Social studies and monitoring
Ovchinnikov, D. (2023). Modern problems of socialization of teenagers at school. Sociodynamics, 10, 1–8.
The subject of the study is the concept of socialization applicable to school education and adolescence. Based on the analysis of various sources, the characteristic features of this process are noted. With the help of the data obtained in the course of an independently conducted sociological study based on the methods of questionnaire survey, observation, study of documentation, in the schools of the Tula region (with a time gap of 5 years), a whole set of definite conclusions is formulated about certain aspects of the practice of modern school education, its role in the socialization of adolescents, as well as typical problematic aspects of this process are identified in order to take into account and adjust in further work. In particular, there is a tendency to reduce the lack of knowledge of schoolchildren in various academic subjects; modern Tula youth is mainly focused on such areas of activity as economics, management, medicine and healthcare; the main conditions for success in modern society, young people are increasingly inclined to see their own efforts and hard work; that school in our time is not such an agent of socialization, which contributes to the development of teenagers' ideas about the family as the main unit of society; the school in which they study did not have a significant impact on such positions as "plans for the future", "formation of moral qualities of personality", "formation of an active life position", "choice of profession"; the influence of the school on health is negative; in the ranking of institutions responsible for fostering a sense of tolerance in society, the school ranks third after the family with a significant lag and the state; a creative approach in teaching schoolchildren will also help solve the problem of raising the status of a literature teacher in the eyes of students. The main conclusion is that socialization is primarily designed to ensure the constant personal growth of adolescents.
high school students, individual, teachers, education, family, teenagers, school, upbringing, socialization, sociological research
Social studies and monitoring
Popov, E.A., Antonovich, I.V., Akhmedova, A.R., Koda, E.A., Kozlova, V.A. (2023). Secondary employment of modern students (on the example of AltSU students). Sociodynamics, 10, 9–22.
Currently, a student who simultaneously receives a higher education and works somewhere is becoming quite commonplace. Moreover, the tendency to combine study and work is characteristic of the whole world. Secondary employment allows students not only to improve their financial situation, become financially independent from their parents, but also to acquire a number of communicative and professional competencies that can be successfully applied in the future. Moreover, the practice of secondary employment allows you to form a certain work experience, which can be an advantage in employment after graduation. The phenomenon of secondary employment of a student is difficult to assess unambiguously, on the one hand, there is an accelerated professional socialization of an individual, his rapid inclusion in a new social reality, into which a young person will have to move fully after graduation. The student becomes more responsible, manages his time more competently. On the other hand, secondary employment is realized precisely in their free time from study, negatively affecting the amount of time allocated to prepare for classes, sessions, etc. The key problem of secondary employment of a student is that often the specialty of study is in no way connected with the place of work. This fact increases the likelihood that an individual after graduating from university will go to work not in his specialty, which makes it more difficult for the demands of the labor market and the education system to produce necessary quantity of specialists a certain domain. Also, not all students are able to correctly prioritize work and academic activities, as a result of which there are distortions that negatively affect educational activities.
labor activity, sociological research, social processes, university, higher education, secondary employment, employment, student youth, sociological sciences, public opinion
Transformation in political processes
Ravochkin, N.N. (2023). The impact of digitalization on the sustainability of social orders. Sociodynamics, 10, 23–33.
The study presents the critical revision of the usual conceptual foundations of complex systems, since the impact of many factors of digitalization directly determines today the viability of societies. The article analyzes the impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders. The purpose of this study is to clarify the possibilities of the impact of digitalization on the stability of social systems. The subject of the article is the social order of modern society in the context of digitalization processes. In modern realities, formed by the total penetration of information and communication technologies into all spheres of human activity, the level of unpredictability and riskiness is clearly increasing, which primarily causes changes in the ontological foundations of social systems. Unprecedented transformations, which have become permanent, have a complex impact on the order that has developed in societies. The author of the article examines in detail the complex impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders. The nature of digitalization processes is presented. Using practical examples, some directions of the influence of advanced technologies on the social fabric are identified. The positive and negative consequences of the manifestation of digitalization processes are highlighted. Vectors of transformation of social institutions are revealed. It is revealed that despite the prevalence of technical and technological elements in public life and the decrease in the humanitarian component and a number of qualities of the human capital of society, which are at a high level of digital development, increase their own stability and functionality. In conclusion, generalizations are presented that constitute a theoretical and methodological basis for subsequent studies of the impact of digitalization on the stability of social orders.
