Question at hand
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Opposition and Professional Identity as a Form of Social
Action. Politics and Society, 11, 4–10.
The article is devoted to the opposition between
the teachers and reformers of Russian education. Teachers
believe that school and education are degrading and
reformers think that it is being reformed. So the author of
this particular article analyzes the current situation and
shows that the institution of education actually includes
the three different institutions: traditional up-bringing
aimed at formation of an educated person and specialist,
a new institution of education that is called an open,
limited liability institution by the author and aimed not
only at training specialists but also at granting diplomas
and other social symbols (including educational simulacrums),
and a new additional institution providing the
second and the third graduate degrees (it also includes
business units and a whole number of new forms of education).
The author of the article also explains the difference
between personal and social actions and introduces
such terms s the leading sociality type and general
conditions. In the second part of the article the author
discusses the opposition and possible behavior strategy
of an individual based on the above mentioned differences
and the definition of society.
philosophy, personality, society, communication, sociality, identification, opposition, elite, power, human.
Morality and politics
Kurbanov, R. A. (2012). Legal Enforcement of Continuous Supply of Energy
Sources in the European Union. Politics and Society, 11, 11–19.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of EU
energy law, in particular, legal enforcement of continuous
supply of energy sources. The author views the matter from
the two points of view: Þ rst the author views different aspects
of the EU law related to continuous supply of energy
sources and EU foreign political activities with reference
to this matter. Thus, the article is devoted to both legal and
political aspects of ensuring continuous supply of energy
resources to EU.
EU law, EU energy law, energy market, EU directives, continuous supply, EU international cooperation in the sphere of energy, EU energy chart, European energy society, regional cooperation in the sphere of energy.
State and civil society
Katin, V. I. (2012). Church as the Political Subject
(Based on the Example of the Russian Orthodox Church). Politics and Society, 11, 20–27.
The author of the article views a debating point
about modern Russian Orthodox Church being the political
subject. The author describes forms of participation
of church in the Russian political process and raises the
question about legitimacy of new forms of relations between
church and state institution beyond the borders of
applicable laws. The article contains the deÞ nition of modern
relations between church and state institution in the
Russian Federation. As a result of his study, the author
makes the following conclusion. Firstly, the study allows
to prove the status of church as the political subject. Undoubtedly,
Russian Orthodox Church is an active political
actor in modern Russia. Secondly, taking into account the
ontological nature of church, it should be noted that its
participation in the political process and inß uence have
very speciÞ c features. Church often participates in the political
process indirectly. Thirdly, churchs activity as the
political subject mostly depends on particular relations
between church and state at the present moment. Fourthly,
in the past decade Russia has been demonstrating a growing
inß uence of the Russian Orthodox Church on many
sides of social and state life. Fifthly, Russian state, its political
and government authorities need to legitimize new
precedents in relations between church and government
taking into account multi-confessional nature of Russia as
well as to keep social and religious peace and a politically
stable society. The article will be interesting for graduate
and post-graduate students studying politics, religious,
law and preparing for seminars, tests and exams as well
as for college and university teachers preparing for their
lectures, guidelines and etc.
Political studies, church, state institution, power, partnership, policy, co-working, confession, society, subject.
State and civil society
Maksimova, K. A. (2012). Local Institute of the Plenipotentiary Representative
of the Head of Russian State: Status and Prospects. Politics and Society, 11, 28–32.
The article is devoted to the debating points of
the institute of the plenipotentiary representatives of the
President of the Russian Federation in federal circles.
The author makes the assessment and provides his conclusions
and proposals. At the present time the question
about the institution of plenipotentiary representatives
in federal districts is still topical because the conÞ guration
of federal districts is changing
Russian law, plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in a federal circle.
State and civil society
Nagaeva, S. K. (2012). Political Indictors of Civil Society in a Region. Politics and Society, 11, 33–40.
The article describes political interpretation
of civil society from the point of view of institutional
and anthropological approaches. The author describes
the structure of civil society an nalyes such political elements
as public associations (political parties, communities
and etc.), civil participation (civil expertise,
public hearings, community ofÞ ces and etc.), political
culture, local self-government and general political
mass media. The author also describes political indicators
of efÞ cient functioning of civil society in a political
development of a region presence of partnership
relations between regional elite and such non-governmental
institutions as unions (labor, political party and
etc.), mass media and private property institution, civil
participation, social and political activity of communities
in a region and activities performed by the Public
Chambers. At the end of the article the author concludes
that the civil society is inseparable from the sphere of
politics ad as a political phenomenon, it acquires a new
content ad role in a political development of a region.
