Question at hand
Akopov, G. L. (2011). Political Internet-Modernization: Theoretical Background of the Research. Politics and Society, 8, 4–8.
The article describes the author’s approach to studying the process of modernization of modern society
based on application of Internet-technologies.
political science, modern, modernization, Internet-modernization, modernism, political modernization, Internet, Internet technologies, information society, political institutions.
State and civil society
Gurbanov, R. A. (2011). Legal Basis of Interactions between Member-States of the Council of Europe in the Sphere
of Justice. Politics and Society, 8, 9–14.
The article gives an analysis of the legal basis of interactions between member states of the Council of
Europe in the sphere of Justice. The author analyzes both the conventional and out-conventional law of the Council
of Europe which organizes cooperation between the member states of the Council of Europe in the sphere of justice.
The article contains a comparative analysis of the tools of organization of cooperation in the sphere of justice created
by the Council of Europe with similar tools created by European law. The author concludes that cooperation between
member states of the Council of Europe in the sphere of justice is a classical form of international cooperation.
ouncil of Europe, conventional law, cooperation in the sphere of justice, classical cooperation, criminal justice, interaction in the sphere of justice, European law, member states of the EC.
State and civil society
Kachushkin, S. V. (2011). Formation of the Institution of Civil Service in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 8, 15–31.
The article is devoted to historical and legal analysis of formation of the institution of civil service in the
Russian Federation from 1990 up to the present time. The author gives the classifi cation of stages of civil service reformation
which takes into account signifi cant changes in legal regulation of formation and activities of civil service.
The article describes the four typical ‘post-soviet’ stages of reformation of civil service in the Russian Federation.
The article evaluates and analyzes the status and challenges of legal regulation of civil service during each stage.
civil service, state civil service, conceptions, models, reformation, legal regulation, sublegislative regulation, fundamental principles of legislation, the Code of Civil Service, special administrative authority of civil service.
State and civil society
Yablonskaya, L. M. (2011). Axiological Grounds for Police Activities in a Democratic State. Politics and Society, 8, 32–37.
Based on the original documents of international organizations the author of the article analyzes the role
of ethical and deontological values in police activity, administration and reformation. The author analyzes the core
values of police in democratic states such as supremacy of law, community service, concord and order in the society,
protection of human rights and freedoms, ethics. The article will be of good use to theorists and researches of the
reform of law enforcement agencies in Russia.
ocial studies, philosophy, ethics, police, values, deontology, concord, service, ethics, work ethics.
State and civil society
Lyubimov, D. S. (2011). Social and Positive Legal Responsibility. Politics and Society, 8, 38–47.
The article is devoted to the relationship between the positive and retrospective legal responsibility. Based
on the author of the article, the goal of the legal science and, ultimately, of a law maker, is not only to set the minimal
limits of good behavior but also to defi ne the ‘minimal limits of good practice’. Good behavior is a guarantee against
sanctions while good practice should become the warrant for awarding privileges and preferences.
law, corporate social responsibility, social responsibility of business, legal responsibility, retrospective responsibility, fi duciary obligations, abuse of right, criminal responsibility, administrative responsibility.
National security
Kantorovich, O. G. (2011). Russia: Challenges of Establishing National Strategy of Political Administration of
Modern International Confl icts. Politics and Society, 8, 48–59.
The article provides the results of the analysis of basic challenges and perspectives of establishment of Russia
of the national strategy and its own cultural and civilization model of political management of modern international
confl icts based on national technologies of information and psychological infl uences on confl icts, collective and
individual consciousness of the world society.
political science, national security, foreign policy, international relations, political confl icts, management of international confl icts, psychological technologies, psychological operations, media war, information policy.
People and work
Zhukov, I. M. (2011). Social Effi ciency of Human Resources Management in Hotel Business: Basic Principles of the
Defi nition. Politics and Society, 8, 60–66.
The article views and analyzes the basic principles of defi nitions of social effi ciency and social effi ciency
of human resources management. Based on the analysis the author gives the defi nition of social effi ciency of human
resources management in hotel business.
social studies, social effi ciency, social effi ciency of human resources management, hotel business, object of management, subject of management, hotel organization, analysis of social effi ciency, social and psychological climate, social result.