stability, narrative, intersubjective interactions, human, conflict, technology, innovation, social order, digitalization, threat
Social studies and monitoring
Isaeva, K.V., Vantyaeva, A.S. (2023). Lifelong education as one of the digital decade trends. Sociodynamics, 10, 34–43.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of lifelong education as a new and increasingly relevant form of education. The article examines the impact of digital transformation on the transformation of the education system. The authors emphasize the relationship between the growth in the volume and coverage of digital technologies and the increase in the number of educational services in various forms (the system of additional education, courses, webinars, programs for studying cutting edge academic disciplines in a short time). The research focuses on the theoretical understanding of the trend of the last decade – lifelong education. An important conclusion, confirmed by the already available in modern sociology research, was the judgment that the increased relevance of lifelong education is directly related to digitalization and the technical, technological and organizational preferences that it provides to the educational system. Thus, distance educational technologies (zoom, skype, teleconference from Yandex, Vebinar and others) demonstrate the ability to be involved in the educational process regardless of location, gender, age, employment, occupation and interests. In addition, in modern conditions of transition to a new digital reality under the influence of the rapid development of advanced technologies, there is a question of the need for constant professional reorientation and obtaining new knowledge and skills in the fields of computer programming, the use of digital technologies, including interacting with artificial intelligence. The article identifies new popular areas of study, the principles of lifelong education, and also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the object of study. It is also revealed that today an ambiguous attitude of teachers and students to online education has been formed.
distance learning, effective methods of education, digitalization of education, digitalization, digital transformation of education, technologies, education system, online education, lifelong education, The Internet
Social studies and monitoring
Plutov, L.E. (2023). Gender specificity of psychological help-seeking among Russian adolescents. Sociodynamics, 10, 44–57.
The influence of social factors in adolescents seeking professional psychological help seems to be an urgent scientific and practical problem in both the foreign and Russian contexts. This article identifies the specifics of strategies and scenarios for help-seeking among boys and girls aged 14-17 based on the results of a quantitative sociological study of adolescents in Russia. An online survey of a representative sample (N = 17,000) aimed to measure help-seeking rates among two gender groups, an assessment of this experience, the prevalence of various coping strategies and social attitudes towards psychological help among Russian adolescents. The results showed significant differences in the experience of boys and girls in these aspects. In particular, female respondents more often had experience of seeking the services of a psychologist and used this practice to solve their mental problems. Young men were much less likely to seeking professional psychological help, which may be due to stigmatizing social attitudes. The revealed trends facilitated to propose key direction for future research of gender differences in the level of mental health literacy among Russian adolescents as well as their vulnerability to the social factor of stigma.
quantitative research, social practices, social attitudes, gender, help-seeking factors, mental health, help-seeking, psychological help, adolescents, online survey
Conflict and consensus
Klement'eva, T.N. (2023). Religion and science in the modern world: a look at the problem from the side of religious denominations. Sociodynamics, 10, 58–71.
The subject of the study is the attitude of representatives of the main religious denominations of modern Russia to science. The purpose of the study is to determine the presence and degree of conflict between religious organizations and the scientific community, as well as to study the possibilities of their interaction. The research method is an expert survey, which was conducted in the form of an in-depth interview. The interviewed experts, who have ordained, as well as secular and religious education, represented the main religious organizations registered in Russian Federation: the Russian Orthodox Church, Evangelical Christians, the Roman Catholic Church, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Moscow, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia, the International Society of Krishna Consciousness, etc. The novelty of the research consists in clarifying the attitude of representatives of religious denominations to the relationship between religion and science, designated as positions of conflict, independence, dialogue and synthesis. The definition of these positions shows how ready religious organizations are to cooperate with science, which forms of it are acceptable to them, as well as which factors contribute to this and which ones hinder it. The analysis of the results showed that the most common positions in assessing the relationship between religion and science are the positions of independence and dialogue. From the point of view of most experts, these independent spheres of knowledge and human activity can complement each other, including in the field of worldview ideas. The positions of conflict and synthesis are less popular, but about a quarter of respondents are supporters of both conflict confrontation and, conversely, the unity of science and religion. At the same time, there was no pronounced ideological conflict, since the majority of respondents is not only familiar with, but also agrees with a number of scientific ideas about the world.
scientific community, synthesis, dialogue, independence, conflict, worldview, science, religion, religious confessions, sociological research
Migration and adaptation
Chernyshev, K.A. (2023). Profiles in the social network of university students as a source of migration data (on the example of RUDN University). Sociodynamics, 10, 72–82.
