State and civil society
Neznanova, V.S. (2022). Features of Interaction Between State Power and Civil Society in the USSR. Sociodynamics, 10, 1–9.
The subject of this article is the process of interaction between state power and civil society in the USSR. The purpose of the work is to identify the features of the interaction between state power and civil society in the USSR, by analyzing the evolution of civil society in Russia and clarifying the features of the process of interaction between state power and civil society, to show what united state power and civil society in the USSR. The work is based on the research of domestic and foreign authors, the data of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, the Center for the Development of Non-Profit Organizations, etc. The following methods were used during the study: historical and philosophical analysis, comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the features of the interaction between state power and civil society in the USSR are revealed, the evolution of civil society in Russia is analyzed, and the features of the process of interaction between state power and civil society are specified. It is shown what united the state power and civil society in the USSR. The main conclusion of the study is that in the USSR, especially at the stage of the “nationwide state” (60-80s), a model of limited public (non-state) self-government developed, which included a number of important elements of civil society. However, the ideological, administrative and economic barriers that stood in the way of the development of a free civil initiative led to an increase in public apathy, on the one hand, and sharp public discontent, on the other. An actively dissatisfied part of society took advantage of the systemic crisis of the Soviet system in the late 1980s for its elimination. A new period of national history has begun.
government, NPO, third sector, democracy, constitutional state, Public Chamber of the RF, USSR, civil society, Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, non-profit sector
Morality and politics
Nevskaya, T.A. (2022). Media as a Technological Tool and Channel for the Formation and Promotion of the Image of Political Parties. Sociodynamics, 10, 10–19.
The present research is devoted to the study of the role of the media in shaping and promoting the image of political parties. The analysis used general scientific methods, such as institutional and historical, as well as elements of content analysis of official documents and analysis of statistical data. The study of the image of political parties will always be relevant to ensure modern mechanisms for its formation. However, in the era of digitalization, political parties must be able to instantly adapt to new trends and trends in the field of communication. Research on the visual aspects of political communication has now acquired particular relevance due to the spread of social media in the political sphere. Communications and the environment of communication in the modern world are changing, which means that the process of obtaining information is also changing. The study of technologies for promoting the political image of parties through such channels as the media and social networks is of particular importance. In modern democratic states, political parties act as that socio-political institution, the issue of the perception of the image of which by citizens is of particular interest. Political transformations taking place in modern society lead to fundamental transformations in the mass consciousness, a change in the perception of images, their semantic content. Political parties are undergoing significant changes both at the institutional level and at the level of the formation and perception of their image by the mass consciousness. Political parties today are forced to quickly adapt to new conditions, which invariably entails fundamental changes both in the party structure and in party politics. Mediatization pushes political parties to the inevitable activation of mechanisms to attract voters through the media.
trust rating, social network, mass media, digital space, digitalization, civil society, image, elections, party system, political parties
The Dialogue of cultures
Anikin, D.A., Konakov, D.N. (2022). Securitization of the Past in a Risk Society: a socio-philosophical analysis. Sociodynamics, 10, 20–30.
The article examines the concept of securitization from the point of view of social philosophy, determines the need to abandon objectivism or extreme constructivism in the analysis of this concept. The prerequisites for the formation of the security value are analyzed, as well as the main forms of securitization common in modern risk society, in particular, military, political, social, economic and environmental securitization. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the social conditions for the implementation of the securitization strategy. The object of the study is the phenomenon of securitization as a socio-philosophical phenomenon, and the subject of the study is mnemonic securitization as a new form of addressing the problem of security in a modern risk society. The author introduces the concept of securitization as a social practice based on the willingness of the community to perceive a certain natural or social phenomenon as an objectively existing threat. Mnemonic securitization is considered as a fundamentally new type of securitization, which presupposes the desire to present symbolically significant images of the past as an object of influence from ideological opponents. A special contribution to the problems of research is determined by the identification of links between the processes of transformation of collective communities and the emergence of risks of collective identity, which is expressed in the formation of ideas about the need for ontological security and the delegation of powers to protect this form of security by political actors, primarily the state.
dynamics, practice, mnemonic securitization, image of the past, collective memory, security, risk society, securitization, risk, threat
Social studies and monitoring
Akhmedova, A.R., Koda, E.A., Dylkina, T.V., Fomenko, A.P. (2022). Social Employment Practices of People with Hearing Impairment (Based on the Materials of a Sociological Study in Barnaul). Sociodynamics, 10, 31–45.
The author examines in detail the topic of social practices of employment of people with hearing impairment. Special attention is paid to the following aspects: objective components of social employment practices of the hearing-impaired, features of the subjective side of social employment practices of hearing-impaired people. When considering these aspects, two vectors were chosen, firstly, the assessment of respondents' opinions on issues aimed at clarifying the main difficulties and actions taken by a disabled person when looking for a job. Secondly, the identification of the respondents' attitude to the actions of the state, public organizations, and the inner circle in relation to employment assistance for the hearing impaired, as well as the prevalence of acceptance of this assistance among this category of people. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were made. It was not easy for all hearing impaired people to force themselves to solve the issue of employment, that is, internal motivation, personal organization make a huge contribution to the positive success of employment practice. Nevertheless, the practice of job search itself had a positive effect on the emotional state of the hearing impaired. Public organizations that help disabled people, in particular the All-Russian Society of the Deaf (VOG), play a role in successful employment practices: assistance in the selection of vacancies, psychological assistance, legal advice, all this determines in a certain way the success of the social practice of employment of the hearing impaired.
problems of employment, socialization of persons with disabilities, hearing impaired people, employment of people with disabilities, social attitudes, barrier-free environment, disability, hearing impairment, employment practices, Social practices
Logic and cognition of political processes
Romashko, T.V., Gurova, O. (2022). Poststructuralist Discourse Theory and its Methods of Analysis of Sociocultural Reality. Sociodynamics, 10, 46–59.
This paper discusses Laclau and Mouffe’s post-structural theory of discourse and its methodological tools that could be used for an analysis of social and cultural phenomena. Initially, we outline the variety of discursive approaches within the classification suggested by Jacob Torfing (2005) in order to explain the distinctions and similarities between the linguistic and discursive understanding of social reality. Then, we examine the premises of Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory, which is drawn critically upon structuralist and Marxist traditions of thinking. In particular, various trends of French post-structuralism and non-essentialist theories of culture and hegemony by Antonio Gramsci and Stuart Hall are the focus of our attention. By doing so we seek to clarify the basis of the post-structural approach and its key notions such as ‘an empty signifier’ by Jacques Derrida, ‘the nodal point’ by Jacques Lacan, and ‘discursive dispersion’ and ‘discursive positivity’ by Michel Foucault. After that, we seek to unfold the abstract logics of Laclau and Mouffe’s research programme and illustrate them with schemes and examples. Thus, we explain an analytical character of the central concepts – ‘the logics of difference and equivalence’, ‘hegemony’, ‘social antagonism’, and ‘dislocation of meanings’.
operational-methodological apparatus, antagonism, nodal point, methods, logic of difference, logic of equivalence, Laclau and Mouffe, analysis of social data, discourse theory, Poststructuralism