Question at hand
Vasiliev, A. V. (2011). Prices, Infl ation, Taxes, Innovative Development. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to taxation systems of Russia, European countries and USA and gives their comparative
analysis. It is determined that the fl at tax scale used in Russia has certain drawbacks in comparison with the
progressive scale of taxes used in the USA and European countries. The progressive scale keeps prices down and
decreases infl ation as well as promotes the innovative development of industrial activity. Moreover, the American
system of taxation which represents part of the entire profi t but not just certain economic indicators simplifi es accounting
and control by tax authorities.
tax rate, flat and progressive tax scales, taxable base, taxation of legal entities, innovative development, profi t tax, value-added tax, property tax, unifi ed social tax.
State and civil society
Filimonov, V. D. (2011). Civil Society and its Interactions with State Institutions. Politics and Society, 5.
The article studies the cause, grounds and origins of civil society. Based on the analysis of the essence,
content and legal form of a civil society the author views its functions and institutions. Special attention is paid at the
problems of self-organization of a civil society, its independence from and interactions with state institutions.
political science, civil, society, state, institution, self-organization, independency, function, interaction, law.
State and civil society
Borisenkov, A. A. (2011). Political Regime as a Mean of Political Infl uence. Politics and Society, 5.
The article studies the essence and types of political regime, its role in realization of political infl uence.
The author describes contradictions in interpretations of political regimes. In particularly, it is shown that political
regime and democratic regime are two different social regimes. The article reveals peculiarities and types of democratic
political regimes. The author also formulates the political regime law.
politics, political power, political infl uence, political regime, authoritarian regime, totalitarian regime, democratic regime, democratic political regime, state institution.
State and civil society
Boyarskikh, A. V. (2011). Subjects of a Civil Society in Basic Social and Political Theories. Politics and Society, 5.
In given article the author reveals, studies and systematizes the basic social and political theories in conditions
of genesis and evolution of actors positions of subjects of a civil society. The author pays the basic attention on
the conceptual and methodological bases of considered theories and to development of subjects of a civil society in
historical dynamics. The period of studies begins in IV – V b.c. and comes to an end today. It gives us the an objective
and wide vision of a question. The main idea of the article is that we can form the civil society, only from point
of view of actors functioning in state.
actor, state, society, public organizations, civil society, rights and freedoms, political parties, trade unions, social institutions, environment, social and political theories
State and civil society
Vorobyov, D. V. (2011). The Parties for Rendering Legal Help in Cases of Raider Takeovers. Politics and Society, 5.
The parties for rendering legal help in cases of raider takeovers are cited and investigated in this article.
The legal description is given to the concerned parties, and their proxies are analyzed. Also, the conclusions about
effi ciency of rendering legal help to each investigated party in the concerned case category are made.
legal adviser, lawyer, the code of lawyer professional ethics, legal establishments, legal advice.
State and civil society
Molchanov, A. A. (2011). On the Question about Extended Interpretation of Norms of Administrative Responsibility
for Violation of Custom Regulations. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to the problem of relevance of imposition of administrative sanctions for violation of custom
rules. The author insists on necessarily literal interpretation of norms of administrative responsibility. According
to the author, extended interpretation of norms regulating administrative responsibility shall not be allowed.
law, administrative, responsibility, violation, custom, interpretation, norm, transit, territory, border.
State and civil society
Lopatin, D. B. (2011). The Problem of the Choice of Applicable Law in International Commercial Arbitration. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to the problems arising when arbiters of the International Commercial Arbitration
Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation follows the algorithm of the choice of
applicable law based on the experience of foreign states and international forums. The article analyzes the confl ict
of will and expression of will by holders of right in the light of reservation of rights applicable to private law deals,
- in the fi rst place, the problem of the choice of law by the parties. The author also analyzes the problem of using the
legal rules by arbiters when there is no choice of applicable law by the parties of a contract.
law, international private law of Russia, international commercial arbitration, applicable law, International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Fe, International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, Spain, choice-of-law clause, arbitrage clause, rules governing choice of laws.
State and civil society
Trofimov, E. V. (2011). Offi cial and Social Rewarding. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to the structure of rewarding. Special attention is paid at a typological description of
offi cial and social rewarding as the most important elements. Comparative analysis of offi cial and social rewards
allows to determine their social and legal role.
law, reward, faleronim, encouragement, offi cial, social, state, municipal, public.
National security
Kutyrev, V. A. (2011). On Ideological Grounds of Modern Terrorism in the World and Russia. Politics and Society, 5.