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The subject of the research is the territorial origin of students and graduates of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The purpose of the work implies the study of the internal Russian educational migration of persons who entered the university in question at different times. The research method was the analysis of digital traces of users of the VKontakte social network. The information basis of the work covered data on the regions of origin indicated in user profiles. It is indicated that the study of educational and youth migration based on social network data is becoming widespread in Russian science. Migration processes in specific regions of the country or the participation of certain universities in the organization of educational mobility are investigated. The novelty of the work is associated with the use of an unconventional source of information about migration processes. It is shown that, despite the positioning of the RUDN as an internationally oriented university, the students of the university are mainly Russian citizens. As a result of studying the profiles of VKontakte users, it was revealed that most of those who indicated RUDN as a place of study are natives of Moscow. Among the persons who marked other regions of the Russian Federation as origin in VKontakte profiles the largest number of students and graduates of RUDN are from Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, the Moscow and Magadan regions, several national-territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. The main factors determining the origin of educational migrants' are the territorial accessibility of the university city and the insufficient level of higher school development in the regions of educational migrants.
social media, higher education, Moscow, VK, digital footprint, RUDN University, internal migration, regions of Russia, educational migration, Russians
Ideology and politics
Poluboyarinov, A.R., Surova, E.D. (2023). The common nature of ideology and mythology as an object of socio-philosophical analysis. Sociodynamics, 10, 83–95.
In this study, the authors examine mythology and ideology, their nature and origin, as well as the processes of their relationship. It is argued that ideology and mythology are in many ways interrelated phenomena, but not reducible to each other. Between them, not imperative, but rather complimentary relations are established, when they borrow certain elements and structures of each other in the process of interaction. The commonality of their nature and origin is manifested in the commonality of their properties and functions. Ideology has two sides: rational and irrational. The study shows that the irrational side of ideology is no less important and has no less influence on the final consumers of ideology than its rational and scientific elements. The irrational side is expressed in the mythical, unconscious, affective and imaginary. The scientific novelty of the study consists in revealing the essence of ideological myths, designating myths in the structure of ideology, establishing the "mythomotorics" of ideology, as well as highlighting the main properties of ideology and mythology: spontaneity and chaotic origin; unorganised and a-centric character; deployment in different social fields and dimensions; transmission of the same message through several codes; comprehensive and all-encompassing impact on end-users; lack of complete clarity and eluding analysis; ritual and repetition. It is concluded that the functional role of myths in ideology is that they fill the void between the ideological system and the social order in places where they do not correspond or openly contradict each other.
social myth, ideological myth, primeval myth, ideological mythology, social mythology, ideology, mythology, irrationality, social philosophy, philosophy
Zaitsev, A.V., Akhunzyanova, F.T., Zyablikov, A.V., Maksimenko, A.A. (2023). Digital transformation of the public sphere: from offline communications to online dialogue between government and society. Sociodynamics, 10, 96–108.
The subject of this article is modern innovative trends occurring in the context of communication between Russian state and municipal authorities and civil society. The essence of this transformation, taking place in the conditions of the digital information society, lies in the progressive reconfiguration of the “traditional” public sphere into a digital public sphere, civil society into a digital civil society, and the usual offline dialogue between government and society into a digital online dialogue. Unfortunately, many of these changes until now remain a completely unexplored and poorly researched aspect of info-communicative reality. The main goal is to clarify the ontological foundations of both the digital transformation of the public sphere and the reconfiguration of discursive practices from offline dialogue formats of communication into a digitalized online dialogue between government and society. The main methods that the authors used when writing the article are a systems approach, a structural-functional method and discourse analysis. The result of the work done is the conclusion that the digitization of the media, the rapid development of Internet communications and the digital information society at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries allowed the public sphere to enter into the process of digital transformation. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that it specifies the infocommunication trend aimed at increasing dominance in the public sphere of digital online communications in the format of intersubjective interaction between government and society.
digitalization, public policy, institutionalization, discourse, communication, dialogue, society, state, digital public sphere, Habermas
Shirokova, M.A. (2023). On the question of the goals and content of political education in modern Russia (based on the course “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood”). Sociodynamics, 10, 109–119.
The subject of the study is Russian political education in the context of modern challenges. Using systemic and structural-functional approaches as methodological grounds, the author analyzes the goals and content of political education as structural elements of a unified system, subject to certain patterns in their functioning. In addition, the connection between the system of political education and the external environment, which is the socio-political practice of Russian society and the activities of state institutions, is considered. Factors that contribute to increasing the importance of political education in modern conditions are identified. The works of domestic and foreign researchers devoted to political education, as well as social and humanitarian knowledge in general, were used. Their recommendations are compared with the concept of the new academic discipline “Fundamentals of Russian Statehood,” introduced in Russian universities on September 1, 2023. The importance of the educational component in the educational process of a modern university is revealed, since the content of education includes not only a scientific, but also a value component. Conclusions are drawn about the need to form in the political consciousness and culture of students the values of citizenship and patriotism, as well as the formation of historical memory, historical consciousness, the idea of connection with their country, its past, present and future. The principle of narrowly professional training of specialists is criticized, since it contradicts not only the education of a citizen, but also the humanization of education, its orientation towards creating conditions for the realization of freedom and self-development of the person.
content of education, goals, values, education, philosophy of culture, political culture, political education, statehood, citizenship, patriotism