State and civil society
Vasiliev, A. V. (2012). Democracy as a Form of Interaction between State Authorities and Citizens in Social
Administration. Politics and Society, 2, 4–12.
This article is devoted to the modern conception of democracy. In this article democracy is viewed in the
following aspects: in a wide and narrow sense of the word, direct and representative, declared and real democracy,
democracy touching upon all spheres of social life as well as democracy limited to just a few social spheres. The
author studies the problems of democracy in the Russian Federation and conducts a comparative analysis of some
aspects of democracy in Russia and European countries, in particular, Germany.
democracy, democracy in a wide sense of the word, democracy in a narrow sense of the word, direct democracy, representative democracy, declared democracy, real democracy, budget process, local self-government.
State and civil society
Esieva, F. K. (2012). Evolution of Supreme Authorities During a Completion Phase of Development of Soviet
Statehood. Politics and Society, 2, 13–18.
Combination of the two incompatible principles of supreme authorities’ structure and activity did not foster
reinforcement of the Soviet statehood and regulation of institutions’ activity. Successful combination of the president’s
and parliament’s powers did not happen. The former, even though it made its legal stats stronger and accepted
a number of legal acts, was not able to properly control their implementation. This is why the president’s republic of
the Soviet type turned out to be quite ineffective both in theory and practice.
studies of law, constitutional reform, supreme court of the Soviet Union, conference of national deputes, constitution of the Soviet Union, state authorities, separation of powers, the unity of power and state management, interaction, Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
State and civil society
Korostelev, D. A. (2012). State Audit: Legal Nature and Legal Contents (Constitutional Law Aspect). Politics and Society, 2, 19–31.
The article is devoted to the tendencies and perspectives of state audit in the Russian Federation conducted
by the supervisory and accounts bodies. The author shows that state audit has its own constitutional law nature.
However, current legislation does not fully ensure its development for the state administration bodies. Based on his
research, the author of the article forms a number of suggestions on improvement of legislative basis of state audit.
studies of law, audit, state institution, fi nances, parliament, richness, object, functions, control, constitution.
State and civil society
Lysenkova, M. F. (2012). Features of Political Internet Advertising. Politics and Society, 2, 32–37.
The purposes, ways of placing and feature of advertising in the Internet. The analysis of Internet representations
of political parties and their leaders.
Internet advertising, Internet resource, blog, social network, interactivity, targeting, usability
National security
Kerimova, T. V. (2012). Risk of Addiction. Politics and Society, 2, 38–44.
The article views the problem of the risk of addiction to bad habits (for instance, chemical abuse such as
drugs, alcohol, gambling and etc.) from the point of view of social studies and philosophy. The author proves that the
addiction phenomenon is a true threat both for the society and each person – victim of such a risk.
risk, addiction, risky, dependence, addict, alcohol, gambling.
National security
Aslanov, R. M. (2012). Foreign Experience of Regulatory Support of Information Security. Politics and Society, 2, 45–48.
In major U.S. regulations and legislation in European countries the information and network security is
understood as the ability to network or system to cope with this level of reliability accidents or malicious acts that
could affect the availability, integrity and confi dentiality of stored or transmitted information and services through
a network or information System. Compliance is defi ned as the availability of security, authentication, integrity and
confi dentiality of information. Particular attention is paid to the legal framework affecting the issues to intercept
and decrypt information.
regulation, information security, system availability, integrity, confi dentiality, identifi cation and legality
The nationality issue
Bekbosynov, M. B. (2012). Peculiarities of Ethno-Linguistic Politics under the Conditions of Russian Federalism. Politics and Society, 2, 49–54.
The author of the article analyzes the content and mechanism of realization of state ethno linguistic policy.
The article studies peculiarities of ethno linguistic policy in multi-national states, analyzes its structure and describes
the main stages of its realization. Special attention is paid at the analysis of historical conditions of formation
of ethnic linguistic processes in the Russian Federation. The author also studies the ethic structure of Russian
national policy, ethno politics, linguistic politics, federalism, ethnos, majority language, national minorities, trans-national relations, native minorities.
People and work
Shavlaeva, T. M. (2012). The Inactive. Politics and Society, 2, 55–61.
The article casts light on the issues of gender-based division of labor in a Chechen traditional household
which creates the basis for ethnic economy since there are no factories or plants there. Underlying a unique diligence
of a woman, some researchers exaggerate the thesis about a ‘lazy and inactive’ man. In real life, it is the man who
performed the most diffi cult tasks in a field, with a cattle and craft. If a woman interfered with the ‘male space’, it was
understood as an underestimation of masculinity.
history, division of labor, male crafts, traditional household, masculinity, Chechnya, Chechen household, ethno economics, division of labor based on gender, female labor.
The dialogue of cultures
Filimonov, G. Yu. (2012). Multiculturalism in the USA and Europe: Political Technologies at Work. Politics and Society, 2, 62–72.
The survey provides information about the ideology of multiculturalism that is being used by U.S. and
E.U. elites to promote a new model of society. The author believes that migration fl ows, which are still increasing,
strengthen cultural diversity but erode nation-states, creating new types of political spaces.
multiculturalism, USA, EU, melting pot, neomarxist, migration, tolerance, Earth Charter.
Social studies and monitoring
Kesaev, A. Kh. (2012). Intellectual Capital as the Object of Social Studies: Defi nition, Social Institutions and
Actors. Politics and Society, 2, 73–78.
The paper considers the intellectual capital as the actual question in the sociology. The author takes a broad
understanding of intellectual capital, structuring the system of social institutions and actors involved in management
of it. In this paper a number of terminological changes are proposed.
intellectual capital, post-industrial society, actors and social institutions of intellectual capital’s management.
