State and civil society
Makarin, A. V., Davydov, L. V. (2012). Social and Political Grounds of Reinforcement of the Ruling Party. Politics and Society, 1, 4–15.
Reinforcement of the Ruling Party and raise of its electoral effi ciency from one electoral period to another occurred
only when the ruling class extended its functions and invested funds in it. The more dividends the ruling class gets from the
Ruling Party, the more funds it is ready to invest in the party (including administrative resources). The opposite tendency is
there, too: The Ruling Party is interested in getting as many investments as necessary. It readily accept stem, undertake new
functions and try to be effective. To a certain extent, it is the channel allowing new people to join the ruling class. For the Party
is the guide of interests of both the ruling class and the groups this party is based on – political bureaucracy and middle layers
of offi cials.
political science, party, power, class, resources, elections, nomenclature, politics, bureaucracy, offi cials.
State and civil society
Poya, S. (2012). Highlights of the New Economic Policy of the Prime Ministry of Afghanistan Muhammad Daud Khan in
1953 – 1963. Politics and Society, 1, 16–26.
In September of 1953 the government of Prime Minister of Afghanistan Shah Mahmood resigned. And on September
6, 1953 King Muhammad Zahir Shah decided to appoint a prime minister Sardar Muhammad Daud Khan, due to the need to
change the political course in the country and develop a new economic policy.
Afghanistan, Mohammed Daud Khan, the new economic policy, agriculture, industrialization, the banking system.
State and civil society
Lobanov, A. V. (2012). Legal Problems of the Subject Matt of the Bank Lending Agreement. Politics and Society, 1, 27–32.
The article is devoted to the subject matter of bank lending agreement in accordance with the civil law and court practice.
The author of the article analyzes the basic approaches to the subject matter of the bank lending agreement and provides
recommendations on how to defi ne the subject matter of the bank lending agreement in practice.
studies of law, bank lending, monetary funds, borrower, debtor, credit agreement, subject matter of the agreement, symbolic money, credit money, currency of payment.
State and civil society
Sidorkin, S. S. (2012). Features of Change of Persons in Obligations Related to Intellectual Property. Politics and Society, 1, 33–37.
The intellectual rights to results of intellectual activity and the means of an individualization equal to them are a special version
of the civil rights and can have both property, and personal non-property character to be as turnover capability object, and not
to participate in a civil turn that is defi ned by specifi city of the non-material legal nature of intellectual property. In the present
article the separate problems connected with assignment in sphere of intellectual property, in particular, change of persons in
obligations in sphere of intellectual property, a parity of the given institute with assignment in exclusive rights and rights of use
of protected objects are considered. The author does a conclusion about inexpediency of application of institute of change of
persons in the obligation to relations on transition of the intellectual rights.
intellectual property, intellectual rights, assignment, change of persons in the obligation, a concession of the right of the requirement, debt transfer, an exclusive right, contracts about the order exclusive rights, the license contract, the contract on exclusive right alienation.
National security
Ramazanov, R. U. (2012). Prohibitions and Restrictions for State Civil and Municipal Offi cials as an Effective Way of
Corruption Management. Politics and Society, 1, 38–43.
The article is devoted to anti-corruption measures in the bodies of authority and management. The author points out
the problems of formation of legal and organizational grounds of implementation of anti-corruption legislation. The author also
suggests certain changes in current legislation regulating prohibitions and restrictions for state civil and municipal offi cials as well as changes in the Federal Law ‘On State Civil Service of the Russian Federation’ and the Federal Law ‘On Municipal
Service in the Russian Federation’ in order to improve the legal mechanism of behavior of state civil and municipal offi cials.
Moreover, the article suggests to reinforce punishment for offi cials who violated legislation regulating enforcement of prohibitions
and restrictions.
studies of law, corruption, prohibition, restriction, state, municipal, civil, offi cial, responsibility, regulation.
The nationality issue
Gusaeva, K. G. (2012). Inter-Ethnic Relations as a Form of Social Interaction. Politics and Society, 1, 44–57.
Just like other social relations, inter-ethnic relations are one of the forms of social interaction and activity but they
have a complex integrated nature. In her article the author views inter-ethinc relations not only from the point of view of the
phenomenon of ethnicity but also legal relations and socio-economic component.
political studies, nation, ethnos, inter-ethnicity, society, polyethnicity, interaction, tradition, regulation, proneness to confl ict.
The nationality issue
Prokopenko, E. E. (2012). The Role of Confl ictogenity in Poly-Ethnicity in North Caucasian Federal District. Politics and Society, 1, 58–64.
