Gurevich P.S. (2014). The cybernaut as a symbol of the global world. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 98–108.
The author discusses anthropological aspects of modern globalization. He shows that
comprehension of global processes requires analysis of the problems of human nature. An attempt is
made at creating a generalized image of man that will be a symbol of the nascent world. On the other
hand, the author criticizes the projects of deanthropologization, debiologization of man. Traditional
questions of philosophical anthropology, such as «is man a creator or a creation?», «who or what is
the demiurge of the modern world?», «is the human body really a basis for human identification?»,
«is human nature capable of extreme openness and infinite transformation?», prove to be topical
again. The author uses the method of philosophical anthropology to analyze these problems. He
shows that this philosophical trend, for the decades of its existence, has improved its approaches
to the issues of philosophical comprehension of man and is based on these original traditions. The
novelty of the approach is not related only to restoration of the mystical tradition of remaking
man but also to critical consideration of the whole European experience of «reconstruction» of the
personality. The article evaluates the technical project of «remaking man» from critical positions, sets
forth arguments that permit to rationally approach the problem and its basic foundations.
global world, man, cybernaut, identity, transformation, nature, genetics, philosophy, philosophical anthropology, symbol.
Ponomarenko E.V. (2014). Legal development in the context of the
humanization of the Russian legal system. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 109–114.
The subject of this research is Legal Development. The article discusses legal development
in terms of the development of legal ideas about humanism by individual humans and society in
general. Legal development includes human actions of intellectual and volitional nature mediated
by the Law aimed at the transformation of elements of human activity (social reality). We are
talking about humanization (spirituality and transformation of welfare) by means of human rights
and society; the creation of a legal system, the center of which is a man, his rights and freedoms.
Legal development is intellectual and volitional actions mediated by rights, aimed at the conversion
and humanization of the legal system, the substantiation of the value of a person, one’s rights and
freedoms in the legal system. Research methodology is rational and critical thinking in the context
of universal values, natural rights and freedoms of people. The novelty lies in translating the ideas
of humanism in the Law, the transformation of the individual, society and the state in terms of
legal ideas of human development by the individual and society. In law, the ideas of humanism are
formed as a gradual change in the ratio of such concepts as ‘rights’ and ‘man’. The idea lies in the
‘humanization’ of the Law, establishing such a legal system, which would be focused on people,
their rights and freedoms.
development, legal development, modern legal system, human rights, human values, humanization of the legal system, person and the right, the right as a value, right values, rational and critical thinking
Asadullaev I.Ê (2014). New physical picture of the world? –
Part 1. Redshift galaxies should fluctuate.
Universal homeostasis. The absurdity of the
basic question of philosophy . SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 115–122.
The proposed approach is an attempt to significantly update the new physical and
philosophical view of the world, primarily astrophysical. The key to this is recognition of the ideal
as an attribute of matter, along with the material. The ideal is an objective reality, sometimes
in the subjective form, but not a material reality. The material is defined as such not only due
to what relates to the matter, but due to the fact that the material as one of the attributes of
matter is determinate being. At the same time the ideal as a determinate being is not defined.
This article proposes to consider homeostasis as a universal phenomenon. It should be noted that
in real nature there are no perfect lines or askew movements. Real objects in their motion in a
straight line always experience fluctuations influenced by the environment, e.g. due to association
of an object with other objects, and internal movement. Every movement is unique, unrepeatable,
has it own logic, and this logic is ideal, essential, natural. The same applies to the planet Earth,
the Sun, galaxies, etc. that are subject to the principle of universal homeostasis. Homeostasis
as a dynamic equilibrium is always a deviation – comeback. All things and objects, shifting
from one bias sometimes in the opposite direction, now and again return to the ideal positions.
There is no ideal stability, only a dynamic balance – motive sustainability. But not materially,
materially the balance is the essence of deviations-comeback. The ideal in homeostasis covers
all the condition of the material as a whole, consistent and inconsistent with it. Ideal trajectory
or positions sought by the objects in the process of universal homeostasis are not only the fact
of consciousness of a cognoscitive person, but are also objective and real. Dialectical approach,
Materialism, Structuralism, Comparative method, Systemic and organismic approach, Functional
method, Cloning method in cognition, Methods of induction and deduction, Method of inverted
hierarchies, when ultimate event determines the processes while individual phenomena affect
key factors. Figuratively speaking, the Universe thanks to the universal homeostasis expands and
quakes as a jelly. And the farther away the galaxy moves, the greater the rate of expansion and the
stronger oscillations. Any real movement – inertial or accelerated – is uniformly uneven (material
– ideal). The farther away a galaxy the greater is the amplitude of oscillation of both transverse
and longitudinal. Longitudinal oscillations of flying galaxies occur in acceleration waves: now more
expedited departure, now slower acceleration. In a sense it is similar to jerks. In our opinion, one
can double check through oscillations (colour) of the redshift (colour) of Doppler effect. We believe
it will be available for practical science. We could rely on the idea that every universal law of the
Universe was there since its inception. Therefore, science faces the problem of detecting redshift
oscillations. Rapidly receding galaxies oscillate around a receding ideal point of balance. Galaxies
are tangible as an available existence and present an uneven acceleration flying away from one
other. Consequently, one can assume that balanced ideal oscillation points obey some global law
of uniform accelerating of ideal motion of galaxies. Hence the conclusion: Doppler effect should be
addressed in the context of steady-unsteady motion – redshift oscillations.
