Politicical behavior
Fakhretdinova, A.P., Larionova, A.V., Gorchakova, O.Y. (2022). Civil-political activity of youth: general characteristics and peculiarities of its manifestation in the Internet environment. Sociodynamics, 2, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.37559
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of civil-political activity of youth. The relevance is substantiated by instability of meaning-forming ideals, loss of identity (including civil) by young people, change of values in public and individual consciousness in the conditions of social transformation and sociopolitical contradictions. Emphasis is places on people’s interaction with the dynamic and rapidly changing world in the era of digitalization, globalization, and sociopolitical instability, which entails the emergence of destructive manifestations in various forms of civil-political activity. The goal lies in determination of the peculiarities of civil-political activity and examination of the motives and methods of engaging youth in offline and online practices of civil-political activity. The empirical base of this research involves 639 university students in the city of Tomsk. The acquired result elucidate a range of important issues regarding the desire of young people to be engaged in political life of the country and show interest in political events. The article outlines the main forms of civil-political activity, most common of which are voting in elections, participation in online petitions and online protests. The article considers the most effective practices of online civil-political activity from the perspective of youth: creation of content on political topic, involvement of young influencers to political issues, inclusion of youth in solution of socially and politically important issues of society and rewarding them for being active, establishment of independent youth communities for free communication on political topics, etc.
values, motives, political attitudes, youth, civic position, civic competence, civic and political activity, Internet, digital environment, development ways
Social studies and monitoring
Sedykh, O.G., Zimina, E.V., Osipova , N.I. (2022). Cultural and leisure activities as a tool for improving the system of social work with elderly citizens: successful regional practices. Sociodynamics, 2, 13–25. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.37608
The subject of the study is the organization of social work with elderly citizens through cultural and leisure activities. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in society at present, the problem of socio-cultural development of older citizens plays a huge role in their adaptation after retirement. The solution to this problem in the social context should be sought in the cultural and leisure sphere. The successful experience of a non-profit organization in the implementation of projects for elderly citizens is considered on the example of the G. Shelekhov Charitable Foundation. The purpose of the study is to study successful practices in organizing social work with senior citizens in the direction of improving leisure activities, the introduction of these practices into the activities of a charitable organization. In the study of the research problem, general scientific methods were used, such as: analysis, synthesis, comparison. As a research method, the questionnaire survey method was taken as a basis. The comparative analysis made it possible to consider successful practices of organizing cultural and leisure activities for senior citizens of different regions of the Russian Federation. The results of the study represented the existing experience accumulated by the G. Shelekhov Charitable Foundation in the implementation of socially significant projects through the development of innovative types of socio-cultural activities on the example of a specific municipality. The practical significance of the work consists in generalizing the experience of organizing leisure activities of elderly citizens. The results of the study can be implemented in the work of social institutions, non-profit organizations in order to improve the organization of cultural and leisure activities of the elderly.
questionnaire survey, social services, aging, social projects, social work, charitable foundation, cultural and leisure activities, Irkutsk region, senior citizens, leisure
Public dialogue
Zelenkov, M., Tyurikov, A.G. (2022). The model of challenges to trust in the modern Russian Federation . Sociodynamics, 2, 26–43. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.37600
The subject of the study is challenges to trust. The purpose of this article is to form a key base of challenges to trust (TOP-10) in Russia, to assess their creative and destructive beginnings and to build on this basis a predictive-probabilistic model of their manifestation. The methodological basis of the study was a system-integrated approach, which allowed to reveal the problems of relationships in the "challenge-trust" chain, to identify the challenges affecting the long-term dynamics of the level of trust in Russia, which was provided by the use of STEEPV analysis, involving the consideration of social (S), technological (T), economic (E), environmental (E), political (P) and value (V) aspects. Content analysis and comparative analysis of a wide range of theoretical and empirical works on trust and challenges of our time made it possible to form a common base of challenges to trust in Russia. The basis for constructing a predictive-probabilistic model is the method of assigning a numerical percentage value to a call in order to create a common probabilistic platform for comparison. The construction methodology assumed the allocation of expert knowledge and their subsequent synthesis on the basis of an interactive procedure for expressing individual judgments of specialists. Â The scientific results of the work were: a key database of trust challenges in the Russian Federation, a predictive-probabilistic model of trust challenges in Russia, which is built in the format of cross-references revealing the dichotomous characteristics of calls and their classification. The fundamental scientific conclusion was the postulate that in the conditions of modern challenges, with the existing initial level of trust, the mechanisms of trust formation functioning in the state are becoming increasingly important, the main task of which is to create a creative response that will dampen the impact of the challenge on trust, and in certain cases, increase the level of trust based on the use of positive (creative) characteristics a call.
