The heritage of transformation
Aliev, V. (2006). Degeneration of Russia: who is at fault and what should be done?. Politics and Society, 2.
Russia is dying out. According to the UN predictions the population of our country shall decrease from 143 million to 111 million by 2050. By the year 2080 the population of Russia might be just 38 million people. And one may only guess what shall happen to the Russian state. Economical growth, doubling and tripling of the national produce, stabilization fund and salary raises
Conflict and consensus
Koshemarina, S.V. (2006). Problems of legal regulation of payment for commercial advertisement and other non election-related activities. Politics and Society, 2.
Federal election campaigns of 2003 – 2005 showed a number of problems in the current election legislation. One of such problems is related to payment for commercial advertisement and other non-election related activities. Its reflection in practice creates an opportunity for dissemination of advertisements by the organizations cloely associated among the electorate with a particular candidate, in spite of the fact that names or pictures of particular candidates are not used. The author provides us with the study of this problem, offers possible ways to amend the current legislation..
Legal history
Savin, V.I. (2006). Federal system of organization of the institutions of the state power in Russia. Politics and Society, 2.
As the author of this article notes, the key infrastructures and frameworks of the Russian statehood are already established. The first democratic constitution was adopted and the necessary executive (Presidential) and legislative structures (Federal Assembly) were created. It’s now time to fill those “forms” with the right kind of contents.
The nationality issue
Eva Vaigend (2006). Europeisation of criminal law in the light of the European Constitution. Politics and Society, 2, 4–22.
Eva Vaigend’s article is devoted to the critical analysis of the problems related to the unification of the criminal law and procedures of the EU states in the light of the European Constitution. As the author notes, the European Constitution allows limitation of rights guaranteed in the Charter on the basic rights, including the rights related to the judicial activities on criminal cases. While a possibility of limitation of basic rights of people by national constitutions is no surprise to the lawyers, new problems arise within the framework of the European Constitution. First of all, these problems are due to the degree of definition of cases, when the basic rights, guaranteed to the people and to the European citizens, can be limited…
Morality and politics
Yunusov, A.A., Yunusov, M.A. (2006). Legal and economic basis for the protection of human rights and rights of a citizen. Politics and Society, 2, 23–27.
In this article by A.A. and M.A. Yunusovs one may find review and analysis of the key legal provisions, ensuring human rights, in the Russian legislation of the period since the early 1990 to the present time. The authors also evaluate the conceptual provisions of formation of the modern Russian state, including formation of the free market, and then come to a conclusion that intereference of the state into the market economy in Russia is necessary due to a number of causes. One of these causes is the accelerated tempo of formation of the market economy in the Russian Federation, in comparison with the Western states.
Local self-government
Rodionova, O.V. (2006). Criteria of typology and key reasons for the restructuring of the modern social state. Politics and Society, 2, 28–40.
As the author of this article notes, the classical social state (common welfare state) encouraged and awarded the types of behaviour, which have destrictive effect on any society (idleness, irresponsible behaviour in the sphere of personal relations), which, in turn, led to marginalization of certain groups of people. These “inverted” values spread and infected the society overall. And now the society strives to return back to “health” via the restructurization of the social state, limiting the scope of social activities, change of roles among the subjects of social policy, and change of overall direction of development of the social state.
State and civil society
Bachinin, V.A. (2006). A science of society: theosociological method. Politics and Society, 2, 41–55.
The sphere of Christian beliefs is probably one sphere where both the positions and the means of conventional sociology are quite weak and vulnerable. This article by Professor V. Bachinin contains analysis of so-called “Christian sociology”, its specific features, subject, method and principles. The author then comes to a conclusion that the Cristian social analysis serves as means for gaining and interpretation of new knowledge from familiar situation, facts and contexts. Moreover, such knowledge is not only information, but a vision of a world.
State and civil society
Obukhova, E.S. (2006). Organizational and legal basis of participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of the European Court of Human Rights. Politics and Society, 2, 55–76.
Obukhova, E.S.’s article contains analysis of the organizational and legal bases of participation of the Russian Federation in the activities of the European Court of Human Rights, and, first of all, of the activities of the Russian ombudsman. Author notes the necessity of development of normative provisions, providing detailed regulation of cooperation of the Russian ombudsman at the European Court of Human Rights and the Russian state bodies and NGOs. The author also pays attention to the legislative regulation of payment of compensation in case of amicable agreement of the state with a person, who has filed a claim at the ECHR. Now, in seven years after the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms was ratified by Russia, such a mechanism does not exist.
Public dialogue
Borshevsky, A.P., Protsenko, V.N. (2006). Topical aspects of the right of persons for accessing information in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. Politics and Society, 2, 77–82.