Dynamic balance, Mathematics, absurdity, philosophical, homeostasis, Universal, galaxies, New physical picture, Doppler effect, redshift oscillations.
Bochkarev S.À. (2014). Difficulty Understanding the Being of Criminal Law. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 123–133.
The article attempts to bridge the gap between philosophic and legal experience and
theory of criminal law on cognition of the nature of this law and highlights the complications of their
rapprochement. The article raises the problem of comparability and synthesis of these two lines of
legal thought. In this respect, the research reviews the narrative of philosophic and legal thoughts
in the sphere of cognition of the Being. The author stresses the role of modernity in interpreting the
Mode and the Being of criminal law as a reason for reflection and as a timely object of understanding
the philosophic and legal thought. In general, thoughts apprehend themselves and understand
their self-sufficiency. The same is with the so called modern thought. Whatever its dreadful state, it
remains a means of social linkage. Each of these thoughts finally constructs its own Babylon. Mutual
misunderstanding is then referred to the imperfection of its nature or prejudices of its subjects.
However the stumbling point is in the level of aloofness of thoughts from each other and from a man
in general. They no longer weigh and counterbalance, but divide it. In their interpretation the subject
seizes to possess its own being.
criminal law, the due, being, philosophic thought, sense, legal thought, nature, existence, the real, ontological thought.
Shinkaretskaya G.G., Ryzhov V.B. (2014). Content and Limits of ‘Domaine Reserve’. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 134–140.
The category domaine reserve, or «domestic jurisdiction», appeared as a means of
restricting the right of international organizations or individual States to interfere in the decisions,
or the consequences of decisions, taken by a State. The principle of State sovereignty is increasingly
realized as a condition essential for the establishment of effective law and order in the world: More
and more often the norms of international law are realized at the national level. One of the examples
of this is the sphere of economic interests of States. A State takes a decision and international law
fixes this fact, or the decision is taken at an international level and then the State fulfills the norm of
international law in its internal system in accordance with its own obligations
domaine reserve, principle, State sovereignty, effective law, norms, international law, internal system, domestic jurisdiction, national level, international level.
Political science
Hauer-Tukarkina Î.M. (2014). Political image of the EU in the context
of global economic crisis. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 141–149.
Global economic crisis has become one of the biggest challenges in the history of the EU:
it has put under a question mark the relevance of the European project not only from the economic
but also from the political perspective. In current conditions the EU faces double challenge: the actor
must not only emerge from the crisis, it should also restore its image, gain trust of own citizens and
make them believe that the European project faces an optimistic future. To reach these objectives,
it is necessary to establish an efficient system of communications, aimed at restoring trust to the
European project among European citizens (internal communications), as well at enhancing the
reputation capital of the EU as global political and economic actor (external communications).Current
article examines the components of European image discourse including ways of possible image
discourse transformation in crisis situations and proposes a theoretical approach for creation of a
crisis response model aimed at restoring damaged internal and external image of the EU. Structural
analyses of the European image, discourse analyses of the EU imageand its transformation process
in a crisis situation. One of the key tasks for the EU is to make the process of the image discourse
transformation in crisis situations manageable. To achieve that the EU should develop a flexible
and comprehensive internal and external communication system which would make it possible to
minimize the devastating influence of a crisis and keep the reputational capital of the EU among the
target audiences (the EU citizens and the world community) on a high level.
crisis communications, image discourse, European image narratives, crisis response model, economic crisis, the EU, European values, internal communication policy, external communication policy, European communicative space.
Political science
Bajrektarevic A. (2014). Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later: Was history ever
on holidays? (From WWI to www. 9/11 or 11/9?). SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 150–169.
Some 20 years ago the genocide of worst kind was taking place just one hour flight from
Brussels. That time, assassination of different kind from the one of 1914 has enveloped Sarajevo.
While massive European ignorance turned Bosnia (and the Union of different peoples – Yugoslavia)
into a years-long slaughterhouse, the Maastricht dream was unifying the Westphalian world of
the Old continent. Today, two decades later, Atlantic Europe is a political powerhouse (with two of
three European nuclear powers, and two of five permanent members of the UN Security Council,
P–5), Central Europe is an economic powerhouse, Russophone Europe is an energy powerhouse,
Scandinavian Europe is a bit of all that, and Eastern Europe is none of it. No wonder that as soon
as serious external or inner security challenges emerge, the compounding parts of the true, historic
Europe are resurfacing again. Formerly in Iraq (with the exception of France) and now with Libya,
Sudan, Mali and Syria; Central Europe is hesitant to act, Atlantic Europe is eager, Scandinavian Europe
is absent, Eastern Europe is bandwagoning, and Russophone Europe is opposing. Did Europe change
(after its own 11/9), or it only became more itself?
