The heritage of transformation
Kraev, O. (2023). De-Commemoration as a Factor of Collective Memory Formation in South America. Sociodynamics, 2, 1–9.
The article focuses on de-commemoration, i.e. the elimination of monuments and other objects with historical meaning, in South American countries. The goal is to analyse the examples of these processes found in different countries of the region, using a new typology of this yet insufficiently studied phenomenon, proposed by sociologists Tracy Adams and Yinon Guttel-Klein. There are examples of de-commemoration linked to democratization of socio-political and, consequently, cultural space in the region, as well as the revision of monumental heritage in the context of changing perceptions of society and some of its influential segments of the country's past or their transition from verbal rejection of certain objects to destructive actions. The novelty of the study lies in the use of the new typology, originally applied to the analysis of the Israeli experience, in the study of memorial objects in South America and the analysis of diverse memorial units and country-specific features of the processes of de-commemoration, namely desecration and reframing, primarily in Paraguay and Colombia. One of the main conclusions of the study is the possibility of de-commemoration in the studied region in relation to objects belonging to chronologically and essentially different historical periods and phenomena. The author also reveals the multifunctionality of de-commemoration. Finally, it has been found that the interest of the state in the implementation of memory policy in general and de-commemoration in particular often plays a decisive role in the implementation of projects in this sphere.
planned obsolescence, reframing, desecration, vandalism, counter-monument, Alfredo Stroessner, Colombia, Paraguay, memory policy, de-commemoration
National security
Popov, E.A. (2023). Spiritual Security in the Conditions of Modern Cultural and Civilizational Development. Sociodynamics, 2, 10–19.
The article reveals some possibilities for conceptualizing such a concept as spiritual security. At the same time, the author proceeds from the position that the political context of understanding spiritual security prevails in modern scientific discourse, but it clearly cannot be considered complete or sufficient. That is why the identification of spiritual security from the point of view of the cultural-philosophical approach provides the greatest heuristic potential for understanding spiritual security. Thus, the subject of the study is spiritual security within the boundaries of cultural and civilizational development. The emphasis is not on the genesis of the development of civilization and culture, but on their conjugacy in modern conditions. The main conclusions of this article are the following key provisions: 1) understanding the conjugacy of civilization and culture within the framework of the cultural-philosophical approach significantly increases the possibilities of conceptualizing these phenomena; 2) the study of spiritual security should be conducted through the prism of the correlation of this phenomenon with the levels of development of civilizations and cultures; 3) the absolute advantage of scientific understanding of spiritual security becomes a value-semantic perspective that allows overcoming the traditionally existing socio-political a vector in understanding spiritual security. The advantage of the proposed aspect is the orientation to the data of large-scale empirical studies devoted to the transformations of the value structures of human existence.
World Values Survey, civilizational approach, the system of norms, value system, civilizational development, cultural crisis, transformation of values, civilization, culture, values
People and work
Ravochkin, N.N., Popov, E.A. (2023). Conceptualization of the "Leisure Practices" in Modern Sociology. Sociodynamics, 2, 20–32.
In this paper, the authors consider in detail the current state of the conceptual dictionary of sociology. The phenomenon of leisure practices is chosen as the object of research. And the subject of the study is the conceptualization of the concept of "leisure practices" in modern sociology. The authors consider in detail the formation of leisure in social and humanitarian scientific knowledge, starting with ancient philosophical ideas. The evolution of leisure practices from ancient forms to modern varieties is traced. Classical and modern works of foreign and domestic authors relevant to the subject are chosen as theoretical bases. It is noted that today leisure practices are considered mainly through the prism of three methodological approaches: symbolic interactionism, structural functionalism and neo-Marxism. The authors argumentatively show that during their development leisure practices occupy an important place in the structure of human activity, since they are one of the most effective ways of personal development, forming its spiritual and physical qualities. Leisure needs are firmly embedded in the value system of all social groups, while the progressive development of world civilization suggests new options and versions of organizing and spending free time. As a special contribution of the topics raised by the authors of this study for the modern sociological discourse, the necessity of continuous research of leisure practices is laid due to their dynamic nature and because of their determinism by contextual realities. The author presents his own concept of leisure practices, taking into account their essential characteristics and allowing to go beyond the one-sided understanding of leisure, for example, such widespread as identical to free time.
