Social studies and monitoring
Erokhina, L.D., Fedorov, A.A. (2022). The influence of online social media on consumer preferences of young people aged 22-25 years. Sociodynamics, 9, 1–9.
The object of the study is youth. The purpose of the article is to study modern forms of influence of social institutions (social media and advertising) on consumer preferences of young people. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of consumer decision–making under the influence of the Internet media. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, content analysis and classroom studies of social media, sociological survey. The results of the study allow us to find out the manageability of youth as a social group, to determine the role of social media in the formation of consumer behavior of young people. The most interesting, from the point of view of young people, social media have been identified. The possibilities of influencing consumer behavior through the contents of images and symbols are indicated. The dependence of the consumer behavior of young people on the opinion of famous personalities advertising goods and services has been established. Not only the general consumer preferences of this youth group are analyzed, but also differences in preferences based on gender. The novelty of the work performed lies in the study of consumer behavior of the selected age group from 22 to 25 years. Conclusion: consumption is aimed not so much at maximizing individual utility as at creating a certain socially approved level and model of consumption. The results of the study can be used in the formation of a youth image and lifestyle, the orientation of consumer behavior.
consumer status, content, Internet resources, online survey, Internet space, social media, young people, gender preferences, consumer preferences, consumer behavior
Morality and politics
Ismailov, N. (2022). John Locke's Concept of Justice. Sociodynamics, 9, 10–17.
The article explores the main ideas of the concept of justice by John Locke, one of the most prominent representatives of the social and political philosophy of Modern times. The article considers the contractual theory of the origin of the state and the concept of justice in the context of the relevance of the realities of the modern world. D. Locke's concept of justice is investigated in the light of the enrichment of this problem. The author considers D. Locke's views as a reflection of the realities of social life of this era and tries to identify in them ideas that can be used in the realization of justice in modern society. The author explores D. Locke's concept of justice from the point of view of a materialistic understanding of history, the unity of various spheres of public life, the relationship of causal and functional relationships, in the context of the dialectic of economics and politics, from the point of view of the relationship and interdependence of needs, interests and moral values. The concept of D. Locke is considered as a pronounced contractual theory. The socio-political views of D. Locke in the light of the concept of justice seem interesting and original. The concept of D. Locke has its merits, for example, the position on the priority of the idea of the public good over the private selfish interests of an individual, the position on the need to correspond to the mind of individual interests and freedom. The unconditional merits in his research can be attributed to the further enrichment of contractual theory, his interpretation of the concept of fair equality and property rights. This interpretation was a reflection of new historical realities. D. Locke's ideas remain relevant in the context of modern socio-political realities and require further research.
justice, freedom, responsibility, equality, property, needs, interests, values, good, social contract
Social studies and monitoring
Ivanova, E.V., Maiakova, E.V., Barsukova, E.M., Ter-Grigoryan, A.E. (2022). City Communities: Needs and Requests for Interaction with the City University. Sociodynamics, 9, 18–32.
Informal urban communities as self-organizing voluntary associations of residents based on common interests and pressing problems are a natural part of the social life of the city. The classification of communities distinguishes many subspecies: by interests, by management technologies, by place of residence or location, created around a specific goal or problem, etc. Each of these associations has its own deficits and requests, to which the Moscow City University (hereinafter – MCU, University) can give an answer and offer mutually beneficial collaborations. The purpose of the study was to identify the potential needs and existing deficits of urban communities, as well as prospects for cooperation between Moscow City University and them. The novelty of the work lies in the development of strategies for cooperation between urban communities and MCU campuses through the study of their deficits and requests. The study involved more than 200 respondents from neighborly communities, urban associations of amateur athletes, new settlers and parents. As a result of the study, the needs and deficits of urban communities were identified, factors hindering the full-fledged cooperation of University campuses with informal urban groups were identified, conclusions were drawn about strategies for mutually beneficial interaction of the University with urban communities, namely: 1) provision of services such as the development of special educational programs for the interests of the community, psychological, pedagogical and legal advice, assistance of volunteers in organizing events, access to the territory and existing infrastructure; 2) provision of specific services arising from the interests and related to the topic of communities, for example - functional examination of the health of runners, consultations for parents special children or a place to store flowers of good neighbors; 3) the demand for both gratuitous and paid services; 4) the development of new safety regulations when visiting the University by citizens; 5) a turn towards working for the city and the openness of the University.
deficits, requests, interaction with the university, MCU, social network, university campus, needs of urban communities, informal communities, urban communities, needs
Social studies and monitoring
Artyukhina, V.A., Shraiber, A.N., Akhmedova, A.R., Zheldakova, A.V., Medvedeva, M.V. (2022). Sources of Protest Moods among Students (Based on the Materials of a Sociological Study in the Altai Territory). Sociodynamics, 9, 33–48.
