State and civil society
Djagaryan, A.A. (2007). Transformation of the social state in Russia: new separation of powers in the sphere of social protection and the problems of financial support. Politics and Society, 11.
The current Russian reforms greatly influence various elements of the social sphere, such as provision of aid to socially unprotected categories of citizens, searching for an optimum balance between the public government and the interests of the individuals. Within this context it is of great importance to pay attention to the financial basis for the public territorial organizations… This article by A.A. Djagaryan is devoted to the problems related to this issue.
Local self-government
Uvarov, A.A. (2007). The constitutional model of the civil society in Russia. Politics and Society, 11.
As the author of this article points out, the existing Russian Constitution of 1993 does not provide for a separate chapter on civil society and does not mention this term, unlike many constitutions of democratic states. However, this does not mean that the relationships, which form in the process of establishment of the civil society, are free from the constitutional regulation.
Legal history
Erygina, V.I. (2007). Some aspects of public legal responsibility of the political parties as participants of the election process. Politics and Society, 11.
Throughout the election process there are numerous violations of the legislation, among which one of the worst is misleading the voters. In order to achieve their victory in the elections the candidate and the parties promise various benefits to the voters, however, once they win, most of these promises are soon forgotten. This article by V.I. Erygina is devoted to the study of responsibility of the political parties for the violations of law, as well as to analysis of the relationship between the political parties and the voters as a kind of a social contract…
Question at hand
Ryabtchikov, R.V. (2007). Theory and practice of application of the global information and telecommunications net “Internet” in election process: problems and perspectives. Politics and Society, 11, 4–14.
The ever-changing political situation in the country, modernization of the election institutions and globalization, as well as changes in the election culture of the people have become the key characteristics of the election sphere. This, in turn, calls for the transformation of the “main election body” – the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. In the early XXI century it faces new challenges, and the responses to these challenges may form a new face of the CEC for decades to come.
State and civil society
Ibragimov, K.H. (2007). Food security of the Russian Federation: legal regulation. Politics and Society, 11, 15–19.
The well-balanced by quantity, quality and variety food supply is a key factor for ensuring health, well-being and survival of the population of Russia. Without it one cannot imagine adequate development of military, political economical or any kind of national security of the Russian Federation. However, according to the statistics in 2006 the amount of foodstuffs produced in Russia (the share for one person) is two times less than in 1990s…
Morality and politics
V.I. Erygina (2007). The round table “Islamophobia” as a threat to the civil society”. The stenogram of the February 1, 2007. The Museum and the Social Center named after A. Sakharov,Moscow. Politics and Society, 11, 20–27.
This is a verbatim report of the roundtable on the problems of islamophobia, as held by the “Portal – Credo.Ru”, the Institute of the Freedom of Conscience, the Museum and the Social Center named after A. Sakharov, the Workgroup of the Committee of Action of the All-Russian Civil Congress on the Freedom of Conscience. The roundtable included 15 representatives of various religions and social structures.
National security
Eremyan, V.V. (2007). Specific features of evolution of the ancient Russian state of the city state type within the context of feudalization of the early forms of direct democracy (on the issue of methodology of studies) Final. Politics and Society, 11, 28–35.
The attitude towards the Russian land as a generally stable agrarian community of the Slavic and the indigenous peoples, the so-called “Land of Cities” (Gardariki) differentiates the city from the usual settlement… This article by Professor Yeremyan is devoted to the complications of the social structure of the Russian city as a mirror of the entire Russian society of that time.
National security
Cherkasov, K.V. (2007). Formation and development of the institution of the Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the modern Russia : stage 3 (1997 – 2000). Politics and Society, 11, 36–40.
This article of K.V. Cherkasov is devoted to the third stage of development of the institution of the Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation within the Federal Districts. This period starts from the Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation N. 696 of July 9, 1997, and lasts until the Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation N. 849 of May 13, 2000. This period can be characterized as time of crisis of the system of state government and territorial government and search for the way out of the crisis.
The dialogue of cultures
Saidova, H.A. (2007). School of the people’s democracy – elections of the representatives of the people and their advisors in the Republic Uzbekistan. Politics and Society, 11, 41–69.
One of characteristic structures of the civil society in Uzbekistan is the so-called “machalla”, which is at times called the school of Oriental democracy. The functions of the “machalla” as a body of social self-government of the people are very broad, and under the Constitution of December 8, 1992 it is recognized as a constitutional institution.
Legal history
Teunov, M.K. (2007). The process of formation of the village Shariat courts at the Nalchik district of the post – October period. . Politics and Society, 11, 70–79.
From the early XIX century the legal culture of the peoples of the Kabardino – Balkaria had quite a pluralistic character, and its judicial practice combined Shariat law and traditional customs. In spite of the great changes, which took place in XX century the legal conscience of the Kabardins and the Balkarians still included traditional features. Considering the influence of the Islam in the modern social processes, the study of Shariat courts in the polyjuridical legal system seems topical.