Sedykh, O.G., Alsaeva, Y.G. (2024). The concept of "abuse": content analysis of interpretations. Sociodynamics, 11, 1–13.
This article presents the results of a content analysis of the concept of "abuse" in order to formulate a definition that takes into account the variety of interpretations of this phenomenon in the scientific literature. The subject of the study is abuse, as a negative trend in the relations of initially equal parties leads to the destruction of the personalities of its subjects, namely, the implementation of the "aggressor-victim" role model, in which there is violence (psychological or physical) from one partner to another. The detrimental effect of the development of this phenomenon on the passive side and its destructive impact on society significantly increases the importance of understanding and interpreting this phenomenon. In addition, abusive relationships often have a cyclical nature, which makes them even more destructive. The authors chose qualitative content analysis as the main method, which allows us to identify the essential features of the concept. The sample of the study consisted of 70 scientific publications (domestic and foreign) containing characteristics of the phenomenon under study. So, the study was conducted in several stages. The first one analyzes the publication activity on this topic, the second one analyzes the interpretation of the term "abuse" in domestic sources, and the third one — in foreign literature. According to the results of the analysis, we can note that in domestic sources "abuse" is defined more specifically than in foreign ones. Since for the latter, this concept is more often considered in the same plane (that is, it is applicable only in the relationship of a couple). In this regard, the characteristics given in the materials of the former can be applied more widely. Interestingly, the latter focus on the existence of such a feature as persecution, which is not mentioned in domestic sources.
role model, content analysis, word cloud, family violence, domestic violence, violence, consequences of abuse, abusive relationships, abuse, social phenomenon
Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Zheldakova, A.V., Maslov , V.S., Kolegaeva, E.A., Perin , S.A., Klimova , A.A. (2024). Social disruption as a factor of conflict among young people (based on the materials of an interdisciplinary study in Barnaul, Russia). Sociodynamics, 11, 14–31.
Transformations and reforms in all areas of Russian society have led to the social transformation, including an increase in the number of conflict situations. The level and quality of social well-being of people depend on their attitude, willingness to actively participate in social, economic and political processes related to both personal, family and public life. The growing social crisis has caused a significant increase in interest in the problems of social well-being or disadvantage, both for an individual and for society as a whole. In his work, the authors study in depth the impact of social disruption on the occurrence of conflicts among young people. Conflict situations often arise in youth communications, which emphasizes the need to identify and effectively resolve them. Research aimed at studying the factors of social well-being and finding mechanisms for solving social contradictions are becoming especially important for reducing the level of disadvantage. The study was conducted using a selective method. The sample consists of 348 respondents, namely, students of six higher educational institutions: AltSU, AltGPU, ASAU, AltGTU, ASMU, BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The sample size was determined by the researcher's capabilities. The method of selecting units of the general population was a quota sample, the selection parameters were the higher educational institution and the gender of the respondents. Thus, it can be concluded that the social disadvantage of young people can enhance their conflict potential. It, in turn, can result in protests, which will negatively affect the state of the whole society. Based on the theoretical analysis and the results of empirical research, we have made the following conclusions: 1. A third of young people rated their conflict potential as high. 2. According to their subjective assessments, 15% of students stated low social well-being. 3. In the areas that determine the quality of people's lives, 64.2% of respondents who classified themselves as socially disadvantaged faced conflicts. 4. More active and protesting forms of defending their opinions (participation in rallies and strikes) are chosen to a greater extent by young people who are in conditions of social disadvantage. 5. Socially well-off youth prefer to defend their interests in the form of filing complaints.
conflictogens, social monitoring, social problem, social processes, conflict potential, conflict, sociological research, youth environment, social disadvantage, social institutions
Heritage and transformations
Ragulina, M.V. (2024). Linguistic and cultural landscapes in interdisciplinary interaction: modern approaches to research. Sociodynamics, 11, 32–43.
