State and civil society
Kitaev, S.V. (2008). The “political party of power” phenomenon within the Russian social and political system. Politics and Society, 1.
The history of Russian parliamentarism shows how lasting is the traditional “power- centered” type of political culture is. Currently this type of political culture provides us with seemingly strong system of no-alternative power, which rot inside and fall apart. So did the Russian Empire. So did the Soviet Union. It is important to get out of the vicious circle and come to the way of democratic development.
The heritage of transformation
Tsipun, A.V. (2008). Constitutional and legal bases of international economic relations. Politics and Society, 1.
Currently Russian legal scholars discuss the matter of constitutional economics – the new direction in science devoted to correlation of economical reason and the constitutional development, as expressed in the norms of constitutional law. The author of this article considers that such an approach allows to overcome the existing difficulty related to lack of knowledge of economics by the lawyers, and lack of knowledge of law (especially constitutional law) by the economists, and to find the constitutional prerequisites for the effective development of economics.
Public dialogue
Mozgovoy, S.A. (2008). Communications management and the Muslim society of Russia (speech at the conference “Internet in the lives of the Muslims of the modern Russia. The Islamic context.”). Politics and Society, 1.
As the author of this article points out, today the Internet allows to form and structure the Islamic society, to see the variety in various segments of such a society and to feel unity at the same time. It allows to form communication and forums for discussion, and to make Islam more understandable for the society as a whole, including non-Muslims…
Morality and politics
Erofeev, K.B. (2008). Catholicism and the freedom of conscience (historic and legal analysis). Politics and Society, 1.
In spite of the fact that the Catholic understanding of the rights and freedoms of an individual is rather modern and meets the requirements of the liberal doctrines of the civilized Western states, there are some specific features in the attitude to the freedom of conscience. One should note that relatively “peaceful” co-existence of the Catholic religion and the liberal concept of human rights and freedoms is due to the some yieldings of the Catholic church in late decades… This article contains brief analysis of freedom of conscience as understood by the Catholic church and its evolution in the late years.
The dialogue of cultures
Seidov, Sh. G. (2008). Information society and changes of foreign political relations in the modern world. Politics and Society, 1.
In this article the author presented the methodological approach to study of the information society as a factor, which influences the changes in the modern international political relations.
Local self-government
Eremyan, V.V. (2008). Evolution of the local self-government and the city-state-and-veche (popular assembly) forms of democracy at the time of the “Horde” rule (historiography of the issue). Part 2. Politics and Society, 1.
The author of this article Professor V.V. Yeremyan does not seem to have a goal to study all the aspects and details of the Tartar and Mongol invasion. The author wonders what was the influence of the Tartar and Mongol elements of government on the evolution of Russian institutions of direct democracy, and whether it is reasonable to say that the “Asian wave” influenced the genesis of the Russian social relations much more than even the Varangian expansion which, as some scientists tend to think, was the basis for the Russian statehood.
Main human rights and liberties
Yurchuk, V.S. (2008). Legal guarantees of freedom and equal rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 1.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was passed in 1993, gave a new impulse to the Russian society towards its transformation into the civil society. At the same time the inequality between the rich and the poor became extremely obvious, while all the people were announced to be legally equal. So the paradox of the modern law is that it has to fight its own nature, as expressed in legal freedom and equality…
Main human rights and liberties
Shugurov, M.V. (2008). Positive international legal responsibility of the states in the sphere of human rights. Theoretical issues. Politics and Society, 1.
In the modern world, where the importance of the human rights and freedoms grows, the understanding of the international legal responsibility of the subjects of the international law in the humanitarian sphere becomes more and more important. This is what this article is devoted to.
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Karpukhin, D.V. (2008). Legal problems of eviction of the former family members of the owner of living quarters. Politics and Society, 1.
As the author of this article points out, the “loudest” judicial cases are those related to eviction of the former family members from the living quarters of the owner. These cases influence such categories of persons as juveniles, women, retired persons. This article includes analysis of legal provisions and judicial practice on this matter.
Legal history
Scherbakov, M.S. (2008). History of mortgage of plots of land in the Russian law. Politics and Society, 1.
In Russia the history of land as private property have always had its specific features, and they influenced the development of the immovable property mortgage relation, when it comes to the mortgage of land. This article by M.S. Scherbinin contains analysis of the history of mortgage of the plots of land in Russia.
Legal history
Sharipov, P.M., Iskuzhin, T.S. (2008). Ancestral land law of the Bashkirs within the context of General land-surveying of the Orenburg province. Politics and Society, 1.
This article is devoted to the process of transformation of the ancestral land law of the Bashkirs within the context of the General land-surveying of the Orenburg province – both its contents and its legal basis. As the authors of this article point out, the analysis of this institution allows to show the degree of integration of the land relations of the Bashkirs into the legal system of the Russian state in the early XIX century.