Question at hand
Vasiliev, A. V. (2011). National Idea as a Factor of Uniting Russian people. Politics and Society, 11, 4–10.
National idea includes the most important and major social characteristics infl uencing the main interests of
the nation. Such interests include material and social welfare of national society members, their spiritual, intellectual
and cultural values and democracy as a form of existence of a national state. The article describes these elements of
national idea applied to the Russian society and shows their importance as a factor consolidating the unity of Russian
social studies, national idea, nation-wide idea, material and social welfare, spirituality, direct democracy, representative democracy, self-government, society, social self-development, history of the national idea.
Morality and politics
Leshukova, E. V. (2011). The Terror of Civil War in the South and East of Russia in Russian Emigre Memoirs of the
1920th – 1930th. Politics and Society, 11, 11–20.
Many people have painful memoirs about the bitterness of Civil war of 1917-1921 years. Participants of the
White movement created memoirs about Civil war terror. R.B. Gul, A.I. Denikin, P.N. Vrangel, A.S. Lukomskiy, V.M.
Krasnov, V.V. Shulgin and other authors wrote about terror of 1917-1921 in their memoirs. All the authors demonstrated
the exterior side of Civil war terror. They represented forms and methods of terror vividly. And they told about terror
victims too. But all the foreign authors from Russian origin gave evidences of cruelty of only one side – the Red side.
But the didn’t much wrote about the White movement terror. The book by R.B. Gul “Dzerzhinskiy. Beginning of terror”
exaggerated the Red terror especially. So the myth of terror of 1917-1921 was born, but it is not the real picture of the
Civil war.
terror, terror victims, Civil war, exterior side, memoirs, White movement.
State and civil society
Pavroz, A. V. (2011). The Welfare State: the Nature of Politics and Fundamental Contradictions. Politics and Society, 11, 21–30.
The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the phenomenon of the welfare state in developed capitalist
countries. The author of the article describes the genesis, theoretical bases, models and experiences of the welfare state
policy. The author also traces the infl uence of the welfare state policy on social and economic parameters of developed
capitalist countries. Much attention is paid at the analysis of modern problems and challenges the welfare state is faced
with. In particular, such problems as the negative infl uence of redistribution policy on economic growth and dilution of
the fi nancial base due to demographic trends which are the demotivating factors of labor and entrepreneurial activities
leading to bureaucratization of economic life due to excessive activity of professional unions and associations. At the
end of the article the author concludes that the welfare state policy has a rather destructive infl uence on modern societies.
It is also concluded that there is a certain need in a completely new paradigm of social and economic development
within which the social functions would be performed on the basis of market principles of economic organization.
political studies, state institution, politics, welfare, redistribution, decommodifi cation, market, taxes, groups, development.
State and civil society
Kitaev, S. V. (2011). Lenin’s Conscription to Stalin’s Army. Politics and Society, 11, 31–37.
This article is a historic-political research on the process of selecting and appointing offi cials during the
1920’s. The research is based on domestic scientifi c and historical sources, textbooks on C.P.S.U. History, works of
Marxism-Leninism authors, and materials from Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Conventions.
NEP, party clean-up, nomenclature, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, X-XIII RCP (b) Conventions, Lenin’s conscription to the Army, opposition control.
State and civil society
Kosmachev, S. V. (2011). Determinants of Crime in the Area of Intellectual Property. Politics and Society, 11, 38–45.
This article examines the causes of crime and conditions in the area of intellectual property. The author
describes the four basic approaches to the understanding of causality in criminology and, therefore, to the analysis
of the determinants of crime. It is noted that the causes of crime are the fundamental and the most acute problem of
criminology. The article provides a description of criminological personality characteristics in the sphere of intellectual
property. It is concluded that the objective causes of crime in the area of intellectual property can be considered as
shortcomings in the political, economic and social life of our state and disadvantages associated with the protection of
authors’ rights, gaps in prevention, as well as lack of awareness in matters of licensing - one of the reasons copyright
infringement by users. The author makes a suggestion to use the experience of Italy in order to prevent crime in the area
of intellectual property in Russia.
determinants of crime, crime conditions, the relationship between causes and conditions, the offender, the motivation of criminal behavior, social status, social function, moral and mental attitude, crime in the area of intellectual property, economic security, the prevention of crime.
