People and work
Alieva, E.S. (2022). Modern models of human resource management and their impact on the realization of the creative and labor potential of the company's employees. Sociodynamics, 7, 1–10.
The article describes some modern models of human resource management. The problem of the influence of these models on the realization of the creative and labor potential of the company's employees is considered. The analysis of a number of management models is based on the idea that when building a modern model adapted to the specifics of the organization, it is necessary to generalize and apply the research and achievements of leading foreign and domestic specialists in the field of HR management. The emphasis is on trying to understand how previously developed models are applicable to implementation in a modern environment. It is noted that today most companies are in need of ready-made modern models of human resource management, . especially in a crisis situation. The absence of a certain conceptual management model leads to the fact that the organization is unable to promptly take the necessary actions to get out of problematic situations or crisis, which becomes a source of recurrence of such problems, generates failures in the functioning of the organization. It is emphasized that the use of such modern models of human resource management will allow companies not only to successfully resist the constantly changing socio-economic and socio-political conditions of functioning, but also to predict them, as well as to use the potential of these models for the prevention and prevention of possible failures of human resource management.
forecasting, crisis, HR technologies, HR management, social engineering, management technologies, human resource management, management models, social management, organization staff
Local self-government
Filipova, A.G., Skrypnikova, E.M. (2022). Practices and resources for the inclusion of teenagers in the life of the city: an expert view. Sociodynamics, 7, 11–23.
The subject of the study is the urban environment. The urban environment in which a teenager grows up influences his socialization through the spatial, architectural, and functional characteristics of the city. The specificity of these characteristics may provide opportunities for the inclusion of a teenager in urban life and his active participation in it, or to act with the opposite effect. In the article, the authors note a number of contradictions characterizing the implementation of the participation of a teenager in the life of the city. The main contradictions are connected with the willingness of a teenager to express his opinion, the willingness of adults to take this opinion seriously and the normative elaboration of the issue of children's participation in the life of the city. Expert interviews were used as the main method of data collection. A total of 27 experts were interviewed. They asked questions about the possibilities and limitations of including teenagers in the co-participating design of the urban environment. Experts note that children do not have their own spaces in the city, which complicates the process of personalization of urban space, its active development and, subsequently, transformation. Also in expert interviews, the problem is fixed, on the one hand, ignoring the child's opinion, on the other — expanding the practices of involving children in expressing their opinions. The authors identify the practices of including children in the life of the city, characterizing the gradual nature of this process, which begins with the expression of an opinion with the transition to its accounting and then - the active participation of adolescents in the transformation of the urban environment. Based on the analysis of expert interviews and scientific publications, the resources of participation of teenagers in the life of the city are described. These include: foreign experience, the activities of enthusiasts for the involvement of children and methodological developments.
project approach, ownership of the city, practices of complicity, sociology of the city, urban socialization, children's participation, expert interview, co-participating design, teenagers, urban environment
Migration and adaptation
Valeeva, M.V. (2022). Mobility of residents of small and medium-sized cities of the Sverdlovsk region. Sociodynamics, 7, 24–32.
The article is devoted to the sociological study of spatial mobility of residents of medium and small towns on the example of the Sverdlovsk region. The paper presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of the category of mobility based on both classical and modern concepts of sociologists, as well as researchers of related sciences. In the article, the author refers to the concepts of "spatial rotation" and the new paradigm of mobility. In addition, the paper presents the results of an empirical sociological study conducted in 2021, the object of which was the participants of local urban communities (cities that have a bus connection with the Southern Bus Station of Yekaterinburg) in the social network VKontakte. The purpose of the study was to analyze the mobility of residents of small and medium-sized cities of the Sverdlovsk region. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that mostly residents of small and medium-sized cities of the Sverdlovsk region visit Yekaterinburg for the purpose of shopping, for education and to visit friends and relatives living in the big city. At the same time, the goals of respondents' visits to the city correlate with the age of the respondents. In addition, it is important that respondents mostly use public transport to travel to Yekaterinburg, even if they own their own car.
sociological research, spatial rotation, social space, city, territory, medium-sized cities, small towns, spatial mobility, mobility, space
Academic thought
Barinova, S.G. (2022). Scholasticism as a Systematic European Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Sociodynamics, 7, 33–41.
