State and civil society
Mikhailov, M. V. (2011). Government Policy in the Sphere of Education and Establishment of the Civil Society in
Russia. Politics and Society, 7, 4–11.
Education has always thought to be a social sphere created and supported by the state institution for its
society. This article makes an attempt view the process of modernization of education in a different light and to answer
the question on how the education reform may refl ect the interest of the civil society which is being formed in
Russia now.
studies of law, state institution, society, education, modernization, legislation, power, democracy, law, systematization.
State and civil society
Akopov, G. L. (2011). Political Elites of Russia and Social Networks: Challenges of Interaction. Politics and Society, 7, 12–21.
The article analyzes aspects of application of Internet technologies by political elites. The author of the
article describes possible aspects of interactions between
law, political elites, social networks, Internet policy, democracy, government – population, blog, civil society, information society, Internet.
State and civil society
Kachushkin, S. V. (2011). The Relation between the Notions ‘Civil Service’ and ‘Civil Offi cer’. Politics and Society, 7, 22–29.
The article considers and analyzes the terms ‘civil service’, ‘civil offi cer’ and ‘offi cial’. The author of the
article draws our attention at the fact that the term ‘offi cial’ is not used in our legislation. The author analyzes the
legislative defi nitions of civil offi ce and civil offi cer from the point of view of their relation with the theoretical notions
used in different conceptions of civil service (in private law and public law). The author also analyzes the ‘wide’
and ‘narrow’ theoretical and legislative defi nitions of civil service and compares them to the defi nitions of civil offi
cer. The article well shows the need in differentiation between the legal status of state public offi ce and the status
of offi ce (position) in civil offi ce. Based on this analysis the author makes suggestions on how to improve the legal
regulation of state civil service in the Russian Federation.
civil service, civil offi cer, state civil offi ce, conceptions, position in civil offi ce, state offi ce, legal status, legal regulation.
State and civil society
Ivanova, O. G. (2011). Defi nition and Types of Criminal Legal Proceedings. Politics and Society, 7, 30–38.
The article is devoted to the problem of differentiation of criminal legal proceedings into a few independent
types of proceedings. Based on his own original criteria the author describes the four types of criminal legal
proceedings existing in the Russian Federation. These include: primary proceedings, proceedings on compulsory
medical measures, proceedings on choosing the measure of suppression performed by the court and ancillary proceedings.
As a proof for his conclusions, the author provides references to scientifi c resources and practices of courts
of different levels.
studies of law, legal proceedings, differentiation of form of action, features of proceedings, subjects of the criminal trial, purpose of evidence, types of criminal legal proceedings, primary proceedings, ancillary proceedings, compulsory medical measures.
State and civil society
Kurakin, I. A. (2011). Theoretic Analysis of Legal Norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Regulating
Liability for Lawfully Caused Harm. Politics and Society, 7, 39–44.
The given article analyzes the legal and theoretical aspects of norm of the Civil code of the Russian Federation
which regulate responsibility for lawfully caused harm and compensation for property damage. Moreover, the author
of the article makes a number of suggestions on how to improve the legal regulation in the sphere of legal relations.
civil-law responsibility, the lawful tresspass, necessary defense, emergency, sources of legal regulation.
Social studies and monitoring
Tsoy, N. A. (2011). The Phenomenon of Internet Addiction in Interpretation of Functionalism Theory. Politics and Society, 7, 45–55.
The present article analyzes the phenomenon of Internet addiction from the point of view of R. Merton’s
model with the purpose to defi ne one of the basic macrosocial factors causing an occurrence and development of
the investigated phenomenon. It is shown that Internet performs mainly social functions and has an undeliberate
dysfunctional consequence in the form of Internet addiction.
The functionalism theory, Internet addiction, macro social factors, social functions.
Social studies and monitoring
Mishina, O. S. (2011). The Research Methodology and Methods of Control of Social Health of HumanB Being. Politics and Society, 7, 56–63.
Within the framework of the article the author reveals the notion of “social health of human being” as the
social phenomenon and the social institution from the points of view of different scientifi c conceptions. The author
suggests to view the social health as the part of municipal management because it’s the closest method to people’s
needs. It’s also suggested to apply the method of modern sociology to social health researches.
social health, human being’s health, human being’s vital power, community health, the model of social health, sociological methods, local community, municipal management.