This article is devoted to the basic factors of confl ictogenity in North Caucasus. The author describes the causes of
ethno-political confl icts and social tension and analyzes the system of federal-regional relations in North Caucasian Federal
political studies, GFR (glomerular fi ltration rate), confl ictogenity, poly-ethnicity, self-identifi cation, national security, ethno-policy, destabilization, integration, tolerance.
Social studies and monitoring
Filimonov, G. Yu., Tsaturyan, S. (2012). Social Network as Innovative Mechanism of ‘Soft’ Infl uence and Management of
Mass Consciousness. Politics and Society, 1, 65–75.
The article provides information about social networks serving as a tool of political events acceleration in the world
nowadays. The authors believe that social networks which help U.S. government to carry out non-violent acts against American
political opponents in global affairs, will strengthen its role in international relations. The authors predict the emergence of
global network society and think that wars in cyberspace will become one of the main fi elds of struggle for world`s power and
USA, social networks, soft power, nonviolent resistance, Albert Einstein Institution, cyberwarfare.
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E. A. (2012). Cultural Environment of Modern Municipal Development. Politics and Society, 1, 76–84.
The article reveals the socio-cultural codes infl uencing the formation of cultural environment under conditions of
municipal development. Introduction of the term ‘municipal culture’ allows to describe various accent of the urban cultural
environment. Institutional characteristics of such environment are connected not only with the realities of everyday life, but also
with the vector of cultural policy. The emphasis is made on the symbolics of cultural environment under conditions of municipal
development. Much attention is paid at the causation of the symbol making process by modern technologies, archetypes of
cultural traditionalism as well as cultural innovations. The purpose of this study is to reveal the specifi c features of formation
of a cultural environment under conditions of development of municipal units. A modern social methodology, in particular,
socio-cultural and structural – functional approaches, allows to considerably expand the epistemological space of the study of
cultural and environmental phenomena and occurrences.
values, norms, development, culture, municipal, society, hermeneutics, symbolics, images.
Social studies and monitoring
Vainer, G. D. (2012). Trouble making effective management decisions based on the conditions of total product life cycle of
production and its environmental -economic feasibility. Politics and Society, 1, 85–94.
This article touched on making effective management decisions based on the production life cycle assessment. The
problems of recycled materials in the manufacture of fi shing-and the need for further use or disposal without environmental
harm. In the article the basic principles of philosophy «Life cycle assessment» and its possible implementation in the Russian
social aspects, eco-effi ciency, life cycle of products, recycling, reuse of materials, production of technical products.
Humanitarian projects
Solovyeva, E. V. (2012). The strategic Partnership Between Russia and China as a Factor of Cultural Interaction in Today’s
Political Environment. Politics and Society, 1, 95–101.
The paper considers the cultural interaction between China and Russia in light of the strategic partnership between the
two countries. The author argues that the cultural component of relationships is a key factor for the development of strategic
partnership. For Russia and China has become a new model of acute cultural relationships - mutually benefi cial co-operation
with preservation of the cultural specifi city of each culture.
strategic partnerships, cultural interaction, cultural dialogue, public diplomacy, the Year of China in Russia, the Year of Russia in China.
Public dialogue
Pokotilova, T. E., Shebzukhova, T. A. (2012). Society and Power: Experience of Successful Interaction at the North Caucasus
at the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century. Politics and Society, 1, 102–107.
The article analyzes one of the most important aspects in history of interactions between the society ad power in the
North Caucasian Region at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century related to social charity movement. The authors
of the article show that, while being an element of the general Russian charity process, North Caucasian social organizations
substituting government in the most important spheres of local communities’ lives have their own peculiarities.
society, power, cooperation, North Caucasian, Russian Empire, charity activities, social organizations, social selfactivity, modernization process, legitimacy, unsolved social issues, tutorial, teaching and educational activity, the sphere of social disdain, national charity organizations.
Conflict and consensus
Karpovich, O. G. (2012). Technologies of Management of International Confl icts in Peace-Making and Anti-Terrorist
Operations Performed by the USA and NATO. Politics and Society, 1, 108–118.
This article presents the results of the study the use of technologies of management of international confl ict in peacekeeping
and antiterrorist operations of U.S. and NATO. The basic features of the practices that distinguish the individual style
of peacemaking of U.S. and NATO representatives of other civilizations and cultures.
political studies, politics and society, international relations, external policy, national security, peace-making, peace enforcement, technologies of management of confl icts, international confl ict, USA.
The heritage of transformation
Rozin, V. M. (2012). The Problem of Identity in the Context of New Egoism. Politics and Society, 1, 119–128.