Further researches of political indicator of civil society
would allow to outline the ways to improve it at the
levels of a particular region and a country in general.
political studies, political, civil, society, regional, development, interpretation, structure, elements.
The nationality issue
Osipov, A. G. (2012). Regulatory Framework and Institutional Grounds
for Ethnocultural Policy: Example of the Republic of Belarus. Politics and Society, 11, 41–53.
The article is devoted to the analysis of legal and
institutional grounds for ethnocultural policy in the Republic
of Belarus. Special attention is paid at the reasons
of development and improvement of this policy while there
are no internal or external challenges caused by ethnical
diversity of population. Such reasons include institutional
inertsia and signiÞ cance of symbolic policy in the sphere
of ethnic relations as an important factor of legitimacy of
the current statehood.
Belarus, diversity management, minorities, international agreements, legislation, conß icts, institutional inertsia, symbolic politics.
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E. A. (2012). Features of Sociological Research of Higher Education
Quality Assessed by the Main Actors of Educational
Process. Politics and Society, 11, 54–61.
For quite a long time education has been
the center of attention in different spheres of sociohumanitarian
studies. As a social institution, education
is mostly viewed from the point of view of social
studies. But todays interest for the educational system
is also caused by the fact that education is interpreted
as a value which plays an important role for human
and society. At the present article we pay attention at
particularities of social research of higher education
quality. The author focuses on viewing higher education
quality from the point of view of modernization
of a Russian system of education. The author also underlines
that when studying the quality of education
at institutions and universities, it is necessary to pay
attention at laws and standards regulating the system
and the actors of educational process. Special attention
is paid at assessment of the main actors of educational
process. The results of the study can be used for
further development of methodology for the purpose of
social researches of education quality.
social studies, education, quality, society, expert, survey, matrix, modernization, strategy, potential.
Social studies and monitoring
Fedotov, L. N. (2012). Modernization of Regions: Basic Approaches. Politics and Society, 11, 62–68.
The article is devoted to the modern conceptions
of modernization of regions in Russia. The author of the
article shows how important it is to take into account noneconomic
parameters (social and environmental capitals)
for the purpose of their modernization. The author also
proves the need in using a hybrid modernization model for
development of Russian regions.
modernization, regions, social capital, environmental capital, hybrid modernization.
Conflict and consensus
Aleynikov, A. V. (2012). Compositional Grounds for Conß ict Contingency
of Business and State Institution: Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 69–80.
Evolution of the Russian system business-system-
society is viewed through describing the dominant
delimitation caused by the structural changes in a society
and cultural dynamics or base socio-cultural cultural differences.
Conß ict is described as a negative form of interaction
which actors are aimed at Þ ghting, keeping or
changing their position in a society or community. The
author describes the two main analysis levels ontological
analysis which classiÞ es conß ict situations, their structures,
features and peculiarities and operational analysis
which consists of a number of methods of conß ict solution
developed and used by the society and a number of stereotypical
scenarios of conß ict behavior. Based on Albert
Hirschmans researches the author describes strategies of
conß ict relations between business and state institutions as
well as their genetic connection with the previous states
of the Russian institutional system. The author also deÞ nes
the main features of the Russian model of conß icts ad the
operational level of methods and scenarios of the conß ict
solution process. Analyzing compositional grounds for
conß ict contingency between business and state institution,
the author describes the following operating modes
directive, functional and communicative modes as well
as the main features, attributes and identiÞ cation peculiarities
of Russian business.
political studies, business, power, conß ict, Russia, transformations, society, communication, strategy.
The heritage of transformation
Koren, R. V. (2012). Eniological Stage of Cultural Reß ection, its Features and
Consequences. Politics and Society, 11, 81–93.
