Zholkov, S. (2019). Philosophical problems of pragmatic theories: genesis and architectonics, II. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 1–13.
The subject of this research is the real pragmatics, in other words, purposeful activity of social subjects (individuals, human associations). Real pragmatics overall, in unity and cohesion of the natural and human realms is the subject of pragmatic theories. In practical terms, the actual tasks for analysis and management of large systems and their systemic analysis in unity of natural scientific and socio-humanitarian component is the real need. The article determines the requirements to information base and architectonics of the pragmatic theory, essential for building a trustworthy scientific theory of real pragmatics. The comparative analysis with the construct of “theoretical knowledge” proposed by V. S. Stepin is conducted. The general laws and requirements to architectonics of veritable and substantive components of pragmatic theories are formulated. The conducted comparative analysis demonstrates that the pattern of structuring the fundamental and conclusive pragmatic theories is fully compatible with the construct of (post-nonclassical) “theoretical knowledge” of V. S. Stepin. The author also notes that the proposed by V. S. Stepin pattern of theoretical knowledge is based not only the comprehensively studied physical theories, but also the mathematical theories.
terms and (logic) formulae, dogmatic foundations, rational oundations, basis of a theory, ideal objects, concepts and constructs, information base, critical analysis of information, conceptual analysis, architectonics of pragmatic theories
Gashkov, S.A. (2019). Cornelius Castoriadis reforms the philosophy of history. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 14–22.
The subject of this research is the philosophical heritage of the prominent Greek-French philosopher, economist, and psychoanalyst Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997). The author gives particular attention to the plots of his works related to the problem of such philosophical interpretation of the historical process, in which context a human does not manifest as an alienated subject, but rather a conscious, creative being. Along the way, the philosopher faces Marxism, Sartre’s existentialism, and structuralism of Lévi-Strauss, subjecting them to critical analysis and defending similar principles, kindred to the Greek democratic traditions. Hi critically repels scientism, naturalism, individualism, Eurocentrism, functionalism, positivism and determinism, which in his opinion, obscure the true content of all three methods. The author explored a number of theses and texts of Castoriadis, in comparison with the texts of some representatives of Marxism (Plekhanov, Lenin), existentialism (Sartre), and structuralism (Lévi-Strauss, Althusser, Foucault). Leaning on the study of the evolution of French postwar thought, the author draws the independent conclusions on Castoriadis’ methodology. The scientific novelty consists in the attempt to portray Castoriadis as a unique reformer of the philosophy of history. The philosopher manifests not only as a consecutive critic of Marxism, existentialism and structuralism, but also as an independent thinker, who revived the dwindling interest towards the philosophy of history. It is underlined that the works of Castoriadis represent a cycle of studies on the philosophy of history; and in the center of the living historical process is collective creativity, the “magma” of social reality and social imaginary.
functionalism, Marxism, structuralism, existentialism, determinism, indeterminism, philosophy of history, Castoriadis, reform of science, role of individuals
Sharov , K.S. (2019). The construction of system of gender power: the case of favoritism. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 23–29.
On the example of gender-power relations built by Marquise Jeanne-Antoinette de Pompadour, mistress of the King Louis XV, most prominent favorite in history, from the perspective of psychoanalysis, this article analyses the feminine power discourses and complex systems of the gender social roles that the favorites – the women possessing the “shadow social and political power” – were able to structure. The goal of this research lies in the analysis of typical strategies of gender power, structured by the royal favorites, demonstrated on the example of Marquise de Pompadour, in which men were involved into decentralized system of women’s power. The author is first to reveal the basic patterns of formation of the system of gender-power role and codification of a number of them as social statuses. It is noted that the system of establishment of such roles correspond with the Lacanian Triad: Imaginary-Symbolic-Real. The symbolic level structuring gender roles by a woman possessing shadow power is the linguistic field. The imaginary level implies the formed by woman cultural traditions. The real level is represented by the created by woman social and political administrative strategies, which involve men as the subjects of women’s decentralized power into the system of gender-power relation, designed by a favorite. It is concluded that favoritism as a complicated social, psychological and cultural phenomenon is one of the most successful methods of manifestation of women’s “shadow” power in history.
gender social roles, Enlightenment, female royal favourites, Marquise de Pompadour, royal mistresses, gender-power relations, power, Gender, favouritism, shadow power
Political science
Gbadebo, A. (2019). The impact of Afrocentrism upon Nigeria's foreign policy: since attainment of independence to the present day. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 30–41.
The foreign policy of Nigeria has indisputably proven some homogeneity with the concept of Afrocentrism. Facts have shown that the country’s foreign policy has been very consistent in considering Africa as a centerpiece in spite of successive administrations and the varied systems of government it has experienced. The author outlines the principles and objectives embedded in the policy from the time of the first Prime Minister Tafawa Balewa who ruled since 1960, when Nigeria gained independence from the United Kingdom, to the present administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, due to the country’s committment in contributing to Africa’s development. In this accord, Nigeria has clung to the strong holds of self-determination and self-government relationship with other countries, both regional and sub-regional. Having adopted the policy of non-alignment, Nigeria has stood in resistance to the external influence while maintaining diplomatic relations with them and concentrated on the integration of African countries. At the period of the country’s shift from Afrocentrism as core to its foreign policy to the direction of “Citizen Diplomacy” then to investment and economic co-operation, Nigeria never lost focus on African unity, economic diplomacy and decolonization of neighboring states. The present article reveals the details of Nigerian foreign policy, its influence on the country itself and Africa as a whole.
Nigeria's leadership, peacekeeping, contribution, diplomatic relations, Africa, centerpiece, Afrocentrism, Nigeria, foreign policy, neighboring countries
Languages and Linguistics
Nesterkin, S. (2019). Philosophy of language and problem of expressiveness of the Absolute in Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 42–48.
The subject of this research is the concept of expressiveness of the Absolute, developed in Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. In majority of Buddhist schools it is established that the language, due to its binary nature, is capable of expressing only the relative truth, while the absolute truth can be cognized in the state of unidirectional meditative submersion, with the absence of any duality, including the linguistic symbolic structures. However, in Gelug School it is emphasized that it is impossible to explain an adept the technique of realization of direct vision of the absolute unless using the language, which also allows reaching enlightenment and further translation of the tradition. Based on the materials of Tibetan texts, the author explicates the philosophical views of Gelug School, which, according to the thought of its successors, eliminate such contradiction. The main conclusion consists in the fact the Gelug School developed the concept of language that subdivides the verbal/conceptual into two types. The first one contains the verbal/conceptual, resulted from the ascription (Tibetan: sgro 'dogs) of false qualities of the objects of consideration, which should be obviated. The second one is deprived of false ascription, and forms in the course of using a specific type of philosophical discourse – prasangika, serving as the cause of emergence of the “middle view” (Tibetan: dbu lta) that sees all things properly. This allows the successor of prasangika to effectively use the verbal structures for adequate cognition at the conceptual level, and transition towards the direct cognition of the absolute truth, which ultimately helps to acquire freedom and reach a state of nirvana.
Madhyamaka,, Gelug, Tibetan Buddhism, text, verbal structures, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of Buddhism, soteriology, religious practice, prasangika