Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Chukanova, T.V., Vakker, P.A., Zheldakova, A.V., Medvedeva, M.V., Makamov, D.K. (2024). Students' participation in social networks' conflicts (based on the materials of a sociological study of Barnaul universities). Sociodynamics, 2, 1–15.
In the modern world, there is a significant number of collisions in the Internet space, which occur not only in interpersonal communication online, but also on various social networks with a large number of participants. Almost any social network that supports the function of discussion, commenting on the information provided, allows you to observe a number of pre-conflict and conflict situations. Despite the fact that the space in which communication takes place is virtual, the consequences of conflicts in it can be more than real, both for an individual and for a number of participants. Conflict situations can have an impact on the daily life of opponents and collectively affect social processes in society. In his work, the author studies in depth the nature of conflicts in social networks. The study was implemented through a quantitative method of collecting information – a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The general totality of the study was made up of students from Barnaul who are users of social networks. The study was conducted using a selective method. The sample totals 367 respondents. The sample size was determined by the capabilities of the researcher. A single-stage sampling was used, the selection unit was specific students. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were made. Firstly, the vast majority of students use social networks every day, but only half of them have participated or are involved in conflicts. Secondly, students most often conflict on social networks with strangers and in community comments. Thirdly, trolling is still one of the important problems of social networks. A significant part of the (interviewed) students became victims of trolls. Fourth, most of the conflicts in social networks in which students participate are short-lived and occur through verbal debates. Fifth, most students choose a more "peaceful" behavior strategy. Sixth, many students determine the beginning of a conflict in a social network by negative emotions from interaction and consider the presence of physical distance to be the main feature of the described conflicts.
cyberbullying, sociological research, social processes, student youth, social network, Conflict, social institute, youth policy, sociological sciences, public opinion
Morality and politics
Deriugin, P.P., Cimtikov, Z.K., Chzhao, T., Lebedintsev, D.A. (2024). The evolution and transformation of youth entrepreneurship in China: a sociological analysis. Sociodynamics, 2, 16–29.
The purpose of the article is to conduct a socio-historical study of the evolution and stages of the formation of youth entrepreneurship in China. The main problem is to identify and characterize the evolution and patterns that reveal the entrepreneurship of Chinese youth as a market mechanism that successfully functions in the conditions of the socialist economy of China. The object of the study is the entrepreneurial activity of young Chinese people. The subject of the study is the systematization of the stages of formation of youth entrepreneurship in various periods of transformation of Chinese society. The sources of information are scientific research carried out by Russian and Chinese researchers, as well as researchers from other countries. A comprehensive analysis of the sociodynamics of the development of youth entrepreneurship in China allows us to thoroughly and objectively identify and characterize the main systemic connections of this social phenomenon. The research methodology assumes a socio-historical analysis of the stages of the formation of youth entrepreneurship in China. A generalized analysis of the significant dependence of youth entrepreneurship on the general trends in the development of entrepreneurship in China as a social institution and the need for significant regulatory, organizational, educational efforts on the part of society and the state for its formation, maintenance and development is carried out. It is shown that at the stage of transition of Chinese society from subsistence farming to a planned economy (1945-1950), youth entrepreneurship was mainly spontaneous, non-institutional in nature and manifested itself as facts of entrepreneurial activity of individuals. The patriarchal way of life and rigid hierarchies of relations did not contribute to the development of entrepreneurial initiative of young people. At the second stage, in the process of transition to an industrial society (1951-1966), the centralization of the economy is increasing, and the main areas of activity of Chinese youth are directed to the political sphere, to the detriment of entrepreneurial initiatives in the economy. The third stage, the transition to an open society (1967-1978), is characterized by changes in the understanding of the political role of youth in society, the era after the Cultural Revolution laid the foundation for recognizing the important role of market foundations and youth entrepreneurship in the subsequent stages of China's development. The transition to a legal society (the fourth stage of the "Four Modernizations", after 1978), gives impetus to the development of youth entrepreneurship in China.
youth unemployment, difficulties of formation, business organizations, stimulating entrepreneurship, governmental support, modern directions of entrepreneurship, stages of formation, historical-sociological approach, the youth, sociology entrepreneurship
National security
Cherepanova, M.I., Ebeling, E.O., Chukanova, T.V. (2024). Factor model of the health of the Russian population in the border areas. Sociodynamics, 2, 30–46.