Humanitarian projects
Zubenko, Yu. S. (2011). The Problem of Protection of Archeological Evidences Found in the Republic o fAltai: Law
Enforcement Practice. Politics and Society, 7, 64–73.
The article is devoted to the problems and solutions on protection of archeological evidences found in the
Republic of Altai. Existing legal norms regulating this issue are compared with earlier regulations. The research allows
to view the archeological evidences in a new aspect and to understand their important for the Republic of Altai
as well as their infl uence on the development of the region.
studies of law, problems, protection, evidences, Republic of Altai, museum, register, law, tourism.
The heritage of transformation
Demetradze, M. P. (2011). Paternalistic and Ideological Traditionalism as a Factor Inhibiting Development of
Russian Humanities and Social Sciences. Politics and Society, 7, 74–84.
The paper concerns topical problems of Russian humanities and social science. The author of the article
analyzes the key factors preventing social sciences from achieving the modern academic level and obtaining sources
of infl uence on social processes. In particular, the author describes the three groups of problems: ideological paternalism
in science; development of scientifi c technologies which distorts the practice of so-called ‘think tanks’; and
absence of concrete applied researches which would base on the problem approach.
Paternalistic and ideological traditionalism, double standard, sociological forecasting, sociological inquiry, social and scientifi c expertise, sociocultural research laboratory, think tank.
The heritage of transformation
Karipov, B. N. (2011). Description of Peculiarities of the Conservative Thinking. Politics and Society, 7, 85–91.
It is highly important to defi ne the values of conservatism because conservatism is actually a system of
values but not only a political ideology. Being a multiple-aspect conception, conservatism includes many formations,
some of them have being existing throughout the life of human civilization and the others have been created
by certain events in history. The highest form of the phenomenon of conservatism is when all civilizations are based on a universal mechanism performing functions of accumulation of experience in the form of concrete information,
transfer it to next generations, perception of new information and adaptation to it. All these functions are the ones
which can be called ‘conservative’.
political science, conservatism, ideology, traditionalism, practicism, sovereignty of power, legitimacy, civilization, hierarchical pattern of cogitation, evolution.
The heritage of transformation
Lomtev, A. V. (2011). The Theory of Fukuyama’s Universal History. Politics and Society, 7, 92–98.
The main theme of the article is the searches for the meaning of history in Francis Fukuyama’s works, in
particular, his fundamental book ‘The End of History and the Last Man’. The fi rst part of the article analyzes the
development of the idea of Universal History in the context of ideas developed by Kant, Hegel, Marx and then the
theory of modernization developed by many Western European and American scientists. Further the author analyzes
Francis Fukuyama’s ‘scientifi c method’ which allowed to create a fundamental non-cyclic division of history. The
article also pays attention at the national and ethnic issues, the problem of sovereignty, political practices of the
Soviet Union, USA and Asian
political science, history, Fukuyama, progress, democracy, society, liberalism, method, scientifi c, time.
Main human rights and liberties
Doronina, O. N. (2011). Judicial Protection of Basic Rights and Freedoms of the Person and the Citizen in the
System of State Protection of Rights and Freedoms of the Person and Citizen in Russia and Post-Socialistic
States of Europe. Politics and Society, 7, 99–108.
Based on the comparative analysis of constitutional legislations in the Russian Federation and post-
Socialistic States of Europe, the author of the article specifi es the place of judicial authorities in the system of state
protection of human rights and freedoms. The author describes the forms of organization of judicial authority and
their infl uence on the results of human rights work performed by the courts. The article also analyzes the principles
of court proceedings and their implementation in court practice when presiding cases of violation of human rights by
state and self-government authorities.
studies of law, judicial, protection, rights, human, comparative science of law, judicial system, constitutional principles, effi ciency.
Main human rights and liberties
Gurbanov, R. A. (2011). The Perspective of the European Union Accession to the European Convention on Human
Rights and its Infl uence on the Relations of the Judicial Bodies of the European Union and of the Council of
Europe. Politics and Society, 7, 109–118.
This paper presents the perspective of the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights and
its infl uence on the relations of the judicial bodies of the EU and of the Council of Europe. Author thinks that the
accession of EU to the Convention will fi x a hierarchical relation between the judicial bodies of the EU and of the
Council of Europe, which exists already. This hierarchical relation was built on the normative submission of the
European Court of Justice to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.
European Union, European Convention on Human Rights, Council of Europe, European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, judicial bodies cooperation, hierarchy, competence, judicial control.