State and civil society
Djagaryan, A.A. (2007). Constitutional protection of “national projects” in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 10, 4–15.
Some of existing problems of the Russian Federation are of historical character and are developing overtime. They are well known, and some of them have now become the objects of the so-called “national projects”. This is a new practice in the Russian Federation, and while it has many aspects, it certainly does have legal nature and mirrors the functioning of the state.
The heritage of transformation
Lokhmatov, E.A. (2007). The institution of an ombudsman and the judicial system in the Baltic states: mechanisms and problems of cooperation. Politics and Society, 10, 16–28.
Inclusion of the institution of an ombudsman into the legal system of the Baltic states caused a problem of its place within the exsiting system and judical practice, which is typical for most post-Soviet states. This article is devoted to the existing models of interaction between the ombudsman and the judiciary in the Baltic states, and it holds both practical and theoretical relevance…
National security
Savelov, V.P. (2007). Legal security of the military activity: gnoseological and methodological aspects. Politics and Society, 10, 29–34.
In the legal studies legal security has already been put into category and its various aspects are being studied. Does this category however have a right to exist? What is its nature within the context of military activity? The author of this article tries to find an answer to these and other questions…
Local self-government
Chikhladze,L.G. (2007). Correlation of the local self-government and the local government within the municipal legislation of the Republic of Armenia: comparative legal analysis. Part 2. Final. Politics and Society, 10, 35–41.
As the author of this article points out, the comparative legal approach to the studies of modern self-government and territorial government in Armenia shows that the modern tendencies of its development are parallel to the developments in the modern world as a whole.
Main human rights and liberties
Fomina, M.G. (2007). The election campaign: constitutional and legal limitations to the freedom of mass media. Politics and Society, 10, 42–46.
The freedom of the mass media is quite broadly provided for both in international legal documents and in the Russian Constitution. This rights includes the freedom to hold to one’s opinion, and the freedom to receive and to spread information without any interference from the state. However, at times the freedom of mass media can be limited. Elections can be one example of the conflict of various rights..
Human and citizen
Tarlo, E.G. (2007). The right to private life in Russia. Politics and Society, 10, 47–50.
The right to private life is provided for in Art. 23 – 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is aimed to ensure the autonomy of a person. However, while its importance is obvious, there is no generally recognized definition of what a “private life” is…
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Basangov, D.A. (2007). Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regulation of the migration relations. Politics and Society, 10, 51–61.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the value of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the sphere of migration issues. This is especially important, since this sphere is now undergoing a change…
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Kravets, N.V. (2007). Perspectives of development of normative legal practice of “mortgage” in Russia. Politics and Society, 10, 62–67.
As the author of this article points out, the development of the mortgage in Russia should be based upon well-balanced programs, and it also calls for a number of amendments into the existing legislation…
Conflict and consensus
Antonov, O.Y. (2007). Methods of finding out of election violations by the election commissions…. Politics and Society, 10, 68–79.
The election commissions are the bodies, which hold the greatest share of responsibility for the organization and holding of elections. In the process of these activities the election commissions may uncover the administrative and criminal violations in the sphere of elections…