The article examines the contribution of the greatest encyclopedic mind of antiquity - Aristotle to the formation of scholasticism. The direct and indirect influence of Aristotelian ideas can be traced during the long period of the formation of scholasticism. The emergence of non–Christian Aristotelianism – Averroism - was an important moment in the history of philosophy. An adherent of authentic Aristotelianism - Averroes, translated the works of Aristotle and interpreted them through the concepts of Arabic philosophy. The topic of the influence of authentic scholasticism on patristic theology is touched upon. The traditional understanding of scholasticism as a combination of Christian theology with the philosophy of Aristotle is noted. Scholasticism, being a religious philosophy, applies philosophical concepts and techniques to the Christian-church doctrine, the early experience of which is contained in patristics. Scholasticism, as a religious philosophy, needed the development of theological thought and its development took place along with the development of theology. Studying the great ancient thinkers – Plato and Aristotle, the development of scholasticism has moved forward especially noticeably, which is reflected in the formation of scholastic metaphysics. The penetration of Aristotelianism in the XIII century into Christian philosophy marked the heyday of scholasticism. The scholastics turned their eyes to the ancient thinkers in order to establish Christian truth. Aristotle was presented to them as a universal thinker with a broad outlook, who achieved knowledge by the aspirations of reason. The similarity of Aristotle's organic worldview and the Christian understanding of the spirit and life turned out to be suitable for representatives of scholasticism, who noticed the similarity of Aristotle's teaching about the existence of God with the teaching of Holy Scripture.
teaching, Middle Ages, theology, the creed, authentic scholasticism, the science, Aristotle, philosophy, Theology, knowledge
Roslyakova, M.V. (2022). Social networks in the activities of executive authorities: adaptation to new ways of interaction. Sociodynamics, 7, 42–56.
Social networks are used by 72% of the Russian population, government agencies are involved in digital communication through social networks to preserve information influence and establish a dialogue with society. The state of interaction between authorities and citizens in social networks is described by evolutionary stages, which differ in the intensity of interaction between authorities and users. In 2022, the list of popular social networks that are used in Russia has changed, a decision was made on mandatory registration of public authorities in social networks. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the practice of interaction of federal executive authorities in social networks. The study used quantitative and comparative methods that reveal the specifics of the interaction of federal executive authorities in social networks, the activity of official pages was evaluated using the social network analytics program. The study of official accounts showed that the authorities are at different stages of adaptation, some federal executive authorities are absent from social networks, the second group is at the stage of "registration and informing", the third group has advanced to the stage of "interaction". The reasons for the various activities of the authorities have been identified. The results can be useful in determining the policy of government agencies in social networks and developing recommendations on the organization of maintaining official accounts.
openness, e-government, executive authority, communications, feedback, repost, social network, like, public administration, social media
History of political thought
Rusakov, S.S. (2022). Microfascism and desubjectification. The origins of the problem. Sociodynamics, 7, 57–66.
This article is devoted to the search for primary ideas concerning the theoretical origins of the concept of microfascism and determining its connection with the topic of subjectivation and desubjectivation. The author suggests looking at these problems from the perspective of the French philosopher J. Deleuze and the German sociologist T. Adorno. The author pays special attention to the comparison of the ideas of both thinkers, analyzing not only the concepts mentioned by them to clarify the problematic field of microfascism, but also those social phenomena that have become the object of criticism of both authors. The article examines how their views have historically developed and transformed. The main conclusions of the study are following : 1) in both authors views, the problems of microfascism are connected with their criticism of modern capitalist society, which has adopted the fundamental features of historical fascism; 2) desubjectivation in the interpretation of J. Deleuze is defined as the dominance of the inhumane "logic of capital" over all possible ways of asserting the desire of the subject, and T. Adorno is defined as the displacement by culture of all opportunities to show non-stereotypical and unconventional ways of self-expression of the individual; 3) both authors cannot give an exact recipe for overcoming the prevailing social problems and the subsequent disintegration of human subjectivity and insist on the need to change the ways of understanding and the perception of culture.
political theory, capitalism, subject, authoritarianism, microfascism, desubjectification, subjectivation, Felix Guattari, Theodor Adorno, Gilles Deleuze