Question at hand
Shilov, V. N. (2010). On the Question of Political Modernization in Modern Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
The author analyzed existing conceptions of political modernization in Russia. It is concluded that there is no need of drastic changes of the political system. It is proved that today’s priority should be the development of political culture of Russian society, formation of commitment to absolute observance to the formal political procedure, rise of civil activity and responsibility of citizens. The author makes a thesis that forthcoming modernization of Russia will be connected with a possible growth of social tension in the country and it will be the efficiency and stability test for the political system of Russia
political sciences, Russia, modernization, politics, society, government, efficiency, competition, elections, culture
Morality and politics
Tuzhba, E. N. (2010). On the Grounds for Recognition of Independence of Abkhazia. Politics and Society, 4.
The author of the article describes grounds for recognition of independence of Abkhazia by other states. Based on the main criteria, Abkhazia is the sovereign entity of the international law
globalization, self-determination, self-proclamation, self-sufficiency, international organizations, ethnic and national identity
Morality and politics
Bykov, D. N. (2010). On Minimization of Social Inequality in Russia in the Framework of Development of the Human Capital. Politics and Society, 4.
The author of the article studies the main trends of the state policy on minimization of social inequality in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the statistics related to inequality of population in Russia in comparison with the other countries. The author also gives a critical review of existing target programs in the country
political sciences, inequality, project, minimization, capital, poverty, protection, low income, society
State and civil society
Morozov, A. I. (2010). Some Issues of Legal Regulation of the State Youth Policy. Politics and Society, 4.
The article considers some issues of legal regulation of the state youth policy. In particular, the author speaks of the need in a related federal law and studies the questions of the regional and municipal law making in this sphere. It is concluded that there is a certain need in unification and systematization of the legal regulation of the state youth policy. The author describes perspectives of regulatory legal acts related to the youth issue as well as new approaches to the common vision of state policy regarding new generation, — ‘juvenile policy’
studies of law, youth, children, state youth policy, law, age, program, society, constituents of the Russian Federation, the Orenburg Region
Social studies and monitoring
Gredneva, T. V. (2010). Monitoring of the Main Social Indices and Indicators of Development of Ryazan as the Grounds for the Innovation Model of Municipal Government. Politics and Society, 4.
The article studies innovation models of municipal government of Ryazan from the point of view of geopolitical location of Russia. The author analyzes the environmental situation and living standards. Such a monitoring gives an opportunity to view the theory and practice of improvement of the local government as a continuous and interdependent process. The monitoring also enables to promptly correct tactical mistakes and failures of the municipal government
social studies, opposition, balance, compatibility of biospheres, self-regulation, monitoring, indices, indicators, structure, coefficient
Humanitarian projects
Ursul, A. D., Ursul, T. A. (2010). Phenomenon of Education from the Angle of the Global Evolution. Politics and Society, 4.
The article suggests the evolutionary approach to studying the world education in the perspective of unfolding global processes and globalization in the first place. Survival of the humankind will be conditioned by various forms of the global education oriented at an effective overcoming of the global anthropological crisis. Evolution of the global processes is already influencing the world education. The authors analyze the problem of formation and evolution of the subject and content of the global education as a new form of education corresponding to the epoch of globalization. It is suggested that there is a need in a drastic transformation of the modern education as an evolutionary movement from its post-industrial form to the ‘education for a sustainable development’ and further to the noospheric education
social studies, globalization, globalization of education, global education, global processes, noospheric education, education for sustainable development, sustainable development, futurization, evolutionary approach
The heritage of transformation
Akilova, M. M. (2010). Democracy and Political ‘Occam’s Razor’. Politics and Society, 4.
The article is devoted to the world democracy as a contradictory value and a progressive civilization which gave birth to such phenomenon as declaration of democracy or democratization. By using the term ‘political Occam’s Razor’ the author tries to reveal the thesis that Western policy obeys the principle of the so called ‘political Occam’s Razor’ in the sphere of democratization of the Central Asian countries. In this way, very complicated challenges are usually postponed and secondary challenges come to the first place and are solved fast. In philosophy, Occam’s Razor gets rid of ‘overly’ difficult evidence and uses only simple facts. In politics, political subjects refuse from difficult challenges and solve the secondary goals first. The author also discusses the thesis that the political Occam’s Razor is aimed at the global democratization, but for the moment the West chose the longest way to democratization after the failure of the first romantic wave of democratization in the Central Asia. By leading the policy against semi-authoritarianism, the world democracy, however, does not free Tajikistan and countries of the Central Asia from the danger of a war, although according to the political Occam’s Razor, the world democracy should try to avoid turning other countries into a threat for itself
political sciences, politics, democracy, world democracy, democratization, authoritarianism, balanced politics, political Islam, formal democracy, Occam’s Razor
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Ivanova, E. A. (2010). Problems of Migration Policy in the Framework of Education. Politics and Society, 4.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of adaptation of working migrants in Russia and its capital. Training migrants is viewed as one of the possible ways to solve the problem. The author concludes that there is a certain need in state regulation of migration processes and warns that we should not view migration policy as only limitation of migration
political sciences, migration, adaptation, education, migration phobia, state policy, regulation of migration, migrants, ethno phobia, Russian language
Legal history
Golovko, Yu. M. (2010). John Adam’s Conception of Politics and Law: Influence of John Locke’s Philosophy on Formation of the American Revolutionary Paradigm. Politics and Society, 4.
In the period of the Revolution and formation of the Republic idea, American political and law conceptions managed to combine numerous and very often contradictory sources. One of the intellectual tendencies of those times was Locke’s liberalism. Complicated synthesis of political conceptions of those times is also viewed based on the example of John Adams, major American ideologist of government and law. Special attention is given to the conception of freedom and slavery which later became the basis of the American revolutionary paradigm
studies of law, Adams, Locke, liberalism, freedom, slavery, truth, human, thought, constitution