Question at hand
Pervova, N.A. (2010). State regulation of scientifi c activity
of the state as a national priority:
Japanese experience. Politics and Society, 8.
The article describes formation and implementation of
the Japanese state scientifi c policy as a natinonal program
of development of Japanese society. This process is
viewed in the 30 year period – from 1970s to 2000s taking
decades as key periods. Analysis of this experience is
of practical importance to our country, which proclaimed
the aim to achieve scientifi c and information society. The
key value of this process is for planning, strategy, as well
as practice and technologies of its implementation.
political science, information, technology, Government, policy, Japan, Russia, planning, national.
State and civil society
Gusev, V.E. (2010). Theoretical bases of classifi cation
of functions of prosecution. Politics and Society, 8.
Key attention is paid in this article to classifi cation of
functions of prosecution. The author analyzes the key
approaches and he offers a concept of classifi cation of
functions of prosecution, taking into account the idea of
macro-function and functional mechanism.
political science, prosecution, function, macro- function, public power, mechanism, review, law-making, legislation, legal territory
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A. (2010). Social well-being of an individual
in the situation of economical crisis. Politics and Society, 8.
The article is devoted to interpretation of social wellness
of an individual in modern social and humanitarian
knowledge. Much attention is paid to the need for
complex approach to evaluation of social wellness in the
conditions of economical crisis. The author also provides
key criteria for social wellness, which allow to show the
above-mentioned concept in social and cultural as well
as economical contexts.
social studies, wellness, crisis, capital, individual, culture, succession, social, value, benefi t, world outlook
Social studies and monitoring
Istomin, V.Y. (2010). Middle class in Russia:
specifi c features of its way of life
at the modern stage of modernization. Politics and Society, 8.
In this article, based on sociological studies, the author
attempts to study the conditions, which infl uence the way
of life of the middle class. Much attention is paid to mass
media and their infl uence on professional and status
groups among the targeted audiences, taking as an example
middle class in Volgograd.
social studies, middle class, way of life, style of life, value, information society, mass media, modernization, stratifi cation territory, societal type of society
Local self-government
Mokhov, V.P. (2010). Regional and local elites:
transformation of status in the period
of political reforms of 2000s. Politics and Society, 8.
Political reforms of V.V. Putin’s term of presidency
caused changes in role and status of regional and local
elites in the society. They lost part of their autonomy,
were set into the “vertical of power”, changed their functional
relations with other groups of elite. Financial elite
as a key actor of these changes used both political and
fi nancial and economical means to change the rules of
the game.
political science, elite, region, MSU, reform, status, society, government, power, control
Local self-government
Poleschenko, D.A. (2010). State power and municipal self-government
within the system of implementation
of power in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 8.
The article is devoted to the key approaches to correlation
of municipal self-government and state power in the
Russian Federation within the system of implementing
power in the Russian Federation. The author establishes
characteristic features of unity of public power, as well
as basic differences between state power and municipal
self-government. Since both municipal self-government
form public power, the author also analyzes the system
of people’s rule and representative character of power
in modern state, its derivative character from the civil
society, including its territorial aspect.
jurisprudence, law, state, power, municipal self-government, government, public, system, Russia, correlation
Local self-government
Trofimova, I.N. (2010). Problems of municipal self-government
and center-local relations in foreign studies. Politics and Society, 8.
Foreign studies are a complex of theoretical and methodological
approaches, results of empiric studies and
vast factual material. Comparative studies are of special
interest. Inter-state comparisons allow to clarify the
existing theoretical models, to analyze perspectives of
implementation of certain models in specifi c social and
political conditions.
political studies, municipal self-government, European countries, center, theory, relations, studies, foreign experience, studies, reforms
The heritage of transformation
Ispravnikova, N.R. (2010). Reform of RAO “UES of Russia”:
formation of new institution
or an institutional trap?. Politics and Society, 8.
Formation of a new institution calls for serious costs and
efforts, which are due to the need to ensure series of positive
precedents, to mobilization and stimulation of supporting
forces, to overcome the majority barrier. However,
the improvement of important institutions, as well
as formation of new ones, is not always possible For example,
this may happen if a reform enters an institutional
trap. Article is devoted to mechanisms of formation of a
new institution: institution of market of effi cient competition
in the framework or power industry reform.
social studies, institution, reform, electric power industry, competition, re-monopolization, market, monopoly, system, regulation
Main human rights and liberties
Scherbakova, L.V. (2010). Implementation of human rights protection
function of the prosecution
within the framework
of civil process. Politics and Society, 8.
The article is devoted to study of implementation of human
rights protection function of the Prosecution of the
Russian Federation within the mechanism of civil judicial
procedure. Much attention is paid to the problems,
arising when claims are brought in the interests of citizens,
and the possibilities to solve them.
jurisprudence, prosecution, human rights protection, social rights, claim, respectable reasons, invalidity, disability, underage, retirement age, undefi ned group of persons