(2006). Politics and Society 6-2006. Politics and Society, 6.
This special edition of the “Politics and Society” journal is devoted to the topical problems of modern ecological policy. The materials were chosen by us in accordance with the topicality of certain aspects of ecological policy and of experience of particular states, as well as with key spheres of development of ecological policy. That is why much place was given to the articles on the policies of the European Union and its Member States.
Brinchuk, M.M. (2006). Russian state and protection of environment. Politics and Society, 6, 5–26.
This article by Professor M. Brinchuk is devoted to the role of state in solution of ecological problems. As the author points out, the current state of Russian ecology can be characterised as the state of crisis and there is a number of reasons for it. The key reason in the author’s opinion is the grave lack of will of the state to solve ecological problems. The article contains evaluation of the role of executive, legislative and judicial powers, as well as of the President of the Russian Federation, in protection of the environment. Based on above-mentioned analysis the author comes to a conclusion of low efficiency of the state efforts in the sphere of nature management and protection of environment.
Kremer, L., Winter, G. (2006). Ecological law and policy of the European Union: legislative basis, realization and judicial practice. Politics and Society, 6, 26–83.
The European Union is the only region in the whole world, where protection of environment is recognized as a high-level goal, comparable to the attaining economical growth. This article by German co-authors L. Kremer and G. Winter contains detailed analysis of the European legal basis for environmental protection, as well as of existing practice. The authors then conclude that in spite of all the shortcomings, the european way to establish and apply ecological law seems to be the most constructive and developed model in the world, and, importantly, it overcomes the national boundaries, since environment knows no such boundaries.
Stepanenko, V.S. (2006). Definition and legal value of the principles of the EU ecological policy. Politics and Society, 6, 83–93.
This article by V.S. Stepanenko is devoted to the review of the key principles of the EU ecological policy. The author provides various classifications of such principles, studies general and particular principles and judicial practice of the ECJ.
Kalinichenko, V.T. (2006). Ecological policy of France. Politics and Society, 6, 93–102.
Just like most industrial states, France has been implementing active environmental policy merely for the last 35 years, but within that period of time much was achieved. This article by V.T. Kalinichenko is devoted to history and topical modern tendencies of the ecological policy of France. Much attention is paid to the priority sections, such as protection of the athmosphere, protection of water resources, protection of nature and landcase, waste policy, renewable energy source policy. The author also studies France’s international activities in the sphere of environmental protection.
Rednikova, T.V. (2006). Modern tendencies of development of ecological policy in the sphere of production in the European Union. Politics and Society, 6, 103–108.
Ecological policy in the production sphere is an essential element of a well-balanced system of ecological goals, since 80% of negative impact of mass products on environment is defined at the stage of development of such products. For example, many electronic devices are produced with the use of toxic elements, which seep to the environment after such devices are utilized. For some devices, such as freezers, negative impact of their dangerous elements on society still shows decades after their utilization. This article by T.V. Rednikova is devoted to the latest changes in the policy of the European Union, namely, to the study of the Environmental Action Program for 2002 – 2012.
L.H. Yang (2006). Ecological policy of China: history of its development and modern state. Politics and Society, 6, 109–125.
China is much more than merely a geographical term. It stands for one of the brightest cultures of the world civilization. And the Chinese nation has understood the value of environmental culture as an element of human culture for ages and ages. While one can’t say that China is the first state in the world, where ecological legislation was formed, it still is one of the first such states in the world. This is an ongoing process and development aimed to bring Chinese legislation into accord with the international requirements and legislations of foreign states still continues…
Dubovik, O.L., Zabelina, M.I. (2006). Legal regulation of environmental sales.
Review of the books:
Trüeb Hans Rudolf. Umweltrecht in der WTO. Staatliche Regulierungen im Kontext des internationalen Handelsrecht. Zürich, Schulthess, 2001. 540 S.;
Wiers Johem: Trade and Environment in the EC and the WTO. A Legal Analysis. Eurpa Law Publishing. Groningen 2003, 496 pages. Politics and Society, 6, 126–132.
Lately the European scholars pay more and more attention to legal regulation of environmental sales. This review concents two rather important monographs: Trüeb Hans Rudolf. Umweltrecht in der WTO. Staatliche Regulierungen im Kontext des internationalen Handelsrecht and Wiers Johem: Trade and Environment in the EC and the WTO. A Legal Analysis. These monographs provide the reader with the information on the state of scientific studies of ecological sales policy, judicial practice, topical tendencies of international and European law on environmental requirements to sales.
Zabelina, M., Zaitseva, Y., Chivragova, M. (2006). Ecological policy of the European Union and its relation to other spheres of European policy.
Review on the book by Nele Dhondt. Integration of Environmental Protection into other EC Policies. Groningen: Europa Law Publiscing, 2003. 525 S. Politics and Society, 6, 133–144.
The book by Nele Dhondt, which is reviewed in this article, is a detailed stuy of the problems of interweaving of the ecological policy with other policies of the European Union in the light of integration of the environmental needs under the Art. 6 of the European Union Treaty. This book provides us with the analysis of how ecological requirements may and should be considered when the policies in such spheres as agriculture, transportation, power industry (the spheres which account for much of the environmental polution, along with the chemical industry and metal industry) are implemented. Considering that this particular aspect was not sufficently studied in Russia the book is of much interest for the Russian readers.
Stepanenko, V.S., Rericht, A.A., Frolov, A.N. (2006). Cooperative ecological policy: new direction of ecological and political activities.
Review on the book
Kooperative Umweltpolitik (Hrsg. Hansjürgens B., Köck W., Kneer G.), Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003. - 364 ñ.). Politics and Society, 6, 145–151.
The achievements in development and realization of the ecological policy in the European Union do not mean that the legal scholars can forget about this sphere of studies. On the opposite, the progress boosts their wish to find new forms of political and legal influence on the behaviour of various subjects of environmental use and protection: people, their associations, enterpreneurs and their unions, government bodies and municipal bodies. The book, review on which you may find in this article, is a fine example of such quest for new measures. It is devoted to the cooperative ecological policy…