Question at hand
Laletina, A. S. (2010). Universitas Rerum Cohaerentium, Universitas Rerum Distantium, A Property (Res) Complex In Gas Industry: The Content of Legal Definitions and its Interrelation. Politics and Society, 6.
This article is devoted to interrelation of the legal categories Universitas Rerum Cohaerentium, Universitas Rerum Distantium, A Property (Res) Complex in civil legislation. The author studies the deflection of civil legal issues in the sphere of legal regulation of gas industry in the Russian Federation. The author also analyzes certain suggestions on reformation of existing civil legislation in this sphere and consequences of their application to existing legislation of gas industry
studies of law, civil legislation, Universitas Rerum Cohaerentium, Universitas Rerum Distantium, Property (Res) Complex, technological property complex, new legal category, gas industry, fuel and energy complex, law of property
State and civil society
Schepinov, A. O. (2010). Role of Sports for State and Political Administration in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 6.
This article is quite topical due to the fact that Olympics is a truly political event and a sphere of ‘non-military’ competition between countries. Anticipating Olympics in Sochi in 2014, political leaders demonstrate growing interest in political potentials of sports. One of the examples of this is a new ‘Olympic law’ changing property relations in the RF as well as involvement of sportsmen into political parties with the purpose of political advertising and legitimation of power
political sciences, sports, sportsmen, politics, deputies, administration, government, state institution, Olympics, president
State and civil society
Kurbanov, R. A. (2010). Legal Aspects of Investment into Energy Sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Politics and Society, 6.
This article is devoted to legal regulation of investment activities in energy sector of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The author of the article analyzes the basic legal acts regulating this sphere
foreign investments, legislation, energy sector, Azerbaijan, gas, oil, investment climate, legal protection of an investor, subsurface resources management, energy contracts
National security
Ispravnikova, N. R. (2010). Reformation of Social Institutions as the Key Factor of Overcoming Corruption in its Branches (Position in Public Health Service). Politics and Society, 6.
It is obvious that corruption cannot be limited by solely repressive methods and complex measures of institutions are necessary for solving such a task. In the framework of this approach corruption is viewed as a measure of violation of existing norms and regulations of official behavior, a measure of internal disorder in the functioning of institutions. The fight against corruption should be aimed at reformation of institutions. The importance of institutional reforms in overcoming corruption is evident. However, why some institutional reforms lead to a successful solution of this problem, while others fail — an issue that deserves careful consideration
social studies, reformation, social institution, corruption, public health service, market, economics, financing, legislation, organizations
Social studies and monitoring
Rozin, V. M. (2010). Cogitation as a Social Institution. Politics and Society, 6.
The author of the article analyzes the term ‘social institution’ in connection with cogitation. IT is shown that the essence of this term is considered in the framework of the liberal strategy. The author describes two reconstructions: formation of cogitation as a social institution in Antique culture and institutional way of cogitation in modern psychotherapy
social studies, norm, society, personality, liberal strategy, establishment, functioning, struggle, social world
Social studies and monitoring
Dortseva, E. V. (2010). Methodological Background to Post-Feminist Paradigm in Social Studies. Politics and Society, 6.
The article reviews the most famous tendencies of the feministic movement in the West. This movement formed the social knowledge studying the experience of social relations as well as social institutions directly related to women. The author shows how social feminists tried to overcome ‘androcentrism’ and excessive peculiarity, double standards and machismo but actually overcame only dualism in social researches dividing social studies into ‘men’s’ and ‘women’s’ components. Later post-feminist paradigm became the turnpike of social studies and now it is continuing to form active, free of gender prejudices, social science of the 21st century
feminism, woman’s experience, woman’s activity, masculine knowledge, gender, sex, deprivation, socio-cultural aspect, lesbian and gay researches, social order, homogeneity, selection, fertility, right to vote, triangulation, logic, wage
The heritage of transformation
Akilova, M. M. (2010). Modern Eurasian and Tajikistan: Part and Whole. Politics and Society, 6.
In this article we consider the problem of globalism and the Eurasian as integrity and treated as part of Tajikistan. Proposed today Eurasian, as integrity, is not based on statehood, even bearing in mind the CIS, as a more or less weak expression. Today the integration of the Eurasian character is only possible on the basis of equality of peoples without restrictions on the sovereignty of countries. In Tajikistan, perhaps, there are own understanding of Eurasian with Tajik specificity. The key to the Tajik specificity is to preserve the sovereignty of Tajikistan in the new integrity, which must differ from the Eurasian statistic understood, that is, Eurasian, based on a new supranational statehood
Eurasian, globalism, atlantism, the theoretical basis for Eurasian, Common Eurasian nationalism, the Eurasian movement, the concept of open society, national interests, atlantist model of globalization, the Eurasian ideology, the globalization of the econ
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Ivanova, E. A. (2010). Problems of Migration Policy in the Context of Education. Politics and Society, 6.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of adaptation of labor migrants in Russia and its capital. Education and training of migrants are viewed as one of the possible ways to solve the problem. The author concludes that there is an obvious need in state administration of migration processes and tries to keep us from thinking that migration policy aims at only controlling migration flows
migration, adaptation, regulation, state policy, phobia of migrants, ethno phobia, education
Legal history
Subbotin, A. N. (2010). Separate Divisions of Legal Entities: Experience of Historical Civil Analysis. Politics and Society, 6.
The article is dedicated to questions of theory and historical evolution of brunches of the corporation from the point of view of the Russian civil law
firm, corporation, subdivision of the corporation, brunch of the corporation, firm representatives
Legal history
Poleschenko, D. A. (2010). Basic Legal Conceptions of Interrelation and Correlation between State Administration and Local Self-Government Developed in Russia. Politics and Society, 6.
The article considers the basic legal conceptions of interrelation and correlation between state and district administrations developed in the Russian Empire during the times of district councils. The author makes an attempt to analyze the connection between those conceptions, the scientific views in the European states and the Land Reform and other reforms in modern Russia
studies of law, law, state, power, self-government, district council, interrelation, conception, Russia, empire