State and civil society
Spektor, A. A. (2011). Particular Features of State Control during the Soviet Period. Politics and Society, 11, 46–51.
The article reveals particular features of state control during the Soviet period. The author of the article studies
and describes the structure and main functions of regulatory authorities of USSR.
studies of law, state control, Soviet period, regulatory authorities, immediate control, USSR, state plan, powers, competence.
The nationality issue
Slezin, A. A., Schuplenkov, O. V. (2011). Preservation and Formation of National and Cultural Identity of Youth in
Russian Near-Abroad Countries during 1920’s – 1930’s. Politics and Society, 11, 52–57.
The article is devoted to preservation and formation of national and cultural identity of youth in Russian nearabroad
countries. National and cultural identity is viewed as a constantly developing social phenomenon but not only
as an ‘event in history’. The problem of preservation and formation of national and cultural identity of youth in Russian
near-abroad countries is shown as a political, social, cultural, socio-historical, ethno-national and general teaching
issue and an important element of theory and practice of up-brining and teaching of youth in this day and age.
political studies, social studies, history, near-abroad countries, nation, identity, youth, patriotism, culture, succession.
People and work
Gerasimov, A. V. (2011). The Problem of Effective Use of Human Resources under Modern Conditions. Politics and Society, 11, 58–63.
The article is devoted to the problem of using human resources under modern conditions. The author of the
article in detail describes the main factors ensuring the innovation value of a region which is directly connected with
the human development including such elements as human potential in science and technology, work force, fi nances,
economy and information. The article also touches upon a number of problems hindering us from effective use of human
potential in economic growth of Russian regions.
The article is devoted to the problem of using human resources under modern conditions. The author o, work force, fi nances, economy and information. The article also touches upon a number of problems hindering us from effect
Family and society
Motrenko, Yu. I. (2011). Transformation of the Family Concept in the Process of Social Evolution. Politics and Society, 11, 64–73.
Development of human civilization has caused global changes in the universal social structure including centuries-
old traditions and morals. These changes infl uenced both the interior family structure and family relations with the surrounding world. A comparative analysis of epochs in history and relevant social and political transformations
allows, to some extend, to make prognosis what the future world structure and, consequently, major social institutions
such as family, shall be like. Family is the basis of personal ethical values which, in their turn, establish a healthy moral
environment in a society. Therefore it is very important nowadays to establish and implement a whole system of democracy-
based partnership within a social institution of family.
social studies, family, society, values, moral, roles, evolution, transformation, traditions, marriage.
Social studies and monitoring
Kerimov, D. A., Kerimov, A. D. (2011). Concerning the Study of State Institution and its Methodology. Politics and Society, 11, 74–79.
This article invites the scientifi c society to discuss the topical issues in the theory of the modern state institution.
The authors of the article proves the need in an immediate creation of what would be a fundamental branch of
general social studies, - the general theory of state institution (or the study of state institution) as the basis for other
branches studying state institution, its essential features, forms, structure and elements.
state institution, methodology, the study of state institution, social studies, scientifi c methods of inquiry, law, democracy, dialectics, abstract and concrete, gnoseology.
Social studies and monitoring
Ramonova, M. A. (2011). Modern Concepts and Governance Strategies in World Politics. Politics and Society, 11, 80–90.
This article presents an analytical overview of innovative approaches to organizing the processes of global
governance based on the construction of multi-level structures. Management of advanced systems require more fl exible
and effi cient mechanisms for responding to requests from the various actors in the global political process, including
through the reallocation of certain powers of traditional parties in favor of a “young” members of the international
community. Social and economic systems of the XXI century increasingly complex. A major transformation of the subject
policy and legal theory. Investigation of mechanisms of multi-level governance, the involvement of new actors in the
process of making key decisions, both in domestic and foreign policy are the most priority areas for study.
International political system, global governance, world politics, multi-level governance, governance strategies, transformation process, European Union, civil society.
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E. A., Byshegurova, L. R. (2011). Factors Defi ning the Quality of Higher Professional Education in modern
Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 91–101.