The article is devoted to the analysis of modern approaches to the study of linguistic and cultural landscapes in the context of interdisciplinary research. Linguistic landscape, as a scientific concept and approach, took shape in the 1990s. Initially focused on visible linguistic signs, it rapidly assimilates polymodal aspects of linguistic space. Such space expands from the physical to the social, symbolic and virtual. The study of the cultural landscape began with morphological and scientist branches. They developed over the course of a century, and by the end of the XXth century were enriched by the inclusion of spatial symbols, semantics, narratives and competing sociospatial discourses. The subject of the study is the analysis of interpretations of linguistic and cultural landscapes, approaches and methods formulated under the influence of worldview paradigms. The methodological basis is a comparative analysis of subject areas based on new cultural geography, sociology and linguistics. The novelty of the study lies in comparing key metaphors and trends in the theoretical evolution of the concepts of linguistic and cultural landscape, finding potential points of contact and mutual integration. The trajectories of theorizing linguistic and cultural landscapes reveal a substantive similarity with different rates of development of new research domains. As a result, the evolution of linguistic and cultural landscapes studies, the expansion of their subject area, the formation of fields of attraction and new opportunities in the study of personality, society and space were revealed. The potential for interdisciplinary interaction of the concepts of linguistic and cultural landscapes with related disciplines is considered: ethnogeography, cultural geography, philosophy and cultural studies. It is shown that the integration of linguolandscape and cultural-landscape approaches can help resolve methodological difficulties encountered in the study of local communities and thair ethnocultural landscapes.
ethnic communities, geosemiotics, ethnogeography, semiotics, sociolinguistics, sociology of space, new cultural geography, ethnocultural landscape, linguistic landscape, ultural landscape
Social studies and monitoring
Malinina, K.O. (2024). Methodological and methodical features of studying the sphere of cultural consumption. Sociodynamics, 11, 44–57.
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This article reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of studying the sphere of cultural consumption in the region and suggests the methodology of sociological research developed by the author on the presented topic. Analyzing scientific research devoted to the study of the sphere of cultural consumption, the author conducts a theoretical interpretation of the term, considers the main approaches to the study of this sphere, addresses the history of its research and issues of operationalization. Coming to the conclusion that the concept of "cultural consumption" has not yet been unambiguously defined, the researcher proposes to consider cultural services (cultural services) as the main condition for cultural consumption, and, accordingly, to understand cultural consumption as the use of society's achievements in the field of culture, presented in the form of cultural services, to satisfy the cultural needs of society. The author has developed a methodology for sociological research of the sphere of cultural consumption in the region, which is based on a qualitative research paradigm and the method of expert interviews. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is the methodology he developed. The novelty of the research lies in the author's combined step-by-step methodology of sociological research of the sphere of cultural consumption of the region, which is based on a qualitative research paradigm and the method of expert interviews. The experts in this methodology are structured according to a four-stage system, which allows to evaluate the entire existing structure and look at it both through the eyes of consumers themselves and those who are directly involved in the creation of cultural goods. In addition, the data obtained at each stage of the study provides material for further study of the field, predictive information, and also allows to identify the most effective ways to solve emerging problems. Thus, the presented technique is interesting not only from a scientific, but also from an applied point of view.
cultural practices, sociocultural services, sociology of culture, cultural product, cultural industry, sociocultural development, culture, cultural sphere, cultural consumption, cultural needs
Conflict and consensus
Kolegaeva, E.A., ZHeldakova , A.V., Klimova, A.A., Maslov, V.S., Perin, S.A., Ahmedova, A.R. (2024). Conflictogenicity of secondary employment of students (based on the materials of an interdisciplinary study of students in Barnaul). Sociodynamics, 11, 58–76.
The study of the conflictogenicity of secondary employment is relevant in the modern labor market, where many people, including students, choose additional work. The article analyzes the reasons why students choose additional work, including financial independence and the desire for self-development. Both positive and negative consequences of secondary employment of students are considered. The study was conducted using a sociological survey among students in Barnaul, as well as expert interviews with teachers. The article emphasizes the need for an integrated approach to solving problems associated with the conflictogenic nature of secondary employment, including support measures from the state and educational institutions. The results of the study indicate the importance of a balance between education and labor activity of working students. As part of the study of the selected topic, a methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among working students of educational institutions in Barnaul. The study was conducted using a questionnaire method, in which 322 respondents took part. The sample was formed by a non-random method of typical representatives. The sample size was determined by the capabilities of the researcher. At the second stage, expert surveys were conducted (n = 15). This study allows us to understand in detail the phenomenon of secondary employment of students and its conflictogenicity. The results of the study indicate the importance of a balance between education and work, emphasizing the need to regulate the level of student employment. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is the emphasis on the special importance of a comprehensive solution to the problem of conflict in secondary employment with the participation of the state and universities, as well as with the active position of the students themselves.
stress, academic performance, education, professional development, student employment, sociological research, conflict potential, conflict, secondary employment, student