The nationality issue
Saidov, A.H. (2007). Formation of the party law. Politics and Society, 2.
The world experience of formation and development of the multi-party system clearly shows, that formation and functioning of powerful political parties is only possible, when there is an efficient system of legal regulation of their formation, activities and their participation in elections as well as in the activities of the state organs. A.H. Saidov singles out the party law as a complex sub-branch of modern law, touching upon many different spheres…
Question at hand
Erygina, V.I. (2007). Some aspects of public legal responsibility of political parties as participants of the election process. Politics and Society, 2, 4–10.
During the elections there are numerous violations of legislation, and what is the most upsetting, the electors may be misled. For the sake of winning the candidates and political parties offer political programs full of various promises. However, once they come into power, they forget their promises right away, which, in turn leads to distrust of people to both elections and government bodies. What measures are possible to call bad-faith participants of elections process to responsibility?
Morality and politics
Smykov, V.D. (2007). Formation of interbudgetary system in Russia: political and legal relations. Politics and Society, 2, 11–19.
Problems of interbudgetary relations from the very start of the market reforms have became quite acute for the young Russian federalism. The conflicts in this sphere lasts since 1990s. At the current stage it can be said that the interbudgetary system is not so much transformed, rather it’s being modernized with due account taken of peculiarities and traditions of the Russian regional policy…
State and civil society
Bazarbay, E. (2007). Problems of development within the system of state service of the Kyrgyz Republic. Politics and Society, 2, 26–30.
This article is related to most topical problems of state service in the Kyrgyz Republic and to mass violations of the labor law concerning the state servants. As the author points out there are four ways to solve these problems…
Main human rights and liberties
Buryanov, S. (2007). Freedom of conscience in the modern Russia: long-term tendencies of conceptual character (in science and university studies). Politics and Society, 2, 31–49.
This article by S. Buryanov is devoted to the key topics, which were being discussed at the roundtable “The problems of freedom of conscience in science and education”, which took place on May 19, 2005 at the Moscow State University, and was organized by a number of respectable organizations, such as the Institute of Freedom of Conscience…
Conflict and consensus
Mukhamet-Irekle, A. (2007). Self-protection of private interest – protection of public interests: civil legal protection of victims in Bashkir Blagoveschensk, Part. 1. Politics and Society, 2, 50–63.
Up to now, the violated constitutional rights of victims of Bashkir Blagoveschensk are not provided with adequate judicial protection. In other words, in Russia words and deeds do not go together. One of the means to bring these back together might be small-budget protection of these rights by the victims within the civil judicial process framework May it be that it turns out more efficient than existing criminal case, especially, after the final judicial decision in a criminal Blagoveschensk case, many violated rights of people can never be restored?
The heritage of transformation
Bayev, V.G. (2007). Christianity, monarchy and federalism as the bases of legal views of Bismarck. Politics and Society, 2, 64–71.
This article by Professor V.G. Bayev is aimed to characterized the general nature of the legal views of Bismarck. It is not an easy thing to do, since Bismarck was not a legal thinker, but a statesman, a man of actions, a politician. His activities were aimed at formation of the political reality of his place and time. His thoughts and expressions were political by their nature, since they were aimed at preparation of political decisions, and did not directly touch upon the legal sphere. However, any statesman has to be guided by the legal principles in his political activities…
Academic thought
Wolf, M. (2007). Gottlob Frege and traditional view on syllogistics (Hegel’s Congress in Stuttgart in 2005). Translated from German by V.A. Semenikhina. Politics and Society, 2, 72–79.
This article contains a report, which is devoted to the topic of Hegel’s Congress, which recently took place in Stuttgart, - the language of logic, or, precisely speaking, its two languages: syllogistics and what Gottlob Frege called “estimation of terms” (“Begriffsschrift”)…