3, 85–90.
The article reveals the problems of geo-political infl uence on the process of regional development. The author
of the article summarizes the problems and their solutions in the sphere of gas policy in the Caspian Region and describes
regional peculiarities of creation of geo-political alliances and infl uence of international actors on the safety
of the region.
studies of politics, geopolitics, geo-economics, national interests, gas policy, international actors, globalization, regional development, trans-national corporations, regional confl icts.
The heritage of transformation
Bida, D. A. (2012). Nicolas Sarkozy’s ‘European Model’: Political and Legal Aspects. Politics and Society, 3, 91–98.
The article is devoted to the conception of European integration suggested by the French president Nicolas
Sarkozy which he implements in the process of his presidency. The author of the article briefl y describes the history of
development and adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon and analyzes Nicolas Sarkozy’s actions during French chairmanship
in the European Union. Special attention is paid at the role and place o modern France in the EU.
studies of law, European integration, EU, France, Sarkozy, European construction, constitutional crisis, ratifi cation, Treaty of Lisbon, chairmanship.
Main human rights and liberties
Artemieva, Yu. A. (2012). Defi nition and Elements of the Claim for Protection of Rights and Interests of General
Public in Tax Disputes. Politics and Society, 3, 99–105.
The article is devoted to the research of claims for protection of rights and legal interests of general public different
from traditional claims for protection of rights of a concrete entity. The author of the article proves that a direct
asset to be protected when proceeding a claim for protection of rights an interests of general public is the interest of
the society in implementation of certain policy including tax policy aimed at protection of life, health and well-being of
citizens in the first place.
studies of law, claim, general public, taxes, disputes, taxpayer, rights, interests, protection of rights, social interest.
Legal history
Kodan, S. V. (2012). Political and Legal Methods in the Research of History of Modernization of State-Legal System
of Russia (XIX – turn of the XX Centuries). Politics and Society, 3, 106–118.
The article is devoted to the issues of using political and legal methodological approaches to the general theory
of state institution in researches o history of state-legal development of Russia during XIX – early XX centuries. Based
on general theoretical provisions concerning legal policy as a trend of managing infl uence of a state institution on the
legal environment of social life, the author makes an emphasis on possibilities and importance of their use as methodological
approaches to studying historical and legal processes and institutions. Special attention is paid at trends
of future political and legal researches as a refl ection of political managing infl uence on the legal environment of the
Russian society’s life and institutionalization. The article also shows opportunities of using political and legal methods
in studying the process of modernization of the state-legal system in Russia during XIX – early XX centuries.
studies of law, history of state and law, methods o history of state and law, legal development of the society, interactions between politics and legal system of the society, legal policy, legal system of the society, trends of legal policy, legality, legal order.
Legal history
Bobokhonov, R. S. (2012). Customary Law in the Public Life of Mountain Tajiks (XX Century). Politics and Society, 3, 119–132.
In this paper we fi rst study the remnants of the institute “customary law” in the modern Tajik society, both in
terms of legal science (Roman law, the modern fi eld of law) as well as historical and ethnographic sciences.
During a comprehensive study of this interesting subject the author noted the following specifi c points: fi rst, the rules of
customary law in the mountain Tajiks have very deep historical roots, and secondly, a strong ideological struggle of the
state in Soviet times to oust them from a life not been successful; in Third, some rules of “Sharia” transformed under
the infl uence of customary law, rather than on turnover, in the fourth, in Soviet times, mostly eradicated norm “Sharia”
in the everyday life of mountain Tajiks.
legal system, “Odate, ” customary law, Roman law, liability law, family law, real law, Muslim law, etc.