Question at hand
Bulatov, O.Sh. (2008). Specific features of realization of the principle of multipartizanship in the modern Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
The issue of existence and directions of development of multipartizan policy in the modern Russia is quite a topical one. Constant changes, which are included into the current legislation, make the problem of development of multipartizanship rather sharp. This article by O.Sh. Bulatov is devoted to analysis of this problem.
Morality and politics
Krasinsky, V.V. (2008). Participation of the organized criminal groups in election campaigns. Politics and Society, 4.
The interest of organized criminal groups in the growth of their income, correlation of official and “shadow” economic activity, and political situation in Russia, wish to provide for their personal immunity are just some reasons, why the leaders of the Russian criminal world wish to legalize their status and to take part in making of political decisions. Participation in election campaigns is one of the most convenient means for the criminal leaders to achieve their goals. The article by V.V. Krasinsky is devoted to this problem.
State and civil society
Kuzmenko, S.G. (2008). Formation and development of the election system of the supreme elected government bodies at the modern stage. Politics and Society, 4.
In the opinion of the author of this article the existing scale of stages of development of the election system in the Russian Federation does not fully reflect the realities of the modern situation after the year 2003. In his view the period of “regular parliamentary legislation” should be divided into two independent period “pre-Reform” and “post-Reform”…
The nationality issue
Dzhalalov, D.A. (2008). Current state and perspective of legislative guarantees of the institution of division of spheres of competence between the Russian Federation and its constituent subjects. Politics and Society, 4.
Formation of the modern federal state, as based on the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, presupposed due recognition to both the interests of the Federation and the interests of its constituent subjects. This article by D.A. Dzhalalov is devoted to the problem aspects of the relations between the Center and the subjects of the Russian Federation.
National security
Beksultanov, B.A. (2008). Normative legal activities of the state in order to ensure the economical security in Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
The need to address this problem, is in the author’s view, due to the fact that in Russia there’s currently no well-developed system of legislative support for economical security. Many issues in this sphere are not yet legislatively regulated, and the existing normative legal basis contains gaps and contradictions with the constitutional provisions. The author offers to use constitutional norms as a systematizing basis for all the normative matters, regulating the economical security issues…
Local self-government
Legashova, O.N. (2008). The problems of efficient realization of social protection of the people by the municipal bodies. Politics and Society, 4.
Most individuals realize 90 per cent of their needs at the place where they live – in their towns, regions, rural areas. That is why the key goal of the municipal bodies is to ensure realization of these needs, and to provide the worthy level of living, and there’s need for an active social policy. This article is devoted to topical issues mentioned above.
The heritage of transformation
Bayev, V.G., Shunyaeva,A.E. (2008). Formation of bases of economical constitution in the USA (based on “New Deal” of President Roosevelt). Politics and Society, 4.
Realization of the concept of the economical constitution is currently very topical, since its requirement that the state is bound by law in the sphere of economy is in close relation to the concept of the jural state itself. Is it possible to establish a constitutional economy in Russia? As the authors of this article point out, this question might be answered by the analysis of the American experience, where the “New Deal” of President Roosevelt allowed to form the needed prerequisites for the constitutional economy in a very short span of time.
The dialogue of cultures
Voronetsky, P.M. (2008). Legal nature and status of the state language of the republic as a constituent subject of Russia. Politics and Society, 4.
There are many state languages on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to part 2 of the Art. 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republics, which are the constituent parts of the Russian Federation, have a right to establish their own state languages in addition to the federal language. The quantity of languages are not limited, and some Republics established two or more state languages in addition to the federal language. The status of these state languages is rather different from a federal state language. This article by P.M. Voronetsky is devoted to these differences…
Main human rights and liberties
Gadzhiakhmedova, A.G. (2008). History of formation of the Russian legislation on citizenship. Politics and Society, 4.
The issue of the key principles of legal status of an individual and of a citizen is a key issue in theory and practice of statehood. Since Russia is now entering the global community and implements progressive democratic reforms, there’s also need to find a new approach to human rights, to reevaluate the correlation of the Russian state and individual. This article by A.G. Gadzhiakhmetova is devoted to history of the institution of citizenship in the Russian law in XX century.
People and work
Djafarova, D.T. (2008). Role and place of the elderly people within the labor structure of the modern society. Politics and Society, 4.
The problem of aging of the population have became topical for most developed states in late decade. Participation of the elderly people in the labor activities has a number of specific features, which have to do not only with their age, but also with the variety of persons within this group of people, based on their age, position and health, their values. This article provides for evaluation of these and other points, taking the Russian Federation as an example…
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Zamaleev, R.R. (2008). Modern legislation of the foreign states on mortgage. Politics and Society, 4.
The mortgage systems in the Western Europe and in the USA are developed and well regulated, they are based on a clean system of registration of immovable property and juridical grounds for formation and cessation of the mortgage rights to the property. In the opinion of the author, in order to understand the problems of the mortgage credits in Russia, its’s quite worthy to first study the experience of the Western states in this sphere.
Legal history
Slezin, A.A. (2008). Institualization of the Komsomol as a government body: theoretical basis. Politics and Society, 4.
As the author of this article points out, the Komsomol in the USSR controlled an important sphere of the Party’s work: the Communist influence on the young. In case, when in some towns or villages the Party organizations were small, many of their functions were given to the Komsomol. The Party provided for the principles of relations between the Komsomol and other government bodies, and thus have made it a kind of a Quasi – Ministry of Youth of the USSR…
Legal history
Medvedev, V.G. (2008). Basic features of the Roman public law of the archaic period. Politics and Society, 4.
As the author points out, the Roman public law did not cast as much an influence on development of the jurisprudence in the European states, ad the Roman private law did. It lacked the perfection in expression of legal norms, and their originality. At the same time, it gave the world the separation of powers, and it’s value can’t be denied nowadays. The specific features of the Roman public law in the Archaic period is analyzed in this article.
Academic thought
Amirov, M.G. (2008). On the history of development of the idea of unity and territorial integrity of a state. Politics and Society, 4.
The state presupposes the presence of territory, which is part of state organization, the necessary precondition for its existence, the basis for the life of any society, which is organized in a state. The study of this problem, in the author’s opinion, has both theoretical and practical potential, since many issues on territorial integrity remain topical and unsolved, and are subject to discussions. In this article the author analyzes territory as a historically formed area within the state borders, to which the state sovereignty is applied.