Question at hand
(2011). Scientific Session of the Russian Academy of Social
Sciences on the Topic ‘Spiritual and Moral Unity of
the Main Russian Confessions’. Politics and Society, 2.
The article contains recording of the scientific
session of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences on
the topic ‘Spiritual and Moral Unity of the Main Russian
philosophy, religion, human, society, civilization, culture, spirituality, morals
State and civil society
Borisenkov, A. A. (2011). Political Influence as the Internal
Factor of the Social Administration. Politics and Society, 2.
The article reveals the target, subject and forms
of political influence and thereby – the role of politics in
the system of social administration.
political influence, social administration, administrative body, executive activity, public interests
State and civil society
Predybaylov, S. M. (2011). Parliamentarism and
Deformation of Representation. Politics and Society, 2.
The article considers theoretical issues of representation
and reveals peculiarities of the two main
models of representation, the model of similarity and the
model of substitution. The author of the article proves
the need in the ‘substitution’ model in the modern context.
The author also describes how the representative
function of the parliaments reveals itself in modern
Russia and the causes of deformation of the parliaments’
representative function.
political science, parliament, representative, models of representation, representation as a similarity, representation as a substitution, deformation of representation, free mandate, imperative mandate (instruction), electors
State and civil society
Gorkunova, P. I. (2011). Russian Orthodox Church as a
Factor of Social Stability and Security in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 2.
Ongoing positive changes in Russia connected
with reconstruction of our state institution in economic, political and social spheres do not fully involve modern
spiritual living bases of the society. It creates a certain
threat and obstacles for Russia in keeping its unique
place in the world and building a stable democratic society
protected from destructive influence of other cultures.
Despite the fact that the government undertakes
the greater part of social and political functions in the
process of building a secularized society, there still remain
powerful religious organizations which can decently
perform the government’s functions. Teaching us
moral ideals and thereby solving serious social conflicts,
religion has always been the most important element of
social security. This is why the Russian Orthodox Church
assistance in the process of solving the acutest social issues
is the basic requirement for economic health of the
country and political stability.
political science, church, state institution, society, doctrine, security, stability, medicine, prison, education
The nationality issue
Danchenko, E. L. (2011). Manifestation of Discrimination
of the ‘Eastern Workers’ in Agriculture of National-
Socialistic Germany in the Years of the Second World
War. Politics and Society, 2.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the
forced labor of the Soviet citizens oppressed by the Nazi
in the years of the Second World War and used in agriculture
of the national-socialistic Germany. The author
reviews discriminating provisions of the national socialistic
legislation which regulated the labor and incarceration
conditions of the Soviet citizens.
political science, history, enforcement, labor, workers, national socialism, Germany, rural community, discrimination, legislation
Humanitarian projects
Kolesnikov, S. V. (2011). Mediatization Policy – Synergetic
Aspect. Politics and Society, 2.
The article addresses the need to review mediatization
policy from the synergetic point of view. Modern
society faces the growth of social apathy and insensitivity to the standard information flow. Internet is becoming
a self-organizing system, bringing back the political
relationship from the latent state.
political science, synergy, the system selforganization, bifurcation, forecast, regions, mediatization, the Internet, the conflict, the leaders
Public dialogue
Ionova, A. A. (2011). Electoral Behavior: Basic Approaches
to the Study of this Political Phenomenon. Politics and Society, 2.
The article considers the basic approaches to
the study of electoral behavior in Western political science.
The author of the article describes their theoretical
and methodological potentials and analyzes their
drawbacks. The author also characterizes the integrative
research model based on the synthesis of the main
postulates of the mentioned above approaches, proves
its epistemic value both for Russian political research
and practice.
political science, electorate, behavior, voting, elector, party, preference, motivation, determinant, approach
Main human rights and liberties
Timshina, E. L. (2011). ‘Woman’s Matter’: on the Question
of Modern Tendencies in Development of the Feminist Movement in Russia. Politics and Society, 2.
The Russian feminist movement has certain value
systems, needs and dispositions. The author of the article
views various trends of women’s non-governmental
organizations over the past two decades from the point
of view of the ideas forming the ideology of this feminist
movement. The author also makes an attempt to mark
some tendencies of its development.
political science, feminist movement, gender, feminism, social movement, women’s organization, modern Russia, civil society, socialization of women, democracy