Morality and politics
Urtaeva, E. B. (2011). The Concept of Energy Diplomacy and Russia’s Interests. Politics and Society, 4.
The article describes various approaches to defi ning energy diplomacy from the point of view of the ‘diplomacy’
concept. The article also defi nes the main features of energy diplomacy and how it represents itself in policy.
Recently the scientifi c community has shown much interest in the problems of development of the conceptual framework
and implementation mechanisms of energy diplomacy. It is shown that energy diplomacy is a tool of external
policy and a way to regulate international relations in the sphere of energy. The author of the article also underlines
an active role of transnational companies as independent ‘players’ in the world arena.
political science, diplomacy, external policy, energy commodities, raw materials, transnational corporations, energy resources, oil, concept, interaction.
State and civil society
Borisenkov, A. A. (2011). Political Institution as a Mean of Political Infl uence. Politics and Society, 4.
The article studies the nature and types of political institutions. The author of the article analyzes contradictions
existing the ways political institutions are interpreted in. The article describes special features of democratic
political institutions and their role in political infl uence. In conclusion the author forms the ‘political institution
political institution, political authority, democratic political institution, political infl uence, state institution, parliament, state president.
State and civil society
Akopov G.L. (2011). The Infl uence of Internet Network Community on Democratization Processes in Modern
Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
In the modern society for many citizens Internet has become a way of satisfaction of any requirement for
removal of restrictions from possibility to operate. Using the modern technologies of communication (by means of
service of instant messages or Internet voting), the real possibilities of involving in process of acceptance of signifi -
cant political decisions of almost all active citizens that creates conditions for original and effective national control
over activity of the state and municipal authorities are given. The people thereby, can carry out the political power
and realize political will directly. The communication between the political elite and the people, an interaction of political
leaders with “Internet network” community most adequately corresponds to the principles of democracy and
is capable to strengthen the political stability. Thus, new technologies of electronic communications infer democracy
on a higher qualitative level, giving not only possibility for information interchange and direct access to it, but also
just narrowing possibilities of existence of authoritative modes of board.
democracy, the Internet, civil society, political elite, the people, network society.
State and civil society
Boyarskikh, A. V. (2011). Regional Political Parties and Regional Social Movements in the Tyumen Oblast as
Elements of Civil Society. Politics and Society, 4.
In this article the analysis of a current state of social institutes of a civil society of the Tyumen region of
Russian Federation, such as regional political parties and regional social movements for revealing of tendencies of
prospects of their development is carried out. The central problem of construction of institutes of interaction between
a civil society and the power, reveals in aspect of a link of regional socially - political system.
civil society, social institutes, political parties, Tyumen oblast, social movements, interaction institutes, direct democracy, elections, State power, modernization.
State and civil society
Lyubimov, D. S. (2011). Social Responsibility of Business in Russian Legislation and Some Problems of its Entities. Politics and Society, 4.
The article is devoted to the problem of legal regulation of social responsibility in business. On one hand,
it is necessary to develop socially responsible behavior of economic entities which is impossible without regulation
of this type of social relations in legislation. On the other hand, under the guise of social responsibility, the big business
implements a so-called ‘non-standard motivation’ of public authorities and local self-government in order to
get advantages when conducting a business. It also shows that there is an obvious need in legal regulation of such
relations in the sphere of social responsibility. One of the most diffi cult issues of legal regulation is determination of
a set of people the law applies to. In this case, the author of the article talks about determination of an ‘addressee’ of
social responsibility in business. These addressees are usually called ‘stakeholders’.
legal studies, law, corporative social responsibility, President’s Letter to the Federal Assembly of Russia, stakeholders, community of native minorities, fuel and energy industry, land properties, environment, Canadian system of law.
National security
Tuzov. N. V. (2011). Political Stability of Russia, its Potentials and Perspectives. Politics and Society, 4.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of strengthening of political stability in Russia. The author analyzes
the general and specifi c aspects connected with the potentials and perspectives of development of the mentioned
above process taking into account the ethnic and religious diversity in the Central Asia and Northern Caucasia.
Russia, politics, stability, ethnos, religions, processes, conception, construction, sociality, social, paternalism.
National security
Lyubarsky, E. S. (2011). Modern Global World Order as a Factor for Expansion the International Terrorism. Politics and Society, 4.
The article views the reasons of expansion of the international terrorism in the modern world. The author
analyzes how globalization processes infl uence the development of a state institution. Based on Raul Prebisch’,
Fernando Cardoso’s and Immanuel Wallterseten’s theories the author studies consequences of the global division
into the ‘center and the periphery’ and ho it infl uences the social and political development of countries and formation
of the social base for terrorism. The author also describes peculiarities of the modern terrorism which strengthens
its positions by joining international criminal worlds and gaining international nature. It is concluded that the
existing world order only aggravates the internal contradictions and intensifi es degradation of political systems,
failure of moral values, break-down of a family and traditional life style in the majority of semi-periphery and periphery
countries which creates conditions for further activation of international terrorism.
political sciences, globalization, terrorism, world order, state institution, crisis, democracy, the center and the periphery, power, modern age.
The nationality issue
Gayduk, V. V. (2011). The Role of Ethnological Method in Researches of National and Federative Relations in
Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
This topic is important because a federal state institution is being formed in Russia now. According to the
author, diligent consideration of the methodological questions of ethnic law researches can fi nally cast light on the
problem of inter-ethnic relations in Russia. Competent extrapolation of ethnology methods on political and legal
sphere must dot all the i’s in discussions on the research method in studying ethnical processes and relations in
Russia at all levels: federal, sub-federal, local and the level of global social relations.
political sciences, ethno policy, federalism, regionalism, ethnology, poly-ethnicity, ethnological method, nationalism, ethnos.