Social studies and monitoring
Matveeva, A. I., Vetoshkin, A. P. (2011). "Spiritual Doing" as the Foundation of Personal Improvement. Politics and Society, 8, 67–76.
The article gives the defi nition of the spiritual potential of a person which is the result of a special labor
activity – ‘spiritual doing’. The authors of the article show that a personal potential leads to personal development
and improvement but not destruction. The article contains the description of socio-cultural dynamics of formation
of social creativity subjects. The authors claim that social creativity cannot develop outside social interactions,
however, social interaction is not the only ground for social creativity. The authors also admit the key value of
spiritual culture in the genesis of the phenomenon of social creativity and its subjects.
social studies, spirituality, personality, labor, potential, creativity, culture, interaction, improvement, formation.
Social studies and monitoring
Ispravnikov, N. R., Romanov, D. N. (2011). Perspectives of Modernization of Basic Institutions in the Social
Sphere. Politics and Society, 8, 77–85.
The main cause of a crisis in a social sphere is either the absence of comprehensive programs of reformation
(which often happens in science and culture, for instance) or their failure (such as in health care, education, housing
and communal services). The fi rst cause is rather obvious, but the second one (i.e. reformation principles) is still the
topic of fi erce discussions. The problems of ‘insuffi cient’ budget and poor fi nancing of the social sphere depends on
the institutional structure of the ‘real sector’ and its effi ciency in the long run. As for the problem of reformation of
social sphere, here establishment of effi cient programs depends on understanding of specifi cs of social and economic
institutions in this sphere. This is the main distinction between institutions in these two spheres which requires a
differentiated approach to their reformation.
social studies, institution, education, health care, pension, complexes, institutionalization, functions, modernization, reformation.
Public dialogue
Popov, S. V. (2011). Russian Authority and Parliamentary Opposition in 2000th. Politics and Society, 8, 86–94.
The article analyzes various conceptions regarding the status of the parliamentary opposition and the
nature of the Russian party system in 2000th. These conceptions were fi xed in a political discourse. As a result, the
two particular positions seem to be evident. From the point of view of representatives of executive authority, now in
Russia we have a multiparty system with one dominating party which has been typical for some Western democratic
states at different periods of history. Based on the members of the parliamentary opposition and some experts, the
Russian model of party relations has acquired authoritarian features which is typical for Hegemon constructs. The
article views arguments and proofs of each conception presented.
political science, opposition, hegemon party, satellite party, Sartori, United Russia Party System, political monopoly, electoral disability, dominating party.
Main human rights and liberties
Kuliush, O. A. (2011). Legal Foundation of Responsibility of Liable Parties during Protection of Business
Reputation. Politics and Society, 8, 95–101.
The article defi nes the circle of persons liable for dissemination of inaccurate and discrediting information
depending on the form of dissemination of such information, including providing information on the Internet.
Considerable attention is paid at the grounds of responsibility for distortion of business reputation as well as terms
for releasing from such responsibility. The author also touches upon the issue of determination of the period of limits
of action with regard to cases of protection of business reputation.
law, dissemination of information, discrediting information, inaccurate information, uncertain estimate, responsibility for dissemination of information, dissemination of information on the Internet, limitation of actions, right of reply, right of refutation.
Legal history
Glotova, S. A. (2011). Documentation of Administrative Activity in Russia during the 18th Century. Politics and Society, 8, 102–108.
The article describes the process of implementation of administrative activity by public control and
administrative authorities of the 18th century based on archives kept by the funds of the Russian Record Offi ce of
Ancient Acts.
Taking into account the collegial form of administrative decision-making process in the 18th century, special attention
is paid at the procedure of transformation of the collegial will into a concrete administrative order. This procedure
involved documents recording the process of making the collegial decision as well as order documents bringing these
decisions to executors. The former included protocols and journals and the latter included orders. The article gives
examples of these documents and describes the procedure of their publication. The author also marks out another
important tendency in documentation of administrative activity during that period which involved brining orders by
supreme authorities to lower layers through a number of orders of the Senate and collegiums repeating the contents
of initiative documents.
It is currently a traditional function of state authorities which refl ects the process of administrative activity ‘in
pursuance’. The article shows that this procedure was fi rst formed in the 18th century.
political science, history, order, decree, protocol, journal, document, decision, collegiums, activity.