The article shows how limited political and socio-technological methods of struggle against terrorism are.
One of the reasons why it is limited is a contradiction between conservatism and progressivism as between a culture’s
tendency to self-preservation, on one hand, and expansion of destroying civilization technologies, on the other.
According to the author, Russia should not rush to refuse from cultural clamps of social life and value regulators of
social relations. It is possible to successfully deal with terrorism only if the entire society heals spiritually.
political science, culture, civilization, terror, technology, Russia, globalism, values, spirituality, Islamism.
National security
Alekseeva, D. G. (2011). Baking Security as a Part of National Security in the Modern Context: Legal Aspects. Politics and Society, 5.
In the context of globalization of fi nancial markets it is important to provide national and public interests
of Russia in the sphere of credits and fi nances. The author of the article studies the defi nition and main elements of
banking security as a part of national security. From the point of view of public activity of state institutions, banking
security is viewed as a complex legal institution in a legislative system.
security, globalization, crisis, national interest, banking system, credit organizations, economics, state institution, fi nancial stability, law.
The nationality issue
Valeev, H. A. (2011). Federalism and Civil Service in the Context of Political and Legal Transformations during
post-Soviet period. Politics and Society, 5.
Even though constituents of the federation keep their ‘historical’ names, it is necessary to note that all
ethnic communities including ‘title communities’ have equal rights on their territory. This is the requirement if we
want to make political, economic, social and cultural development of an ethnic community to be independent from a state or municipal offi cer as well as from the territory where the community lives (republic, region or oblast). Such
position would eliminate both national dependency and certain fears a nation might feel because of living in the
‘ foreign’ territory.
political science, political regionalistics, federalism, civil service, ethnicity, decentralization of Russia, political transformation, constituents of the federation, national republics, ethnopolicy.
People and work
Churyumova, E. A. (2011). Imbalance of Labor Market and Socio-Political Stability in the Republic of Kalmykia. Politics and Society, 5.
Based on the results of opinion surveys, the author of the article describes infl uence of socio-economic
factors on socio-political situation in the Republic of Kalmykia as exemplifi ed by imbalance of the labor market.
Imbalance of supply and demand on the labor market, high percentage of intentions to migrate (especially among
young people) and citizens’ anxiety about socio-economic problems are viewed as indicators of socio-political destabilization
in the region.
political science, socio-political environment, opinion survey, economic crisis, stability, region, labor market, unemployment, imbalance, migration.
People and work
Chusova, N. S. (2011). Cross-Cultural Communication of Ethnic Communities. Analysis of the Phenomena from the
Point of View of Non-Classical Social Studies. Politics and Society, 5.
The article analyzes the phenomena of cross-cultural communication of ethnic communities from the point
of view of non-classical social studies. Basic defi nitions are viewed within the context of communication as a social
interaction. The author also outlines possible targets for further researches.
social studies, communication, interaction, behavior, culture, phenomenology, type assignment, ethnicity, symbolization, exchange.
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E. A. (2011). Preservation of Human Development and Population Social Welfare in the Context of Social
Threats. Politics and Society, 5.
The article analyzes possibilities of preservation of human development and social welfare of population in
the context of current social threats. The author lays emphasis on socio-cultural defi nitions and codes infl uencing
preservation of traditional values and norms which are important for modern society and individuals. Moreover,
the author shows the role of modern socio-humanitarian science in studying the mentioned above problems across
diverse approaches and branches of science.
social studies, welfare, well, security, society, human, development, threat, protection.
Social studies and monitoring
Kotova, K. A. (2011). Participation of Young People in Youth Political Organizations (Movements): the Aspect of
Motivation. Politics and Society, 5.
The article analyzes motives of participation of young people in youth plolitical organizations. The author
elaborates on the content of motives belonging to the three basic types of motivation (collective, social and private
motivations). The article also describes the connection between the structure of motivation and peculiarities of the
political organization the respondent belongs to.
political science, participation, politics, youth, organizations, movements, parties, motives, motivation.
Social studies and monitoring
Banhaev, A. I. (2011). Some aspects of the prevention of interpersonal confl icts in management culture. Politics and Society, 5.
Prevention - is a factor in the fl exibility of organizational measures to reduce the tension of interpersonal
relations. Confl icts as a result of scarce relationship weakens the resilience of the people. Management culture is designed
to fully improve the socio-cultural relations, protecting and eliminating the causes of anti-social phenomena.