People and work
Golubkova, L. G., Rozin, V. M. (2011). Standardization of Control Quality as a Factor of Formation and Development
of a Modern Industrial Entity. Politics and Society, 4.
The authors of the article discuss the problems of standardization of the process of managing Russian enterprises.
The authors clearly show that implementation of the Western standard requirements assumes reorganization
of management in general and besides the control, the process of standardization also performs institutionalization
social studies, standardization, standards, ISO, government, management, production, quality, modernization, transformation.
The dialogue of cultures
Galiev, F. Kh. (2011). Legal Culture as a Legal Reality. Politics and Society, 4.
If we consider a civil society as a society which has reached a rather high level of its development, then the
borders of infl uence of traditional social norms must cover all the life spheres this civil society consists of and provide
required harmonic and optimal regulation of social relations.
legal studies, law, culture, reality, civil society, usual society, social norms, traditional teachings, religious teachings, morals.
The dialogue of cultures
Neymatov, A. Ya. (2011). Russian-Saudi Relations in the Context of Saudi Foreign Policy Priorities. Politics and Society, 4.
Currently, Russia considers Saudi Arabia as one of the key states in the Arab-Muslim world. Both sides
manifest their interest in expanding relations, but at the same time, there is some mutual suspicion and misunderstanding
of the foreign policy basis of each party. Infrastructure, energy, real estate, education, medicine, banking
and petrochemicals are among the most promising areas of Russian-Saudi cooperation. Besides, there are other
ways to develop relations between Russia and KSA, which are detailed in this article.
Middle East, Russian-Saudi relations, KSA, foreign policy priorities.
Social studies and monitoring
Voytov, A. V., Galkin, A. P. (2011). Role of Civil Society Institutions in Recruitment of Political Elites in the Lower
Volga Region. Politics and Society, 4.
Based on qualitative and quantitative methods of social research, the authors of the article study the role of
various public associations of Volgograd Oblast in recruiting political elites in the Lower Volga Region. The authors
describe the basic groups of regional and political elites, their interactions with the Federal Center, political parties,
social and political organizations and movements and business structures functioning in the area. The authors also
give the results of the survey which was carried out in the region and studied how effective the political elite of the
Volgograd Oblast actually was.
social studies, regional political elite, political orientations of the regional political elite, social bonds of elite groups, elite groups, civil society, political parties, public associations.
Humanitarian projects
Popov, E. A. (2011). Managing Quality of Higher Education under the Conditions of Modernization of Higher
Education in Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
Today much attention is paid at development of higher education both by the state and local authorities and
the society in general. The biggest problem in modernization of higher education is thought to be the management of
quality of education. This is the topic the article closely focuses on.
social studies, education, management, quality, teaching, planning, modernization, motives, valuation, competition.
Humanitarian projects
Kudryashov, S. M. (2011). Institution of Protection of Cultural Values of Religious Nature. Politics and Society, 4.
Cultural values of religious nature as well as secular cultural values can be classifi ed into ‘movable’ and
‘immovable’. Legal order of protection of movable and immovable cultural values of religious nature has its own
peculiarities. Besides the cultural element, religious cultural values also have a sacred (or sacral) component. It is completely obvious that there should be a special approach to protecting religious cultural values, too, and such an
approach should be based on interests and feelings of believers.
legal studies, cultural values, religion, movable cultural values, immovable cultural values, museum law, protection of cultural values, memorials, ensembles, artwork.
Humanitarian projects
Zaharova, A. V. (2011). Charitable Activities of Orthodox Monasteries in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th
Centuries (the Yaroslavl Diocese Case). Politics and Society, 4.
The article describes one of the major forms of social ministry of the Orthodox monasteries in the second
half of the XIX-early XX century - the charity. The author analyzes the causes of monastic charity during the period,
shows the main directions and methods of social work of black clergy. Problem charity Orthodox monasteries considered
in the regional aspect, in the Yaroslavl diocese that makes a signifi cant contribution to re-create the most
complete historical picture of the origin and evolution of such an important element of social and cultural life of the
country as a charity.
Charity, Orthodox monasteries, public assistance, feminization, nurses, hospital, hospice, donations, national disaster relief in the sick and wounded soldiers.
Local self-government
Balashova, M. V. (2011). Topical Issues of Public Participation in Local Self-Government of Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
The article is devoted to evaluation of the place and role of public participation in functioning of the local
self-government institution. The basic tendencies are described based on the materials of the local self-government
reform held in 2003. The factor of population as a subject of local self-government is shown as one of the key factors
for a municipal reform and the entire system of local self-government.
legal studies, politics, local self-government, population, participation, municipal reform, civil society, self-government, power, institution.
The heritage of transformation
Plugatarenko, P. N. (2011). Polyparadigmal Approach to Studying the Political Space. Politics and Society, 4.
In the modern context the struggle for power is performed at an information level of the political space,
which is being expanded and constantly gaining new properties. New characteristics of this phenomenon should
include new technologies of its mastering and effective usage as well as new methodology. The article considers the
basic approaches which, according to the author, are necessary for an objective study of the political space in the
context of globalization.
legal studies, space, political, globalization, methodology, approach, economic, global, modernization, information.