Questions of current interest
Korkiya, E.D., Mamedov, A.K. (2022). Features of self-design in the virtual world. Sociodynamics, 3, 1–21.
Modern scientific discourse contains two significantly different views on the identity that develops in virtuality. The first is based on the assertion that the virtual identity has its own autonomy and independence from the real identity. At the same time, self-construction or self-presentation in the virtual world compensates for the lack of empathy and attention of the individual to himself in real life. The most common way to increase attention to yourself is to create original author's content (text and visual). The digital nature of modern communication provides an original opportunity to model one's own limited or unlimited virtual space, switch its "modes" or regulate its availability for other users. This virtual space is used by a person not only for communication, entertainment, satisfaction of any cultural and spiritual needs, but also, first of all, for his own self-presentation, which is an integral part of the identity construction process. Identity in the virtual world becomes quite controversial in its content: on the one hand, the authors have fixed the space of virtual social networks as a special living space of their own (private space), on the other hand, the practices of constructing identity themselves due to the public nature of opinion-oriented self-presentation " Another”, become part of the open flow of information, which leads to the blurring of the spheres of public and private.
identity, history, new forms of self-identification, autobiography, personality, virtual world, virtual space, social community, sociology of communications, social processes
Demography and statistics
Skobelina, N.A., Shelest, M.V. (2022). Factors influencing the practice of artificial termination of pregnancy. Sociodynamics, 3, 22–32.
In the article, abortion is presented as one of the indicators of the demographic transition, characterized by a low birth rate and mortality, a change in marital and family behavior, and the transformation of the composition of the population of modern Russian society. The practice of abortion is in the center of our attention and is considered in interaction with other social phenomena.The purpose of the study is to determine the factors influencing the practice of abortion in the current demographic situation. As the methodology of this research, the authors of the article use the analysis of the scientific literature of domestic scientists, the results of their own sociological research and the results of sociological research of VTSIOM.The authors identify socio-cultural, institutional, psychological factors that influence the practice of abortion. At the individual level, a woman's attitude to "unexpected pregnancy" plays an important role, the availability of opportunities for termination of pregnancy (formal and informal rules and regulations, legislative acts, public approval or condemnation), the perception of abortion as a social problem, forms of behavior of individuals participating in the practice of artificial termination of pregnancy. The novelty of the study is presented as an analysis of the factors that influenced the practice of abortion and the results of the author's sociological research. The analysis of scientific literature has shown that the traditions that have developed in a particular society, the level of development of the health and education system, as well as the specific situation in which a woman who decides to have an abortion finds herself are of great importance. The results of sociological research, official statistics show that formal and informal norms and rules, the development of pharmacology, the emergence of new methods of contraception, changes in basic institutions have an impact on the practice of abortion in the context of demographic transition.
sociological research, woman, termination of pregnancy, abortion, factors, individual, structural, new methods of contraception, modern society, demographics
Social studies and monitoring
Ryabova, T.M., Amerslanova, E.K. (2022). The main directions in the field of solid municipal waste disposal in the Moscow region: problems and prospects. Sociodynamics, 3, 33–44.
The subject of the study is the activity of public authorities of the Moscow region in the field of solid municipal waste management. The study was conducted in order to assess the existing problems and prospects for their solution in the field of solid municipal waste management. The research methods were: a questionnaire method (an online survey of residents of the Moscow region, N=80), an analysis of Internet sources and scientific works of domestic authors: to consider the features of the negative impact of closed landfills on the environment, to assess the impact of functioning incinerators on the environment, to assess the volume of annual waste growth on the territory of Moscow areas. According to the results of the study, a high level of dissatisfaction of the population with the activities of public authorities to improve the sphere of solid municipal waste management was revealed. The low level of awareness of the population on the issues of solid municipal waste management (more than 40% of respondents are not aware of the principles of garbage sorting) and the negative attitude of residents to the construction of incinerators in the region (more than 70% of respondents have a negative attitude to the construction of incinerators) were revealed. Conclusions have been formed about the need for the greatest development of the processing industry and the expansion of the range of measures in the field of public education on the management of solid municipal waste. Scope of application: the conducted research can be used by state authorities and local self-government bodies in the process of improving activities in the field of solid municipal waste management.
polygon, reclamation, population, sociological survey, public administration, waste sorting, ecology, solid municipal waste, environment, negative impact
Heritage and transformations
Kannykin, S.V. (2022). On the issue of socio-cultural specifics of the development of running practices in Russia. Sociodynamics, 3, 45–66.