The subject of the study is the sources of protest moods of modern student youth. The research interest in protest moods is due to the fact that they are a latent stage of open protest actions, and their study provides an opportunity to regulate open protest: reducing its negative effects and increasing the positive ones. This article pays special attention to such a social group as youth. This is due to the fact that it is young people who are most often the main participants in protest actions due to their more acute perception of the imperfections of society and inflated expectations from themselves and others. The novelty of the study was to understand protest moods as one of the stages of the development of social protest. A methodology was developed and a sociological study was conducted among students of the Altai Territory, the purpose of which was to characterize the main sources of protest moods in the student environment. The research was implemented through a combination of quantitative (mass survey) and qualitative (in-depth interview and focus group) methods of collecting, processing and analyzing sociological information. The main conclusions of the study were the understanding of the sources of protest moods in the student environment as a combination of a number of factors: the conditions of the learning environment, relationships with the external environment, as well as the socio-economic and political situation in the state
social tension, distance education, political problems, socio-economic problems, educational environment, sources of social protest, student youth, social protest, protest behavior, protest mood
Social studies and monitoring
Atlaskirov, A.R. (2022). Employment Attitudes of Graduates of Higher and Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Sociodynamics, 9, 49–57.
International expert councils single out the transformations taking place in the labor markets under the influence of the achievements of information and technological progress as one of the most significant risks of sustainable development. Experts note that the process of division of labor between people and artificial intelligence will lead to the release of significant labor resources. These processes are fraught with serious risks for social stability in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The purpose of the presented work is to study the labor attitudes of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of Kabardino-Balkaria. The conducted research showed that a systemic problem of training personnel for the regional economy is manifested in the republic. Career guidance, which, if applied effectively, can serve as one of the key factors in the socio-economic development of the region, is poorly organized. A significant part of the youth of the republic does not receive up-to-date information about potential directions for the development of the economy and the labor market, and the vocational guidance lessons themselves do not arouse their interest. This leads to the fact that many graduates do not show the desire to continue working in their profession. It was also revealed that among graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in the region there is a widespread desire, after graduation, to start an entrepreneurial activity and work for themselves, which indicates a decrease in the importance of paternalistic behavior patterns among the population of the region, especially among young people.
education, research, labor market, career guidance, unemployment, migration, youth, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, digital transformation, labor attitudes
The heritage of transformation
Ivanov, A.G. (2022). In Search of the Soviet Past: the Lipetsk Case. Sociodynamics, 9, 58–68.
The myth of the founding of Lipetsk includes a narrative related to the development of the southern borders of Russia and the development of metallurgy. But the 23-fold increase in the population of Lipetsk during the entire 65 years of the XX century (from 21.4 thousand people in 1926 to 490.3 thousand people in 1990) makes us turn back to the Soviet period of the city's history. Having considered the modes of circulation of "soft" and "hard" memory, as well as using the optics of different scales formulated by E. Rigni and C. de Cesare and the intuitions of J. Assman, who identified the communicative and cultural areas of memory, the author checks whether Lipetsk today pays due tribute to the Soviet past. The appeal to the key markers of Lipetsk's identity (metallurgical plant, mineral water, aviation center) related to cultural memory showed that today many residents of the city do not have a sense of continuity with the past. It is concluded that the post-war period of the USSR is a particularly significant memory space around which the identity of the Lipchans could be built, the memory of the local community could be formed. However, today Lipetsk residents have to face a completely different memorial policy initiated by local authorities, in which the Soviet past is gradually being replaced by new symbolic practices and objects, as a result of which the urban space is becoming more and more eclectic.
public history, the foundation myth, city, oblivion, local community, identity, memorial policy, Lipetsk, memory, soviet past