Question at hand
Antonov, O.Y. (2007). The methods used by the election commissions to find out about election law violations. Politics and Society, 9, 4–14.
The Election Commissions are the state bodies responsible for preparation for elections and elections as such, as well as for control over protection of election rights. As the author of this article point out, while implementing their functions, the Commissions may uncover administrative violations and crimes, related to elections…
Morality and politics
Shilenko, M.V. (2007). Interpretation of the UN Security Council Resolutions by the USA in order to “justify” the use of force against Iraq. Politics and Society, 9, 15–18.
Currently the scientific literature cannot provide us with the unified opinion on the legal nature of the war in Iraq. Neither can the states and their governing bodies. For example, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation characterized the activities of the USA and the UK in Iraq as an “unlawful use of force against the territorial inviolability and political independence of the state. However, at the same time the Ministry referred to the UN Charter and noted that the only body capable to provide a final evaluation on the issue is the Security Council of the UN…
State and civil society
Gruditsyna, L.Y. (2007). Civil society and the state: dialogue or confrontation. Politics and Society, 9, 19–26.
The civil society gains its force and capacity in cooperation (dialog and partnership) or conflict with the state, which does not necessarily mean that the institutions of the civil society function under rules independent from the particular political regime, national legislation, etc. At the same time the civil society fails, if it is not brought into orderly character by political means.
State and civil society
Cherkasov, K.V. (2007). Formation and development of the institution of Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation: stage 2 (1993 – 1997). Politics and Society, 9, 27–31.
As the author of this article points out, with the development of the institution of the Plenipotentiaries the strengthening of the Russian statehood became quite dependent on this institution. This article contains the study of history of development of this institution, as well as existing problems.
National security
Makarova, G.N. (2007). The future of the OSCE within the system of international relations and the key perspectives of cooperation with other international organizations. Politics and Society, 9, 32–36.
OSCE is the most widespread organization of all the European systems of collective security. It unites 56 sovereign and independent states, both Party and non-Party to the EU, the NATO, and the CIS. It is however quite topical whether there shall still be need for the OSCE, once NATO and the EU include new Party-States?
Public dialogue
(2007). Public Discussion: “ Freedom of Conscience, the Human Rights Protection Movement and the Political Parties. Moscow. The Independent PRESS – CENTER, March 29, 2007. Stenograph. Politics and Society, 9, 37–50.
On March, 29, 2007 in the Independent Press Center there was held a public discussion on “Freedom of Conscience, Remedial Movement and the Political Parties”. It also included the presentation of the book “Freedom of Views, Conscience and Religion in the Modern Russia”… This article includes the stenograph of the speeches of the participants…
Local self-government
Chikhladze, L.T. (2007). The correlation of local self-government and local government within the system of municipal legislation of the Republic of Armenia: the comparative legal analysis. Part 1. Politics and Society, 9, 51–57.
As the author of this article points out, the comparative legal approach to the studies of modern self-government and territorial government in Armenia shows that the modern tendencies of its development are parallel to the developments in the modern world as a whole.
Conflict and consensus
Bogatyrev, K.A. (2007). The North Caucuses conflict of the early 1990s. The religious aspect. Politics and Society, 9, 58–66.
Regulation of the North Caucuses crisis have always been one of the key problems in the post – Soviet Russia. The tragic crisis includes the commercial element and many other aspects in addition to the military issues… One of the most important issues relates to the religious aspect…
Legal history
Yeremyan, V.V. (2007). Specific features of the Ancient Russian statehood of the city-state type within the context of feudalization of the early types of direct democracy and people’s rule (on the issue of methodology of studies). Part 1. Politics and Society, 9, 67–79.
The attitude towards the Russian land as a generally stable agrarian community of the Slavic and the indigenous peoples, the so-called “Land of Cities” (Gardariki) differentiates the city from the usual settlement… This article by Professor Yeremyan is devoted to the complications of the social structure of the Russian city as a mirror of the entire Russian society of that time.