The subject of the study included significant conditions and factors for maintaining health in the context of ensuring the demographic security of Russian society. The object of the study was the national health of Russians and its regional specifics. Methodological approaches included a civilizational approach to the analysis of global and regional social, economic, behavioral determinants of health and population motivation for health-saving technologies. A secondary analysis of the phenomenon of national health in the context of modern humanitarian research is presented. The novelty of the study is based on the analysis of regional practices of the population in relation to their health, the structure of morbidity, factors and reasons motivating the population to take care of their health and lead a healthy lifestyle. Behavioral models of the population's attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle are described; the structure of diseases in the population of border areas was analyzed. The specifics of motivation to preserve health through employer investments are described. It was concluded that there are regional specificities that determine the quality of public health and, in some cases, provoke specific “medical” interregional and external migration (for example, the opportunity to change place of residence to improve medical care). The health of employees of an enterprise of any form of ownership is a decisive reproductive component of human capital. In the conditions of the modern world, the permanent experience of the socio-economic and financial crisis, the transformation of values, the population is expected to significantly adapt to the changed conditions of society. All of this requires optimal levels of health and vitality. In this context, health is essential for the full and effective implementation of educational or professional activities.
health of the nation, healthy lifestyle, health-saving technologies, health, demographic security, reproductive mechanisms, self-preserving behavior, social well-being, border territories, human capital
People and work
Akhmetova, E.I. (2024). Features of the succession of generations in the scientific community (regional aspect). Sociodynamics, 2, 47–57.
One of the determining factors influencing the realization of a successful career of a scientist is interaction with the older generation of scientists, the presence and effective functioning of a scientific school. However, the ongoing socio-economic processes in society have significantly influenced the models of career growth and the understanding of success in the scientific field. In order to assess the socio-economic status of scientists working in UFITC RAS institutes and their adaptation strategies, a sociological study was conducted in the online format in the form of questionnaires on the Google Forms platform. A total of 170 researchers among all UFIC RAS Institutes were surveyed. This article presents the results of this work concerning the continuity of generations in the scientific community. It is concluded that in recent years there have been significant changes in the system of generational succession. Preservation and transfer of scientific experience and knowledge from the older generation to the young is an integral part of the development of the scientific sphere. Young scientists need to have an opportunity to communicate with experienced colleagues, learn from them and receive valuable guidance. In turn, the older generation of scientists should be ready to support and inspire young researchers. Only through close interaction and cooperation between generations of scientists can the successful development of the scientific field be ensured. It is important to create conditions that allow young scientists to enter into a dialog with experienced scientists and receive the necessary support and feedback. Moreover, the older generation of scientists should be ready to change and accept new ideas and approaches offered by young researchers. Thus, despite changes in the system of generational succession, cooperation and interaction between generations of scientists remain key factors for the successful development of the scientific field.
support, competence, science, older generation of scientists, region, young scientists, scientific activity, scientific community, continuity of generations, mentoring
People and work
Ovchinnikov, S.S. (2024). Technology for the formation of digital competencies of civil servants. Sociodynamics, 2, 58–66.
The subject of the research is the study of algorithms for the formation of competencies. The author examines various process structures of competence formation. The aim work is to develop a unified algorithm formation of digital competencies for civil servants. The specifics study will be focused on government civil servants who use digital technologies in their official activities. Special attention is paid to the issue of training and development of public civil servants. Author considers such an aspect of the topic as the impact of digital knowledge, skills and abilities on the digital economy of the Russian Federation. Author discusses various training technologies aimed at improving the qualification level of a civil servant. Author considers certain algorithmization of the formation of digital competencies in public administration. Features influence of educational activities on the creation of a special model of digital competencies of a civil servant. The following methods were used in the study: traditional analysis of documents (normative legal acts, scientific articles), modeling. As a result of the research author developed technology for the formation of digital competencies, aimed at developing the professional level of government civil servants and focused on the introduction of modern training models in public authorities. The area of possible implementation of the research results in such state bodies as the Government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, etc. The novelty research is the development of completely new process of training and development of civil servants. The use of algorithmic technology for the formation of digital competencies will contribute to improving the qualification level of civil servant, improving public administration in a particular public authority, increasing measures to train and develop digital literacy of civil servant.
training and development, digital transformation, formation of digital competencies, qualification requirements, technology, government agencies, public civil service, public administration, government employee, education