Legal regulation of production and distribution of food products
Kalinina, L. (2017). Food as an object of legal regulation: search for the normative legal ground. Food Industry, 1, 1–6.
The subject of this research is the food as a legal category, its properties, and consolidation of characteristics by national legislation for the purpose of more constructive development of the food legal relations. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as underdevelopment of the food characteristics in the main law, inability to define food as an independent object of law based on the currently existing normative legal acts. The key conclusion of the conducted research lies in the author’s proposition to formulate the human-oriented legislation on food. Special contribution of the author consists in analysis of the applicable to food legal categories of quality and safety. The scientific novelty of the work contains the analysis of subjective composition of food legal relations and suggestion to introduce the legal status of private party.
regulatory requirements, legal regulation, safety, quality, food, legislative analysis, food legal relations, government administration, citizen rights, administrative law
Management of production and distribution of food products
Kostenko, R.B. (2017). Import substitution of food in Russia as a priority task of ensuring food security. Food Industry, 1, 7–14.
This article is dedicated to examination of the questions of import substitution of food in Russia as the priority task on rapid ensuring of the food security in the country. The author substantiates the need for implementation of the large-scale system of measures in the field of agriculture and agribusiness pertaining to the increase in production volume and processing of the agricultural products in the Russian Federation. This will help in ensuring the food independence of Russia in the aspect of food volume, as well as improvement of the quality of food ration of the Russian residents. In addition to the stated above, the modernization of agricultural and agro-industrial sector of economy of the Russian Federation will enhance its competitiveness in comparison with other countries, ensuring the profitability of agricultural enterprises and enterprises that specialize in processing of the agricultural products. In turn, the agricultural sector of the Russian economy will play the role of a so-called locomotive, providing the growth of GDP in the country.
agriculture, challenge, priority, security, Russia, food, import substitution, sanctions, economy, tasks
Consumer protection
Nitiaga, I.M., Usha, B.V. (2017). Implementation of an expedited method of determining freshness of meat in conducting veterinary-sanitary inspection. Food Industry, 1, 15–20.
The goal of this article is the examination of possibility of implementation of an expedited method of determining freshness of meat in conducting veterinary-sanitary inspection in the conditions of retail. The research focuses attention on the possibility of assessment assessment of the test value of meat using bone marrow, as well as compare the acquired data with the result accumulated using the generally accepted physical and chemical methods of the determination of the freshness of meat. The object of the study consisted of 35 examples of refrigerated meat (beef and pork), 13 of which had signs of questionable freshness. The following methods of determining the freshness of meat were applied during the course of this work: organoleptic, physical-mathematical, and method with the use of bone marrow. The acquired data testifies to the fact that using the express-analysis of muscle tissue can determine the substandard of meat, which is associated with the pathological processes in the body or development of the signs of spoilage. The authors note that the express-method should be implemented in laboratories of the veterinary-sanitary inspection of the markets and weekend fairs, as well as production laboratories of the meat factories.
Physical-chemical methods, Organoleptic methods, Bone marrow, Veterinary-sanitary inspection, Express method, freshness of the meat, Ethyl alcohol, Muscle tissue, Pork, Beef
Food manufacturing
Rudakova, M.Y., Nikolaeva, Y.V. (2017). This article examines the question of safety of usage of cooking oil in commercial food preparation. . Food Industry, 1, 21–26.
This article examines the question of safety of the usage of cooking oils in commercial food industry. The safety of cooking oil is affected by the fatty acid content, as well as the regimes and continuation of the use with low coefficient of oil renewal. This causes free-radical oxidization of fats. Foods fried in such conditions become harmful to health and can lead to various diseases. Due to growing popularity of deep fried food products, the question of safety of such foods becomes more pressing. The research involved sample tests of oil for oxidization level extracted from several deep fried foods across various restaurants. Further research was dedicated to increasing antioxidant stability of the frying oils. The oil samples revealed the need to create new cooking oils with better composition. The conducted research proves the efficiency of using tocopherols to improve resistance of cooking oil to oxidization. There is a need to introduce norms on control of the peroxide value in the food industry on delivery, as well as in prepared products.
free radicals, frying, induction time, antioxidant activity, oxidation, peroxide value, tocopherols, antioxidants, cooking oil, Palm oil
Food security
Kruglov, S.M. (2017). On some questions of ensuring regional food security. Food Industry, 1, 27–33.
This article is dedicated to the question of examination of the regional food security. The author believes that food safety issues in modern states must be addressed on the central (or federal), as well as the regional levels, which will allow strengthening the national food security and avoiding the situations of food deficit in the country or its uneven distribution across the separate region and municipalities. The work explores the negative and positive experience of the USSR in organization of food security, including through organization of the official reserve. The following scientific methods were applied during the course of this research: description, formal-logical, statistical, historical, modelling, comparative legal studies. The author deems that in the Russian Federation the questions of food security on the regional level are yet to be resolved in full measure; it is referred to the part of legislative determination and consolidation of the regional food security alongside within the framework of establishment of the regional food security system as a whole.
nation-state, security, Russia, municipality, region, food, people, efficiency, certain, provision