Right of access to the information is a key element to the participation of the civil society in the administration of a state. The authors review the provisions of the Moldovan legislation on access to information as well as the existing practice. They come to a conclusion, that, unfortunately, this right in Moldova is not completely realized. While Moldovan legislation on access to information generally conforms to the international standards, the practice shows a great number of cases of violations of relevant laws, lack of knowledge in this sphere both among the lay people and among the state officials. All of these does not allow to effectively realize the right of people to access information.
Human and citizen
Aivar, L.K. (2006). Legal regulation of substitute (surrogate) motherhood as means to improve the birth rate. Politics and Society, 2, 83–91.
Currently the practice of surrogate motherhood causes a number of legal and moral problems. At the same time this method is applied more and more often, which, in turn, calls for a serious approach to the relevant problems, creation of detailed legal standards and clear formulations, so no double standard could be used. Surrogate motherhood should not be used for fraud, illegal profits and blackmail. The author reviews foreign practice in the sphere of surrogate motherhood, as well as the situation in the modern Russian law. He also touches upon a number of issues related to legal status of a child, who was born as a result of the surrogate motherhood.
Main human rights and liberties
Gainullina, I.S. (2006). Specific features of the modern legal system of ensuring the constitutional principle of equal rights of men and women in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 2, 92–106.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the correlation between the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions of its subjects and provisions of labor law on non-discrimination of women in the sphere of labor. The author studies existing problems and gaps in the law, evaluates current general policy and practical problems. As the author notes, analysis of the National plan of activities aimed to improve the position of women and their role in the society for the years 2001 – 2005, as adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, gives us little hope that in the year 2005 the position of women in Russia in the labor sphere shall be subject to a positive change. The Plan does little to deal with vertical and horizontal segregation of women, to overcome inequalities related to the ratio of men and women in certain professions, to smooth over the regional differences in the economic activities of men and women, their incomes and salaries.
Main human rights and liberties
Ismieva, V.M. (2006). Historical destinies of the religion. Politics and Society, 2, 106–117.
What shall the world of the future be like? Shall it be religious or godless? Ever since the Age of Renaissance the process of secularization actively developed, but it seems that now the pendulum swung to the opposite direction. The world turned its face to religion, and the sociologists call this tendency “return of gods”. The rationalistic tradition is severely criticized and the interest to religions is keen. The religious boom includes rechristianization, reinduization and reislamization of the world. New fundamental movements are born, and their nature is dubious. The American sociologist S. Huntington once warned the humankind that the modern world shall face the oppositions of civilizations, based upon different religions…
Family and society
Bondarenko, N.L. (2006). Principles of civil law: evolution and modern condition. Politics and Society, 2, 118–126.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the most important principles of the civil law, turning points of development of the principles of the civil law. Author reviews the history of principles of civil law as well as the place and role of such principles in the modern legislation of Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia.
Mukhamet-Irekle, A. (2006). Interdisciplinary relations of social science: protection of social rights of people as a condition for evolutionary development. Part 1. Politics and Society, 2, 127–136.
In the totality of negative signs the condition of the social reality in the Russian state may be evaluated as a “social pre-crisis”. Based upon various polls and evaluations up to 80% of the population live in poverty. The volume of social activity of the state shrinks and the basic social right of its people – a right to a deserving life – is violated. As the author notes, this article deals not only with the theoretical issues of social science, but also with the realistic ways to protect the rights of a particular citizen in Russia.
The dialogue of cultures
Krutikov, M.Y. (2006). Cultural-legal and social-economic aspects of realization of the right for judicial protection in the post-Soviet Russia. Politics and Society, 2, 137–146.
The issue of effective realization of constitutional legal norms is especially important in the conditions of the transitional Russian society. Realization of the constitutional right for judicial protection is not only an institutional guarantee of the legal status of a person, but also the central motivation for the mechanism of social stability. As M. Y. Krutikov notes, in the modern Russia and important role in ensuring constitutional realization of rights shall be played by the three key institutions: prosecutors, advocates and ombudsmen. The responsibility for realization of constitutional rights and freedoms (and therefore, adequate functioning of a civil society) is on these three categories of legal professionals…
Velyaminov, G.M. (2006). Interpretation of the history of the Russian state as means of ideological diversion (on the book by Richard Pipes “Russia Under the Old Regime”). Politics and Society, 2, 147–151.
This article contains a critical resume on the book, written by a famous American specialist in Russian history Richard Pipes, who is a former sovietologist advisor of President Reagan. The book is devoted to the history of Russia up to XIX century and it did not lose its ideological topicality by now. It’s the opinion of G.M. Velyaminov that while this book seems to be objective, it is “especally harmful in the current conditions”, since it is used in the studies of foreign, and, possibly, Russian specialists, majoring in our history.