Marked preventive action in many ways, can contribute to stable interpersonal relationships.
confl ict management culture, the law of harmony, the defi cit, tsivilitarny order.
Humanitarian projects
Karpova, O. V. (2011). The Basic Approaches to the Problem of Exhibiting in Regional Historical Museums at the
End of 1980th – the Beginning of the 2000th. Politics and Society, 5.
The article envisages the problem of changing of exhibition approaches and methods in regional historical
museums during the post Soviet period, connected with the complex of social processes and the phenomena. The basic
tendencies in exhibition practices of this period, connected both with search of contemporary museum language,
and with necessity of formation of new historical methodology are analyzed. The author allocates the basic processes
on institutional, conceptual and practical levels which defi ne a direction of changes in the exhibition theory and
practice, fi xing, that at all these levels during the considered period there is a transformation of understanding of
space of a permanent museum exhibition.
museum exhibition, social function of a museum, expositional-representative practices, spatiality, exhibition methods, conceptual model of a museum, historical methodology.
Humanitarian projects
Afanasiev, A. D. (2011). Development of Typological Characteristics of Textbooks in 1917-1980. Politics and Society, 5.
In article the author considers development of typological characteristics of the educational literature for
the higher school in 1917-1980th.
The analysis of development of typology of the educational book carried out by the author, shows that it developed
in the general logic of social and economic development of the country and book business in the whole. During the
considered period the typology of the educational book was issued in harmonous system of types and kinds of the
educational book, there is a search of specifying typological signs of the textbook and the manual, allowing to demarcate
these two concepts.
However in transition of national economy to market conditions of managing release of the educational literature
for an education system and for the higher school, in particular, has been disregarded supervising and coordinating
controls by formation that has affected decrease in quality of the let out literature.
In the conditions of transfer of vocational training into two-level system of a professional training, the role of uchebno-
methodical support of educational process where one of dominant roles is played by the educational literature
which coordination of release will make positive impact on quality of preparation of experts raises.
the Control system, the educational literature, book publishing, preparation of experts, quality of the educational literature, security of educational process, the educational book, the higher school, book publishing regulation.
The heritage of transformation
Demetradze, M. P. (2011). Model of Institutionalization of Deviant Behavior in Traditional Societies (Case Study
of Russia). Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to describing of stable forms of conservative traditionalism of Russian society which
produce varied forms of deviant behavior of individuals. Necessity of transformation of such personality types as
“adaptive”, “solitary”, “avoiding” is substantiated. The idea of “human capital and human potential growth in the
country” based on formation of central zone of modern socio-cultural values which are to replace traditional values
is proposed.
Deviation, adaptation, defi ciency social request, defi ciency social life, mystic participation, frustration, avoiding reality, centre zone of traditional socio-cultural values, central zone of traditional socio-cultural values, types of traditionalism.
Human and citizen
Belkovich, R. Yu. (2011). Political Commitment and Private Autonomy. Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to the problem of liability of norms created by the government, in the context of the
political commitment theory. The author criticizes the idea of a prior commitment of the civil law in the light of such
values as freedom and private autonomy.
law, commitment, presumption, legitimacy, legality, constitution, violence, monopoly, autonomy, enforcement.
Legal history
Gadaborscheva, F. M. (2011). Rehabilitation of Peoples Subjected to Deportation in the middle of the 20th Century
in the USSR (Historical and Legal Issues). Politics and Society, 5.
The article is devoted to historical and legal analysis of the issues of rehabilitation of the repressed peoples
who have been deported in the middle of the 20 century in the USSR.
In the article is given of modern historical and legal interpretation of the process of restoration of historical justice in
respect of repressed peoples. Studied issues of relevance of the legal analysis of the problem. Considered the question
of rehabilitation from the point of view of the construction of a legal state in the Russian Federation.
Repressed people, deportation, rehabilitation, The USSR, North Caucasus, normative acts, state power, repression, right.
Legal history
Yaroslavtsev, V. V. (2011). Legal Regulation of Labor during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). Politics and Society, 5.
The article considers the questions of the Soviet labor law and legal regulation of labor during the war.
Mobilization of a great number of Soviet citizens in the Red Army and Navy, the fi rst hard months of the war due to
evacuation of a number of plants into the eastern regions of the USSR required the entire system of labor relations to
be reconstructed. It created new grounds for labor relations based not on the parties’ agreement but on mobilization
of labor resources.
law, labor, labor law, Great Patriotic War, mobilization of labor, labor resources, labor relations, USSR, regulatory acts, legal regulation.