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«Politics and Society» (18+)

¹ 3, 2006
Published since
2004 year

Local self-government
The heritage of transformation
National security
Main human rights and liberties
Human and citizen
The dialogue of cultures
Legal history
Morality and politics
P. 4 - 12
Local self-government
P. 13 - 26
State and civil society
P. 27 - 37
P. 37 - 46
The heritage of transformation
P. 47 - 55
The nationality issue
P. 56 - 67
Main human rights and liberties
P. 68 - 83
P. 83 - 97
Human and citizen
P. 98 - 105
Public dialogue
P. 106 - 110
P. 110 - 115
Ìèãðàöèÿ è àäàïòàöèÿ
P. 116 - 124
Legal history
P. 125 - 139
P. 140 - 141
P. 141 - 151
Contents details