corruption, pandemic, globalization, Russia, predictive-probabilistic model, trust, answer, digitalization, challenge, identity
Ideology and politics
Kozyrev, M.S. (2022). Investigation of the influence of social structure on ideology in the works of Pierre Bourdieu. Sociodynamics, 2, 44–52. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.36718
The article discusses the main results of Pierre Bourdieu's research work on the reflection of social structure in ideology. The author described in detail such aspects of the topic as the mechanism of reproduction of the social structure through the social interaction of the main one on the habitus and the capital available to the subjects, which they seek to monopolize. It was noted that, according to Burde, the ideological field reproduces the social structure in an unrecognizable form. Attention is also paid to the issues of attitude to history, reflection in the worldview of the real and ideal, the social foundations of leadership, the indispensable conditions of which is compliance with the behavior of the leader to the habitus of the group. The main conclusions of the study are the following. According to Bourdieu, the ideological field reproduces the social structure in an unrecognizable form. The mechanism of assimilation is twofold: firstly, by occupying a certain position in the social hierarchy of classes, the agent will reproduce it in the ideological field; secondly, the struggle in the ideological field reproduces in euphemized forms the economic and political struggle between classes. Among other things, the ideology reflects not only the attitudes of the ruling elite, but also professional creators who seek to take advantage of the delegation of authority to define the social world. Bourdieu's work devoted to the representation of the past (history) is also analyzed as a reflection of the present and an instrument of ideological struggle.
ideological field, history, the ruling elite, habitus, class struggle, Pierre Bourdieu, capitals, social structure, ideology, leadership
Heritage and transformations
Logunova, L., Mazhenina, E., Rychkov, V.A. (2022). Social Memory in the Narratives of Siberians: the Truthfulness of History and the Truth of Memory. Sociodynamics, 2, 53–67. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7144.2022.2.37442
Historical memory is a part of social memory, it is politicized and does not allow alternatives in interpretations. Social memory is valueless, it is transmitted from older generations to descendants in the form of images and interpretations of events. If the state policy corresponds to the sociocodes of the community culture, then the images of social memory do not contradict the interpretations and content of historical documents. Historical events of a traumatic nature, as a rule, differentiate interpretations of past events, reflected by contradictions between official and unofficial narratives.The object of the study is social memory imprinted in unofficial narratives of Siberians that contradict official historical narratives. The subject of the study is the contradictions caused by different interpretations of historical events between subjects of official history and carriers of social memory. The novelty lies in the application of a hybrid methodological complex, with the help of which the analysis of contradictions in official and unofficial narratives of Siberians in different historical periods and in different socio-political situations (resettlement, dispossession, war years) was carried out. The peculiarities of the interpretation of empirical material are related to the specifics of understanding the contradictions between the truth of history and the truth of historical memory. At the junction of the types of truth, one can see the uniqueness of historical reality. The authors have revealed that social memory determines the differentiation of interpretations of historical events, includes a program of social inheritance of images of the past. The meanings of "historical truth" and the truth of memory are ambiguously intertwined in the collective consciousness of Siberians.
cultural trauma, hybrid research complex, official narratives, historical trauma, memory policy, sociocodes of memory, historical memory, Unofficial narratives, social memory, family and ancestral memory