Question at hand
Anisimov, A.P., Ryzhenkov, A.Y., Chernomorets, A.E. (2007). On the issue of mortgage of land fit for agricultural purposes. Politics and Society, 1.
There were three causes, that lead this article to appear. First cause was the draft amendments of the Federal Law of July 16, 1998 “On mortgage of immovable property”, which allow for mortgage of land fit for agricultural purposes. The second cause was questionable interpretation of some provisions of relevant legislation in the scholarly articles. And the third cause was the appearance of the draft Federal Law “On specific features of mortgage of land fit for agricultural purposes” at the official website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. This draft was introduced by a group of members of the Russian Duma (15 people)…
The heritage of transformation
Stativka, A.N., Urkevich, V.Y. (2007). State support of agriculture as a part of the agricultural policy of Ukraine. Politics and Society, 1.
Currently the agricultural legislation of Ukraine includes a complex legal institution of support of agriculture, which develops rather rapidly. This article, written by A.N. Stativka and V.Y. Urkevich provides detailed characteristics of the system of support of agriculture in the Ukrainian legislation.
The dialogue of cultures
Maremkulov, A.N. (2007). Place and role of legal provisions in the legislative acts of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic. Politics and Society, 1.
This article includes the study of legislative acts of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, which is, in turn, used as an example to show the value and place of legal provisions, their role in ensuring the unity of goals and purposes of the normative legal system at its current stage of development. The subject of the above-mentioned study includes legal regulation, which show specific features of development of multiethnic subject of the Russian Federation.
Legal history
Trunov, I.L. (2007). Anticorruption policy in Russia. . Politics and Society, 1.
The well-known Russian writer and historian N.M. Karamzin, when asked to define the situation in Russia in 1810 in short, said: “Everyone steals”. The famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin characterized the Russian bureaucracy of 1822 by saying that “Starting with the Councellor to the smallest of the protocol keepers, everyone was stealing and everything was for sale”. It does not seem that the time mended the problem. Currently (and not for the first time either), there are more and more people speaking in favor for more cruel sanctions applied to the officials, who are involved in bribery”. However, once the powers of the law-enforcement bodies are broadened beyond the certain extent, there is another evil – the tyranny of the law-enforcement bodies. This article by I.L. Trunov is devoted to the historical analysis of the issue, and it also includes practics.
Belyaev, S.A. (2007). Some issues related to development of international legal counteraction to discrimination. Politics and Society, 1.
Prohibition of discrimination (also known as a principle of non-discrimination) is undoubtedly an integral part of legal regulation and protection of human rights of any individual. This article contains analysis of development of this principle, of various universal and regional sources, clarifies the definition of discrimination, classification of objects and subjects of regulation. The author also includes the stuyd of mechanisms of practical, consultative, mediatory, quasi-judicial, and judicial mechanisms, aimed to apply the provisions of international law on non-discrimination.
Question at hand
Omelchenko, A.S., Momotov, V.V. (2007). On the issue of new tendencies in conflict resolution in the sphere of disputes on rights of ownership in the courts of Western Europe and the USA in the late XX century. Politics and Society, 1, 4–13.
The period of time, which is the subject to this study includes into itself two opposite tendencies. One of these tendencies, embodied in Art. 544 of the Civil Code of France of 1804, is that “Property is a right to use and dispose of things in a most absolute way”. In other words, this tendency presupposes that any owner can satisfy any interest, flowing from his ownership of a thing. The nature of the second tendency can be shown on an example of Art. 153 of the Constitution of the German Empire of August 11, 1919. “The ownership implies obligations. Use of property should at the same time serve the common good”. Thus, the owner has to facilitate the common good. How was the compromise found between these two tendencies?
Local self-government
Mozgovoy, S.A. (2007). On religious education in schools (based on the roundtables at the RIA “Novosti” and IA “Rosbalt”). Politics and Society, 1, 14–18.
At the start of the new study year in some regions of Russia the problems of religious classes at schools gained new topicality. Namely, from September 1, 2006 on, the state schools in Belgorodsky and Bryansky oblasts introduced an obligatory subject: “Basic Orthodox Christian Culture” (BOCC). In more than 30 subjects of the Russian Federation such subjects are introduced as optional, however, formally optional subjects often end up as obligatory (e.g. when they’re introduced as 2nd or 3rd class in the middle of the day schedule and the students can’t miss them. Can one then say that the school becomes the testing grounds for religious and ideological influence on children, and textbooks on BOCC contradict the constitutional requirements of secular education?
National security
Savva, S.S. (2007). On conceptual approaches of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation within the context of modern tendencies of the relation between the state and various religious confessions. Politics and Society, 1, 19–21.
Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation now becomes a federal body empovered to develop unified policy on the relationships between various religions and the state. One may imagine that in the near future we shall see the State Concept of Policy on Religions, developed by the MRD together with the Chair of Religious Studies of the Russian Academy of State Service. If so, this is a rather sad prediction for the freedom of conscience in Russia.
The heritage of transformation
Samokhvalova, V.K. (2007). Why people worship beauty?. Politics and Society, 1, 22–36.
How can one explain the way the people try to attain perfection, the way they are attracted to it? Can one define art? What do philosophers think of the nature of art? What are specific features of art? What are philosophical bases of aesthetics? All these issues are topical with the philosophers, who work in the sphere of aesthetics. In this article V.K. Samokhvalova searches for her own answers to the eternal question and expresses her opinion on place of science of aesthetics in the modern world.
Human and citizen
Dugina, Y.V. (2007). Historical and legal aspects of formation of the principle of protection of civillian rights during armed conflicts. Politics and Society, 1, 37–50.
When studying the path of development of international legal norms, which are related to protection of civilian objects during armed conflicts, one should take history into account. The history shows, that from the ancient times on, the measures were taken to preserve sacred places and the works of art, and other civilian objects (as we call them now). This work by Y.V. Dugina is devoted to the study of this issue from the ancient time to the present days.
Main human rights and liberties
Eleskin, M.V. (2007). Crime and its prevention in the system of execution of criminal punishments in Russia – on the issue of periodization. Politics and Society, 1, 51–57.
Crime at the prisons and similar detention centers has certain specific features, which vary during different historical periods. Some of these specific features are obvious and they give the “national style” to crime. For example, such features are Russian criminal jargon, tattoos, criminal traditions, means of committing crimes, spheres, where crimes are committed. M.V. Eleskin provides a five-piece periodization.
Conflict and consensus
Vereshagin, S.G. (2007). Tax policy in Russia: from Paul the 1st to the early XX century. Politics and Society, 1, 58–66.
There are many studies devoted to the reign of Russian tsar Paul the 1st, however, this one concerns the particulars of his tax policy and the influence of this policy at later periods. This is a dynamic study of Russian tax policy up to the early XXth century.
Legal history
Svinina, T.M. (2007). Social upheavals and the nucleus of a person. Politics and Society, 1, 67–76.
This article of T.M. Svinina is devoted to the study of the topical issues of self-identification of a human being throughout his life, and influence of catastrophes and upheavals on this process. In particular, in this article there is a detailed study of the consequences of the Hiroshima bombing for the survivors (“the nuclear decease”).
Saidov, A.H. (2007). Historical and literary portrait of Isaak Babel. Review on a book. Krumm, R., Isaak Babel. Biography. Almaty, 2006. Politics and Society, 1, 77–79.