The importance of research on the national specifics of running practices is due to the fact that in a global context, they allow us to identify the most effective of the proven forms of using running to ensure human well–being, and in an ethnic perspective - to better understand the cultural characteristics of a particular society. The subject of this study is the socio-cultural conditionality of diverse running practices that existed earlier and are still inherent in the population of Russia. The author defines their determination by various ideological complexes, social processes and actors, and also analyzes the variations and semantic transformations inherent in running activities in the dynamic field of national culture. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. In the mytho-religious public consciousness of antiquity (pre-Petrine era), legs as part of the bodily bottom had a negative connotation, which caused mainly negative labeling of running as an attribute of evil spirits. Competitive and ritual running practices were condemned as a manifestation of pagan games and ways to "appease" evil spirits, in carnival folk culture running was associated with the lower levels of the social hierarchy: children and women. 2. The Westernization of Russian society (the period from the reforms of Peter I to 1917) led to the applied use of running practices in military affairs and pedagogy. At the end of the XIX century, running in Russia became a kind of amateur sport, used for health-saving mainly by women, and in a competitive form it exists mainly in the male environment of the Western-oriented intelligentsia of large cities. 3. During the formation and development of the USSR, sports and wellness running was used by the state as an element of eugenics, a way of developing productive forces, a means of cultural construction and agitation. In the post-Soviet period, there is a commercialization, massization and humanization of amateur running in Russia against the background of the crisis of high-performance sports running.
mass sports, sociocultural determination, history of Russia, Russian culture, body, running, philosophy of sports, Physical Culture, westernization, women's sports
Heritage and transformations
Khaustov, D.S. (2022). The Invention of the Coin, Mentoring Literature and Philosophy: the Economism of Axial Time and the Social Problems of Antiquity. Sociodynamics, 3, 67–74.
The subject of the study is the relationship between the parallel development of the processes of the invention of the antique coin, mentoring literature and the formation of the worldview of Axial time. The object of the research are review works devoted to various aspects of the social problems of the ancient era: the relationship of coin making and military affairs, the relationship of world religions and mentoring literature, the economism of urbanisation of the polis type and the genesis of classical philosophy. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the realities that appeared in the era of interest to us: world religions, coin money and mentoring literature – still exist. The secret of the duration of their existence is an urgent problem for social philosophy and historical sociology. The purpose of the study is to consider the possible reasons for the social dynamics recorded in the history of Eurasia, which Karl Jaspers called "Axial Time", but in conjunction with the development of monetary systems and mentoring preaching. In the study of the research problem, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison. As a research method, the classical (qualitative) analysis of the document was taken as a basis. The comparative analysis revealed a certain connection between the above–mentioned phenomena and the growth of social problems of the ancient civilization - a polis-type civilization against the background of the aggravation of the contradictions of urbanization. The result of the study was the hypothesis of the creation of coin money as a tool to reduce the level of violence within ancient societies. Money in the form of coins became a kind of form of social protection of ancient communities, although it was originally intended to finance organized violence. The practical significance of the study is to form the basis for practical recommendations on adapting the conclusions of the article for the purposes of social policy of modern states.
social protection, mentoring literature, sacrificial crisis, precious metals, philosophy of antiquity, Axial time, coin, world religions, social values, formation of a worldview
Political elites
Karavaeva, Y.V., Litvinova, S.V. (2022). The main issues of interest research. Sociodynamics, 3, 75–86.
The article considers interest as a social phenomenon characterized by its internal inconsistency and manifesting itself both in objective social reality and in the subjective perception of a social subject. The transformation of interest from objective to subjective and vice versa is analyzed. On the basis of this transformation, the main scientific issues of interest research related to the interaction of group, public and personal interests, their awareness, transformation into the main driving force of social activity of subjects, as well as the possibilities of its regulation by taking into account interests, are described. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the processes of formation of social subjectivity involving the spheres of communication, activity and self-consciousness of a social subject. Consideration of interests as the main elements of the process of socialization allows us to explore their transformation during the assimilation and reproduction of social experience, affecting such important processes as interiorization, identification and self-realization. The analysis of interests, taking into account the peculiarities of social and individual aspects of socialization, shows their role in ensuring the successful functioning of a social subject in society. The article describes in detail the difficulties of taking into account interests in the course of regulating social relations and substantiates the causes of existing problems of interest research related to both external factors of society development and internal factors of personal interest formation. The significant directions of research of interests in modern conditions of development of society are determined, contributing to the awareness of problematic areas of their study, understanding of the social foundations of social processes and the development of sociological ideas about the structure and content of social actions.
the position of a social subject, interest, social subject, conscience, awareness of interest, internalization, social experience, identification, self-realization, socialization