The article analyzes one of the most topical issues in development and modernization of higher professional
education in Russia, - the problem of defi ning what the quality of education is, and the problem of establishing such
quality education. In this regard, it is very important to defi ne all the factors infl uencing the improvement of quality
of education. This article, in particular, tries to describe the factors which are the most important and necessary in
development of professional education.
social studies, education, concept, quality, modernization, knowledge, skills, management, problems, paradigm.
Human and citizen
Savchenko, D. P. (2011). The Role of A. Kosygin in the Achievement of National Objectives Aimed at the Strengthening
of the Defence Capability of the USSR During the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). Politics and Society, 11, 102–112.
The article determines the role of A. Kosygin in the solution of national objectives during his occupation of the
following posts: Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars, Deputy Chairman of the Council for
Evacuation, Chairman of the RSFSR Council of People’s Commissars. The article considers the work done by him to
evacuate defense plants from Moscow and Moscow Region; to perform the duties of an authorized representative of the
State Defense Committee in Leningrad under siege; to supply the Red Army with engineering products; and to restore
the national economy in the areas liberated from the Nazi forces.
War, evacuation, defense, business, blockade, commissariats, economy, logistics, a patriot.
Main human rights and liberties
Vakhitov, M. M. (2011). Participation of Russian Federation Citizens in Local Law-Making Process: Nature and
Implementation Mechanisms. Politics and Society, 11, 113–127.
The article is devoted to the problems of participation of Russian Federation citizens in a local law-making
process. The author analyzes the legal nature, values and democratic principles and legal mechanisms of implementation
of this form of participation of citizens in state administration.
studies of law, law, state institution, law-making, participation of citizens, Russian Federation constituent, Russian Federation, powers, democracy.
Main human rights and liberties
Brizetsky, S. N. (2011). Institution of Guarantees of Rights of Disabled People in Constitutional Law System of the
Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 11, 128–135.
The article shows a legal essence of rights of disabled people in the constitutional law system of the Russian
Institute of guarantees of rights of invalids. Constitutional law system of the Russian Federation.
Legal history
Bakharev, D. V. (2011). Views of Russian Minds on Crime Problems Back in the 18th Century (from Ivan Pososhkov
to Alexander Radishchev). Politics and Society, 11, 136–142.
The article analyzes the main approaches to understanding crime as a social phenomenon. The article describes
the causes of crime and ways of prevention of crime described in works by Russian great minds of the 18th
studies of law, crime, Enlightenment, 18th century, Russian minds, Ivan Pososhkov, Akim Volynsky, Ekaterina P, Fedor Ushakov, Alexander Radishchev.
Legal history
Ushakov, P. P. (2011). Establishment and Development of Human Rights in Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 143–152.
The article is devoted to the historical and legal issues of establishment and development of human rights in
Russia. The author describes stages of development of human rights in Russia and studies the problems and particular
features of establishment and development of human rights in USSR.
studies of law, human rights, history, Russia, USSR, civil rights, voting rights, personal rights, rights and freedoms, human rights.
Legal history
Yaroslavtsev, V. V. (2011). Labor Question and Insurance Legislation in Russia at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Politics and Society, 11, 153–161.
The article studies the issues of labor legislation in Russia at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century.
It is the fi rst study of insurance legislation at the national level. Special attention is paid at the Russian experience of
‘police socialism’ based on which the fi rst attempt to establish the interaction between labor and capital was made. The
author of the article also studies the Insurance Law of 1912 which formed the basis of insurance legislation in Russia.
studies of law, Insurance Law of 1912, insurance, labor issue, legislation, voluntary insurance, police socialism, labor, capital, labor law.
Issues of social partnership
Bondarev, V. G. (2011). Social Partnership as the Factor of Modernization in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 11, 162–170.
The author of the article draws our attention as the social partnership as a signifi cant factor of modernization
in modern Russia. Based on the author, from the point of view of social partnership and modernization, the compensation
for labor directly relates and infl uences social and partnership relations between labor and capital and modernization
processes undertaken by the government. The author reveals why formation of social partnership and modernization
is being restrained now. According to the author, it is due to the fact that it is benefi cial for the Russian capital.
political studies, modernization, partnership, interaction, productivity, confl ict, capital, society, profi t.