Europe, genocide, Bosnia, June–1914, unification, Westphalian Ummah, 9/11, geopolitics, civilization, Sarajevo.
Political science
Karyakin V.V. (2014). “THE THIRD WAVE”: Geopolitics of Postmodernism. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 170–177.
An article is devoted to the new geopolitical conception, constructed on the base of V. Stepin’s
ideas of post-nonclassic conception, the theory of self-organizing systems of H. Haken, a technology
of “controlled chaos” by S. Mann and author’s synergetic vision of modern geopolitical trends.
The world community has entered an epoch of permanent crisis which is represented now as the
system crisis of postmodern civilization. The sociopolitical tendencies designated during revolutions in
the Middle East and North Africa, a series of “color” revolutions on the post Soviet space and protest
actions of Russian opposition, put forward an actual problem of development of a new toolkit for
research of processes of political transformation of the modern world. In these conditions the issue
of the day is still the problem not only of interstate relations, but also situation inside the states that
become closely connected in globalized world. The favorable environment for occurrence of threats
to the international and state security is the use of technologies of “controlled chaos”, strategies of
“soft power” and “indirect actions” on the background of aggravation of territorial, demographic, religious,
ecological, food and water problems in large territories of the Central Asia, Near and Middle
East and African continent.
the international relations, geopolitica, The Third Wave, synergetic, conception, classic geopolitica, post-nonclassic geopolitica, social-political systems, nonclassic geopolitica, UN.
Aron I.S. (2014). The social situation of development of a modern teenager. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 178–182.
The research subject is the detection of the typical age, socio-cultural and individual
characteristics of the social situation of development of a modern teenager, on the basis of conceptual
regulations of the cultural and historical psychology on the dynamics of a child’s mental development.
The methodological and practical value of Vygotsky’s concept of «social situation of development» is
substantiated. On the basis of the analysis of researches by domestic psychologists, directed on the
identification of the substantial structure of the social situation of development, the author designates
objective and subjective components of the social situation of development. There with, the special
role of a subjective component of the social situation of the development defining the personality
activity degree concerning the environment influences is accented. The results of the theoretical
analysis of a social context, and also of subjective aspects of the social situation of development of
modern teenagers, are presented. It is noted that the main age-typical characteristics of the social
situation of development of a teenager are aspirations to join the outside world of adults and agemates,
and behaviour orientation to norms and values of this world. The socio-cultural characteristics
of the social situation of development of a modern teenager are caused by the influence of numerous
factors, mainly those of negative content. Individual factors of the development of teenagers also
quite often have negative psychological content. That is confirmed by the author, from examples of
the content analysis of the social situation of development of teenagers without parental support,
teenagers with deviant behaviour and teenagers with endowments signs. The conclusion of the need
for the optimization of the social situation of development of a modern teenager is drawn.
cultural and historical psychology, social situation of development, development source, teenager, age-typical characteristics, socio-cultural changes, teenagers of a «risk group», orphan teenagers, deviant teenagers, endowed teenagers.
Vorontsova I.V. (2014). To whom does the writer V. Rozanov owe his reputation
of an outstanding religious thinker?. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2, 183–192.
In 1900–1914, Rozanov’s popularity in Russia was extraordinary due to his books and articles concerning
the questions of the Russian Orthodox Church’s renovation, he received an enormous amount of letters
from his contemporaries, including young clerics and monks yearning for answers to their religious and
moral questions or for his comments on their spiritual works. But the preoccupation with religious reformism
led him to confrontation with the Church, and in this confrontation he had had an ally and an advisor in the
person of Alexsandre Ustyinsky, whose letters and notes the former used in his journalism. The study was
based on unpublished letters of writer Vasiliy Rozanov and orthodox priest Ust’insky, the letters are from two
.archival collections in Moscow (RGALI and literary manuscripts department of the Russian Public Library).
The article provides the findings of the research on unpublished archival correspondence between V. Rozanov
and the Russian Orthodox Church archpriest A. Ustyinsky as to whether the writer indeed was an original religious
thinker among ‘neo-Christians’. The examination of unpublished correspondence between V. Rozanov
and Novgorod archpriest Alexander Ustyinsky has shown that Rozanov was not independent in his judgments
with regards to a range of religious problems which his contemporaries connected to the reformation of the
Russian Church, and in this sense the writer’s oeuvre is only yet to be studied.
Ustyinsky, Rozanov, religious reformism, neo-Christianity, Orthodox Church, ‘flesh and spirit’, letters, confrontation with Church, movement of ‘modernism, historic Christianity.