Social studies and monitoring
Evstifeeva, A. R. (2012). The Basic Directions of Stabilization and Strengthening of Interethnic Relations in the
Region on the Basis of Investment Interaction Activation. Politics and Society, 2, 79–86.
In this article the regional sociopolitical and ethnic processes is considered as the relationships between the
regional authorities and a civil society in Saratov region investment sphere. The author is writing the model of ethnic
business regional interaction. This model is focused on partner relations development between the state structures,
a public sector and the ethnic family entrepreneurs. The special attention is given to attract young generation to
participation in the traditional forms of ethnic groups managing.
region, investments, partnership, society, state, business, ethnos, family, youth.
Social studies and monitoring
Starikov, A. A., Lebedev, S. V. (2012). Communication Aspect of Political Risks in Trans-National Corporation
Activity. Politics and Society, 2, 87–95.
The authors try to study perception of political risks by the key leaders of trans-national companies in this or
that region. Based on A. Tversky’s and D. Kanneman’s researchers, the authors of the article show how psychological
heuristic (simplifi ed methods of information processing) infl uences the assessment of this or that risk. The authors
pay special attention at some leaders’ inclination to overstate micro risks and underestimate micro-risks.
political studies, communicative linguistics, political risk, perspective theory of risks, coincidence error, heuristics of presence, narrative, automatic way of information processing, political communications.
Social studies and monitoring
Alekseeva, E. P. (2012). Reputational Capital of a Modern Russian Company as a Form of Social Capital. Politics and Society, 2, 96–100.
Paper is devoted to the relationship of reputation capital with social capital, the main approaches to understanding
the concept of social capital and forms of manifestation of reputational capital in the modern Russian
reputational capital, social capital, interaction, forms of the capital.
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A. D. (2012). On the Way to Information Global Studies: Intra-Disciplinary Approach. Politics and Society, 2, 101–109.
The article information is considered as a universal property of matter, in its most general form is interpreted
as refl ected diversity. It has been suggested that the information approach as a general scientifi c learning
tool generates informational globalistics as a fundamentally new fi eld of global studies, emphasizing the information
perspective of global processes and systems. This direction includes the study of the problem of information as
a global problem, the informational globalization and other forms of information approach to the study of global
social, socio-natural and natural global processes and systems.
evolutionary globalistics, diversity, global processes, information, computer science, informational globalization, informational globalistics, information approach, refl ection.
Humanitarian projects
Popov, E. A. (2012). Sociological Analysis of the Role of Administrative Institution in Ensuring Qualifi ed Higher
Education. Politics and Society, 2, 110–117.
The article provides empiric data about a research conducted at one of the universities in Siberia. The purpose
of the study was to receive results related to the infl uence of administrative structure of universities on lectures,
i.e. quality of education in general. The study involved representatives of rector’s offi ce as well as dean’s offi ces and
university departments. As a result of sociological interpretation of received data, the author fi nds out that unequal
allocation of students between faculties infl uencing low or high quality of education, is quite signifi cant. The purpose
of the article is to create a whole picture about the role of administrative structure of a university and raise of education
quality. The main method of the research was the students’ survey.
social studies, education, values, quality, management, structure, rector’s offi ce, department, administration, social skills.
Conflict and consensus
Karpovich, O. G. (2012). Crisis of Peace-Making and Models of International Confl ict Management between Russia,
USA and European Union. Politics and Society, 2, 118–123.
The article contains the results of the research of modern conceptions of trans-national confl ict management
which are used in Russia, USA and leading countries of the European Union. The author gives the defi nition of
‘confl ict management’ and describes its meaning for the Russian, USA and EC policy.
peace-making operations, trans-national confl icts, external policy, internal relations, confl ict management, national security.
Conflict and consensus
Davydov, L. V. (2012). Commitment to Fight in a Structure of Political Consciousness and its Effects. Politics and Society, 2, 124–133.
Political consciousness is divided into the two opposites. One of them demonstrates deliberate commitment
to existing political institutions, the other refl ects one’s critical attitude to political institutions. Demonstrating negative
attitude to the current politics, the other consciousness which demonstrates a positive beginning refl ects the state
of orientation of peace with the statehood, is protection from critics and mean words.
political studies, politics, conditions, provision, consciousness, action, struggle, confl ict, elites and order
The heritage of transformation
Romashchenko, V. A. (2012). Relations Between the Ukraine and European Union: From Neighborhood Policty to
Western Partnership (2004-2011). Politics and Society, 2, 134–143.
This article is devoted to relations between Ukraine and the European Union, within the overall integration
initiatives, such as the European Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership. The author researches the development
of bilateral relations during the Yushchenko rule (2004-2010), assesses the state of European integration initiatives
in Ukraine. Analyzed the pros and cons the concepts of ENP and Eastern Partnership in terms of the former
Soviet Union and Ukraine.
Ukraine, foreign policy, European Union, The European Neighborhood Policy, Eastern Partnership
Velyaminov, G. M. (2012). Scandinavian Story of Origin of Shimon’s Variat). Politics and Society, 2, 144–153.
Historical sources as well as new home and foreign science invistigations allow to assert that “varangian
prince” Jakun of Russian chronicle of 1024 is identical with Norvegian Håkon Jarl Eiriksson. And he is really the
brother of African - the father of “varangian prince” Šimon who emigrated in 1027 from Scandinavia to Rus’. These
conclusions are unique in view of harmonizing of ancient Russian and Scandinavian historical sources.
Varangians/vikings in Rus’. Jakun the Blind. Håkon Jarl Eiriksson. Šimon Afrikanovich.