The article proves that the beginning of eniological
stage in culture reß ected by the system forming and
managing factors. Based on the analysis of particular
creators of certain features, the author also lists the fact
s and events of growing cultural eniological features accompanied
by the system logic and a new world perception
paradigm as well as improvement of knowledge methods
and complication of cultural studies due to the authors
development of the Fundamental cultural research as a
science of survival and the System cultural research as a
meta-science. Qualitative changes in contents of cultural
reß ections require semantic and structural changes in socio-
economic, law and innovation spheres of social life as
well. They are shown as the consequences of a new cultural
stage. The author also describes the weak points of this
new stage of cultural reß ection and its incompliance with
the requirements. The author also suggests to arrange for
the goal-oriented discussion of methodological, semantic
and practical issues of entering the new cultural stage
through preparing and holding the Forth Russian cultural
congress 2012 under the motto From entertaining culture
to creating and managing culture.
cultural studies, eniology, culture, fundamental nature, systematology, meta-science, energy, information, creation, management.
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Belianinov, A. Yu. (2012). System Aspects of Interactions between Customs Services
at CIS Member States in the Sphere of Integration Policy. Politics and Society, 11, 94–98.
International customs cooperation plays a signi
Þ cant role in solving issues directly inß uencing the
development of economic relations in CIS countries and
integration of CIS member states into the world trade
as well as the raise of efÞ ciency of their customs administration.
The given article is focused on the main
stages of such development of customs cooperation in
CIS countries as well as system aspects of development
of legal enforcement of customs activities in CIS countries.
The author also analyzes some agreements and
standards regulating integration processes of interaction
between the aforesaid authorities and describes the
main trends of their future cooperation.
law studies, state institution, CIS, customs, custom services, foreign activity, customs administration, integration policy, cooperation, legal base.
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
Akhatov, Yu. K. (2012). Ethnical Migrant of the Sakhalin Region. Sociological
Portrait. Politics and Society, 11, 99–115.
Researches o socio-cultural characteristics of migrants
is an important stage in the process of formation of
the resident population of the Sakhalin region. Regulation
of regional migration processes must be equally based on
a survey analysis providing a clear vision of the quality
of migration ß ows. Analysis of socio-cultural characteristics
allows to deÞ ne those migrants whose presence is
most likely to be favorable for development of the region.
Ability to assess migrants socio-cultural parameters and
professional level would allow local authorities to develop
efÞ cient trans-national interactions and satisfy social and
economic interests of the region.
Sakhalin region, surveys, socio-cultural characteristics of labor resources, migrants, foreign labor force, housing conditions, values and motivations.
Legal history
Merzliakov, A. V. (2012). Boris Chicherin’s Historical Conception of State Institution
in Pre-Revolutionary Russian Historiography. Politics and Society, 11, 116–125.
Great Russian philosopher Boris Nikolaevich
Chicherin (1828—1904) paid much attention at the concept
of state institution. He suggested the concept of state
power based in ideology of liberal conservatism and his
concept raised controversial responses from Russian scientists
most of whom followed liberal or socio-democratic
ideas. Their opinions were later used by the Soviet and
modern Russian historians.
history, state institution, freedom, liberalism, conservatism, reforms, reaction, power, doctrine, school (law school).
Legal history
Schedrina, Yu. V. (2012). Independence of Judges at Special (Estate) Courts
in Russia During the 60th 80th of XX Century:
Problems of Legal Regulation
(Based on the Example of Spiritual Courts). Politics and Society, 11, 126–133.
The article is focused on legal regulation
of guarantees of independence of judges at Russias spiritual
courts during the Þ rst decades after the reform. The
author studies the process of developing the Draft Main
Provisions of Transformation of Spiritual Courts enforcing
the main guarantees of independence of judges at spiritual
courts. It is concluded that conservatism of Russian Orthodox
Church caused certain obstacles for far-reaching
reforms of a spiritual court. This is why the principle of
independence of spiritual judges was not enforced until the
Revolution of 1917 despite all minor reforms ongoing back
in those times.
judicial reform, independency of judges, irremovability of judges, judicial statutes, archiereus, consistory, Synodus.
Legal history
Belkovets, L. P., Shumskaya, K. V. (2012). Peace Agreement Between Russia and Latvia 1920
in the Context of tRussian-German Opposition. Politics and Society, 11, 134–143.
The article investigates the policy of the Russian
Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR) in the relation
of Latvian state in the Þ rst half of the 1920th. Contracts
which regulated the process of recognition process of independence
of Latvia, background and conditions of the
Latvian-Russian relations, the main thing from which was
Russian-German opposition, were studied. Conclusions
about the policy answering to the general principles of
international law, to geopolitical interests of the Russian
state and to the interests of the Latvian people and state on
the threshold of the future new world war have been made.
Latvia, Russia, Germany, Soviet power, background, agreement, conditions, recognition, independence, relation.