The article discusses conditions of identity formation of a modern person in the situation of expansion of new egoism.
The author of the article thinks of how economic, confessional, cognitive and personal egoism was overcome during formation
of capitalism and a liberal society. The crisis of liberalism and globalization processes led to appearance of new egoism and
crisis of modern personality. In this regard, the author suggests his own interpretation of identity and egoism. Based on the
author, identity should be better viewed as personal efforts aimed at construction and institutionalization of the self, during
which he actually develops different attitudes to other personalities, groups or communities. This is not just the self-love or
self-centeredness but particular behavior in different periods of our civilization when traditional stereotypes about reality and
common social norms of behavior stop functioning and human have to set them all from the very beginning. In such a case human
is usually relies on himself, i. e. he acts quite selfi shly which causes all kinds of social confl icts.
political studies, identity, egoism, community, ethnicity, liberalism, rent construction, discourse, transfer, confl ict.
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Myzalevskaya, M. S. (2012). Islamic Threat: Reaction of British Society and Government to the Terrorist Attacks in London
in 2005. Politics and Society, 1, 129–136.
The article analyzes the reaction of British society to the terrorist attacks committed in 2005 as well as the infl uence
of those events on deviation of the British government from the multi-culturalism policy. Terrorist attacks obviously proved the
failure of migration policy which had been performed over the last few decades. They showed that the government did not have
any valid information about the situation within the Islamic society. Terrorist attacks were prepared by the second generation
of migrants belonging to the middle class. Despite efforts performed by the British mass media in order to prevent the growth
of islamophobia, the government had to reinforce anti-terrorist measures including the increase of legislative pressure which,
in its turn, caused accusations of the government in violation of the human rights.
Islamic factor, terrorism, Great Britain, jihad, anti-terrorism legislation, multi-culturalism, migration policy, war in Iraq, British Muslims, radicalism.
Main human rights and liberties
Gvozdeva, M. O. (2012). International and Russian Experience of Internet Voting. Politics and Society, 1, 137–151.
The study is devoted to the analysis of Internet voting as a form of elections. The purpose of this study is to make it
possible to implement the system of Internet voting during elections in the Russian Federation. The author of the article tries to
achieve the following tasks: -gives defi nition of the Internet voting; -analyzes international and Russian experience in such elections;
- defi nes pluses and minuses of the Internet voting. In order to solve these tasks, the author analyzes the Russian and foreign
mass media as well as regulatory documents, in particular: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws such as:
On Basic Guarantees of Voting Rights and the Right for Participation in the Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation,
On Electing Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, On Elections of the President of the
Russian Federation, decrees of the Central election commission of the Russian Federation and international documents such as:
Guides on Legal, Organizational and Technical Aspects of Electronic Voting and Guides on Electronic Democracy. In general,
this study is a research of Internet voting based on comparison of various experiences of its implementation. The results of the
study prove the expediency and relevance of activities performed by the Central election commission of the Russian Federation.
In order to implement this form of elections, it is necessary to develop and legalize regulatory acts allowing to use Internet during
elections. In order to create the system of Internet voting, it is necessary to attract a great number of qualifi ed employees. It
is also very important to take into account German experience which used state institutions and regular universities for creation
and testing of the system of Internet voting. It is also desirable to perform pilot projects of Internet voting abroad, in the fi rst
place, in countries with high population of the RF citizens which traditionally demonstrate low percent of voter participation
(Germany, USA, Israel). It is also desirable to continue pilot projects to a wider extent inside the country and perform them in
a greater number of the Russian Federation constituents. All these measures would allow to increase the number of voters and
enable all RF citizens to participate in elections disregarding their location.
studies of law, elections, voting, remote, electronic, Internet, survey, pilot, certifi cation, security.
Legal history
Fevralev, S. A. (2012). Local Legal Systems of National Regions in the Policy of the Russian Supreme Power (Second Half of
the 17th – Beginning of the 20th Century). Politics and Society, 1, 152–163.
The article is devoted to the relationship between the Russian supreme power and local legal systems of peoples and
territories composing the Russian Empire at the second half of the 17th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The author analyzes
the problem of preservation of legal peculiarities of national regions as a part of enforcement of state and legal environment of
Russia. Special attention is paid at the analysis of the basic tendencies in forming attitudes towards preservation and usage of
particular legalizations in management of social processes in national regions with different levels of autonomy in the Russian
studies of law, supreme power, internal policy, ethno-policy, Russian country, Russian empire, sources of the law, local law, local legal systems, local legalization code.