self-realization, institute, identity, stratification, rest, needs, society, spare-time, individual, leisure practices
Issues of social partnership
Vinogradova, I.A., Ivanova, E.V., Blinova, A.O. (2023). The University's "Third Mission": Exploring the Potential of University Campuses in Interaction with Urban Communities. Sociodynamics, 2, 33–49.
City universities play a leading role in the formation of the educational, socio-cultural, intellectual environment of the city. At the same time, a new paradigm of interaction between universities and citizens is being formed as part of the implementation of the idea of "cities as communities of citizens", when urban communities become full-fledged subjects of city development along with city authorities. In this regard, the subject of the study was to identify the potential of the university in interaction with urban communities. Research methods: survey, focus group interview with elements of brainstorming. The study involved representatives of various urban communities of Moscow (N=170), students, teachers of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (N=358). The results of the study. The priority areas of interaction between university campuses and urban communities can be identified as: educational (counseling and support of citizens, courses, clubs, webinar programs, clubs for children and adults, lectures; popularization of topics at the request of communities; supervision and care); diagnostic; research; volunteer; sports and recreation; infrastructure; cultural and leisure; expert; development of the city's infrastructure. When building such interaction, it is important to take into account: regulatory and legal aspects of providing university infrastructure to urban communities and attracting teachers and students to implement educational programs for citizens of different ages; the financial side of interaction with urban communities; requests from urban communities; psychological and organizational aspects of interaction with urban communities; interaction with municipalities and representatives of district administrations, educational and other organizations working with the public and interested in the resources of the university.
educational direction, consulting direction, research direction, university infrastructure, leisure direction, urban communities, volunteer direction, needs, third mission, university campus
Social organizations and movements
Kannykin, S.V. (2023). Socio-Cultural Factors of the Emergence and Activity of Running Clubs in the USSR. Sociodynamics, 2, 50–65.
The subject of the study is the socio-cultural determinants of the genesis and functioning of the running clubs of the USSR in the period 1968-1991. The objectives of the work: to determine the prerequisites for the emergence of the running club movement in the USSR; to reveal the essential features of the club as initiative clubs for the self-organization of amateur runners; to identify the external and internal functions of running clubs. The source base of the research was both scientific publications and the memoirs of the organizers and the first participants in the activities of the KLB in the USSR presented on the Internet. The methodological basis of the work is a philosophically oriented socio-cultural approach, within the framework of which the study of complex social and cultural relations in the area of origin, functioning and influence on Soviet society of the activities of running clubs, as well as the methodological technique of constructing a genetic "ideal type" by M. Weber is carried out. The main prerequisites for the emergence of the KLB are seen in the traditions of leisure running practices of pre-revolutionary Russia; the Soviet TRP complex; the development of physical culture and sports public organizations; problems generated by the NTR; the impact of Western running culture. From the perspective of determining the essential features, KLBS are considered as initiative leisure clubs focused on ensuring the maximum efficiency of using running to achieve the therapeutic, healing and personality-building goals of their participants. The mission of the KLB was the improvement of man and society through running practices, the assertion on their basis of enduring humanistic values: health, kalokagatiya, social activity, self-development. The innovation of the KLB in the functional aspect was the development of super marathon running in the USSR, the mass involvement of women in running activity, the development of methods of recreational running for various groups of the population, the cultivation of veteran running amateur sports, the unification of running and artistic practices in the framework of entertainment events.
personal development, health running, ultramarathon, medical run, scientific and technological revolution, Soviet Union, physical education, running clubs, public organizations, leisure